armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface module

Tests for generic global flux interface.

class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.MockReactorParams[source]

Bases: object

class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.MockCoreParams[source]

Bases: object

class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.MockCore[source]

Bases: object

class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.MockReactor[source]

Bases: object

class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.MockGlobalFluxInterface(r, cs)[source]

Bases: GlobalFluxInterface

Add fake keff calc to a the general gf interface.

This simulates a 1000 pcm keff increase over 1 step.

interactEveryNode(cycle, node)[source]
class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.MockGlobalFluxWithExecuters(r, cs)[source]

Bases: GlobalFluxInterfaceUsingExecuters

class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.MockGlobalFluxWithExecutersNonUniform(r, cs)[source]

Bases: MockGlobalFluxWithExecuters


Return modified executerOptions.

class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.MockGlobalFluxExecuter(options: GlobalFluxOptions, reactor)[source]

Bases: GlobalFluxExecuter

Tests for code that uses Executers, which rely on OutputReaders to update state.

class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.TestGlobalFluxOptions(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Tests for GlobalFluxOptions.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.


Test reading global flux options from case settings.

Test Case: Tests GlobalFluxOptions. T_ARMI_FLUX_OPTIONS_CS
signature: test_readFromSettings
requirements: R_ARMI_FLUX_OPTIONS

Test reading global flux options from reactor objects.

Test Case: Tests GlobalFluxOptions. T_ARMI_FLUX_OPTIONS_R
signature: test_readFromReactors
requirements: R_ARMI_FLUX_OPTIONS
class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.TestGlobalFluxInterface(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.


Compute DPA and DPA rates from multi-group neutron flux and cross sections.

Test Case: Compute DPA rates. T_ARMI_FLUX_DPA
signature: test_computeDpaRate
requirements: R_ARMI_FLUX_DPA

Ensure the basic interaction hooks work.

Check that a 1000 pcm rx swing is observed due to the mock.


Test energy balance check.

Test Case: Block-wise power is consistent with reactor data model power. T_ARMI_FLUX_CHECK_POWER
signature: test_checkEnergyBalance
class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.TestGlobalFluxInterfaceWithExecuters(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Tests for the default global flux execution.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

test_executerInteraction(mockGeometryTransform, mockExecute)[source]

Run the global flux interface and executer though one time now.

Test Case: Run the global flux interface to check that the mesh converter is called before the neutronics solver. T_ARMI_FLUX_GEOM_TRANSFORM_ORDER
signature: test_executerInteraction

Assert that tight coupling defaults are only set if cs[“tightCoupling”]=True.


Test getTightCouplingValue returns the correct value for keff and type for power.

class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.TestGlobalFluxInterfaceWithExecutersNonUniform(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Tests for global flux execution with non-uniform assemblies.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.


Run the global flux interface with non-uniform assemblies.

This will serve as a broad end-to-end test of the interface, and also stress test the mesh issues with non-uniform assemblies.

Test Case: Run the global flux interface to show the geometry converter is called when the nonuniform mesh option is used. T_ARMI_FLUX_GEOM_TRANSFORM_CONV
signature: test_executerInteractionNonUniformAssems
class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.TestGlobalFluxResultMapper(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Test that global flux result mappings run.


This does not test that the flux mapping is correct. That has to be done at another level.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

class armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.TestGlobalFluxUtils(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.


Test that the reaction rate code executes and sets a param > 0.0.

Test Case: Return the reaction rates for a given ArmiObject. T_ARMI_FLUX_RX_RATES
signature: test_calcReactionRates
requirements: R_ARMI_FLUX_RX_RATES
armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.tests.test_globalFluxInterface.applyDummyFlux(r, ng=33)[source]

Set arbitrary flux distribution on a Reactor.