armi.settings.fwSettings.tightCouplingSettings module

The data structures and schema of the tight coupling settings.

These are advanced/compound settings that are carried along in the normal cs object but aren’t simple key/value pairs.

class armi.settings.fwSettings.tightCouplingSettings.TightCouplingSettings[source]

Bases: dict

Dictionary with keys of Interface functions and a dictionary value.


The dictionary value for each Interface function is required to contain a parameter and a convergence key with string and float values, respectively. No other keys are allowed.


couplingSettings = TightCouplingSettings({‘globalFlux’: {‘parameter’: ‘keff’, ‘convergence’: 1e-05}})

armi.settings.fwSettings.tightCouplingSettings.serializeTightCouplingSettings(tightCouplingSettingsDict: TightCouplingSettings | Dict) Dict[str, Dict][source]

Return a serialized form of the TightCouplingSettings as a dictionary.


Attributes that are not set (i.e., set to None) will be skipped.

class armi.settings.fwSettings.tightCouplingSettings.TightCouplingSettingDef(name)[source]

Bases: Setting

Custom setting object to manage the tight coupling settings for each interface.


This uses the tightCouplingSettingsValidator schema to validate the inputs and will automatically coerce the value into a TightCouplingSettings dictionary.


Return a serialized version of the TightCouplingSettings object.

armi.settings.fwSettings.tightCouplingSettings.tightCouplingSettingsValidator(tightCouplingSettingsDict: Dict[str, Dict]) TightCouplingSettings[source]

Returns a TightCouplingSettings object if validation is successful.