armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases module
This module provides fundamental nuclide information to be used throughout the framework and applications.
Implementation: Isotopes and isomers can be queried by name, label, MC2-3 ID, MCNP ID, and AAAZZZS ID. I_ARMI_ND_ISOTOPES0
The The The
The nuclide class structure is outlined here.

Class inheritance diagram for
>>> nuclideBases.byName['U235']
<NuclideBase U235: Z:92, A:235, S:0, W:2.350439e+02, Label:U235>, HL:2.22160758861e+16, Abund:7.204000e-03>
>>> nuclideBases.byLabel['U235']
<NuclideBase U235: Z:92, A:235, S:0, W:2.350439e+02, Label:U235>, HL:2.22160758861e+16, Abund:7.204000e-03>
Retrieve U-235 by the MC2-2 ID:
>>> nuclideBases.byMcc2Id['U-2355']
<NuclideBase U235: Z:92, A:235, S:0, W:2.350439e+02, Label:U235>, HL:2.22160758861e+16, Abund:7.204000e-03>
Retrieve U-235 by the MC2-3 ID:
>>> nuclideBases.byMcc3IdEndfVII0['U235_7']
<NuclideBase U235: Z:92, A:235, S:0, W:2.350439e+02, Label:U235>, HL:2.22160758861e+16, Abund:7.204000e-03>
Retrieve U-235 by the MCNP ID:
>>> nuclideBases.byMcnpId['92235']
<NuclideBase U235: Z:92, A:235, S:0, W:2.350439e+02, Label:U235>, HL:2.22160758861e+16, Abund:7.204000e-03>
Retrieve U-235 by the AAAZZZS ID:
>>> nuclideBases.byAAAZZZSId['2350920']
<NuclideBase U235: Z:92, A:235, S:0, W:2.350439e+02, Label:U235>, HL:2.22160758861e+16, Abund:7.204000e-03>
- class armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.NuclideInterface[source]
An abstract nuclide implementation which defining various methods required for a nuclide object.
- getDecay(decayType)[source]
Return a
object.- Parameters:
decType (str) – Name of decay mode, e.g. ‘sf’, ‘alpha’
- Returns:
- Return type:
- getMcc2Id()[source]
Return the MC2-2 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-V.2 cross section library.
- getMcc3Id()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-VII.1 cross section library.
- getMcc3IdEndfbVII0()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-VII.0 cross section library.
- class armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.NuclideWrapper(container, key)[source]
A nuclide wrapper class, used as a base class for nuclear data file nuclides.
- property name
Return the underlying nuclide’s name (i.e. “PU239”).
The nuclide name consists of the capitalized 2 character element symbol and atomic mass number.
- property weight
Get the underlying nuclide’s weight.
- getDecay(decayType)[source]
Return a
object.- Parameters:
decType (str) – Name of decay mode, e.g. ‘sf’, ‘alpha’
- Returns:
- Return type:
- getMcc3IdEndfbVII0()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide based on the ENDF/B-VII.0 cross section library.
- class armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.INuclide(element, a, state, weight, abundance, halflife, name, label, mcc2id=None, mcc3idEndfbVII0=None, mcc3idEndfbVII1=None)[source]
Nuclide interface, the base of all nuclide objects.
- Variables:
z (int) – Number of protons.
a (int) – Number of nucleons.
state (int) – Indicates excitement, 1 is more excited than 0.
abundance (float) – Isotopic fraction of a naturally occurring nuclide. The sum of all nuclide abundances for a naturally occurring element should be 1.0. This is atom fraction, not mass fraction.
name (str) – ARMI’s unique name for the given nuclide.
label (str) – ARMI’s unique 4 character label for the nuclide. These are not human readable, but do not lose any information. The label is effectively the
Element.symbol `armi.nucDirectory.elements.Element.symbol
padded to two characters, plus the mass number (A) in base-26 (0-9, A-Z). Additional support for meta-states is provided by adding 100 * the state to the mass number (A).nuSF (float) – Neutrons released per spontaneous fission. This should probably be moved at some point.
Create an instance of an INuclide.
Do not call this constructor directly; use the factory instead.
- fissile = ['U235', 'PU239', 'PU241', 'AM242M', 'CM244', 'U233']
- TRANSMUTATION = 'transmutation'
- DECAY = 'decay'
- getDecay(decayType)[source]
Get a
.Retrieve the first
matching the specified decType.- Parameters:
decType (str) – Name of decay mode e.g. ‘sf’, ‘alpha’
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.IMcnpNuclide[source]
Abstract class for retrieving nuclide identifiers for the MCNP software.
- class armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.NuclideBase(element, a, weight, abundance, state, halflife)[source]
Represents an individual nuclide/isotope.
class provides a data structure for information about a single nuclide, including the atom number, atomic weight, element, isomeric state, half-life, and name. The class contains static methods for creating an internal ARMI name or label for a nuclide. There are instance methods for generating the nuclide ID for external codes, e.g. MCNP or Serpent, and retrieving the nuclide ID for MC2-2 or MC2-3. There are also instance methods for generating an AAAZZZS ID and an ENDF MAT number.- getNaturalIsotopics()[source]
Gets the natural isotopics root
.Gets the naturally occurring nuclides for this nuclide.
