Source code for armi.tests.test_mpiFeatures

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Tests for featurest that need MPI, and thus require special testing.

These tests will be generally ignored by pytest if you are trying to run
them in an environment without MPI installed.

To run these tests from the commandline, install MPI, mpi4py, and do:

mpiexec -n 2 python -m pytest armi/tests/
mpiexec.exe -n 2 python -m pytest armi/tests/
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
from unittest.mock import patch
import os
import unittest

from armi import context
from armi import mpiActions
from armi import settings
from armi.interfaces import Interface
from armi.mpiActions import DistributeStateAction
from armi.operators import OperatorMPI
from armi.physics.neutronics.const import CONF_CROSS_SECTION
from armi.reactor import blueprints
from armi.reactor import reactors
from armi.reactor.parameters import parameterDefinitions
from armi.reactor.tests import test_reactors
from armi.tests import ARMI_RUN_PATH, TEST_ROOT
from armi.tests import mockRunLogs
from armi.utils import pathTools
from armi.utils.directoryChangers import TemporaryDirectoryChanger

# determine if this is a parallel run, and MPI is installed
MPI_EXE = None
if find_executable("mpiexec.exe") is not None:
    MPI_EXE = "mpiexec.exe"
elif find_executable("mpiexec") is not None:
    MPI_EXE = "mpiexec"


