2. Outputs
ARMI output files are described in this section. Many outputs may be generated during an ARMI run. They fall into various categories:
- Framework outputs
Files like the stdout and the database are produced in nearly all runs.
- Interface outputs
Certain plugins/interfaces produce intermediate output files.
- Physics kernel outputs
If ARMI executes an external physics kernel during a run, its associated output files are often available in the working directory. These files are typically read by ARMI during the run, and relevant data is transferred onto the reactor model (and ends up in the ARMI database). If the user desires to retain all of the inputs and outputs associated with the physics kernel runs for a given time step, this can be specified with the
setting. For any time step specified in the list undersavePhysicsIO
, acXnY/
folder will be created, and ARMI will store all inputs and outputs associated with each physics kernel executed at this time step in a folder inside ofcXnY/
. The format for specifying a state point is 00X00Y for cycle X, step Y.
Together the output fully define the analyzed ARMI case.
2.1. The Standard Output
The Standard Output (or stdout) is a running log of things an ARMI run prints out as it executes a case. It shows what happened during a run, which inputs were used, which warnings were issued, and in some cases, what the summary results are. Here is an excerpt:
=========== Completed BOL Event ===========
=========== Triggering BOC - cycle 0 Event ===========
=========== 01 - main BOC - cycle 0 ===========
[impt] Beginning of Cycle 0
=========== 02 - fissionProducts BOC - cycle 0 ===========
=========== 03 - xsGroups BOC - cycle 0 ===========
[xtra] Generating representative blocks for XS
[xtra] Cross section group manager summary
In a standard run, the various interfaces will loop through and print out messages according to the verbosity setting. In multi-processing runs, the stdout shows messages from the primary node first and then shows information from all other nodes below (with verbosity set by the branchVerbosity setting). Sometimes a user will want to set the verbosity of just one module (.py file) in the code higher than the rest of ARMI, to do so they can set up a custom logger by placing this line at the top of the file:
runLog = logging.getLogger(__name__)
These single-module (file) loggers can be controlled using a the moduleVerbosity setting. All of these logger verbosities can be controlled from the settings file, for example:
branchVerbosity: debug
armi.reactor.reactors: info
verbosity: extra
If there is an error, a useful message may be printed in the stdout, and a full traceback will be provided in the associated stderr file.
Some Linux users tend to use the tail command to monitor the progress of an ARMI run:
tail -f myRun.stdout
This provides live information on the progress.
2.2. The Database File
The database file is a self-contained, binary representation of the state of the ARMI composite model state during a simulation. The database contains full, plain-text of the input files that were used to create the case. And for each time node, the values of all composite parameters as well as layout information to help fully reconstruct the reactor data model.
2.2.1. Loading Reactor State
Among other things, the database file can be used to recover an ARMI reactor model from any of the
time nodes that it contains. This can be useful for performing restart runs, or for doing custom
post-processing analysis. To load a reactor state, you will need to open the database file into a
object. From there, you can call the armi.bookkeeping.db.Database.load()
method to get a recovered Reactor
object. For instance, given a database file called
, we could load the reactor state at cycle 5, time node 2 with the following:
from armi.bookkeeping.db import databaseFactory
db = databaseFactory("myDatabase.h5", "r")
# The underlying file is not left open unless necessary. Use the
# handy context manager to temporarily open the file and
# interact with the data:
with db:
r = db.load(5, 2)
2.2.2. Extracting Reactor History
Not only can the database reproduce reactor state for a given time node, it can also
extract a history of specific parameters for specific objects through the
For example, given the reactor object, r
from the example above, we could get the
entire history of an assembly’s ring, position and areal power density with the
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
# grab a fuel assembly from the reactor
a = r.core.getAssemblies(Flags.FUEL)
# Don't forget to open the database!
with db:
aHist = db.getHistory(a, ["ring", "pos", "arealPd"])
2.2.3. Extracting Settings and Blueprints
As well as the reactor states for each time node, the database file also stores the input files (blueprints and settings files) used to run the case that generated it. These can be recovered using the extract-inputs ARMI entry point. Use python -m armi extract-inputs –help for more information.
