Source code for armi.tests

# Copyright 2021 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
General framework-wide testing functions and files.

This package contains some input files that can be used across
a wide variety of unit tests in other lower-level subpackages.
from typing import Optional
import datetime
import itertools
import os
import re
import shutil
import unittest

from armi import context
from armi import runLog
from armi.reactor import geometry
from armi.reactor import grids
from armi.reactor import reactors

TEST_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
ARMI_RUN_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, "armiRun.yaml")
ISOAA_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, "ISOAA")
COMPXS_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, "COMPXS.ascii")

[docs]def getEmptyHexReactor(): """Make an empty hex reactor used in some tests.""" from armi.reactor import blueprints bp = blueprints.Blueprints() reactor = reactors.Reactor("Reactor", bp) reactor.add(reactors.Core("Core")) reactor.core.spatialGrid = grids.HexGrid.fromPitch(1.0) reactor.core.spatialGrid.symmetry = geometry.SymmetryType( geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE, geometry.BoundaryType.PERIODIC ) reactor.core.spatialGrid.geomType = geometry.HEX reactor.core.spatialGrid.armiObject = reactor.core return reactor
[docs]def getEmptyCartesianReactor(pitch=(10.0, 16.0)): """Return an empty Cartesian reactor used in some tests.""" from armi.reactor import blueprints bp = blueprints.Blueprints() reactor = reactors.Reactor("Reactor", bp) reactor.add(reactors.Core("Core")) reactor.core.spatialGrid = grids.CartesianGrid.fromRectangle(*pitch) reactor.core.spatialGrid.symmetry = geometry.SymmetryType( geometry.DomainType.QUARTER_CORE, geometry.BoundaryType.REFLECTIVE, throughCenterAssembly=True, ) reactor.core.spatialGrid.geomType = geometry.CARTESIAN reactor.core.spatialGrid.armiObject = reactor.core return reactor
[docs]class Fixture: """ Fixture for presenting a consistent data source for testing. A Fixture is a class that wraps a function which generates resources needed by one or more tests that doesn't need to be updated every time tests are run. Do not use this class directly, instead use the :code:`@fixture` and :code:`@requires_fixture` decorators. """ def __init__(self, refDirectory, targets, dependencies, function): def resolvePath(relativePath): absolutePath = os.path.abspath(relativePath) if absolutePath != relativePath: absolutePath = os.path.join(refDirectory, relativePath) return absolutePath self.targets = [resolvePath(t) for t in targets] self.dependencies = [resolvePath(d) for d in dependencies] self._function = function self._isUpToDate = None self.__name__ = function.__name__ self.__doc__ = function.__doc__ self._error = None self._success = False self.status = None def __repr__(self): return "{}.{}".format(self._function.__module__, self.__name__) def __call__(self): if self._error is not None: raise self._error elif not self._success: missingDependencies = [ d for d in self.dependencies if not os.path.exists(d) ] if any(missingDependencies): self._error = EnvironmentError( "Missing dependencies:\n {}".format( "\n ".join(missingDependencies) ) ) raise self._error # at this point we need to update because # 1) there are missing targets that need to be generated, or # 2) targets are older than the dependencies. missingTargets = [t for t in self.targets if not os.path.exists(t)] needToUpdate = any(missingTargets) if any(missingTargets): runLog.important( "Fixture is missing targets {}\n {}".format( self, "\n ".join(missingTargets) ) ) if not needToUpdate: # this doesn't need to run if there are any missing targets. oldestTarget = sorted((os.path.getmtime(t), t) for t in self.targets)[0] newestDependency = sorted( (os.path.getmtime(d), d) for d in self.dependencies )[-1] needToUpdate = newestDependency[0] > oldestTarget[0] if needToUpdate: targetTime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(oldestTarget[0]) dependencyTime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( newestDependency[0] ) runLog.important( "Fixture is out of date {}\n" "oldest target: {} {}\n" "newest dependency: {} {}".format( self, targetTime, oldestTarget[1], dependencyTime, newestDependency[1], ) ) if needToUpdate: runLog.important("Running test fixture: {}".format(self)) try: self._function() except Exception as ee: self._error = ee raise else: runLog.important("Skipping test fixture: {}".format(self)) runLog.important("Fixture is up to date: {}".format(self)) self._success = True
[docs]def fixture(refDirectory=None, targets=None, dependencies=None): """ Decorator to run function based on targets and dependencies similar to GNU Make. Parameters ---------- refDirectory : str String reference directory for all targets/dependencies. This makes it possible to simplify file paths. If ``os.path.abspath(<path>) == <path>``, then refDirectory is not used. targets : iterable(str) List of targets that the function generates. dependencies : iterable(str) List of dependencies that the ``targets`` require. """ def _decorator(makeFunction): return Fixture(refDirectory, targets, dependencies, makeFunction) return _decorator
