1. Software Requirements Specification Document (SRSD)

1.1. Purpose

This Software Requirements Specification Document (SRSD) is prepared for the Advanced Reactor Modeling Interface (ARMI) framework. The purpose of thisdocument is to define the functional requirements, I/O requirements, relevant attributes, and applicable design constraints for ARMI.

This SRSD will be accompanied by a Software Design and Implementation Document (SDID), that describes how the requirements are implemented within the software and a Software Test Report (STR), that documents the test plan and reporting of test results.

1.2. Introduction

The Advanced Reactor Modeling Interface (ARMI®) is an open-source framework for nuclear reactor design and analysis. Based on Python, ARMI provides a richly-featured toolset for connecting disparate nuclear reactor modeling tools. ARMI is not meant to directly implement the science or engineering aspects of nuclear reactor modeling, but to help the wealth of existing models work together. It does this by providing easy-to-use tools for coordinating reactor simulation and analysis workflows. A large part of the power of ARMI is that it provides a flexible in-memory data model of a reactor, which is used to pass information between different external tools.


  • Provides a hub-and-spoke mechanism to standardize communication and coupling between physics kernels and the specialist analysts who use them,

  • Facilitates the creation and execution of detailed models and complex analysis methodologies,

  • Provides an ecosystem within which to rapidly and collaboratively build new analysis and physics simulation capabilities, and

  • Provides useful utilities to assist in reactor development.

Because the ARMI software is just a framework for other, much larger nuclear models, ARMI does not contain any proprietary or classified information. This allows ARMI to be open-source software. It also greatly simplifies the software design and maintenance. For instance, ARMI does not have any performance requirements. ARMI has been used to model nuclear reactors for over a decade, and in that time the practical reality is that ARMI is quite light weight and >99% of the run time of a simulation occurs in running other nuclear models.

Here are some quick metrics for ARMI’s requirements:

  • 140 Requirements in ARMI

    • 0 Preliminary Requirements

    • 140 Accepted Requirements

    • 138 Requirements with implementations

    • 133 Requirements with tests

    • 254 tests linked to Requirements

    • 190 implementations linked to Requirements

1.4. Bookkeeping Package

This section provides requirements for the armi.bookkeeping package within the framework, which handles data persistence, including storage and recovery, report generation, data visualization, and debugging.

1.4.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: The database package shall save a copy of the user settings associated with the run. R_ARMI_DB_CS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Save and retrieve the user settings from the database.
basis: This supports traceability and restart ability.
subtype: functional
testing: T_ARMI_DB_CS
implementations: I_ARMI_DB_CS
Requirement: The database package shall save a copy of the reactor blueprints associated with the run. R_ARMI_DB_BP
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Save and retrieve the blueprints from the database.
basis: This supports traceability and restart ability.
subtype: functional
testing: T_ARMI_DB_BP
implementations: I_ARMI_DB_BP
Requirement: The database shall store reactor state data at specified points in time. R_ARMI_DB_TIME
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Save and load a reactor from a database at specified point in time and show parameters are appropriate.
basis: Loading a reactor from a database is needed for follow-on analysis.
subtype: functional
Requirement: ARMI shall allow runs at a particular time node to be re-instantiated from a snapshot. R_ARMI_SNAPSHOT_RESTART
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: After restarting a run, the reactor time node and power has been correctly reset.
basis: Analysts need to do follow-on analysis on detailed treatments of particular time nodes.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The database shall store system attributes during a simulation. R_ARMI_DB_QA
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Demonstrate that system attributes are stored in a database after it is initialized.
basis: Storing system attributes provides QA traceability.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_DB_QA
Requirement: ARMI shall allow for previously calculated reactor state data to be retrieved within a run. R_ARMI_HIST_TRACK
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Demonstrate that a set of parameters stored at differing time nodes can be recovered.
basis: Retrieval of calculated run data from a previous time node within a run supports time-based data integration.
subtype: functional

1.4.2. Software Attributes

Requirement: The database produced shall be agnostic to programming language. R_ARMI_DB_H5
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Open an output file in the h5 format.
basis: Analysts should be free to use the data in any programming language they choose.
subtype: attribute
testing: T_ARMI_DB_H5
implementations: I_ARMI_DB_H51

1.4.3. I/O Requirements

Requirement: ARMI shall allow extra data to be saved from a run, at specified time nodes. R_ARMI_SNAPSHOT
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Snapshot logic can be called for a given set of time nodes.
basis: Analysts need to do follow-on analysis on detailed treatments of particular time nodes.
subtype: io

1.5. Cases Package

This section provides requirements for the armi.cases package within the framework, which is responsible for running and analyzing ARMI-based cases and case suites for an application. This includes functionalities to serialize and deserialize case inputs for input modification, tracking the status of a case, and running simulations.

