armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc.gamiso module

Module for reading GAMISO files which contains gamma cross section data.

GAMISO is a binary file created by MC**2-v3 that contains multigroup microscopic gamma cross sections. GAMISO data is contained within a XSLibrary.

Implementation: Tool to read and write GAMISO files. I_ARMI_NUCDATA_GAMISO

The majority of the functionality in this module is inherited from the isotxs module. See IsotxsIO and its associated implementation I_ARMI_NUCDATA_ISOTXS for more information. The only difference from ISOTXS neutron data is a special treatment for gamma velocities, which is done by overriding _rwLibraryEnergies.



Smith, M. A., Lee, C. H., and Hill, R. N. GAMSOR: Gamma Source Preparation and DIF3D Flux Solution. United States: N. p., 2016. Web. doi:10.2172/1343095. On OSTI, lib2)[source]

Compare two XSLibraries, and return True if equal, or False if not.

armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc.gamiso.compareNuclideXS(nuc1, nuc2)[source]
armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc.gamiso.addDummyNuclidesToLibrary(lib, dummyNuclides)[source]

This method adds DUMMY nuclides to the current GAMISO library.

  • lib (obj) – GAMISO library object

  • dummyNuclides (list) – List of DUMMY nuclide objects that will be copied and added to the GAMISO file


Since MC2-3 does not write DUMMY nuclide information for GAMISO files, this is necessary to provide a consistent set of nuclide-level data across all the nuclides in a XSLibrary.