Source code for armi.materials.uranium

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Uranium metal.

Much info is from [AAAFuels]_.

.. [AAAFuels]  Kim, Y S, and Hofman, G L. AAA fuels handbook.. United States: N. p., 2003. Web. doi:10.2172/822554. .

from numpy import interp

from armi import runLog
from armi.materials.material import FuelMaterial
from armi.nucDirectory import nuclideBases as nb
from armi.utils.units import getTk

[docs] class Uranium(FuelMaterial): enrichedNuclide = "U235" materialIntro = "" propertyNotes = {"thermal conductivity": ""} propertyRawData = {"thermal conductivity": ""} propertyUnits = {"thermal conductivity": "W/m-K", "heat capacity": "J/kg-K"} propertyEquation = { "thermal conductivity": "21.73 + 0.01591T + 5.907&#215;10<super>-6</super>T<super>2</super>" } _heatCapacityTableK = [ 298, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 941.9, 942, 1000, 1048.9, 1049, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1407.9, 1408, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2400, ] _heatCapacityTable = [ 27.665, 27.700, 29.684, 31.997, 34.762, 38.021, 41.791, 46.081, 48.038, 42.928, 42.928, 42.928, 38.284, 38.284, 38.284, 38.284, 38.284, 38.284, 48.660, 48.660, 48.660, 48.660, 48.660, 48.660, 48.660, 48.660, 48.660, 48.660, ] # J/K/mol _densityTableK = [ 293, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 940.9, 941, 1000, 1047.9, 1048, 1100, 1200, 1400, 1407.9, 1408, 1500, 1600, ] _densityTable = [ 19.07, 18.98, 18.89, 18.79, 18.68, 18.55, 18.41, 18.39, 18.16, 18.11, 18.07, 17.94, 17.88, 17.76, 17.53, 17.52, 16.95, 16.84, 16.71, ] # g/cc _linearExpansionPercent = [ 0.000, 0.157, 0.315, 0.494, 0.697, 0.924, 1.186, 1.300, 1.635, 1.737, 1.820, 2.050, 2.168, 2.398, 2.855, 2.866, 4.006, 4.232, 4.502, ] # % _linearExpansionTable = [ 13.9, 15.2, 16.9, 19.0, 21.4, 24.3, 27.7, 29.1, 17.3, 17.3, 17.3, 22.9, 22.9, 22.9, 22.9, 22.9, 25.5, 25.5, 25.5, ] # 1e6/K propertyValidTemperature = { "thermal conductivity": ((255.4, 1173.2), "K"), "heat capacity": ((_heatCapacityTableK[0], _heatCapacityTableK[-1]), "K"), "density": ((_densityTableK[0], _densityTableK[-1]), "K"), "linear expansion": ((_densityTableK[0], _densityTableK[-1]), "K"), "linear expansion percent": ((_densityTableK[0], _densityTableK[-1]), "K"), } references = { "thermal conductivity": [ "AAA Fuels Handbook by YS Kim and G.L. Hofman, ANL, Section 6.1.1" ], "heat capacity": ["AAA Fuels Handbook by YS Kim and GL Hofman, Table 2-14"], "melting point": ["AAA Fuels Handbook by YS Kim and GL Hofman, Table 2-13"], "density": ["Metallic Fuels Handbook, ANL-NSE-3, Table B.3.3-1"], "linear expansion": ["Metallic Fuels Handbook, ANL-NSE-3, Table B.3.3-1"], "linear expansion percent": [ "Metallic Fuels Handbook, ANL-NSE-3, Table B.3.3-1" ], } refDens = 19.07 # the value corresponding to linearExpansionPercent = 0
[docs] def thermalConductivity(self, Tk: float = None, Tc: float = None) -> float: """The thermal conductivity of pure U in W-m/K.""" Tk = getTk(Tc, Tk) self.checkPropertyTempRange("thermal conductivity", Tk) kU = 21.73 + (0.01591 * Tk) + (0.000005907 * Tk**2) return kU
[docs] def heatCapacity(self, Tk: float = None, Tc: float = None) -> float: """Heat capacity in J/kg-K.""" Tk = getTk(Tc, Tk) self.checkPropertyTempRange("heat capacity", Tk) return interp(Tk, self._heatCapacityTableK, self._heatCapacityTable)
[docs] def setDefaultMassFracs(self) -> None: u235 = nb.byLabel["U235"] u238 = nb.byLabel["U238"] u238Abundance = ( 1.0 - u235.abundance ) # neglect U234 and keep U235 at natural level gramsIn1Mol = u235.abundance * u235.weight + u238Abundance * u238.weight self.setMassFrac("U235", u235.weight * u235.abundance / gramsIn1Mol) self.setMassFrac("U238", u238.weight * u238Abundance / gramsIn1Mol)
[docs] def applyInputParams( self, U235_wt_frac: float = None, TD_frac: float = None, *args, **kwargs ): if U235_wt_frac is not None: self.adjustMassEnrichment(U235_wt_frac) td = TD_frac if td is not None: if td > 1.0: runLog.warning( "Theoretical density frac for {0} is {1}, which is >1" "".format(self, td), single=True, label="Large theoretical density", ) elif td == 0: runLog.warning( f"Theoretical density frac for {self} is zero!", single=True, label="Zero theoretical density", ) self.adjustTD(td) FuelMaterial.applyInputParams(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def meltingPoint(self): """Melting point in K.""" return 1408
[docs] def density(self, Tk: float = None, Tc: float = None) -> float: """Density in g/cc.""" Tk = getTk(Tc, Tk) self.checkPropertyTempRange("density", Tk) return interp(Tk, self._densityTableK, self._densityTable) * self.getTD()
[docs] def pseudoDensity(self, Tk: float = None, Tc: float = None) -> float: """2D-expanded density in g/cc.""" return super().pseudoDensity(Tk=Tk, Tc=Tc) * self.getTD()
[docs] def linearExpansion(self, Tk: float = None, Tc: float = None) -> float: """Linear expansion coefficient in 1/K.""" Tk = getTk(Tc, Tk) self.checkPropertyTempRange("linear expansion", Tk) return interp(Tk, self._densityTableK, self._linearExpansionTable) / 1e6
[docs] def linearExpansionPercent(self, Tk: float = None, Tc: float = None) -> float: """Linear expansion percent.""" Tk = getTk(Tc, Tk) self.checkPropertyTempRange("linear expansion percent", Tk) return interp(Tk, self._densityTableK, self._linearExpansionPercent)