1.5.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: The case package shall provide a generic mechanism that will allow a user to run a simulation. R_ARMI_CASE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Build a case and initialize a simulation.
basis: Most workflows rely on this capability.
subtype: functional
testing: T_ARMI_CASE
implementations: I_ARMI_CASE
Requirement: The case package shall provide a tool to run multiple cases at the same time or with dependence on other cases. R_ARMI_CASE_SUITE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Build a suite of cases with dependence and run them.
basis: Many workflows rely on this capability.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_CASE_SUITE
Requirement: The case package shall provide a generic mechanism to allow users to modify user inputs in a collection of cases. R_ARMI_CASE_MOD
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Load user inputs and build a collection of cases that contain programmatically-perturbed inputs.
basis: This capability is needed by analysis workflows such as parameter studies and uncertainty quantification.
subtype: functional

1.5.2. I/O Requirements

Requirement: The case package shall have the ability to load user inputs and perform input validation checks. R_ARMI_CASE_CHECK
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Load user inputs and perform validation checks.
basis: Most workflows rely on this capability.
subtype: io
implementations: I_ARMI_CASE_CHECK

1.6. Command Line Interface Package

This section provides requirements for the armi.cli package. This package is responsible for providing user entry points to an ARMI-based application as a Command Line Interface (CLI). This package allows for developers to create their own automated work flows including: case submission, user setting validation, data migrations, and more.

1.6.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: The cli package shall provide a generic CLI for developers to build their own CLI. R_ARMI_CLI_GEN
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create an entry point, pass it arguments, and invoke it.
basis: Provides extensibility of the system behavior for an application to implement analysis workflows.
subtype: functional

1.6.2. I/O Requirements

Requirement: The cli package shall provide a basic CLI which allows users to start an ARMI simulation. R_ARMI_CLI_CS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Invoke an ARMI CLI.
basis: This is relied upon for most users to submit jobs to a cluster.
subtype: io

1.7. Materials Package

This section provides requirements for the armi.materials package within the framework, which contains ARMI’s system for defining materials. The materials system in ARMI allows for an extreme amount of flexibility in defining materials with temperature-dependent properties like density, linear expansion factor, and the like.

ARMI also comes packaged with a small set of basic materials, though these are meant only as example materials and (because ARMI is open source) these materials can not include proprietary or classified information. As such, we explicitly forbid the use of the example ARMI materials in safety-related modeling and will not be writing requirements on those materials.

1.7.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: The materials package shall allow for material classes to be searched across packages in a defined namespace. R_ARMI_MAT_NAMESPACE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Import a material class from a package in the ARMI default namespace.
basis: This is just a design choice in ARMI, to define how new material definitions are added to a simulation.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The materials package shall allow for multiple material collections to be defined with an order of precedence in the case of duplicates. R_ARMI_MAT_ORDER
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Only the preferred material class is returned when multiple material classes with the same name are defined.
basis: The ability to represent physical material properties is a basic need for nuclear modeling.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_MAT_ORDER
Requirement: The materials package shall provide the capability to retrieve material properties at different temperatures. R_ARMI_MAT_PROPERTIES
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Instantiate a Material instance and show that the instance has the appropriate method names defined and examine the methods signatures to ensure they allow for temperature inputs.
basis: The ability to represent physical material properties is a basic need for nuclear modeling.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The materials package shall allow for user-input to impact the materials in a component. R_ARMI_MAT_USER_INPUT
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Instantiate a reactor from blueprints that uses the material modifications and show that the modifications are used.
basis: The ability to represent physical material properties is a basic need for nuclear modeling.
subtype: functional
Requirement: Materials shall generate nuclide mass fractions at instantiation. R_ARMI_MAT_FRACS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Show that the material mass fractions are populated when the object is created.
basis: The ability to represent physical material properties is a basic need for nuclear modeling.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The materials package shall provide a class for fluids that defines the thermal expansion coefficient as identically zero. R_ARMI_MAT_FLUID
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Instantiate a Fluid material and show that its linear expansion is identically zero.
basis: Thermal expansion coefficients need to be zero for fluids so that fluid components cannot drive thermal expansion of their own or linked component dimensions.
subtype: functional

1.8. Nuclide Directory Package

This section provides requirements for the armi.nucDirectory package within the framework, which is responsible for defining elemental and isotopic information that is used for reactor physics evaluations.

1.8.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: The nucDirectory package shall provide an interface for querying basic data for elements of the periodic table. R_ARMI_ND_ELEMENTS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Query elements by Z, name, and symbol.
basis: Element data is needed for converting between mass and number fractions, expanding elements into isotopes, and other tasks.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The nucDirectory package shall provide an interface for querying basic data for important isotopes and isomers. R_ARMI_ND_ISOTOPES
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Query isotopes and isomers by name, label, MC2-3 ID, MCNP ID, and AAAZZZS ID.
basis: Isotope data is used to aid in construction of cross-section generation models, to convert between mass and number fractions, and other tasks.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The nucDirectory package shall store data separately from code. R_ARMI_ND_DATA
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: The nucDirectory element, isotope, and isomer data is stored in plain text files in a folder next to the code.
basis: Storing data separately from code is good practice in scientific programs.
subtype: functional

1.9. Nuclear Data I/O Package

This section provides requirements for the armi.nuclearDataIO package within the framework, which handles reading and writing of standard interface files for reactor physics software (e.g., cross section data).

