armi.cases.suite module

The CaseSuite object is responsible for running, and executing a set of user inputs. Many entry points redirect into CaseSuite methods, such as clone, compare, and submit.

Used in conjunction with the Case object, CaseSuite can be used to collect a series of cases and submit them to a cluster for execution. Furthermore, a CaseSuite can be used to gather executed cases for post-analysis.

CaseSuites should allow Cases to be added from totally separate directories. This is useful for plugin-informed testing as well as other things.

See also

An individual item of a case suite.

class armi.cases.suite.CaseSuite(cs)[source]

Bases: object

A CaseSuite is a collection of possibly related Case objects.

Implementation: CaseSuite allows for one case to start after another completes. I_ARMI_CASE_SUITE
signature: CaseSuite
requirements: R_ARMI_CASE_SUITE

The CaseSuite object allows multiple, often related, Case objects to be run sequentially. A CaseSuite is intended to be both a pre-processing or a post-processing tool to facilitate case generation and analysis. Under most circumstances one may wish to subclass a CaseSuite to meet the needs of a specific calculation. A CaseSuite is a collection that is keyed off Case titles.


Add a Case object to the CaseSuite.

Case objects within a CaseSuite must have unique title attributes, a KeyError will be raised


Remove a case from a suite.

discover(rootDir=None, patterns=None, ignorePatterns=None, recursive=True, skipInspection=False)[source]

Finds case objects by searching for a pattern of file paths, and adds them to the suite.

This searches for Settings input files and loads them to create Case objects.

  • rootDir (str, optional) – root directory to search for settings files

  • patterns (list of str, optional) – file pattern to use to filter file names

  • ignorePatterns (list of str, optional) – file patterns to exclude matching file names

  • recursive (bool, optional) – if True, recursively search for settings files

  • skipInspection (bool, optional) – if True, skip running the check inputs


Print information about this suite to the run log.


Some of these printouts won’t make sense for all users, and may make sense to be delegated to the plugins/app.

clone(oldRoot=None, writeStyle='short')[source]

Clone a CaseSuite to a new place.

Creates a clone for each case within a CaseSuite. If oldRoot is not specified, then each case clone is made in a directory with the title of the case. If oldRoot is specified, then a relative path from oldRoot will be used to determine a new relative path to the current directory oldRoot.

  • oldRoot (str (optional)) – root directory of original case suite used to help filter when a suite contains one or more cases with the same case title.

  • writeStyle (str (optional)) – Writing style for which settings get written back to the settings files (short, medium, or full).


By design, a CaseSuite has no location dependence; this allows any set of cases to compose a CaseSuite. The thought is that the post-analysis capabilities without restricting a root directory could be beneficial. For example, this allows one to perform analysis on cases analyzed by Person A and Person B, even if the analyses were performed in completely different locations. As a consequence, when you want to clone, we need to infer a “root” of the original cases to attempt to mirror whatever existing directory structure there may have been.


Run each case, one after the other.


Suite running may not work yet if the cases have interdependencies. We typically run on a HPC but are still working on a platform independent way of handling HPCs.

compare(that, exclusion: Sequence[str] | None = None, weights=None, tolerance=0.01, timestepCompare=None) int[source]

Compare one case suite with another.

Return type:

The number of problem differences encountered.


Write inputs for all cases in the suite.

writeStylestr (optional)

Writing style for which settings get written back to the settings files (short, medium, or full).

See also


Similar to this but doesn’t let you write out new geometry or blueprints objects.

static writeTable(tableResults)[source]

Write a table summarizing the test differences.