9. Spatial block parameters
Many parameters assigned on a Block
are scalar quantities that are useful for visualization and
simple queries (e.g., block with the maximum burnup in an assembly). Spatial parameters in a block,
such as power produced by each pin, is also of interest. Especially when communicating data to
physics codes that support sub-block geometric modeling. This page will talk about how spatial
information is assigned to components on a block, how spatial data can be assigned and accessed, and
how those data may or may not be updated by the framework.
9.1. Sub-block spatial grid
There are two ways to create the block grid: explicitly via blueprints or via an automated builder. The former is recommended, but the later can work in some specific circumstances.
9.1.1. Blueprints
In your blueprints file, you likely have a core grid that defines where assemblies reside in the reactor. Assemblies
are assigned to locations on that grid according to their specifier
blueprint attribute. Below is an example
of a “flats up” hexagonal core grid of fuel assemblies with 1/3 symmetry.
geom: hex
symmetry: third periodic
lattice map: |
We can similarly define a grid for the block with a similar entry in the grids
portion of the blueprints.
geom: hex_corners_up
symmetry: full
lattice map: |
- - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
This creates a ten-ring hexagonal lattice in a “corners up” orientation. While the resulting geometry may look like a flats up lattice, the individual hexagons that make up a lattice site are corners up.
The sub-block grid does not need to be of a different orientation of the parent block. A flats up hex block can have a flats up pin lattice. In most cases, an assembly full of pins will have a pin lattice that is off a different type to maximally load pins into the block.
Say we wanted to have a guide tube at the center lattice site with cladding surrounding void and every other lattice site to contain a fuel pin. We need to add the following items to our block definition to link the grid, and to assign components to sites on the grid.
The block needs a
grid name
entry that points to the grid we want to use for this block.Each component that wants to be placed on a lattice site needs a
entry that contains the IDs, like assembly specifiers in the core grid, for that component.
In the example above, we have two lattice IDs: 0
for the center site and 1
for the other pins. These
are chosen for brevity but we could have also done fuel
and guide
or F
and G
. Do what makes sense
for you.
Like with assembly specifiers, keeping the lattice IDs to have the same number of characters will help the grid render nicer in text editors. This is not a requirement, but it may make life easier for you and your team.
Our complete block definition would start like:
blocks: &block_fuel
grid name: pins
shape: Circle
material: UO2
Tinput: 20
Thot: 20
od: 0.819
latticeIDs: [1]
shape: Circle
material: UO2
Tinput: 20
Thot: 20
id: 0.819
od: 0.9
latticeIDs: [0, 1]
shape: Circle
material: Void
Tinput: 20
Thot: 20
od: 0.819
latticeIDs: [0]
Note that we can assign the same component to multiple lattice sites with multiple entries in the
list. Also note that we do not need to assign a mult
entry to these components.
Their multiplicity will be determined based on the number of lattice sites they occupy!
See also
The LWR tutorial contains additional examples for working with sub-block grids.
9.1.2. Auto grid
In some cases, you may have an assembly that contains one pin type. The framework provides a mechanism for automatically constructing a spatial grid for the block based only on the multiplicity of pin-like components. When constructing a block from blueprints, a grid may be added to the block depending on:
The existence of an explicitly defined block grid, like in the previously discussed section, and
If the
setting is active.
Should either of these conditions be met, the framework will attempt to add a grid by calling
. However, this behavior is not generalized
and only implemented on armi.reactor.blocks.HexBlock
, which makes the following assumptions:
You want a corners up hexagonal lattice grid.
The pitch of your hexagonal lattice is determined by
which may place restrictions on what constitutes a pin.The number of pins is determined by
which may place similar restrictions on what constitutes a pin.
If the auto grid creation is successful, components with a multiplicity equal to the number of pins will be assigned locations on the lattice grid.
Consider subclassing HexBlock
with specific pin-like methods and
overriding the autoCreateSpatialGrids()
if you want complete
control over this process. Alternatively, use an explicit grid in blueprints.
9.2. Interacting with spatial data
This section will focus on accessing locations of components in the block, locations of specifically pins, and examples of some pin data that may be assigned to a block’s parameter set.
9.2.1. Component locations
Components that live on a spatial grid have a spatialLocator
attribute to help indicate where
that component exists in space. If we grab the fuel component from the UO2 block in the
ANL AFCI 177 example we can see where it exists in the block:
>>> import armi
>>> armi.configure()
>>> from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
>>> r = armi.init(fName="anl-afci-177.yaml").r
>>> fuelAssem = r.core[5]
>>> fuelBlock = fuelAssem[1]
>>> fuelBlock.spatialGrid
<HexGrid -- 2046645914880
[ 0.4444 -0.4444 0. ]
[0.76972338 0.76972338 0. ]
[0. 0. 0.]
Anchor: <fuel B0009-001 at 008-040-001 XS: C ENV GP: A>
Offset: [0. 0. 0.]
Num Locations: 400>
>>> fuel = fuelBlock.getChildrenWithFlags(Flags.FUEL)[0]
>>> fuel.getDimension("mult")
>>> fuel.spatialLocator
<MultiIndexLocation with 271 locations>
This MultiIndexLocation
is a way to indicate this Component exists at multiple
sites. Each item in this locator is one location on the underlying grid where we could find this component:
>>> fuel.spatialLocator[0]
<IndexLocation @ (0,0,0)>
>>> fuel.spatialLocator[0].getLocalCoordinates()
array([0., 0., 0.])