1.9.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: The nuclearDataIO package shall be capable of reading and writing ISOTXS files into and out of mutable data structures. R_ARMI_NUCDATA_ISOTXS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read one or more ISOTXS files and its basic input data correctly, and correctly write that data back out to a single file.
basis: These files are the MC2 output format.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The nuclearDataIO package shall be capable of reading and writing GAMISO files into and out of mutable data structures. R_ARMI_NUCDATA_GAMISO
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a GAMISO file and its basic input data correctly, and correctly write that data back out.
basis: These files are generated by MCC-v3.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The nuclearDataIO package shall be capable of reading and writing GEODST files into and out of mutable data structures. R_ARMI_NUCDATA_GEODST
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a GEODST file and its basic input data correctly, and correctly write that data back out.
basis: These files are generated by DIF3D.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The nuclearDataIO package shall be capable of reading and writing DIF3D files into and out of mutable data structures. R_ARMI_NUCDATA_DIF3D
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a DIF3D file and its basic input data correctly, and correctly write that data back out.
basis: These files are used in DIF3D.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The nuclearDataIO package shall be capable of reading and writing PMATRX files into and out of mutable data structures. R_ARMI_NUCDATA_PMATRX
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a PMATRX file and its basic input data correctly, and correctly write that data back out.
basis: These files are generated by MCC-v3 and used in GAMSOR.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The nuclearDataIO package shall be capable of reading and writing DLAYXS files into and out of mutable data structures. R_ARMI_NUCDATA_DLAYXS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a DLAYXS file and its basic input data correctly, and correctly write that data back out.
basis: These files are used to generate kinetics parameters.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The nuclearDataIO package shall be able to compute macroscopic cross sections from microscopic cross sections and number densities. R_ARMI_NUCDATA_MACRO
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Compute macroscopic cross sections from microscopic cross sections and number densities.
basis: Macroscopic cross sections are needed by many analysts.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_NUCDATA_MACRO

1.10. Physics Package

This section provides requirements for the armi.physics package within the framework, which contains interfaces for important physics modeling and analysis in nuclear reactors. It is important to note that ARMI is a framework, and as such does not generally include the actual science or engineering calculations for these topics. For instance, ARMI has an interface for “safety analysis”, but this interface is just a place for developers to implement their own safety analysis code. It would be inappropriate to include the actual science or engineering calculations for a detailed safety analysis of a particular reactor in ARMI because ARMI is meant only to house the code to let nuclear modeling and analysis work, not the analysis itself.

1.10.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: ARMI shall ensure that the computed block-wise power is consistent with the power specified in the reactor data model. R_ARMI_FLUX_CHECK_POWER
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Test that throws an error when the summed block-wise powers does not match the specified total power.
basis: This requirement ensures that neutronics solver scales the neutron flux appropriately such that the computed block-wise power captures the specified global power.
subtype: functional
Requirement: ARMI shall provide an interface for querying options relevant to neutronics solvers. R_ARMI_FLUX_OPTIONS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: The interface correctly returns specified neutronics solver options.
basis: Reactor analysts will want to use popular neutronics solvers, e.g. DIF3D-Variant.
subtype: functional
Requirement: ARMI shall allow modification of the reactor geometry when needed for neutronics solver execution. R_ARMI_FLUX_GEOM_TRANSFORM
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Geometry transformations are performed before executing a neutronics solve.
basis: Axial expansion can cause a disjointed mesh which cannot be resolved by deterministic neutronics solvers.
subtype: functional
Requirement: ARMI shall calculate neutron reaction rates for a given block. R_ARMI_FLUX_RX_RATES
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Calculate accurate reaction rates for a given multigroup flux and cross section library for a wide collection of Blocks.
basis: This is a generic ARMI feature implemented to aid in calculating dose, converting results calculated on one mesh to another, and for comparing reaction rates against experiments.
subtype: functional
Requirement: ARMI shall be able to calculate DPA and DPA rates from a multigroup neutron flux and DPA cross sections. R_ARMI_FLUX_DPA
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: The DPA rate is calculated for a composite with an associated multi-group neutron flux.
basis: DPA rates are necessary for fuel performance calculations.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_FLUX_DPA
Requirement: The isotopicDepletion package shall have the ability to generate cross-section tables from a CCCC-based library in a user-specified format. R_ARMI_DEPL_TABLES
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Produce a table with the specified formatting containing the appropriate cross sections.
basis: Depletion solvers require cross-sections to be supplied from external sources if not using built-in cross sections.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The isotopicDepletion package shall provide a base class to track depletable composites. R_ARMI_DEPL_ABC
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Store and retrieve depletable objects.
basis: Depletion analysis may want a way to track depletable composites.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The neutronics package shall provide the neutron energy group bounds for a given group structure. R_ARMI_EG_NE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Return the correct energy bounds.
basis: The bounds define the energy groupings.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_EG_NE
Requirement: The neutronics package shall return the energy group index which contains the fast energy threshold. R_ARMI_EG_FE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Identify the correct energy group for a given energy threshold.
basis: The energy groups are only useful if a developer can find the correct one easily.
subtype: functional
testing: T_ARMI_EG_FE
implementations: I_ARMI_EG_FE
Requirement: The neutronics package shall be able to build macroscopic cross sections for all blocks. R_ARMI_MACRO_XS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Calculate the macroscopic cross sections for a block.
basis: Most steady-state neutronics workflows will rely on this capability.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_MACRO_XS
Requirement: The executers module shall provide the ability to run external calculations on an ARMI reactor with configurable options. R_ARMI_EX
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Execute a mock external calculation based on an ARMI reactor.
basis: An ARMI plugin needs to be able to to wrap an external executable.
subtype: functional
testing: T_ARMI_EX
implementations: I_ARMI_EX0, I_ARMI_EX1
Requirement: The fuel cycle package shall allow for user-defined assembly shuffling logic to update the reactor model based on reactor state. R_ARMI_SHUFFLE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Execute user-defined shuffle operations based on a reactor model.
basis: Shuffle operations can be based on assemblies' burnup state, which may not be known at the start of a run.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_SHUFFLE
Requirement: The fuel cycle package shall be capable of leaving user-specified blocks in place during shuffling operations. R_ARMI_SHUFFLE_STATIONARY
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Shuffle an assembly while leaving a specified block in place.
basis: It may be desirable to leave certain blocks, such as grid plates, in place.
subtype: functional
Requirement: A hexagonal assembly shall support rotating around the z-axis in 60 degree increments. R_ARMI_ROTATE_HEX
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: After rotating a hexagonal assembly, spatial data corresponds to rotating the original assembly data.
basis: Rotation of assemblies is common during operation, and requires updating the location of physics data assigned on the assembly.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The framework shall provide an algorithm for rotating hexagonal assemblies to equalize burnup. R_ARMI_ROTATE_HEX_BURNUP
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: After rotating a hexagonal assembly, confirm the pin with the highest burnup is in the same sector as pin with the lowest power in the high burnup pin's ring.
basis: Rotating of assemblies to minimize burnup helps maximize fuel utilization and reduces power peaking.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The cross-section group manager package shall run before cross sections are calculated. R_ARMI_XSGM_FREQ
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Initiate the cross-section group manager by the same setting that intiates calculating cross sections. And ensure the cross-section group manager always runs before cross sections are calculated.
basis: The cross section groups need to be up to date with the core state at the time that the Lattice Physics Interface is called.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The cross-section group manager package shall create separate collections of blocks for each combination of user-specified XS type and burnup group. R_ARMI_XSGM_CREATE_XS_GROUPS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create cross section groups and their representative blocks.
basis: This helps improve the performance of downstream cross section calculations.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The cross-section group manager package shall provide routines to create representative blocks for each collection based on user-specified XS type and burnup group. R_ARMI_XSGM_CREATE_REPR_BLOCKS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create representative blocks using volume-weighted averaging and custom cylindrical averaging.
basis: The Lattice Physics Interface needs a representative block from which to generate a lattice physics input file.
subtype: functional

