armi.nucDirectory package

The nucDirectory module contains general nuclide information through the nuclideBases module, and information for nuclide module.

  1. Element data - name, symbol, atomic number (Z).

  2. Generic nuclide data - this includes mass, atomic number, natural abundance and various names and labels that are used in ARMI for the nuclide. It also includes decay and transmutation modes.


Elements are simple objects containing minimal information about… elements! This information is loaded from a data file within ARMI; consequently modifying the data file will modify the list of elements in ARMI.

Elements are not used very often within armi, and are mainly used as a building block of the nuclide objects discussed below. If you need to grab an element for some reason there are three available dictionaries provided for rapid access.:

>>> from armi.nucDirectory import elements
>>> uranium = elements.byZ[92]
>>> uranium.z

Likewise, elements can be retrieved by their name or symbol.:

>>> ironFromZ = elements.byZ[26]
>>> ironFromName = elements.byName['iron']
>>> ironFromSymbol = elements.bySymbol['FE']
>>> ironFromZ == ironFromName == ironFromSymbol


Note that byName and bySymbol are case specific; names are lower case and symbols are UPPER CASE.

The elements are truly the same Element object. The nucDirectory makes efficient use of the memory being used by elements and will only ever contain ~118 Elements.:

>>> id(ironFromZ) == id(ironFromName) == id(ironFromSymbol)

Nuclide Bases

The nucDirectory allows ARMI to get information about various nuclides, like U235 or FE56. Often times you need to look up cross section or densities for nuclides, or you might need the atomic weight or the natural isotopic distribution. The nucDirectory is here to help you with these common tasks.

The fundamental object of nuclide management in ARMI is the INuclide object. After construction, they contain some basic information, such as Z, A, and atomic weight (if known). Similar to Elements, the information is loaded from a series of data files within ARMI. The data is originally from [NIST]:

>>> from armi.nucDirectory import nuclideBases
>>> u235= nuclideBases.byName['U235']
>>> u235.z
>>> u235.weight
>>> u235.a

Upon loading the armi.nucDirectory package, the nuclideBases.instances, will be filled with nuclide base objects. Nuclide bases do not do much, but they contain a lot of basic information about a nuclide, such as the atomic mass, atomic number (Z), the mass number (A), the natural abundance, and all of the decay and transmutation modes (well, ARMI’s decay and transmutation modes).

Nuclide names, labels, and IDs

Nuclides have names, labels and IDs.

The nuclide name is what should be used within ARMI itself. This is a human readable name such as, U235 or FE. The names contain only capital letters and numbers, made up from the corresponding element symbol and mass number (A).


The nuclide label is a unique 4 character name which identifies the nuclide from all others. The label is fixed to 4 characters to conform with the CCCC standard files, which traditionally only allow for a maximum of 6 character labels in legacy nuclear codes. Of the 6 allowable characters, 4 are reserved for the unique identifier of the nuclide and 2 characters are reserved for cross section labels (i.e., AA, AB, ZA, etc.). The cross section labels are based on the cross section group manager implementation within the framework. These labels are not necessarily human readable/interpretable, but are generally the nuclide symbol followed by the last two digits of the mass number (A), so the nuclide for U235 has the label U235, but PU239 has the label PU39.

For reference, there is a complete list of the nuclides along with the names, labels and IDs here.

Indices - rapid access

There are three main ways to retrieve a nuclide, which are provided for convenience depending on what information you have, or “know,” about a nuclide. For example, if you know a nuclide name, use the byName dictionary. There are also dictionaries available for retrieving by the label, byLabel, and by other software-specific IDs (i.e., MCNP, Serpent, MC2-2, and MC2-3). The software-specific labels are incorporated into the framework to support plugin developments and may be extended as needed by end-users as needs arise.

>>> from armi.nucDirectory import nuclideBases
>>> pu239 = nuclideBases.byName['PU239']
>>> pu239.z

Just like with elements, the item retrieved from the various dictionaries are the same object.

>>> tinFromName = nuclideBases.byName['SN112']
>>> tinFromLabel = nuclideBases.byLabel['SN112']
>>> tinFromMcc2Id = nuclideBases.byName['SN1125']
>>> tinFromMcc3Id = nuclideBases.byLabel['SN1127']
>>> tinFromName == tinFromLabel == tinFromMcc2Id == tinFromMcc3Id
>>> id(tinFromName) == id(tinFromLabel) == id(tinFromMcc2Id) == id(tinFromMcc3Id)


If you find yourself using a name or label within ARMI itself, it is probably not as efficient as it could be. Many older, but still existing, data structures within ARMI use nuclide names and labels for indexing certain information about the nuclide, such as number density. However, often times they will also need other information, such as the mass. Consequently, the index which contains the name or label is not fulfilling its intended purpose; in order to perform the operation, weight * numberDensity, you’ll still need the nuclide object!

