Source code for armi.tests.test_mpiActions

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"""Tests for MPI actions."""
import unittest

from armi.mpiActions import (
from armi import context
from armi.reactor.tests import test_reactors
from armi.tests import mockRunLogs
from armi.tests import TEST_ROOT
from armi.utils import iterables

[docs]@unittest.skipUnless(context.MPI_RANK == 0, "test only on root node") class MpiIterTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Save MPI size on entry.""" self._mpiSize = context.MPI_SIZE self.action = MpiAction() def tearDown(self): """Restore MPI rank and size on exit.""" context.MPI_SIZE = self._mpiSize context.MPI_RANK = 0
[docs] def test_parallel(self): self.action.serial = False self.assertTrue(self.action.parallel) self.action.serial = True self.assertFalse(self.action.parallel)
[docs] def test_serialGather(self): self.action.serial = True self.assertEqual(len(self.action.gather()), 1)
[docs] def test_mpiIter(self): allObjs = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] distObjs = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9], [10, 11]] context.MPI_SIZE = 5 for rank in range(context.MPI_SIZE): context.MPI_RANK = rank myObjs = list(self.action.mpiIter(allObjs)) self.assertEqual(myObjs, distObjs[rank])
def _distributeObjects(self, allObjs, numProcs): context.MPI_SIZE = numProcs objs = [] for context.MPI_RANK in range(context.MPI_SIZE): objs.append(list(self.action.mpiIter(allObjs))) return objs
[docs] def test_perfectBalancing(self): """Test load balancing when numProcs divides numObjects. In this case, all processes should get the same number of objects. """ numObjs, numProcs = 25, 5 allObjs = list(range(numObjs)) objs = self._distributeObjects(allObjs, numProcs) counts = [len(o) for o in objs] imbalance = max(counts) - min(counts) # ensure we haven't missed any objects self.assertEqual(iterables.flatten(objs), allObjs) # check imbalance self.assertEqual(imbalance, 0)
[docs] def test_excessProcesses(self): """Test load balancing when numProcs exceeds numObjects. In this case, some processes should receive a single object and the rest should receive no objects """ numObjs, numProcs = 5, 25 allObjs = list(range(numObjs)) objs = self._distributeObjects(allObjs, numProcs) counts = [len(o) for o in objs] imbalance = max(counts) - min(counts) # ensure we haven't missed any objects self.assertEqual(iterables.flatten(objs), allObjs) # check imbalance self.assertLessEqual(imbalance, 1)
[docs] def test_typicalBalancing(self): """Test load balancing for typical case (numProcs < numObjs). In this case, the total imbalance should be 1 (except for the perfectly balanced case). """ numObjs, numProcs = 25, 6 allObjs = list(range(numObjs)) objs = self._distributeObjects(allObjs, numProcs) # typical case (more objects than processes) counts = [len(o) for o in objs] imbalance = max(counts) - min(counts) self.assertLessEqual(imbalance, 1) self.assertEqual(iterables.flatten(objs), allObjs)
[docs] def test_runActionsDistributionAction(self): numObjs, numProcs = 25, 5 allObjs = list(range(numObjs)) objs = self._distributeObjects(allObjs, numProcs) o, r = test_reactors.loadTestReactor(TEST_ROOT) act = DistributionAction([self.action]) act.invokeHook = passer results = runActions(objs, r, o.cs, [act]) self.assertEqual(len(results), 1) self.assertIsNone(results[0])
[docs] def test_runActionsDistributeStateAction(self): numObjs, numProcs = 25, 5 allObjs = list(range(numObjs)) objs = self._distributeObjects(allObjs, numProcs) o, r = test_reactors.loadTestReactor(TEST_ROOT) act = DistributeStateAction([self.action]) act.invokeHook = passer results = runActions(objs, r, o.cs, [act]) self.assertEqual(len(results), 1) self.assertIsNone(results[0])
[docs] def test_diagnosePickleErrorTestReactor(self): """Run _diagnosePickleError() on the test reactor. We expect this to run all the way through the pickle diagnoser, because the test reactor should be easily picklable. """ o, _ = test_reactors.loadTestReactor(TEST_ROOT) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: self.assertEqual("", mock.getStdout()) # Run the diagnosis on the test reactor _diagnosePickleError(o) # Hopefully, the test reactor can be pickled, and we get no errors self.assertIn("Pickle Error Detection", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Scanning the Reactor", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Scanning all assemblies", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Scanning all blocks", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Scanning blocks by name", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Scanning the ISOTXS library", mock.getStdout())
[docs]class QueueActionsTests(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_disableForExclusiveTasks(self): num = 5 actionsThisRound = [MpiAction() for _ in range(num - 1)] actionsThisRound.append(None) useForComputation = [True] * num exclusiveIndices = [1, 3] for i in exclusiveIndices: actionsThisRound[i].runActionExclusive = True useForComputation = _disableForExclusiveTasks( actionsThisRound, useForComputation ) for i in range(num): if i in exclusiveIndices: # wont be used for computation in future round self.assertFalse(useForComputation[i]) else: self.assertTrue(useForComputation[i])
[docs] def test_makeQueue(self): num = 5 actions = [MpiAction() for _ in range(num)] for i, action in enumerate(actions): action.runActionExclusive = True action.priority = 10 - i # make it reverse so it actually has to sort useForComputation = [True] * (num - 1) queue, numBatches = _makeQueue(actions, useForComputation) self.assertEqual(numBatches, 2) self.assertEqual(len(queue), len(actions)) lastPriority = -999 for action in queue: # check that when more exclusive than cpus they go to non-exclusive self.assertFalse(action.runActionExclusive) self.assertGreaterEqual(action.priority, lastPriority) lastPriority = action.priority exclusiveIndices = [1, 3] for i in exclusiveIndices: actions[i].runActionExclusive = True useForComputation = [True] * (num - 2) queue, numBatches = _makeQueue(actions, useForComputation) # 3 batches since 2 are exclusive and 3 left over tasks self.assertEqual(numBatches, 3) # check that they remain exclusive for i in exclusiveIndices: self.assertTrue(actions[i].runActionExclusive) lastPriority = -999 foundFirstNonExclusive = False for action in queue: if not action.runActionExclusive: foundFirstNonExclusive = True # priority order resets for non-exclusive lastPriority = -999 if foundFirstNonExclusive: # all after the first nonExclusive should be non-exclusive self.assertFalse(action.runActionExclusive) self.assertGreaterEqual(action.priority, lastPriority) lastPriority = action.priority
[docs]def passer(): """Helper function, to do nothing, for unit tests.""" pass