armi.utils package

Generic ARMI utilities

armi.utils.coverageReportHelper(config, dataPaths)[source]

Small utility function to generate coverage reports.

This was created to side-step the difficulties in submitting multi-line python commands on-the-fly.

This combines data paths and then makes html and xml reports for the fully-combined result.

armi.utils.getFileSHA1Hash(filePath, digits=40)[source]

Generate a SHA-1 hash of the input file.

  • filePath (str) – Path to file to obtain the SHA-1 hash

  • digits (int, optional) – Number of digits to include in the hash (40 digit maximum for SHA-1)


Converts string exponential number to another string with just 2 digits in the exponent.


Convert FORTRAN numbers that cannot be converted into floats.


Converts a number line “9.03231714805651-101” (no e or E) to “9.03231714805651e-101”. Some external depletion kernels currently need this fix. From contact with developer: The notation like 1.0-101 is a FORTRAN thing, with history going back to the 60’s. They will only put E before an exponent 99 and below. Fortran will also read these guys just fine, and they are valid floating point numbers. It would not be a useful effort, in terms of time, trying to get FORTRAN to behave differently. The approach has been to write a routine in the reading code which will interpret these.

This helps when the scientific number exponent does not fit.

armi.utils.findClosest(listToSearch, val, indx=False)[source]

find closest item in a list.

  • listToSearch (list) – The list to search through

  • val (float) – The target value that is being searched for in the list

  • indx (bool, optional) – If true, returns minVal and minIndex, otherwise, just the value


  • minVal (float) – The item in the listToSearch that is closest to val

  • minI (int) – The index of the item in listToSearch that is closest to val. Returned if indx=True.

armi.utils.copyWithoutBlocking(src, dest)[source]

Copy a file in a separate thread to avoid blocking while IO completes.

Useful for copying large files while ARMI moves along.

armi.utils.linearInterpolation(x0, y0, x1, y1, targetX=None, targetY=None)[source]

does a linear interpolation (or extrapolation) for y=f(x)

  • x0,y0,x1,y1 (float) – Coordinates of two points to interpolate between

  • targetX (float, optional) – X value to evaluate the line at

  • targetY (float, optional) – Y value we want to find the x value for (inverse interpolation)


  • interpY (float) – The value of y(targetX), if targetX is not None

  • interpX (float) – The value of x where y(x) = targetY (if targetY is not None)

  • y = m(x-x0) + b

  • x = (y-b)/m

armi.utils.parabolaFromPoints(p1, p2, p3)[source]

find the parabola that passes through three points

We solve a simultaneous equation with three points.

A = x1**2 x1 1

x2**2 x2 1 x3**2 x3 1

b = y1

y2 y3

find coefficients Ax=b

  • p1 (tuple) – first point (x,y) coordinates

  • p2,p3 (tuple, second and third points.) –


Return type

a,b,c coefficients of y=ax^2+bx+c

armi.utils.parabolicInterpolation(ap, bp, cp, targetY)[source]

Given parabola coefficients, this interpolates the time that would give k=targetK.

keff = at^2+bt+c We want to solve a*t^2+bt+c-targetK = 0.0 for time. if there are real roots, we should probably take the smallest one because the larger one might be at very high burnup. If there are no real roots, just take the point where the deriv ==0, or 2at+b=0, so t = -b/2a The slope of the curve is the solution to 2at+b at whatever t has been determined

  • bp,cp (ap,) – coefficients of a parabola y = ap*x^2 + bp*x + cp

  • targetK (float) – The keff to find the cycle length of


realRoots – (root, slope) The best guess of the cycle length that will give k=targetK If no positive root was found, this is the maximum of the curve. In that case, it will be a negative number. If there are two positive roots, there will be two entries.


The slope of the keff vs. time curve at t=newTime

Return type

list of tuples


returns float version of val, or None if it’s impossible. Useful for converting user-input into floats when ‘’ might be possible.

armi.utils.relErr(v1, v2)[source]
armi.utils.getTimeStepNum(cycleNumber, subcycleNumber, cs)[source]

Return the timestep associated with cycle and tn.

  • cycleNumber (int, The cycle number) –

  • subcycleNumber (int, The intra-cycle time node (0 for BOC, etc.)) –

  • cs (Settings object) –

armi.utils.getCycleNode(timeStepNum, cs)[source]

Return the (cycle, node) corresponding to a cumulative time step number.