[docs]class FailingInterface1(Interface): """utility classes to make sure the logging system fails properly.""" name = "failer"
[docs] def interactEveryNode(self, cycle, node): raise RuntimeError("Failing interface failure")
[docs]class FailingInterface2(Interface): """utility class to make sure the logging system fails properly.""" name = "failer"
[docs] def interactEveryNode(self, cycle, node): raise RuntimeError("Failing interface critical failure")
[docs]class FailingInterface3(Interface): """fails on worker operate.""" name = "failer"
[docs] def fail(self): raise RuntimeError("Failing interface critical worker failure")
[docs] def interactEveryNode(self, c, n): context.MPI_COMM.bcast("fail", root=0)
[docs] def workerOperate(self, cmd): if cmd == "fail": return True return False
[docs]class MpiOperatorTests(unittest.TestCase): """Testing the MPI parallelization operator.""" def setUp(self): self.old_op, self.r = test_reactors.loadTestReactor(TEST_ROOT) self.o = OperatorMPI(cs=self.old_op.cs) self.o.r = self.r
[docs] @patch("armi.operators.Operator.operate") @unittest.skipIf(context.MPI_SIZE <= 1 or MPI_EXE is None, "Parallel test only") def test_basicOperatorMPI(self, mockOpMpi): """Test we can drive a parallel operator. .. test:: Run a parallel operator. :id: T_ARMI_OPERATOR_MPI0 :tests: R_ARMI_OPERATOR_MPI """ with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: self.o.operate() self.assertIn("OperatorMPI.operate", mock.getStdout())
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(context.MPI_SIZE <= 1 or MPI_EXE is None, "Parallel test only") def test_primaryException(self): """Test a custom interface that only fails on the main process. .. test:: Run a parallel operator that fails online on the main process. :id: T_ARMI_OPERATOR_MPI1 :tests: R_ARMI_OPERATOR_MPI """ self.o.removeAllInterfaces() failer = FailingInterface1(self.o.r, self.o.cs) self.o.addInterface(failer) if context.MPI_RANK == 0: self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.o.operate) else: self.o.operate()
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(context.MPI_SIZE <= 1 or MPI_EXE is None, "Parallel test only") def test_primaryCritical(self): self.o.removeAllInterfaces() failer = FailingInterface2(self.o.r, self.o.cs) self.o.addInterface(failer) if context.MPI_RANK == 0: self.assertRaises(Exception, self.o.operate) else: self.o.operate()
# these two must be defined up here so that they can be pickled
[docs]class BcastAction1(mpiActions.MpiAction):
[docs] def invokeHook(self): nItems = 50 results = [None] * nItems for objIndex in range(nItems): if objIndex % context.MPI_SIZE == context.MPI_RANK: results[objIndex] = objIndex allResults = self.gather(results) if allResults: return [allResults[ai % context.MPI_SIZE][ai] for ai in range(nItems)] else: return []
[docs]class BcastAction2(mpiActions.MpiAction):
[docs] def invokeHook(self): results = [] for num in self.mpiIter(range(50)): results.append(num) allResults = self.gather(results) if allResults: return self.mpiFlatten(allResults) else: return []
[docs]class MpiDistributeStateTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cs = settings.Settings(fName=ARMI_RUN_PATH) bp = blueprints.loadFromCs(self.cs) self.o = OperatorMPI(self.cs) self.o.r = reactors.factory(self.cs, bp) self.action = DistributeStateAction() self.action.o = self.o self.action.r = self.o.r
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(context.MPI_SIZE <= 1 or MPI_EXE is None, "Parallel test only") def test_distributeSettings(self): """Under normal circumstances, we would not test "private" methods; however, distributeState is quite complicated. """ self.action._distributeSettings() if context.MPI_RANK == 0: self.assertEqual(self.cs, self.action.o.cs) else: self.assertNotEqual(self.cs, self.action.o.cs) original = { ss.value for ss in self.cs.values()} current = { ss.value for ss in self.action.o.cs.values()} # remove values that are *expected to be* different... # CONF_CROSS_SECTION is removed because unittest is being mean about # comparing dicts... for key in ["stationaryBlockFlags", "verbosity", CONF_CROSS_SECTION]: if key in original: del original[key] if key in current: del current[key] for key in original.keys(): self.assertEqual(original[key], current[key])
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(context.MPI_SIZE <= 1 or MPI_EXE is None, "Parallel test only") def test_distributeReactor(self): """Under normal circumstances, we would not test "private" methods; however, distributeState is quite complicated. """ original_reactor = self.action.r self.action._distributeReactor(self.cs) if context.MPI_RANK == 0: self.assertEqual(original_reactor, self.action.r) else: self.assertNotEqual(original_reactor, self.action.r) self.assertIsNone(self.action.r.core.lib)
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(context.MPI_SIZE <= 1 or MPI_EXE is None, "Parallel test only") def test_distributeInterfaces(self): """Under normal circumstances, we would not test "private" methods; however, distributeState is quite complicated. """ original_interfaces = self.o.interfaces self.action._distributeInterfaces() if context.MPI_RANK == 0: self.assertEqual(original_interfaces, self.o.interfaces) else: self.assertEqual(original_interfaces, self.o.interfaces)
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(context.MPI_SIZE <= 1 or MPI_EXE is None, "Parallel test only") def test_distributeState(self): original_reactor = self.o.r original_lib = self.o.r.core.lib original_interfaces = self.o.interfaces original_bolassems = self.o.r.blueprints.assemblies self.action.invokeHook() if context.MPI_RANK == 0: self.assertEqual(self.cs, self.o.cs) self.assertEqual(original_reactor, self.o.r) self.assertEqual(original_interfaces, self.o.interfaces) self.assertDictEqual(original_bolassems, self.o.r.blueprints.assemblies) self.assertEqual(original_lib, self.o.r.core.lib) else: self.assertNotEqual(self.cs, self.o.cs) self.assertNotEqual(original_reactor, self.o.r) self.assertNotEqual(original_bolassems, self.o.r.blueprints.assemblies) self.assertEqual(original_interfaces, self.o.interfaces) self.assertEqual(original_lib, self.o.r.core.lib) for pDef in parameterDefinitions.ALL_DEFINITIONS: self.assertFalse( pDef.assigned & parameterDefinitions.SINCE_LAST_DISTRIBUTE_STATE )
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(context.MPI_SIZE <= 1 or MPI_EXE is None, "Parallel test only") def test_compileResults(self): action1 = BcastAction1() context.MPI_COMM.bcast(action1) results1 = action1.invoke(None, None, None) action2 = BcastAction2() context.MPI_COMM.bcast(action2) results2 = action2.invoke(None, None, None) self.assertEqual(results1, results2)
[docs]class MpiPathToolsTests(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(context.MPI_SIZE <= 1 or MPI_EXE is None, "Parallel test only") def test_cleanPathMpi(self): # """Simple tests of cleanPath(), in the MPI scenario""" with TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): # TEST 0: File is not safe to delete, due to name pathing filePath0 = "test0_cleanPathNoMpi" open(filePath0, "w").write("something") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filePath0)) with self.assertRaises(Exception): pathTools.cleanPath(filePath0, mpiRank=context.MPI_RANK) MPI_COMM.barrier() # TEST 1: Delete a single file filePath1 = "test1_cleanPathNoMpi_mongoose" open(filePath1, "w").write("something") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filePath1)) pathTools.cleanPath(filePath1, mpiRank=context.MPI_RANK) MPI_COMM.barrier() self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(filePath1)) # TEST 2: Delete an empty directory dir2 = "mongoose" os.mkdir(dir2) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(dir2)) pathTools.cleanPath(dir2, mpiRank=context.MPI_RANK) MPI_COMM.barrier() self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(dir2)) # TEST 3: Delete a directory with two files inside # create directory dir3 = "mongoose" os.mkdir(dir3) # throw in a couple of simple text files open(os.path.join(dir3, "file1.txt"), "w").write("something1") open(os.path.join(dir3, "file2.txt"), "w").write("something2") # delete the directory and test self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(dir3)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir3, "file1.txt"))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir3, "file2.txt"))) pathTools.cleanPath(dir3, mpiRank=context.MPI_RANK) MPI_COMM.barrier() self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(dir3))