armi.reactor package

The reactor package houses the data model used in ARMI to represent the reactor during its simulation. It contains definitions of the reactor, assemblies, blocks, components, etc.

The key classes of the reactor package are shown below:

See Developer Docs.

class armi.reactor.ReactorPlugin[source]

Bases: ArmiPlugin

Plugin exposing built-in reactor components, blocks, assemblies, etc.

static beforeReactorConstruction(cs) None[source]

Just before reactor construction, update the material “registry” with user settings, if it is set. Often it is set by the application.

static defineBlockTypes()[source]
static defineAssemblyTypes()[source]
static defineSystemBuilders() Dict[str, Callable[[str], Union[Core, ExcoreStructure, SpentFuelPool]]][source]
static getAxialExpansionChanger()[source]