2.2.4. File format
The database file format is built on top of the HDF5 format. There are many tools available for viewing, editing, and scripting HDF5 files. The ARMI database uses the h5py package for interacting with the underlying data and metadata. At a high level there are 3 things to know about HDF5:
Groups - Groups are named collections of datasets. Think of a group as a filesystem folder.
Datasets - Datasets are named values. If a group is a folder, a dataset is a file. Values are strongly typed (think int, float, double, but also whether it is big endian, little endian so that the file is portable across different systems). Values can be scalar, vector, or N-dimensional arrays.
Attributes - Attributes can exist on a dataset or a group to provide supplemental information about the group or dataset. We use attributes to indicate the ARMI database version that was used to create the database, the time the case was executed, and whether or not the case completed successfully. We also sometimes apply attributes to datasets to indicate if any special formatting or layout was used to store Parameter values or the like.
There are many other features of HDF5, but this is enough information to get started.
2.2.5. Database Structure
The broad strokes of the database structure is outlined below.
Name |
Type |
Description |
H5Group |
root node |
H5Group |
A group that contains all inputs |
string |
A representation of the settings file that was used to create the case |
string |
A representation of the geometry file used to create the case |
string |
A representation of the blueprints file that used to create the case |
H5Group |
A group that contains the ARMI model for a specific cycle {CC} and time node
{NN}. For the following, there may be a bit of pseudo-code to explain the origin
of data. Also, it is important to note that all components are flattened and then grouped by type. |
H5Group |
A special time node, like the one above, where {CC} is the last cycle and {NN} is the last node. If this exists, it is meant to represent the EOL, which is perhaps a few days after the end of the last cycle, where fuel is decaying non-operationally. |
H5Group |
A group that contains a description of the ARMI model within this timenode |
list of strings |
list of strings |
list of int |
list of 3-tuple floats |
list of strings |
list of int |
The components are grouped by |
list of int |
list of 2-tuple floats |
list of string |
H5Group |
list of inferred data |
Values for all parameters for a specific component type, in the order defined by
the |
Python supports a rich and dynamic type system, which is sometimes difficult to represent with the HDF5 format. Namely, HDF5 only supports dense, homogeneous N-dimensional collections of data in any given dataset. Some parameter values do not fit into this mold. Examples of tricky cases are:
values interspersed among a bunch offloats
Jagged arrays, where each “row” of a matrix has a different number of entries (or higher-dimensional analogs)
None of these have a direct representation in HDF5. Therefore, the parameter values on
the composite model sometimes need to be manipulated to fit into the HDF5 format, while
still being able to faithfully reconstruct the original data. To accomplish this, we use
HDF5 dataset attributes to indicate when some manipulation is necessary. Writing
such special data to the HDF5 file and reading it back again is accomplished with the
. Refer to their implementations
and documentation for more details.
2.2.6. Loading Reactor State as Read-Only
Another option you have, though it will probably come up less often, is to lead a Reactor
from a database file in read-only mode. Mostly what this does is set all the parameters loaded into
the reactor data model to a read-only mode. This can be useful to ensure that downstream analysts
do not modify the data they are reading. It looks much like the usual database load:
from armi.bookkeeping.db import databaseFactory
db = databaseFactory("myDatabase.h5", "r")
with db:
r = db.loadReadOnly(5, 2)
Another common use for Database.loadReadOnly()
is when you want to build a tool for analysts
that can open an ARMI database file without the App
that created it. Solving such a problem
generically is hard-or-impossible, but assuming you probably know a lot about the App
created an ARMI output file, this is usually doable in practice. To do so, you will want to look at
the PassiveDBLoadPlugin
This tool allows you to passively load an output database even if there are parameters or blueprint
sections that are unknown.