armi.reactor.tests.test_parameters module
Tests for assorted Parameters tools.
- class armi.reactor.tests.test_parameters.MockCompositeGrandParent(name)[source]
- class armi.reactor.tests.test_parameters.MockCompositeParent(name)[source]
- class armi.reactor.tests.test_parameters.MockCompositeChild(name)[source]
- class armi.reactor.tests.test_parameters.ParameterTests(methodName='runTest')[source]
Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.
- test_writeSomeParamsToDB()[source]
This tests the ability to specify which parameters should be written to the database. It assumes that the list returned by ParameterDefinitionCollection.toWriteToDB() is used to filter for which parameters to include in the database.
- test_serializer_pack_unpack()[source]
This tests the ability to add a serializer to a parameter instantiation line. It assumes that if this parameter is not None, that the pack and unpack methods will be called during storage to and reading from the database. See database._writeParams for an example use of this functionality.
- test_setter()[source]
Test the Parameter setter() tooling, that signifies if a Parameter has been updated.
Test Case: Tooling that allows a Parameter to signal it needs to be updated across processes. T_ARMI_PARAM_PARALLEL0
- test_setterGetterBasics()[source]
Test the Parameter setter/getter tooling, through the lifecycle of a Parameter being updated.
Test Case: Tooling that allows a Parameter to signal it needs to be updated across processes. T_ARMI_PARAM_PARALLEL1
- class armi.reactor.tests.test_parameters.ParamCollectionWhere(methodName='runTest')[source]
Tests for ParameterCollection.where.
Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.
- class ScopeParamCollection(_state: List[Any] | None = None)[source]
Create a new ParameterCollection instance.
- Parameters:
_state – Optional list of parameter values, ordered by _allFields. Passed values should come from a call to __getstate__(). This should only be used internally to this model.
- pDefs: parameterDefinitions.ParameterDefinitionCollection = <armi.reactor.parameters.parameterDefinitions.ParameterDefinitionCollection object>
- pb = <armi.reactor.parameters.parameterDefinitions.ParameterBuilder object>