>>> coordsFromFuel = fuel.spatialLocator.getLocalCoordinates()
>>> coordsFromFuel.shape
(271, 3)
We get a (271, 3)
array because we have 271 of these fuel components in the block, and each row contains one
(x, y, z) location for that component. We can do this for every component, though some may only exist at a single
site on the grid and be assigned a CoordinateLocation
spatial locator instead. The API
is mostly the same, but attempts to signify such an object does not live on the grid e.g., duct or derived shape
>>> duct = fuelBlock.getChildrenWithFlags(Flags.DUCT)[0]
>>> duct.spatialLocator
<CoordinateLocation @ (0.0,0.0,0.0)>
9.2.2. Pin locations
Everything in the before section works for finding center points of pins in your assembly. But often
times you have multiple components that may exist at the same lattice site (e.g., fuel, gap, clad,
maybe a wire?). Or you may have multiple cladded-things that count as pins and but exist in multiple
components. In some circumstances, armi.reactor.blocks.HexBlock.getPinCoordinates()
may be
useful to find the unique centroids of pins in a block. Using our example above, we get a very
similar set of coordinates when comparing to the coordinates of the fuel pin:
>>> coordsFromPin = fuel.spatialLocator.getLocalCoordinates()
>>> coordsFromBlock = fuelBlock.getPinCoordinates()
>>> (coordsFromPin == coordsFromBlock).all()
In this specific case getPinCoordinates()
looks at components
with Flags.CLAD
and obtains their locations, and we have one cladding component and it exists at
each of the 271 sites we care about. However, if you have multiple cladding components per lattice
site, such as in the C5G7 example, you may see an incorrect number of
locations returned.
Consider making application-specific subclasses of Block
, HexBlock
, and/or CartesianBlock
with more targeted implementations of getNumPins()
, getPinLocations()
and other pin-specific methods.
9.2.3. Pin parameter data
The ARMI framework defines a few parameters that live on the block, but define data for each of the
child pin components. Two examples are Block.p.linPowByPin
and Block.p.pinMgFluxes
. These
parameters are structured and related to the output of getPinCoordinates
such that
can be found atBlock.getPinCoordinates()[i]
.Parameter data for pin
can be found at locationi
in the parameter array, e.g.,Block.p.linPowByPin[i]
Parameters like Block.p.pinMgFluxes
may be higher dimensional, storing mutli-group flux for each
pin. In this case, the parameter data array has shape (nPins, nGroups)
such that
Block.p.pinMgFluxes[i, g]
has the group g
flux in pin i
, found at
9.3. Block rotation
Rotation is currently only supported for hexagonal blocks
Using the logic from the previous section on pin parameter data, it may be useful to know how rotating a block changes the data stored on that block.
9.3.1. Spatial locators
First, rotating a block will update the spatialLocator
attribute on every child of the block.
For objects defined at the center of the block, they will still be located at the center. Objects
with a MultiIndexLocator
will have new locations such that spatialLocator[i]
will be
consistent before and after rotation:
>>> import math
>>> # zeroth location is the origin so pick a location that
>>> # changes through rotation
>>> fuel.spatialLocator[1]
<IndexLocation @ (1,0,0)>
>>> fuel.spatialLocator[1].getLocalCoordinates()
array([0.4444 , 0.76972338, 0. ]))
>>> fuelBlock.rotate(math.radians(60))
>>> fuel.spatialLocator[1]
<IndexLocation @ (0,1,0)>
>>> fuel.spatialLocator[1].getLocalCoordinates()
array([-0.4444 , 0.76972338, 0. ])
Because this sub-block grid is a corners up hex grid, to tightly fit inside the flats up hex block,
one rotation from the north east location, (1,0,0)
, reflects this pin across the y-axis.
9.3.2. Pin parameters
Parameter data that are defined on children of the block are not updated. Therefore data for pin
will be found in e.g., Block.p.pinMgFluxes[i]
before and after rotation.
9.3.3. Corners and edges
Parameters defined on the edges and corners of the block, i.e., those with
will be shuffled in place to reflect the new
rotation. For hexagonal blocks, these parameters should have six entries, e.g., one value for each
corner, starting at the upper right and moving counter clockwise. Let’s assign some fake data to our
fuel block from above and see what happens:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> fuelBlock.p.cornerFastFlux = np.arange(6, dtype=float)
>>> fuelBlock.p.cornerFastFlux
array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.])
>>> # Two clockwise rotations of 60 degrees
>>> fuelBlock.rotate(math.radians(-120))
>>> fuelBlock.p.cornerFastFlux
array([2., 3., 4., 5., 0., 1.])
Visually, the upper right corner, number 0
, has been rotated to the lower right corner, number 4
And the corner 2
, the leftmost corner, has been moved to corner 0
, the upper right corner.
9.3.4. Other rotated parameters
Other parameters may be updated to reflect some geometric state. The second position of
reflects the cumulative rotation around the z-axis and is updated through
rotation. Displacement parameters like Block.p.displacementX
are updated as the displacement
vector rotates through space.