armi.physics.neutronics.reports module
- armi.physics.neutronics.reports.insertNeutronicsReport(r, cs, report, stage)[source]
Generate the Neutronics section of the Report.
- Parameters:
r (Reactor)
cs (Case Settings)
report (ReportContent)
stage (ReportStage) – Begining, Standard, or End to denote what stage of report we are collecting contents for.
- armi.physics.neutronics.reports.insertNeutronicsBOLContent(r, cs, report)[source]
- Add BOL content to Neutronics Section of the Report
This currently includes addtions to Comprehensive Reports Settings table, and an Initial Core Fuel Assembly Table.
- Parameters:
r (Reactor)
cs (Case Settings)
report (ReportContent)
- armi.physics.neutronics.reports.neutronicsPlotting(r, report, cs)[source]
Keeps track of plotting content which is collected when Standard Stage of the report.
- Parameters:
r (Reactor)
report (ReportContent)
cs (Case Settings)
- armi.physics.neutronics.reports.insertInitialCoreFuelAssem(r, report)[source]
Creates table of initial core fuel assemblies.
- Parameters:
r (Reactor)
report (ReportContent)
- armi.physics.neutronics.reports.generateLinePlot(subsectionHeading, r, report, yaxis, name, caption='')[source]
Creates the TimeSeries in the Report for finding peak values vs. time.
- Parameters:
subsectionHeading (String) – Heading for the plot
r (Reactor)
report (ReportContent)
yaxis (String) – Label for the y-axis
name (String) – name for the file to have.
- armi.physics.neutronics.reports.PD_PLOT = 'Max Areal PD vs. Time'