  • timeStepNum – The cumulative number of time steps since the beginning

  • cs – A case Settings object to get the nodes-per-cycle from


Return the number of nodes per cycles for this case settings.

armi.utils.getPreviousTimeStep(cycle, node, burnSteps)[source]

Return the time step before the specified time step

armi.utils.tryPickleOnAllContents(obj, ignore=None, path=None, verbose=False)[source]

Attempts to pickle all members of this object and identifies those who cannot be pickled.

Useful for debugging MPI-bcast errors

Not recursive yet. Would be nice to have it loop through nested objects (blocks in assems in reactors)

  • obj (object) – Any object to be tested.

  • ignore (iterable) – list of string variable names to ignore.

  • path (str) – the path in which to test pickle.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Print all objects whether they fail or not

armi.utils.tryPickleOnAllContents2(*args, **kwargs)[source]
armi.utils.doTestPickleOnAllContents2(obj, ignore=None, path=None, verbose=False)[source]

Attempts to find one unpickleable object in a nested object


pickleChain – list of names in a chain that are unpickleable. Just one example per object e.g. [‘r’,’assemblies’,’A101’,’lib] means the lib is unpicklable.

Return type


class armi.utils.MyPickler[source]

Bases: _pickle.Pickler

The big guns. This will find your pickle errors if all else fails.

Use with tryPickleOnAllContents3.

armi.utils.tryPickleOnAllContents3(obj, ignore=None, path=None, verbose=False)[source]

Definitely find pickle errors


In this form, this just finds one pickle error and then crashes. If you want to make it work like the other testPickle functions and handle errors, you could. But usually you just have to find one unpickleable SOB.

armi.utils.classesInHierarchy(obj, classCounts, visited=None)[source]

Count the number of instances of each class contained in an objects heirarchy.

armi.utils.slantSplit(val, ratio, nodes, order='low first')[source]

Returns a list of values whose sum is equal to the value specified. The ratio between the highest and lowest value is equal to the specified ratio, and the middle values trend linearly between them.

armi.utils.newtonsMethod(func, goal, guess, maxIterations=None, cs=None, positiveGuesses=False)[source]

Solves a Newton’s method with the given function, goal value, and first guess.

  • func (function) – The function that guess will be changed to try to make it return the goal value.

  • goal (float) – The function will be changed until it’s return equals this value.

  • guess (float) – The first guess value to do Newton’s method on the func.

  • maxIterations (int) – The maximum number of iterations that the Newton’s method will be allowed to perform.


ans – The guess that when input to the func returns the goal.

Return type


armi.utils.minimizeScalarFunc(func, goal, guess, maxIterations=None, cs=None, positiveGuesses=False, method=None, tol=0.001)[source]

Use scipy minimize with the given function, goal value, and first guess.

  • func (function) – The function that guess will be changed to try to make it return the goal value.

  • goal (float) – The function will be changed until it’s return equals this value.

  • guess (float) – The first guess value to do Newton’s method on the func.

  • maxIterations (int) – The maximum number of iterations that the Newton’s method will be allowed to perform.


ans – The guess that when input to the func returns the goal.

Return type


armi.utils.runFunctionFromAllModules(funcName, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Runs funcName on all modules of ARMI, if it exists.

  • funcName (str) – The function to run if it is found in a module.

  • **kwargs (*args,) –


This imports all modules in ARMI, and if you have a script that isn’t inside a if __name__=='__main__', you will be in trouble.

This could also be useful for finding input consistency checkers for the GUI.

See also


gets all the settings from all modules


Keeps trying to make a directory, outputting whatever errors it encounters, until it is successful.


dirname (str) – Path to the directory to create. What you would normally pass to os.mkdir.

armi.utils.prependToList(originalList, listToPrepend)[source]

Add a new list to the beginnning of an original list.

  • originalList (list) – The list to prepend to.

  • listToPrepend (list) – The list to add to the beginning of (prepend) the originalList.


originalList – The original list with the listToPrepend at it’s beginning.

Return type


armi.utils.capStrLen(string, length)[source]

Truncates a string to a certain length.

Adds ‘…’ if it’s too long.

  • string (str) – The string to cap at length l.