1.11. Reactors Package

This section provides requirements for the armi.reactors package within the framework, unsurprisingly this is the largest package in ARMI. In this package are sub-packages for fully defining a nuclear reactor, starting from blueprints and all the way through defining the full reactor data model. It is this reactor data object that is critical to the framwork; this is how different reactor modeling tools share information.

1.11.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: The reactor data model shall contain one core and a collection of ex-core objects, all composites. R_ARMI_R
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Build a reactor data model from a blueprint file, and show it has a core and a spent fuel pool.
basis: A shared reactor data model is a fundamental concept in ARMI.
subtype: functional
testing: T_ARMI_R
implementations: I_ARMI_R
Requirement: Assemblies shall be retrievable from the core object by name and location. R_ARMI_R_GET_ASSEM
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Retrieve assemblies from the core by name and location.
basis: Useful for analysis, particularly mechanical and control rod analysis.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The core shall be able to construct a mesh based on its blocks. R_ARMI_R_MESH
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Construct a mesh from a core object.
basis: Preservation of material and geometry boundaries is needed for accurate physics calculations.
subtype: functional
testing: T_ARMI_R_MESH
implementations: I_ARMI_R_MESH
Requirement: ARMI shall support third-core symmetry for hexagonal cores. R_ARMI_R_SYMM
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Construct a core of full or 1/3-core symmetry.
basis: Symmetric model definitions allow for easier user setup and reduced computational expense.
subtype: functional
testing: T_ARMI_R_SYMM
implementations: I_ARMI_R_SYMM
Requirement: The core shall be able to provide assemblies that are neighbors of a given assembly. R_ARMI_R_FIND_NEIGHBORS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Return neighboring assemblies from a given assembly in a core.
basis: Useful for analysis, particularly mechanical and control rod analysis.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The parameters package shall provide the capability to define parameters that store values of interest on any Composite. R_ARMI_PARAM
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Ensure that new parameters can be defined and accessed on a Reactor, Core, Assembly, Block, and Component.
basis: The capability to define new parameters is a common need for downstream analysis or plugins.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The parameters package shall allow for some parameters to be defined such that they are not written to the database. R_ARMI_PARAM_DB
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: A parameter can be filtered from inclusion into the list of parameters written to the database.
basis: Users will require some parameters to remain unwritten to the database file.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_PARAM_DB
Requirement: The parameters package shall provide a way to signal if a parameter needs updating across multiple processes. R_ARMI_PARAM_PARALLEL
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: A parameter has an attribute which signals its last updated status among the processors.
basis: Parameters updated on compute nodes must be propogated to the head node.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The parameters package shall allow for a parameter to be serialized for reading and writing to database files. R_ARMI_PARAM_SERIALIZE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: The Serializer construct can pack and unpack parameter data.
basis: Users need to be able to understand what parameters were involved during a given run after it is completed, both for QA purposes and to begin a new analysis using data from previous analyses.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The zones module shall allow for a collection of reactor core locations (a Zone). R_ARMI_ZONE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Store and retrieve locations from a zone that corresponds to a reactor. Also, store and retrieve multiple Zone objects from a Zones object.
basis: This is a basic feature of ARMI and is useful for reactivity coefficients analysis.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The blocks module shall be able to homogenize the components of a hexagonal block. R_ARMI_BLOCK_HOMOG
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: A homogenized hexagonal block has the same mass, dimensions, and pin locations as the block from which it is derived.
basis: Homogenizing blocks can improve performance of the uniform mesh converter.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_BLOCK_HOMOG
Requirement: Blocks shall include information on their location. R_ARMI_BLOCK_POSI
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Any block can be queried to get absolute location and position.
basis: Simulations and post-simulation analysis both require block-level physical quantities.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The blocks module shall define a hex-shaped block. R_ARMI_BLOCK_HEX
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Verify a block can be created that declares a hexagonal shape.
basis: Hexagonal blocks are used in some pin-based reactors.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The blocks module shall return the number of pins in a block, when applicable. R_ARMI_BLOCK_NPINS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Return the number of pins in a valid block.
basis: This is a common need for analysis of pin-based reactors.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_BLOCK_NPINS
Requirement: The assemblies module shall define an assembly as a composite type that contains a collection of blocks. R_ARMI_ASSEM_BLOCKS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Validate an assembly's type and the types of its children.
basis: ARMI must be able to represent assembly-based reactors.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_ASSEM_BLOCKS
Requirement: Assemblies shall include information on their location. R_ARMI_ASSEM_POSI
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Any assembly can be queried to get absolute location and position.
basis: Assemblies are an important part of pin-type reactor cores, and almost any analysis that uses assemblies will want to know the location of the assemblies.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The flags module shall provide unique identifiers (flags) to enable disambiguating composites. R_ARMI_FLAG_DEFINE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: No two existing flags have equivalence.
basis: Flags are used to determine how objects should be handled.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_FLAG_DEFINE
Requirement: The set of unique flags in a run shall be extensible without user knowledge of existing flags' values. R_ARMI_FLAG_EXTEND
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: After adding a new flag, no two flags have equivalence.
basis: Plugins are able to define their own flags.
subtype: functional
Requirement: Valid flags shall be convertible to and from strings. R_ARMI_FLAG_TO_STR
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: A string corresponding to a defined flag is correctly converted to that flag, and show that the flag can be converted back to a string.
basis: Flags need to be converted to strings for serialization.
subtype: functional
Requirement: ARMI shall be able to convert a hexagonal one-third-core geometry to a full-core geometry, and back again. R_ARMI_THIRD_TO_FULL_CORE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Convert a hexagonal 1/3 core reactor to full, and back again.
