2.4. Settings Report¶
This document lists all the settings in ARMI.
They are all accessible to developers
through the armi.settings.caseSettings.Settings
object, which is typically stored in a variable named
. Interfaces have access to a simulation’s settings through self.cs
Name |
Description |
Default |
Options |
Tin |
The inlet temperature of the reactor in C |
Tout |
The outlet temperature of the reactor in C |
acceptableBlockAreaError |
The limit of error between a block’s cross- sectional area and the reference block used during the assembly area consistency check |
aclpDoseLimit |
Dose limit in dpa used to position the above-core load pad (if one exists) |
assemFlagsToSkipAxialExpa nsion |
Assemblies that match a flag on this list will not be axially expanded. |
assemPowSummary |
Print a summary of how much power is in each assembly type at every timenode |
assemblyRotationAlgorithm |
The algorithm to use to rotate the detail assemblies while shuffling |
assemblyRotationStationar y |
Whether or not to rotate assemblies that are not shuffled.This can only be True if ‘rotation’ is true. |
autoGenerateBlockGrids |
Should block blueprints attempt to auto-generate a spatial grid upon construction? This feature makes heavy use of multi-index locations, which are not yet universally supported. |
automaticVariableMesh |
Flag to let ARMI add additional mesh points if the neutronics mesh is too irregular |
availabilityFactor |
Availability factor of the plant. This is the fraction of the time that the plant is operating. If variable, use availabilityFactors setting. |
availabilityFactors |
List of availability factor of each cycle as a fraction (fraction of time plant is not in an outage). R is repeat. For example [0.5, 1.0, ‘9R’] is 1 50% followed by 10 100%. Empty list is constant duration set by availabilityFactor. |
axialExpansion |
Perform axial fuel expansion. This will adjust fuel block lengths. |
axialMeshRefinementFactor |
Multiplicative factor on the Global Flux number of mesh per block. Used for axial mesh refinement. |
bcCoefficient |
Value for the parameter A of the generalized boundary condition. |
beta |
Individual precursor group delayed neutron fractions |
bondRemoval |
Toggles fuel performance bond removal. This will remove thermal bond from the fuel. |
boundaries |
External Neutronic Boundary Conditions. Reflective does not include axial. |
branchVerbosity |
Verbosity of the non- primary MPI nodes |
buGroups |
The range of burnups where cross-sections will be the same for a given assembly type (units of %FIMA) |
burnChainFileName |
Path to YAML file that has the depletion chain defined in it |
burnSteps |
Number of depletion substeps, n, in one cycle. Note: There will be n+1 time nodes and the burnup step time will be computed as cycle length/n when the simple cycles input format is used. |
burnupPeakingFactor |
None |
circularRingMode |
Toggle between circular ring definitions to hexagonal ring definitions |
circularRingOrder |
Order by which locations are sorted in circular rings for equilibrium shuffling |
circularRingPitch |
The relative pitch to be used to define a single circular ring in circular shuffling |
claddingStrain |
Evaluate cladding strain. |
claddingWastage |
Evaluate cladding wastage. |
clearXS |
Delete all cross section libraries before regenerating them. |
comment |
A comment describing this case |
conditionalModuleName |
File name (directory not included) of the Python module that contains a conditional function to determine the end of burn cycles |
copyFilesFrom |
None |
copyFilesTo |
None |
coverage |
Turn on coverage report generation which tracks all the lines of code that execute during a run |
coverageConfigFile |
User-defined coverage configuration file |
crossSectionControl |
Data structure defining how cross sections are created |
customFuelManagementIndex |
An index that determines which of various options is used in management. Useful for optimization sweeps. |
cycleLength |
Duration of one single cycle in days. If availabilityFactor is below 1, the reactor will be at power less than this. If variable, use cycleLengths setting. |
cycleLengths |
List of durations of each cycle in days. The at- power duration will be affected by availabilityFactor. R is repeat. For example [100, 150, ‘9R’] is 1 100 day cycle followed by 10 150 day cycles. Empty list is constant duration set by cycleLength. |
cycles |
YAML list defining the cycle history of the case. Options at each cycle include: name, cumulative days, step days, availability factor, cycle length, burn steps, and power fractions. If specified, do not use any of the case settings cycleLength(s), availabilityFactor(s), powerFractions, or burnSteps. Must also specify nCycles and power. |
cyclesSkipTightCouplingIn teraction |
List of cycle numbers skip tight coupling interaction for. Will still update component temps, etc during these cycles, will just not iterate a second (or more) time. |
db |
Write the state information to a database at every timestep |
dbStorageAfterCycle |
Only store cycles after this cycle in the database (to save storage space) |
