armi.materials.tZM module
- class armi.materials.tZM.TZM[source]
- propertyValidTemperature = {'linear expansion percent': ((21.11, 1382.22), 'C')}
Dictionary of valid temperatures over which the property models are valid in the format ‘Property Name’: ((Temperature_Lower_Limit, Temperature_Upper_Limit), Temperature_Units)
- references = {'linear expansion percent': 'Report on the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Tungsten and TZM Sheet Produced in the Refractory Metal Sheet Rolling Program, Part 1 to Bureau of Naval Weapons Contract No. N600(19)-59530, Southern Research Institute'}
- Type:
The literature references {property
- temperatureC = [21.11, 456.11, 574.44, 702.22, 840.56, 846.11, 948.89, 1023.89, 1146.11, 1287.78, 1382.22]
- percentThermalExpansion = [0, 0.16, 0.203, 0.253, 0.303, 0.303, 0.342, 0.366, 0.421, 0.468, 0.504]
- linearExpansionPercent(Tk=None, Tc=None)[source]
Return linear expansion in %dL/L from interpolation of tabular data.
This function is used to expand a material from its reference temperature (21C) to a particular hot temperature.
- Parameters:
Tk (float) – temperature in K
Tc (float) – temperature in C
Source (Report on the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Tungsten and TZM Sheet Produced) – in the Refractory Metal Sheet Rolling Program, Part 1 to Bureau of Naval Weapons Contract No. N600(19)-59530, 1966 Southern Research Institute.
viii-b (See Table)
B (Appendix)
181. (page)
- density(Tk: float = None, Tc: float = None) float
Return density that preserves mass when thermally expanded in 3D (in g/cm^3).
Since refDens is specified at the material-dep reference case, we don’t need to specify the reference temperature. It is already consistent with linearExpansion Percent. - p*(dp/p(T) + 1) =p*( p + dp(T) )/p = p + dp(T) = p(T) - dp/p = (1-(1 + dL/L)**3)/(1 + dL/L)**3