basis: Useful to improve modeling performance, if the analysis can accept the approximation.
subtype: functional
Requirement: ARMI shall be able to add and remove assemblies along the 120 degree line in a 1/3 core reactor. R_ARMI_ADD_EDGE_ASSEMS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Add and then remove assemblies in a 1/3 core reactor.
basis: Helpful for analysis that are using 1/3 core hex reactors
subtype: functional
Requirement: ARMI shall be able to convert a hex core to a representative RZ core. R_ARMI_CONV_3DHEX_TO_2DRZ
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Convert a hex core into an RZ core.
basis: Some downstream analysis requires a 2D R-Z geometry.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The axial expansion changer shall perform axial thermal expansion and contraction on solid components within a compatible ARMI assembly according to a given axial temperature distribution. R_ARMI_AXIAL_EXP_THERM
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Perform thermal expansion due to an applied axial temperature distribution.
basis: Axial expansion is used to conserve mass and appropriately capture the reactor state under temperature changes.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The axial expansion changer shall perform axial expansion/contraction given a list of components and corresponding expansion coefficients. R_ARMI_AXIAL_EXP_PRESC
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Perform axial expansion given a list of components from an assembly and corresponding expansion coefficients.
basis: Axial expansion is used to conserve mass and appropriately capture the reactor state under temperature changes.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The axial expansion changer shall perform expansion during core construction based on block heights at a user-specified temperature. R_ARMI_INP_COLD_HEIGHT
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Perform axial expansion during core construction based on block heights at user-specified temperature.
basis: The typical workflow in ARMI applications is to transcribe component dimensions, which are generally given at room temperatures.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The axial expansion changer shall allow user-specified target axial expansion components on a given block. R_ARMI_MANUAL_TARG_COMP
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Set a target component and verify it was set correctly.
basis: The target axial expansion component influences the conservation of mass in a block.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The axial expansion changer shall preserve the total height of a compatible ARMI assembly. R_ARMI_ASSEM_HEIGHT_PRES
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Perform axial expansion and confirm that the height of the compatible ARMI assembly is preserved.
basis: Many physics solvers require that the total height of each assembly in the core is consistent.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The uniform mesh converter shall make a copy of the reactor where the new reactor core has a uniform axial mesh. R_ARMI_UMC
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Convert a reactor to one where the core has a uniform axial mesh.
basis: This is used in the global flux calculations.
subtype: functional
testing: T_ARMI_UMC
implementations: I_ARMI_UMC
Requirement: The uniform mesh converter shall map select parameters from composites on the original mesh to composites on the new mesh. R_ARMI_UMC_PARAM_FORWARD
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create a new reactor with the uniform mesh converter and ensure that the flux and power density block-level parameters are mapped appropriately to the new reactor.
basis: This is used in the global flux calculations.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The uniform mesh converter shall map select parameters from composites on the new mesh to composites on the original mesh. R_ARMI_UMC_PARAM_BACKWARD
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create a new reactor with the uniform mesh converter and ensure that the flux and power density block-level parameters are mapped appropriately back to the original reactor.
basis: This is used in the global flux calculations.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The uniform mesh converter shall try to preserve the boundaries of fuel and control material. R_ARMI_UMC_NON_UNIFORM
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create a reactor with slightly non-uniform mesh and verify after the uniform mesh converter the mesh is still non-uniform.
basis: Regions with extremely small axial size can cause difficulties for the deterministic neutronics solvers.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The uniform mesh converter shall produce a uniform axial mesh with a size no smaller than a user-specified value. R_ARMI_UMC_MIN_MESH
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create a reactor with a mesh that is smaller than the minimum size. After the uniform mesh conversion the new mesh conforms to the user-specified value.
basis: Regions with extremely small axial size can cause difficulties for the deterministic neutronics solvers.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The block converter module shall be able to convert one or more given hexagonal blocks into a single user-configurable representative cylindrical block. R_ARMI_BLOCKCONV_HEX_TO_CYL
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create a cylindrical block from one or more given hexagonal blocks and confirm that the cylindrical block has the appropriate volume fractions and temperatures.
basis: Needed, for example, for generating 1D cross sections for control rods.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The block converter module shall be able to homogenize one component into another on a block. R_ARMI_BLOCKCONV
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Homogenize one component into another from a given block and confirm the new components are appropriate.
basis: Needed, for example, for merging wire into coolant or gap into clad to simplify the model.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The components package shall define a composite corresponding to a physical piece of a reactor. R_ARMI_COMP_DEF
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create components, and verify their attributes and parameters.
basis: This is a fundamental design choice in ARMI, to describe a physical reactor.
subtype: functional
Requirement: A component's dimensions shall be calculable for any temperature. R_ARMI_COMP_DIMS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Calculate a components dimensions at a variety of temperatures.
basis: Users require access to dimensions at perturbed temperatures.
subtype: functional
Requirement: Components shall be able to compute dimensions, areas, and volumes that reflect its current state. R_ARMI_COMP_VOL
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Calculate volumes/areas, clear the cache, change the temperature, and recalculate volumes/areas.
basis: It is necessary to be able to compute areas and volumes when state changes.
subtype: functional
Requirement: Components shall allow for constituent nuclide fractions to be modified. R_ARMI_COMP_NUCLIDE_FRACS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Modify nuclide fractions on a component.
basis: The ability to modify nuclide fractions is a common need in reactor analysis.
subtype: functional
Requirement: Components shall be made of one-and-only-one material or homogenized material. R_ARMI_COMP_1MAT