See also
- getMcc2Id()[source]
Return the MC2-2 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-V.2 cross section library.
This method returns the
attribute of aNuclideBase
instance. This attribute is initially populated by reading from the mcc-nuclides.yaml file in the ARMI resources folder.
- getMcc3Id()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-VII.1 cross section library.
- getMcc3IdEndfbVII0()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-VII.0 cross section library.
This method returns the
attribute of aNuclideBase
instance. This attribute is initially populated by reading from the mcc-nuclides.yaml file in the ARMI resources folder.
- getMcc3IdEndfbVII1()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-VII.1 cross section library.
This method returns the
attribute of aNuclideBase
instance. This attribute is initially populated by reading from the mcc-nuclides.yaml file in the ARMI resources folder.
- getMcnpId()[source]
Gets the MCNP label for this nuclide.
This method generates the MCNP ID for an isotope using the standard MCNP format based on the atomic number A, number of protons Z, and excited state. The implementation includes the special rule for Am-242m, which is 95242. 95642 is used for the less common ground state Am-242.
- Returns:
id – The MCNP ID e.g.
- Return type:
- getAAAZZZSId()[source]
Return a string that is ordered by the mass number, A, the atomic number, Z, and the isomeric state, S.
This method generates the AAAZZZS format ID for an isotope. Where AAA is the mass number, ZZZ is the atomic number, and S is the isomeric state. This is a general format independent of any code that precisely defines an isotope or isomer.
An example would be for U235, where A=235, Z=92, and S=0, returning
- getSerpentId()[source]
Returns the SERPENT style ID for this nuclide.
- Returns:
id – The ID of this nuclide based on it’s elemental name, weight, and state, eg
,- Return type:
- getEndfMatNum()[source]
Gets the ENDF MAT number.
MAT numbers are defined as described in section 0.4.1 of the NJOY manual. Basically, it’s Z * 100 + I where I is an isotope number. I=25 is defined as the lightest known stable isotope of element Z, so for Uranium, Z=92 and I=25 refers to U234. The values of I go up by 3 for each mass number, so U235 is 9228. This leaves room for three isomeric states of each nuclide.
- Returns:
id – The MAT number e.g.
for U238- Return type:
- class armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.NaturalNuclideBase(name, element)[source]
Represents an individual nuclide/isotope that is naturally occurring.
This is meant to represent the combination of all naturally occurring nuclides within an element. The abundance is forced to zero here so that it does not have any interactions with the NuclideBase objects.
- getNaturalIsotopics()[source]
Gets the natural isotopics root
.Gets the naturally occurring nuclides for this nuclide.
See also
- getMcnpId()[source]
Gets the MCNP ID for this element.
- Returns:
id – The MCNP ID e.g.
. Not zero-padded on the left.- Return type:
- getMcc2Id()[source]
Return the MC2-2 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-V.2 cross section library.
- getMcc3Id()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-VII.1 cross section library.
- getMcc3IdEndfbVII0()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-VII.0 cross section library.
- getMcc3IdEndfbVII1()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-VII.1 cross section library.
- class armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.DummyNuclideBase(name, weight)[source]
Represents a dummy/placeholder nuclide within the system.
This may be used to store mass from a depletion calculation, specifically in the instances where the burn chain is truncated.
- getNaturalIsotopics()[source]
Gets the natural isotopics, an empty iterator.
Gets the naturally occurring nuclides for this nuclide.
- Returns:
empty – An empty generator
- Return type:
See also
- getMcc2Id()[source]
Return the MC2-2 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-V.2 cross section library.
- getMcc3Id()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-VII.1 cross section library.
- class armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.LumpNuclideBase(name, weight)[source]
Represents a combination of many nuclides from NuclideBases into a single lumped nuclide.
See also
Describes what nuclides LumpNuclideBase is expend to.
- getNaturalIsotopics()[source]
Gets the natural isotopics, an empty iterator.
Gets the naturally occurring nuclides for this nuclide.
- Returns:
empty – An empty generator
- Return type:
See also
- getMcc2Id()[source]
Return the MC2-2 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-V.2 cross section library.
- getMcc3Id()[source]
Return the MC2-3 nuclide identification label based on the ENDF/B-VII.1 cross section library.
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.initReachableActiveNuclidesThroughBurnChain(numberDensityDict, activeNuclides)[source]
March through the depletion chain and find all nuclides that can be reached by depleting nuclides passed in.
This limits depletion to the smallest set of nuclides that matters.
- Parameters:
numberDensityDict (dict) – Starting number densities.
activeNuclides (OrderedSet) – Active nuclides defined on the reactor blueprints object. See:
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.getIsotopics(nucName)[source]
Expand elemental nuc name to isotopic nuc bases.