debug |
None |
debugDB |
debugDB |
debugMem |
Turn on memory debugging options to help find problems with the code |
debugMemSize |
Show size of objects during memory debugging |
decayConstants |
Individual precursor group delayed neutron decay constants |
defaultSnapshots |
Generate snapshots at BOL, MOL, and EOL. |
deferredInterfaceNames |
Interfaces to delay the normal operations of for special circumstance problem avoidance |
deferredInterfacesCycle |
The supplied list of interface names in deferredInterfaceNames will begin normal operations on this cycle number |
detailAllAssems |
All assemblies will have ‘detailed’ treatment. Note: This option is interpreted differently by different modules. |
detailAssemLocationsBOL |
Assembly locations for assemblies that will have ‘detailed’ treatment. This option will track assemblies in the core at BOL. Note: This option is interpreted differently by different modules. |
detailAssemNums |
Assembly numbers(IDs) for assemblies that will have ‘detailed’ treatment. This option will track assemblies that not in the core at BOL. Note: This option is interpreted differently by different modules. |
detailedAxialExpansion |
Allow each assembly to expand independently of the others. Results in non-uniform axial mesh. Neutronics kernel must be able to handle. |
disableBlockTypeExclusion InXsGeneration |
Use all blocks in a cross section group when generating a representative block. When this is disabled only fuel blocks will be considered |
doOrificedTH |
Perform orificed thermal hydraulics (requires bounds file from a previous case) |
doTH |
Activate thermal hydraulics calculations using the physics module defined in thKernel |
dpaPerFluence |
A quick and dirty conversion that is used to get dpaPeak by multiplying the factor and fastFluencePeak |
dpaXsSet |
The cross sections to use when computing displacements per atom. |
dumpSnapshot |
List of snapshots to perform detailed reactor analysis, such as reactivity coefficient generation. |
eigenProb |
Whether this is a eigenvalue problem or a fixed source problem |
epsEig |
Convergence criteria for calculating the eigenvalue in the global flux solver |
epsFSAvg |
Convergence criteria for average fission source |
epsFSPoint |
Convergence criteria for point fission source |
eqDirect |
Does the equilibrium search with repetitive shuffing but with direct shuffling rather than the fast way |
existingFixedSource |
Specify an exiting fixed source input file. |
explicitRepeatShuffles |
Path to file that contains a detailed shuffling history that is to be repeated exactly. |
fgRemoval |
Toggles fuel performance fission gas removal. This will remove fission gas from the fuel. |
fissionGasYieldFraction |
The fraction of gaseous atoms produced per fission event, assuming a fission product yield of 2.0 |
fluxRecon |
Perform detailed flux and power reconstruction |
forceDbParams |
A list of parameter names that should always be written to the database, regardless of their Parameter Definition’s typical saveToDB status. This is only honored if the DatabaseInterface is used. |
fpModel |
This setting is used to determine how fission products are treated in an analysis. By choosing noFissionProducts, no fission products will be added. By selecting, infinitelyDilute, lumped fission products will be initialized to a very small number on the blocks/components that require them. By choosing MO99, the fission products will be represented only by Mo-99. This is a simplistic assumption that is commonly used by fast reactor analyses in scoping calculations and is not necessarily a great assumption for depletion evaluations. Finally, by choosing explicitFissionProducts the fission products will be added explicitly to the blocks/components that are depletable. This is useful for detailed tracking of fission products. |
fpModelLibrary |
This setting can used when the fpModel setting is set to explicitFissionProducts and is used to configure all the nuclides that should be modeled within the core. Setting this is equivalent to adding all nuclides in the selected code library (i.e., MC2-3) within the blueprints nuclideFlags to be [xs:true, burn:false]. This option acts as a short-cut so that analysts do not need to change their inputs when modifying the fission product treatment for calculations. This may be extended for other cross section generation codes. |
freshFeedType |
None |
fuelHandlerName |
The name of the FuelHandler class in the shuffle logic module to activate |
fuelPerformanceEngine |
Fuel performance engine that determines fission gas removal, bond removal, axial growth, wastage, and cladding strain. |
genReports |
Employ the use of the reporting utility for ARMI, generating HTML and ASCII summaries of the run |
genXS |
Generate multigroup cross sections for the selected particle type(s) using the specified lattice physics kernel (see Lattice Physics tab). When not set, the XS library will be auto- loaded from an existing ISOTXS within then working directory and fail if the ISOTXS does not exist. |