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create a component with a given material, and retrieve that material.
basis: This is an ARMI design choice.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_COMP_1MAT
Requirement: Components shall be associated with material properties. R_ARMI_COMP_MAT
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Get material properties from a component material.
basis: Users require access to material properties for a given component.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_COMP_MAT0
Requirement: Components shall enable an ordering based on their outermost component dimensions. R_ARMI_COMP_ORDER
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Order a collection of components, based on their dimensions.
basis: It is desirable to know which components are located physically inside of others.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_COMP_ORDER
Requirement: The components package shall define components with several basic interrogable shapes. R_ARMI_COMP_SHAPES
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create a variety of components with different shapes and query their shape information.
basis: Modeling real-world reactor geometries requires a variety of shapes.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The components package shall handle radial thermal expansion of individual components. R_ARMI_COMP_EXPANSION
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Calculate radial thermal expansion for a variety components.
basis: Users need the ability to model thermal expansion of a reactor core.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The components package shall allow the dimensions of fluid components to change based on the solid components adjacent to them. R_ARMI_COMP_FLUID
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Determine the dimensions of a fluid component, bounded by solids.
basis: The shapes of fluid components are defined externally.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The composites module shall define an arbitrary physical piece of a reactor with retrievable children in a hierarchical data model. R_ARMI_CMP
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create a composite with children.
basis: This is a fundamental aspect of the ARMI framework.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_CMP0, I_ARMI_CMP1
Requirement: Composites shall be able to be associated with flags. R_ARMI_CMP_FLAG
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Give a composite one or more flags.
basis: Flags are used to provide context as to what a composite object represents.
subtype: functional
Requirement: Composites shall have their own parameter collections. R_ARMI_CMP_PARAMS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Query a composite's parameter collection.
basis: Parameters should live on the part of the model which they describe.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The total mass of specified nuclides in a composite shall be retrievable. R_ARMI_CMP_GET_MASS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Return the mass of specified nuclides in a composite.
basis: Downstream analysis will want to get masses.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_CMP_GET_MASS
Requirement: Composites shall allow synchronization of state across compute nodes. R_ARMI_CMP_MPI
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Synchronize a reactor's state across compute processes.
basis: Parallel executions of ARMI require synchronization of reactors on different nodes.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The homogenized number densities of specified nuclides in a composite shall be retrievable. R_ARMI_CMP_GET_NDENS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Retrieve homogenized number densities of specified nuclides from a composite.
basis: The ability to retrieve homogenized number densities is a common need in reactor analysis.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_CMP_GET_NDENS
Requirement: Composites shall be able to return number densities for all their nuclides. R_ARMI_CMP_NUC
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Return the number densities for all nuclides for a variety of composites.
basis: Analysts not using lumped fission products need this capability.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The grids package shall allow for pieces of the reactor to be organized into regular-pitch hexagonal lattices (grids). R_ARMI_GRID_HEX
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Construct a hex grid from pitch and number of rings, and return both.
basis: This is necessary for representing reactor geometry.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_GRID_HEX
Requirement: The grids package shall be able to represent 1/3-symmetry or full hexagonal grids. R_ARMI_GRID_SYMMETRY
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Construct a 1/3 symmetry and full grid and show they have the correct number of constituents.
basis: Analysts frequently want symmetrical representations of a reactor for efficiency reasons.
subtype: functional
Requirement: A hexagonal grid with 1/3 symmetry shall be able to determine if a constituent object is in the first third. R_ARMI_GRID_SYMMETRY_LOC
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Correctly identify an object that is in the first 1/3 and one that is not.
basis: Helpful for analysts doing analysis on third-core hex grids.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_GRID_SYMMETRY_LOC
Requirement: A hexagonal grid with 1/3 symmetry shall be capable of retrieving equivalent contents based on 1/3 symmetry. R_ARMI_GRID_EQUIVALENTS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Return the zero or 2 elements which are in symmetric positions to a given element.
basis: This is necessary for shuffle of 1/3-core symmetry reactor models.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_GRID_EQUIVALENTS
Requirement: Grids shall be able to nest. R_ARMI_GRID_NEST
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Nest one grid within another.
basis: This is typical of reactor geometries, for instance pin grids are nested inside of assembly grids.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_GRID_NEST
Requirement: Hexagonal grids shall be either x-type or y-type. R_ARMI_GRID_HEX_TYPE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Construct a "points-up" and a "flats-up" grid.
basis: This is typical of reactor geometries, for instance pin grids inside of assembly grids.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_GRID_HEX_TYPE
Requirement: The grids package shall be able to store components with multiplicity greater than 1. R_ARMI_GRID_MULT
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Build a grid with components with multiplicity greater than 1.
basis: The blueprints system allows for components with multiplicity greater than 1, when there are components that are compositionally identical.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_GRID_MULT
Requirement: The grids package shall be able to return the coordinate location of any grid element in a global coordinate system. R_ARMI_GRID_GLOBAL_POS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Return a hexagonal grid element's location.
basis: This is a common need of a reactor analysis system.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_GRID_GLOBAL_POS
Requirement: The grids package shall be able to return the location of all instances of grid components with multiplicity greater than 1. R_ARMI_GRID_ELEM_LOC
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Return a hexagonal grid element's locations when its multiplicity is greater than 1.
basis: This is a necessary result of having component multiplicity.
subtype: functional
implementations: I_ARMI_GRID_ELEM_LOC

