armi.reactor.blueprints.tests.test_blockBlueprints module

Tests for block blueprints.

class armi.reactor.blueprints.tests.test_blockBlueprints.TestGriddedBlock(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Tests for a block that has components in a lattice.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.


Test intermediate grid construction function.


Ensure extraction of specifiers results in locators.


Make sure constructing a block with grid specifiers works as a whole.

Test Case: Create block with blueprint file. T_ARMI_BP_BLOCK
signature: test_blockLattice
requirements: R_ARMI_BP_BLOCK

Make sure non-grid components in blocks with grids get the right multiplicity.


Test flags are created from blueprint file.

Test Case: Nuc flags can define depletable objects. T_ARMI_BP_NUC_FLAGS0
signature: test_explicitFlags
requirements: R_ARMI_BP_NUC_FLAGS