geomFile |
Input file containing BOL core map |
globalFluxActive |
Calculate the global flux at each timestep for the selected particle type(s) using the specified neutronics kernel (see Global Flux tab). |
gridPlateDpaXsSet |
The cross sections to use for grid plate blocks DPA when computing displacements per atom. |
groupStructure |
Energy group structure to use in neutronics simulations |
growToFullCoreAfterLoad |
Grows from 1/3 to full core after loading a 1/3 symmetric snapshot. Note: This is needed when a full core model is needed and the database was produced using a third core model. |
independentVariables |
List of (independentVarName, value) tuples to inform optimization post- processing |
infiniteDiluteCutoff |
Do not model nuclides with density less than this cutoff. Used with PARTISN and SERPENT. |
initializeBurnChain |
This setting is paired with the burnChainFileName setting. When enabled, this will initialize the burn-chain on initializing the case and is required for running depletion calculations where the transmutations and decays are controlled by the framework. If an external software, such as ORIGEN, contains data for the burn-chain already embedded then this may be disabled. |
inners |
XY and Axial partial current sweep inner iterations. 0 lets the neutronics code pick a default. |
inputHeightsConsideredHot |
This is a flag to determine if block heights, as provided in blueprints, are at hot dimensions. If false, block heights are at cold/as-built dimensions and will be thermally expanded as appropriate. |
jumpRingNum |
None |
latticePhysicsFrequency |
Define the frequency at which cross sections are updated with new lattice physics interactions. |
levelsPerCascade |
None |
lfpCompositionFilePath |
Path to the file that contains lumped fission product composition definitions (e.g. equilibrium yields). This is unused when the explicitFissionProducts or MO99 modeling options are selected. |
loadFromDBEveryNode |
Every node loaded from reference database |
loadPadElevation |
The elevation of the bottom of the above-core load pad (ACLP) in cm from the bottom of the upper grid plate. Used for calculating the load pad dose |
loadPadLength |
The length of the load pad. Used to compute average and peak dose. |
loadStyle |
Description of how the ARMI case will be initialized |
loadingFile |
The blueprints/loading input file path containing component dimensions, materials, etc. |
lowPowerRegionFraction |
Description needed |
makeAllBlockLFPsIndepende nt |
Flag to make all blocks have independent lumped fission products. Note that this is forced to be True when the |
materialNamespaceOrder |
Ordered list of Python namespaces for finding materials by class name. This allows users to choose between different implementations of reactor materials. For example, the framework comes with a basic UZr material, but power users will want to override it with their own UZr subclass. This allows users to specify to get materials out of a plugin rather than from the framework. |
memPerNode |
Memory requested per cluster node |
minMeshSizeRatio |
This is the minimum ratio of mesh sizes (dP1/(dP1 + dP2)) allowable – only active if automaticVariableMesh flag is set to True |
minimumFissileFraction |
Minimum fissile fraction (fissile number densities / heavy metal number densities). |
minimumNuclideDensity |
Density to use for nuclides and fission products at infinite dilution. This is also used as the minimum density considered for computing macroscopic cross sections. It can also be passed to physics plugins. |
moduleVerbosity |
Verbosity of any module- specific loggers that are set |
mpiTasksPerNode |
Number of independent processes that are allocated to each cluster node. 0 means 1 process per CPU. |
nCycles |
Number of cycles that will be simulated. Fuel management happens at the beginning of each cycle. Can include active (full- power) cycles as well as post-shutdown decay-heat steps. For restart cases, this value should include both cycles from the restart plus any additional cycles to be run after startCycle. |
neutronicsKernel |
The neutronics / depletion solver for global flux solve. |
neutronicsType |
The type of neutronics solution that is desired. |
nonUniformAssemFlags |
Assemblies that match a flag group on this list will not have their mesh changed with the reference mesh of the core for uniform mesh cases (non-detailed axial expansion). Another plugin may need to make the mesh uniform if necessary. |
numControlBlocks |
Number of blocks with control for a REBUS poison search |
numProcessors |
Number of CPUs to request on the cluster |
numberMeshPerEdge |
Number of mesh per block edge for finite- difference planar mesh refinement. |
operatorLocation |
The path to the operator code to execute for this run (for custom behavior) |
outers |
XY and Axial partial current sweep max outer iterations. |
outputCacheLocation |
Location where cached calculations are stored and retrieved if exactly the same as the calculation requested. Empty string will not cache. |
outputFileExtension |
The default extension for plots |