1.11.2. I/O Requirements

Requirement: The blueprints package shall allow the user to define a component using a custom text file. R_ARMI_BP_COMP
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a blueprint file and verify a component was correctly created.
basis: This is a basic ARMI feature, that we have custom text blueprint files.
subtype: io
implementations: I_ARMI_BP_COMP
Requirement: The blueprints package shall allow the user to define a block using a custom text file. R_ARMI_BP_BLOCK
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a blueprint file and verify a block was correctly created with shape, material, and input temperature.
basis: This is a basic ARMI feature, that we have custom text blueprint files.
subtype: io
implementations: I_ARMI_BP_BLOCK
Requirement: The blueprints package shall allow the user to define an assembly using a custom text file. R_ARMI_BP_ASSEM
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a blueprint file and verify a assembly was correctly created.
basis: This is a basic ARMI feature, that we have custom text blueprint files.
subtype: io
implementations: I_ARMI_BP_ASSEM
Requirement: The blueprints package shall allow the user to define a core using a custom text file. R_ARMI_BP_CORE
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a blueprint file and verify a core was correctly created.
basis: This is a basic ARMI feature, that we have custom text blueprint files.
subtype: io
implementations: I_ARMI_BP_SYSTEMS
Requirement: The blueprints package shall allow the user to define a lattice map in a reactor core using a custom text file. R_ARMI_BP_GRID
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a blueprint file and verify a lattice grid was correctly created at the assembly and pin levels.
basis: This is a basic ARMI feature, that we have custom text blueprint files.
subtype: io
implementations: I_ARMI_BP_GRID
Requirement: The blueprints package shall allow the user to define a reactor, including both a core and a spent fuel pool using a custom text file. R_ARMI_BP_SYSTEMS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a blueprint file and verify a reactor was correctly created.
basis: This is a basic ARMI feature, that we have custom text blueprint files.
subtype: io
implementations: I_ARMI_BP_SYSTEMS
Requirement: The blueprints package shall allow the user to define isotopes which should be depleted. R_ARMI_BP_NUC_FLAGS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Read a blueprint file and verify the collection of depleted nuclide flags.
basis: This is a basic ARMI feature, that we have custom text blueprint files.
subtype: io
Requirement: The blueprints package shall allow the user to produce a valid blueprints file from an in-memory blueprint object. R_ARMI_BP_TO_DB
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Write a blueprint file from an in-memory blueprint object.
basis: The capability to export custom blueprints input files from an in-memory blueprints object is a fundamental ARMI feature.
subtype: io

1.12. RunLog Module

This section provides requirements for the simulation logging module, armi.runLog, which manages the reporting of messages to the user.

