armi.physics.neutronics.energyGroups module
Energy group structures for multigroup neutronics calculations.
- armi.physics.neutronics.energyGroups.getFastFluxGroupCutoff(eGrpStruc)[source]
Given a constant “fast” energy threshold, return which ARMI energy group index contains this threshold.
This function returns the energy group within a given group structure that contains the fast flux threshold energy. The threshold energy is imported from the
in the neutronics module, where it is defined as 100 keV. This is a standard definition for fast flux. This function also calculates and returns the fraction of the threshold energy group that is above the 100 keV threshold.
- armi.physics.neutronics.energyGroups.getGroupStructure(name)[source]
Return descending neutron energy group upper bounds in eV for a given structure name.
There are several built-in group structures that are defined in this module, which are stored in a dictionary. This function takes a group structure name as an input parameter, which it uses as a key for the group structure dictionary. If the group structure name is valid, it returns a copy of the energy group structure resulting from the dictionary lookup. Otherwise, it throws an error.
Copy of the group structure is return so that modifications of the energy bounds does not propagate back to the GROUP_STRUCTURE dictionary.
- armi.physics.neutronics.energyGroups.getGroupStructureType(neutronEnergyBoundsInEv)[source]
Return neutron energy group structure name for a given set of neutron energy group bounds in eV.
- armi.physics.neutronics.energyGroups.GROUP_STRUCTURE
Energy groups for use in multigroup neutronics.
Values are the upper bound of each energy in eV from highest energy to lowest (because neutrons typically downscatter…)