armi.materials.thoriumOxide module

Thorium Oxide solid ceramic.

Data is from [IAEA-TECDOC-1450].


Thorium fuel cycle – Potential benefits and challenges, IAEA-TECDOC-1450 (2005).

class armi.materials.thoriumOxide.ThoriumOxide[source]

Bases: FuelMaterial, SimpleSolid

propertyValidTemperature = {'linear expansion': ((298, 1223), 'K')}

Dictionary of valid temperatures over which the property models are valid in the format ‘Property Name’: ((Temperature_Lower_Limit, Temperature_Upper_Limit), Temperature_Units)

applyInputParams(TD_frac=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

ThO2 mass fractions. Using Pure Th-232. 100% 232.

Thorium: 232.030806 g/mol Oxygen: 15.9994 g/mol

2 moles of oxygen/1 mole of Thorium

grams of Th-232 = 232.030806 g/mol* 1 mol = 232.030806 g grams of Oxygen = 15.9994 g/mol* 2 mol = 31.9988 g total=264.029606 g. Mass fractions are computed from this.

linearExpansion(Tk=None, Tc=None)[source]

Linear expansion in m/m/K from IAEA TE 1450.

linearExpansionPercent(Tk=None, Tc=None)[source]

Approximate the linear thermal expansion percent from the linear expansion coefficient, taking 298K as the reference temperature.

thermalConductivity(Tk=None, Tc=None)[source]

Thermal conductivity in W/m-K from IAEA TE 1450.


Melting point in K from IAEA TE 1450.

density(Tk=None, Tc=None)[source]
class armi.materials.thoriumOxide.ThO2[source]

Bases: ThoriumOxide

Another name for ThoriumOxide.