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.isMonoIsotopicElement(name)[source]
Return true if this is the only naturally occurring isotope of its element.
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.where(predicate)[source]
Return all
objects matching a condition.Returns an iterator of
matching the specified condition.- Variables:
predicate (lambda) – A lambda, or function, accepting a
as a parameter
>>> from armi.nucDirectory import nuclideBases >>> [ for nn in nuclideBases.where(lambda nb: 'Z' in] ['ZN64', 'ZN66', 'ZN67', 'ZN68', 'ZN70', 'ZR90', 'ZR91', 'ZR92', 'ZR94', 'ZR96', 'ZR93', 'ZR95', 'ZR']
>>> # in order to get length, convert to list >>> isomers90 = list(nuclideBases.where(lambda nb: nb.a == 95)) >>> len(isomers90) 3 >>> for iso in isomers: print(iso) <NuclideBase MO95: Z:42, A:95, S:0, label:MO2N> <NuclideBase NB95: Z:41, A:95, S:0, label:NB2N> <NuclideBase ZR95: Z:40, A:95, S:0, label:ZR2N>
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.single(predicate)[source]
Return a single
object meeting the specified condition.Similar to
, this function uses a lambda input to filter theINuclide instances
. If there is not 1 and only 1 match for the specified condition, an exception is raised.Examples
>>> from armi.nucDirectory import nuclideBases >>> nuclideBases.single(lambda nb: == 'C') <NaturalNuclideBase C: Z:6, w:12.0107358968, label:C>
>>> nuclideBases.single(lambda nb: nb.z == 95 and nb.a == 242 and nb.state == 1) <NuclideBase AM242M: Z:95, A:242, S:1, label:AM4C>
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.changeLabel(nuclideBase, newLabel)[source]
Updates a nuclide label and modifies the
look-up dictionary.Notes
Since nuclide objects are defined and stored globally, any change to the attributes will be maintained.
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.getDepletableNuclides(activeNuclides, obj)[source]
Get nuclides in this object that are in the burn chain.
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.imposeBurnChain(burnChainStream)[source]
Apply transmutation and decay information to each nuclide.
You cannot impose a burn chain twice. Doing so would require that you clean out the transmutations and decays from all the module-level nuclide bases, which generally requires that you rebuild them. But rebuilding those is not an option because some of them get set as class-level attributes and would be orphaned. If a need to change burn chains mid-run re-arises, then a better nuclideBase-level burnchain cleanup should be implemented so the objects don’t have to change identity.
We believe the transmutation information would probably be better stored on a less fundamental place (e.g. not on the NuclideBase).
See also
describes file format
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.factory()[source]
Reads data files to instantiate the
.Reads NIST, MC**2 and burn chain data files to instantiate the
. Also clears and fills in theinstances
, andbyMcc3IdEndfbVII1
module attributes. This method is automatically run upon loading the module, hence it is not usually necessary to re-run it unless there is a change to the data files, which should not happen during run time, or a bad :py:class`INuclide` is created.Notes
This cannot be run more than once. NuclideBase instances are used throughout the ARMI ecosystem and are even class attributes in some cases. Re-instantiating them would orphan any existing ones and break everything.
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.addNuclideBases()[source]
Read natural abundances of any natural nuclides.
This adjusts already-existing NuclideBases and Elements with the new information.
This function reads the
file from the ARMI resources folder. This file contains metadata for 4,614 nuclides, including number of protons, number of neutrons, atomic number, excited state, element symbol, atomic mass, natural abundance, half-life, and spontaneous fission yield. The data innuclides.dat
have been collected from multiple different sources; the references are given in comments at the top of that file.
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.readMCCNuclideData()[source]
Read in the label data for the MC2-2 and MC2-3 cross section codes to the nuclide bases.
This function reads the mcc-nuclides.yaml file from the ARMI resources folder. This file contains the MC2-2 ID (from ENDF/B-V.2) and MC2-3 ID (from ENDF/B-VII.0) for all nuclides in MC2. The
, andmcc3idEndfVII1
attributes of eachNuclideBase
instance are updated as the data is read, and the global dictionariesbyMcc2Id
are populated with the nuclide bases keyed by their corresponding ID for each code.
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.updateNuclideBasesForSpecialCases()[source]
Update the nuclide bases for special case name changes.
This function updates the keys for the
instances for Am-242m and Am-242 in thebyName
global dictionaries. This function associates the more common isomer Am-242m with the name “AM242”, and uses “AM242G” to denote the ground state.Notes
This function is specifically added to change the definition of AM242 to refer to its metastable isomer, AM242M by default. AM242M is most common isomer of AM242 and is typically the desired isomer when being requested rather than than the ground state (i.e., S=0) of AM242.
- armi.nucDirectory.nuclideBases.addGlobalNuclide(nuclide: NuclideBase)[source]
Add an element to the global dictionaries.