armi.reactor.blueprints.tests.test_materialModifications module

Tests for material modifications.

class armi.reactor.blueprints.tests.test_materialModifications.TestMaterialModifications(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

uZrInput = '\nnuclide flags:\n    U: {burn: false, xs: true}\n    ZR: {burn: false, xs: true}\nblocks:\n    fuel: &block_fuel\n        fuel1: &component_fuel_fuel1\n            shape: Hexagon\n            material: UZr\n            Tinput: 600.0\n            Thot: 600.0\n            ip: 0.0\n            mult: 1\n            op: 10.0\n        fuel2: &component_fuel_fuel2\n            shape: Hexagon\n            material: UZr\n            Tinput: 600.0\n            Thot: 600.0\n            ip: 0.0\n            mult: 1\n            op: 10.0\nassemblies:\n    fuel a: &assembly_a\n        specifier: IC\n        blocks: [*block_fuel]\n        height: [1.0]\n        axial mesh points: [1]\n        xs types: [A]\n'
b4cInput = '\nnuclide flags:\n    B: {burn: false, xs: true}\n    C: {burn: false, xs: true}\nblocks:\n    poison: &block_poison\n        poison:\n            shape: Hexagon\n            material: B4C\n            Tinput: 600.0\n            Thot: 600.0\n            ip: 0.0\n            mult: 1\n            op: 10.0\nassemblies:\n    assem a: &assembly_a\n        specifier: IC\n        blocks: [*block_poison]\n        height: [1.0]\n        axial mesh points: [1]\n        xs types: [A]\n'
loadB4CAssembly(materialModifications: str)[source]

Test constructing a component where the blueprints specify a material modification for one nuclide.


Test constructing a component where the blueprints specify a material modification for one nuclide, for just one component.


Test constructing a component where the blueprints specify a material modification for one nuclide, for multiple components.


If the wrong number of material modifications are defined, there is an error.


This test shows that we can detect invalid material modification names when they are specified on an assembly blueprint. We happen to know that ZR_wt_frac is a valid modification for the UZr material class, so we use that in the first call to prove that things initially work fine.


This test shows that we can detect material modifications that are invalid because of their values, not just their names. We happen to know that ZR_wt_frac is a valid modification for UZr, so we use that in the first call to prove that things initially work fine.


Make sure that valid/invalid material modifications are searched up the MRO for a material class.


Test the theoretical density can be loaded from material modifications.