armi.physics.fuelCycle package

The fuel cycle package analyzes the various elements of nuclear fuel cycles from mining to disposal.

Fuel cycle code can include things like:

  • In- and ex-core fuel management

  • Fuel chemistry

  • Fuel processing

  • Fuel fabrication

  • Fuel mass flow scenarios

  • And so on

There is one included fuel cycle plugin: The Fuel Handler.

The fuel handler plugin moves fuel around in a reactor.

class armi.physics.fuelCycle.FuelHandlerPlugin[source]

Bases: armi.plugins.ArmiPlugin

The build-in ARMI fuel management plugin.

static exposeInterfaces(cs)[source]

Implementation of the exposeInterfaces plugin hookspec


The interface may import user input modules to customize the actual fuel management.

static defineSettings()[source]

Define configuration settings for this plugin.

This hook allows plugins to provide their own configuration settings, which can participate in the armi.settings.caseSettings.CaseSettings. Plugins may provide entirely new settings to what are already provided by ARMI, as well as new options or default values for existing settings. For instance, the framework provides a neutronicsKernel setting for selecting which global physics solver to use. Since we wish to enforce that the user specify a valid kernel, the settings validator will check to make sure that the user’s requested kernel is among the available options. If a plugin were to provide a new neutronics kernel (let’s say MCNP), it should also define a new option to tell the settings system that "MCNP" is a valid option.


A list of Settings, Options, or Defaults to be registered.

Return type


static defineSettingsValidators(inspector)[source]

Implementation of settings inspections for fuel cycle settings.