armi.materials.uranium module
Uranium metal.
Much info is from [AAAFuels].
Kim, Y S, and Hofman, G L. AAA fuels handbook.. United States: N. p., 2003. Web. doi:10.2172/822554. .
- class armi.materials.uranium.Uranium[source]
- enrichedNuclide = 'U235'
Name of enriched nuclide to be interpreted by enrichment modification methods
- materialIntro = ''
- propertyNotes = {'thermal conductivity': ''}
- propertyRawData = {'thermal conductivity': ''}
- propertyUnits = {'heat capacity': 'J/kg-K', 'thermal conductivity': 'W/m-K'}
- propertyEquation = {'thermal conductivity': '21.73 + 0.01591T + 5.907×10<super>-6</super>T<super>2</super>'}
- propertyValidTemperature = {'density': ((293, 1600), 'K'), 'heat capacity': ((298, 2400), 'K'), 'linear expansion': ((293, 1600), 'K'), 'linear expansion percent': ((293, 1600), 'K'), 'thermal conductivity': ((255.4, 1173.2), 'K')}
Dictionary of valid temperatures over which the property models are valid in the format ‘Property Name’: ((Temperature_Lower_Limit, Temperature_Upper_Limit), Temperature_Units)
- references = {'density': ['Metallic Fuels Handbook, ANL-NSE-3, Table B.3.3-1'], 'heat capacity': ['AAA Fuels Handbook by YS Kim and GL Hofman, Table 2-14'], 'linear expansion': ['Metallic Fuels Handbook, ANL-NSE-3, Table B.3.3-1'], 'linear expansion percent': ['Metallic Fuels Handbook, ANL-NSE-3, Table B.3.3-1'], 'melting point': ['AAA Fuels Handbook by YS Kim and GL Hofman, Table 2-13'], 'thermal conductivity': ['AAA Fuels Handbook by YS Kim and G.L. Hofman, ANL, Section 6.1.1']}
- Type:
The literature references {property
- refDens = 19.07
- thermalConductivity(Tk: float = None, Tc: float = None) float [source]
The thermal conductivity of pure U in W-m/K.