1.12.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: The runLog module shall allow for a simulation-wide log with user-specified verbosity. R_ARMI_LOG
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Messages are written to the log with specified verbosity.
basis: Logging simulation information is required for analysts to document and verify simulation results.
subtype: functional

1.12.2. I/O Requirements

Requirement: The runLog module shall allow logging to the screen, to a file, or both. R_ARMI_LOG_IO
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Messages can be written to log files and log streams.
basis: Logging simulation information is required for analysts to document and verify simulation results.
subtype: io
implementations: I_ARMI_LOG_IO
Requirement: The runLog module shall allow log files to be combined from different processes. R_ARMI_LOG_MPI
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Messages in different log files can be concatenated.
basis: Logging simulation information is required for analysts to document and verify simulation results.
subtype: io
implementations: I_ARMI_LOG_MPI

1.13. Settings Package

This section provides requirements for the armi.settings package, which is responsible for providing a centralized means for users to configure an application. This package can serialize and deserialize user settings from a human-readable text file. When a simulation is being initialized, settings validation is performed to enforce things like type consistency, and to find incompatible settings. To make settings easier to understand and use, once a simulation has been initialized, settings become immutable.

1.13.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: The settings package shall allow the configuration of a simulation through user settings. R_ARMI_SETTING
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create and edit a set of settings that can be used to initialize a run.
basis: Settings are how the user configures their run.
subtype: functional
Requirement: All settings must have default values. R_ARMI_SETTINGS_DEFAULTS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: A setting cannot be created without providing a default value.
basis: Enforcing a default recommendation for a setting allows for ease-of-use of the system
subtype: functional
Requirement: Settings shall support rules to validate and customize each setting's behavior. R_ARMI_SETTINGS_RULES
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Query a setting and make decisions based on its value.
basis: Validation of user settings adds quality assurance pedigree and reduces user errors.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The settings package shall supply the total reactor power at each time step of a simulation. R_ARMI_SETTINGS_POWER
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Retrieve the power fractions series from the operator and access the value at a given time step.
basis: Power history is needed by many downstream plugins and methodologies for normalization.
subtype: functional
Requirement: The settings package shall allow users to define basic metadata for the run. R_ARMI_SETTINGS_META
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Set and retrieve the basic metadata settings.
basis: Storing metadata in the settings file makes it easier for analysts to differentiate many settings files, and describe the simulations they configure.
subtype: functional

1.13.2. I/O Requirements

Requirement: The settings package shall use human-readable, plain-text files as input and output. R_ARMI_SETTINGS_IO_TXT
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Show a settings object can be created from a text file with a well-specific format, and written back out to a text file.
basis: Settings are how the user configures their run.
subtype: io

1.14. Utilities Package

This section provides requirements for the armi.utils package within the framework, which is one of the smaller high-level packages in ARMI. This package contains a small set of basic utilities which are meant to be generally useful in ARMI and in the wider ARMI ecosystem. While most of the code in this section does not rise to the level of a “requirement”, some does.

1.14.1. Functional Requirements

Requirement: ARMI shall provide a utility to convert mass densities and fractions to number densities. R_ARMI_UTIL_MASS2N_DENS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Provide a series of mass densities and fractions and verify the returned number densities.
basis: This is a widely used utility.
subtype: functional
Requirement: ARMI shall provide a utility to expand elemental mass fractions to natural nuclides. R_ARMI_UTIL_EXP_MASS_FRACS
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Expand an element's mass into a list of it's naturally occurring nuclides and their corresponding mass fractions.
basis: This is a widely used utility.
subtype: functional
Requirement: ARMI shall provide a utility to format nuclides and densities into an MCNP material card. R_ARMI_UTIL_MCNP_MAT_CARD
status: accepted
acceptance_criteria: Create an MCNP material card from a collection of densities.
basis: This will be useful for downstream MCNP plugins.
subtype: functional

1.15. Software Attributes

ARMI is a Python-based framework, designed to help tie together various nuclear models, written in a variety of languages. ARMI officially supports Python versions 3.9 and up.

ARMI is heavily tested and used in both Windows and Linux. More specifically, ARMI is always designed to work in the most modern Windows operating system (Windows 10 and Windows 11 currently). Similarly, ARMI is designed to work with fairly modern versions of Ubuntu (22.04 and 24.04 at the time of writing) and Red Hat (RHEL 7 and 8 currently).

Version control for ARMI is achieved using Git and is publicly hosted as open-source software on GitHub. To ensure ARMI remains portable and open-source, it only uses third-party libraries that are similarly fully open-source and that make no onerous demands on ARMI’s distribution or legal status.

ARMI makes use of a huge suite of unit tests to cover the codebase. The tests are run via Continuous Integration (CI) both internally and publicly. Every unit test must pass on every commit to the ARMI main branch. Also, as part of our rigorous quality system, ARMI enforces tight controls on code style using Black as our code formatter and Ruff as our linter.