[docs]def requires_fixture(fixtureFunction): """ Decorator to require a fixture to have been completed. Parameters ---------- fixtureFunction : function without any parameters Fixture function is a function that has been decorated with fixture and is called prior to running the decorated function. Notes ----- This cannot be used on classes. """ def _decorator(func): def _callWrapper(*args, **kwargs): fixtureFunction() func(*args, **kwargs) return _callWrapper return _decorator
[docs]class ArmiTestHelper(unittest.TestCase): """Class containing common testing methods shared by many tests."""
[docs] def compareFilesLineByLine( self, expectedFilePath, actualFilePath, falseNegList=None, eps=None ): """ Compare the contents of two files line by line. .. warning:: The file located at actualFilePath will be deleted if they do match. Some tests write text files that should be compared line-by-line with reference files. This method performs the comparison. This class of test is not ideal but does cover a lot of functionality quickly. To assist in the maintenance burden, the following standards are expected and enforced: * The reference file compared against will be called either ``[name]-ref.[ext]`` or ``[name].expected``. * The file that the test creates will be called ``[name]-test.[ext]`` or ``[name]``. Rebaselining the reference files upon large, expected, hand-verified changes is accomodated by :py:meth:`rebaselineTextComparisons`. Parameters ---------- expectedFilePath: str Path to the reference or expected file actualFilePath: str Path to the file that will be compared to ``expectedFilePath`` falseNegList: None or Iterable Optional argument. If two lines are not equal, then check if any values from ``falseNegList`` are in this line. If so, do not fail the test. eps: float, optional If provided, try to determine if the only difference between compared lines is in the value of something that can be parsed into a float, and the relative difference between the two floats is below the passed epsilon. """ if falseNegList is None: falseNegList = [] elif isinstance(falseNegList, str): falseNegList = [falseNegList] with open(expectedFilePath, "r") as expected, open( actualFilePath, "r" ) as actual: for lineIndex, (expectedLine, actualLine) in enumerate( itertools.zip_longest(expected, actual) ): if expectedLine is None: raise AssertionError( "The test-generated file is longer than expected file" ) if actualLine is None: raise AssertionError( "The test-generated file is shorter than expected file" ) if not self.compareLines(actualLine, expectedLine, eps): if any( falseNeg in line for falseNeg in falseNegList for line in (actualLine, expectedLine) ): pass else: raise AssertionError( "Error on line {}:\nE>{}\nA<{}".format( lineIndex, expectedLine.rstrip(), actualLine.rstrip() ) ) os.remove(actualFilePath)
[docs] @staticmethod def compareLines(actual: str, expected: str, eps: Optional[float] = None): """ Impl of line comparison for compareFilesLineByLine. if rstripped lines are equal -> Good. Otherwise, split on whitespace and try to parse element pairs as floats. if they are both parsable, compare with relative eps, if provided. A side effect of the epsilon comparison is that differing whitespace **between** words is treated as irrelevant. """ actual = actual.rstrip() expected = expected.rstrip() if actual == expected: return True if eps is None: # no more in-depth comparison is allowed return False actualWords = actual.split() expectedWords = expected.split() if len(actualWords) != len(expectedWords): # different number of words cant possibly be the same enough return False for actualWord, expectedWord in zip(actualWords, expectedWords): actualVal = _tryFloat(actualWord) expectedVal = _tryFloat(expectedWord) if (actualVal is None) ^ (expectedVal is None): # could not coerce both words into a float, so they cannot possibly # match return False if actualVal is not None: # we have two floats and can compare them if abs(actualVal - expectedVal) / expectedVal > eps: return False else: # strings, compare directly if actualWord != expectedWord: return False # if we got to the end without pitching a fit, the lines should match return True
def _tryFloat(val: str) -> Optional[float]: try: return float(val) except ValueError: return None
[docs]def rebaselineTextComparisons(root): """ Rebaseline test line-by-line comparison files. This scans the source tree for failed unit test file comparisons (indicated by the presence of, for example, a ``-test.inp`` and a ``-ref.inp`` file) and moves the test one to the reference one. The work done can be reviewed/approved in source management. This is convenient when a large-scope change is made, such as updating the properties of a commonly-used material. """"Rebaselining all unit test file comparisons under {root}...") for dirname, _dirs, files in os.walk(root): if "tests" not in dirname: continue for refFileName in files: match ="^(\S+?)-ref\.(\S+)$", refFileName) if refFileName.endswith(".expected"): testFileName = refFileName.replace(".expected", "") elif match: testFileName = + "-test." + else: continue refFileName = os.path.join(dirname, refFileName) testFileName = os.path.join(dirname, testFileName) if not os.path.exists(testFileName): testFileName += ".inp" # cover some edge cases if os.path.exists(testFileName):"Overwriting {} with {}".format(refFileName, testFileName)) shutil.move(testFileName, refFileName)
if __name__ == "__main__": # Calling this directly runs the test rebaseline function (could/should be an entrypoint) import sys if len(sys.argv) == 1: rebaselineTextComparisons(context.ROOT) else: rebaselineTextComparisons(sys.argv[1])