  • length (int) – The maximum length of the string s.

armi.utils.list2str(strings, width=None, preStrings=None, fmt=None)[source]

Turn a list of strings into one string, applying the specified format to each.

  • strings (list) – The items to create centered strings in the line for. Can be str, float, int, etc.

  • width (int, optional) – The maximum width that the strings are allowed to take up. Only strings are affected by this parameter, because it does not make sense to truncate ints or floats.

  • preStrings (list of str, optional) – Any strings that come before the centered strings.

  • fmt (str, optional) – The format to apply to each string, such as ‘ >4d’, ‘^12.4E’.

armi.utils.createFormattedStrWithDelimiter(dataList, maxNumberOfValuesBeforeDelimiter=9, delimiter='\n')[source]

Return a formatted string with delimiters from a list of data.

  • dataList (list) – List of data that will be formatted into a string

  • maxNumberOfValuesBeforeDelimiter (int) – maximum number of values to have before the delimiter is added

  • delimiter (str) – A delimiter on the formatted string (default: “n”)


As an example:

>>> createFormattedStrWithDelimiter(['hello', 'world', '1', '2', '3', '4'],
...     maxNumberOfValuesBeforeDelimiter=3, delimiter = '\n')
"hello, world, 1, \n2, 3, \n4, 5\n"
armi.utils.rotateXY(x, y, degreesCounterclockwise=None, radiansCounterclockwise=None)[source]

Rotates x, y coordinates

  • y (x,) – coordinates

  • degreesCounterclockwise (float) – Degrees to rotate in the CCW direction

  • radiansCounterclockwise (float) – Radians to rotate in the CCW direction


xr, yr – the rotated coordinates.

Return type


armi.utils.convertToSlice(x, increment=False)[source]

Convert a int, float, list of ints or floats, None, or slice to a slice. Also optionally increments that slice to make it easy to line up lists that don’t start with 0.

Use this with numpy.array (numpy.ndarray) types to easily get selections of it’s elements.


x (multiple types allowed.) – int: select one index. list of int: select these index numbers. None: select all indices. slice: select this slice


slice – Returns a slice object that can be used in an array like a[x] to select from its members. Also, the slice has its index numbers decremented by 1. It can also return a numpy array, which can be used to slice other numpy arrays in the same way as a slice.

Return type



a = numpy.array([10, 11, 12, 13])

>>> convertToSlice(2)
slice(2, 3, None)
>>> a[convertToSlice(2)]
>>> convertToSlice(2, increment=-1)
slice(1, 2, None)
>>> a[convertToSlice(2, increment=-1)]
>>> a[convertToSlice(None)]
array([10, 11, 12, 13])
>>> a[utils.convertToSlice([1, 3])]
array([11, 13])
>>> a[utils.convertToSlice([1, 3], increment=-1)]
array([10, 12])
>>> a[utils.convertToSlice(slice(2, 3, None), increment=-1)]
armi.utils.plotMatrix(matrix, fName, minV=None, maxV=None, show=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xticks=None, yticks=None, cmap=None, figsize=None)[source]

Plots a matrix


Return a database-friendly username.

This will return the current user’s username, removing any prefix like pre-, if present.


ARMI uses the user name in a number of places, namely in the database names, which cannot contain hyphens.


Return an expanded repeat list.


R char is valid for showing the number of repeats in MCNP. For examples the list: [150, 200, ‘9R’] indicates a 150 day cycle followed by 10 200 day cycles.

armi.utils.getStepsFromValues(values, prevValue=0.0)[source]

Convert list of floats to list of steps between each float.

armi.utils.average1DWithinTolerance(vals, tolerance=0.2)[source]

Compute the average of a series of arrays with a tolerance.

Tuned for averaging assembly meshes or block heights.


vals (2D numpy.array) – could be assembly x axial mesh tops or heights

armi.utils.findNearestValue(searchList, searchValue)[source]

Search a given list for the value that is closest to the given search value.

armi.utils.findNearestValueAndIndex(searchList, searchValue)[source]

Search a given list for the value that is closest to the given search value. Return a tuple containing the value and its index in the list.

class armi.utils.MergeableDict[source]

Bases: dict

Overrides python dictionary and implements a merge method.


Allows multiple dictionaries to be combined in a single line

armi.utils.safeCopy(src, dst)[source]

This copy overwrites shutil.copy and checks that copy operation is truly completed before continuing.