armi.settings.setting module
System to handle basic configuration settings.
The type of each setting is derived from the type of the default value. When users set values to their settings, ARMI enforces these types with schema validation. This also allows for more complex schema validation for settings that are more complex dictionaries (e.g. XS, rx coeffs).
- class armi.settings.setting.Option(option, settingName)
Create new instance of Option(option, settingName)
- option
Alias for field number 0
- settingName
Alias for field number 1
- class armi.settings.setting.Default(value, settingName)
Create new instance of Default(value, settingName)
- settingName
Alias for field number 1
- value
Alias for field number 0
- class armi.settings.setting.Setting(name, default, description, label=None, options=None, schema=None, enforcedOptions=False, subLabels=None, isEnvironment=False, oldNames: List[Tuple[str, date | None]] | None = None)[source]
A particular setting.
Setting objects hold all associated information of a setting in ARMI and should typically be accessed through the Settings methods rather than directly. Settings require a mandatory default value.
Setting subclasses can implement custom
methods that can enable serialization (to/from dicts) of custom objects. When you set a setting’s value, the value will be unserialized into the custom object and when you calldump
, it will be serialized. Just accessing the value will return the actual object in this case.Initialize a Setting object.
- Parameters:
name (str) – the setting’s name
default (object) – The setting’s default value
description (str) – The description of the setting
label (str, optional) – the shorter description used for the ARMI GUI
options (list, optional) – Legal values (useful in GUI drop-downs)
schema (callable, optional) – A function that gets called with the configuration VALUES that build this setting. The callable will either raise an exception, safely modify/update, or leave unchanged the value. If left blank, a type check will be performed against the default.
enforcedOptions (bool, optional) – Require that the value be one of the valid options.
subLabels (tuple, optional) – The names of the fields in each tuple for a setting that accepts a list of tuples. For example, if a setting is a list of (assembly name, file name) tuples, the sublabels would be (“assembly name”, “file name”). This is needed for building GUI widgets to input such data.
isEnvironment (bool, optional) – Whether this should be considered an “environment” setting. These can be used by the Case system to propagate environment options through command-line flags.
oldNames (list of tuple, optional) – List of previous names that this setting used to have, along with optional expiration dates. These can aid in automatic migration of old inputs. When provided, if it is appears that the expiration date has passed, old names will result in errors, requiring to user to update their input by hand to use more current settings.
- property underlyingType
Useful in categorizing settings, e.g. for GUI.
- property containedType
The subtype for lists.
- property default
- property value
- setValue(val)[source]
Set value of a setting.
This validates it against its value schema on the way in.
Some setting values are custom serializable objects. Rather than writing them directly to YAML using YAML’s Python object-writing features, we prefer to use our own custom serializers on subclasses.
- changeDefault(newDefault: Default)[source]
Change the default of a setting, and also the current value.
- dump()[source]
Return a serializable version of this setting’s value.
Override to define custom deserializers for custom/compound settings.
- revertToDefault()[source]
Revert a setting back to its default.
Skips the property setter because default val should already be validated.
- isDefault()[source]
Returns a boolean based on whether or not the setting equals its default value.
It’s possible for a setting to change and not be reported as such when it is changed back to its default. That behavior seems acceptable.
- property offDefault
Return True if the setting is not the default value for that setting.
- class armi.settings.setting.FlagListSetting(name, default, description=None, label=None, oldNames: List[Tuple[str, date | None]] | None = None)[source]
Subclass of
convert settings between flags and strings.