armi.reactor.grids.locations module

class armi.reactor.grids.locations.LocationBase(i: int, j: int, k: int, grid: Grid | None)[source]

Bases: ABC

A namedtuple-like object for storing location information.

It’s immutable (you can’t set things after construction) and has names.


This was originally a namedtuple but there was a somewhat unbelievable bug in Python 2.7.8 where unpickling a reactor full of these ended up inexplicably replacing one of them with an AssemblyParameterCollection. The bug did not show up in Python 3.

Converting to this class solved that problem.

property i: int
property j: int
property k: int
property grid: Grid | None
associate(grid: Grid)[source]

Re-assign locator to another Grid.

abstract property indices: ndarray

Get the non-grid indices (i,j,k) of this locator.

This strips off the annoying grid tagalong which is there to ensure proper equality (i.e. (0,0,0) in a storage rack is not equal to (0,0,0) in a core).

It is a numpy array for two reasons:

  1. It can be added and subtracted for the recursive computations through different coordinate systems

  2. It can be written/read from the database.

class armi.reactor.grids.locations.IndexLocation(i: int, j: int, k: int, grid: Grid | None)[source]

Bases: LocationBase

An immutable location representing one cell in a grid.

The locator is intimately tied to a grid and together, they represent a grid cell somewhere in the coordinate system of the grid.

grid is not in the constructor (must be added after construction ) because the extra argument (grid) gives an inconsistency between __init__ and __new__. Unfortunately this decision makes whipping up IndexLocations on the fly awkward. But perhaps that’s ok because they should only be created by their grids.

TODO Is the above correct still? The constructor has an optional Grid

detachedCopy() IndexLocation[source]

Make a copy of this locator that is not associated with a grid.

See also


uses this

property parentLocation

Get the spatialLocator of the ArmiObject that this locator’s grid is anchored to.

For example, if this is one of many spatialLocators in a 2-D grid representing a reactor, then the parentLocation is the spatialLocator of the reactor, which will often be a CoordinateLocation.

property indices: ndarray

Get the non-grid indices (i,j,k) of this locator.

This strips off the annoying grid tagalong which is there to ensure proper equality (i.e. (0,0,0) in a storage rack is not equal to (0,0,0) in a core).

It is a numpy array for two reasons:

  1. It can be added and subtracted for the recursive computations through different coordinate systems

  2. It can be written/read from the database.

getCompleteIndices() Tuple[int, int, int][source]

Transform the indices of this object up to the top mesh.

The top mesh is either the one where there’s no more parent (true top) or when an axis gets added twice. Unlike with coordinates, you can only add each index axis one time. Thus a complete set of indices is one where an index for each axis has been defined by a set of 1, 2, or 3 nested grids.

This is useful for getting the reactor-level (i,j,k) indices of an object in a multi-layered 2-D(assemblies in core)/1-D(blocks in assembly) mesh like the one mapping blocks up to reactor in Hex reactors.

The benefit of that particular mesh over a 3-D one is that different assemblies can have different axial meshes, a common situation.

It will just return local indices for pin-meshes inside of blocks.

A tuple is returned so that it is easy to compare pairs of indices.


Return the coordinates of the center of the mesh cell here in cm.


Get coordinates in global 3D space of the centroid of this object.


Return the cell base (i.e. “bottom left”), in global coordinate system.


Return the cell top (i.e. “top right”), in global coordinate system.


Return ring and position of this locator.


Get symmetrically-equivalent locations, based on Grid symmetry.

See also


distanceTo(other: IndexLocation) float[source]

Return the distance from this locator to another.

class armi.reactor.grids.locations.MultiIndexLocation(grid: Grid)[source]

Bases: IndexLocation

A collection of index locations that can be used as a spatialLocator.

This allows components with multiplicity>1 to have location information within a parent grid. The implication is that there are multiple discrete components, each one residing in one of the actual locators underlying this collection.

Implementation: Store components with multiplicity greater than 1 I_ARMI_GRID_MULT
signature: MultiIndexLocation
requirements: R_ARMI_GRID_MULT

As not all grids are “full core symmetry”, ARMI will sometimes need to track multiple positions for a single object: one for each symmetric portion of the reactor. This class doesn’t calculate those positions in the reactor, it just tracks the multiple positions given to it. In practice, this class is mostly just a list of IndexLocation objects.

detachedCopy() MultiIndexLocation[source]
associate(grid: Grid)[source]
getCompleteIndices() Tuple[int, int, int][source]
append(location: IndexLocation)[source]
extend(locations: List[IndexLocation])[source]
pop(location: IndexLocation)[source]
property indices: List[ndarray]

Return indices for all locations.

Implementation: Return the location of all instances of grid components with multiplicity greater than 1. I_ARMI_GRID_ELEM_LOC
signature: indices
requirements: R_ARMI_GRID_ELEM_LOC

This method returns the indices of all the IndexLocation objects. To be clear, this does not return the IndexLocation objects themselves. This is designed to be consistent with the Grid’s __getitem__() method.

class armi.reactor.grids.locations.CoordinateLocation(i: int, j: int, k: int, grid: Grid | None)[source]

Bases: IndexLocation

A triple representing a point in space.

This is still associated with a grid. The grid defines the continuous coordinate space and axes that the location is within. This also links to the composite tree.


Return x,y,z coordinates in cm within the grid’s coordinate system.

getCompleteIndices() Tuple[int, int, int][source]

Top of chain. Stop recursion and return basis.

armi.reactor.grids.locations.addingIsValid(myGrid: Grid, parentGrid: Grid)[source]

True if adding a indices from one grid to another is considered valid.

In ARMI we allow the addition of a 1-D axial grid with a 2-D grid. We do not allow any other kind of adding. This enables the 2D/1D grid layout in Assemblies/Blocks but does not allow 2D indexing in pins to become inconsistent.