plotShuffleArrows |
Make plots with arrows showing each move. |
plots |
Generate additional plots throughout the ARMI analysis |
power |
Nameplate thermal power of the reactor. Can be varied by setting the powerFractions setting. |
powerFractions |
List of power fractions at each cycle (fraction of rated thermal power the plant achieves). R is repeat. For example [0.5, 1.0, ‘9R’] is 1 50% followed by 10 100%. Specify zeros to indicate decay-only cycles (i.e. for decay heat analysis). None implies always full rated power. |
profile |
Turn on the profiler for the submitted case. The profiler results will not include all import times. |
reallySmallRun |
Clean up files at the beginning of each cycle (BOC) |
reloadDBName |
Name of the database file to load initial conditions from |
removePerCycle |
None |
restartNeutronics |
Restart global flux case using outputs from last time as a guess |
runLatticePhysicsBeforeSh uffling |
Forces the Generation of Cross Sections Prior to Shuffling the Fuel Assemblies. Note: This is recommended when performing equilibrium shuffling branching searches. |
runType |
Type of run that this is, e.g. a normal run through all cycles, a snapshot- loaded reactivity coefficient run, etc. |
savePhysicsFiles |
List of snapshots to dump reactor physics kernel input and output files. Can be used to perform follow-on analysis. |
shuffleLogic |
Python script written to handle the fuel shuffling for this case. This is user-defined per run as a dynamic input. |
skipCycles |
Number of cycles to be skipped during the calculation. Note: This is typically used when repeating only a portion of a calculation or repeating a run. |
smallRun |
Clean up intermediate files after the run completes (EOL) |
sortReactor |
Deprecation Warning! This setting will be remove by 2024. |
startCycle |
Cycle number to continue calculation from. Database will load from the time step just before. For snapshots use dumpSnapshot. |
startNode |
Timenode number (0 for BOC, etc.) to continue calulation from. Database will load from the time step just before. |
stationaryBlockFlags |
Blocks with these flags will not move in moves. Used for fuel management. |
summarizeAssemDesign |
Print a summary of the assembly design details at BOL |
syncDbAfterWrite |
Copy the output database from the fast scratch space to the shared network drive after each write. |
targetK |
Target criticality (k-effective) for cycle length, branch, and equilibrium search |
thKernel |
Name of primary T/H solver in this run |
tightCoupling |
Boolean to turn on/off tight coupling |
tightCouplingMaxNumIters |
Maximum number of iterations for tight coupling. |
tightCouplingSettings |
Data structure defining the tight coupling parameters and convergence criteria for each interface. |
timelineInclusionCutoff |
Timers who are not active for this percent of the run will not be presented in the timeline graphic |
tolerateBurnupChange |
Burnup window for computing cross sections. If the prior cross sections were computed within the window, new cross sections will not be generated and the prior calculated cross sections will be used. |
trace |
Activate Python trace module to print out each line as it’s executed |
trackAssems |
Track assemblies for detailed fuel histories. For instance, assemblies are tracked after they come out of a reactor by putting them in a Spent Fuel Pool. This might be necessary for your work, but it certainly increases the memory usage of the program. |
uniformMeshMinimumSize |
Minimum mesh size used when generating an axial mesh for the uniform mesh converter. Providing a value for this setting allows fuel and control material boundaries to be enforced better in uniform mesh. |
useInputTemperaturesOnDBL oad |
When loading from a database, first set all component temperatures to the input temperatures. Required when a coupled TH case is being derived from a case without any coupled TH. |
userPlugins |
YAML list defining the locations of UserPlugin subclasses. You can enter the full armi import path: armi.test.test_what .MyPlugin, or you can enter the full file path: /path/to/my/pluginz.py:My Plugin |
verbosity |
How verbose the output will be |
versions |
Versions of ARMI, and any Apps or Plugins that register a version here. |
xsBlockRepresentation |
The type of averaging to perform when creating cross sections for a group of blocks |
xsBucklingConvergence |
Convergence criteria for the buckling iteration if it is available in the lattice physics solver |
xsEigenvalueConvergence |
Convergence criteria for the eigenvalue in the lattice physics kernel |
xsKernel |
Method to determine broad group cross sections for assemblies |
xsScatteringOrder |
Scattering order for the lattice physics calculation |
zeroOutNuclidesNotInDB |
If a nuclide was added to the problem after a previous case was run, deactivate this to let it survive in a restart run |
zoneDefinitions |
Manual definitions of zones as lists of assembly locations (e.g. ‘zoneName: loc1, loc2, loc3’) . Zones are groups of assemblies used by various summary and calculation routines. |