Source code for armi.cli.entryPoint

EntryPoint base classes.

See :doc:`/developer/entrypoints`.
# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import argparse
from typing import Optional, Union

import six

from armi import context, runLog, settings

class _EntryPointEnforcer(type):
    Simple metaclass used for the EntryPoint abstract base class to enforce class

    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
        if "name" not in attrs:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Subclasses of EntryPoint must define a `name` class attrubute."

        # basic input validation. Will throw a KeyError if argument is incorrect
        clsSettings = {"optional": "optional", "required": "required", None: None}[
            attrs.get("settingsArgument", None)
        attrs["settingsArgument"] = clsSettings

        return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(_EntryPointEnforcer) class EntryPoint: """ Generic command line entry point. A valid subclass must provide at least a ``name`` class attribute, and may also specify the other class attributes described below. .. impl:: Generic CLI base class for developers to use. :id: I_ARMI_CLI_GEN :implements: R_ARMI_CLI_GEN Provides a base class for plugin developers to use in creating application-specific CLIs. Valid subclasses must at least provide a ``name`` class attribute. Optional class attributes that a subclass may provide include ``description``, a string describing the command's actions, ``splash``, a boolean specifying whether to display a splash screen upon execution, and ``settingsArgument``. If ``settingsArgument`` is specified as ``required``, then a settings files is a required positional argument. If ``settingsArgument`` is set to ``optional``, then a settings file is an optional positional argument. If None is specified for the ``settingsArgument``, then no settings file argument is added. """ #: The <command-name> that is used to call the command from the command line name: Optional[str] = None description: Optional[str] = None """A string summarizing the command's actions. This is summary that is printed when you run `python -m armi --list-commands` or `python -m armi <command-name> --help`. If not provided, the docstring of the decorated class will be used instead. In general, the docstring is probably sufficient but this argument allows you to provide a short description of the command while retaining a long and detailed docstring.""" settingsArgument: Union[str, None] = None """ One of {'optional', 'required', None}, or unspecified. Specifies whether a settings file argument is to be added to the command's argument parser. If settingsArgument == 'required', then a settings file is a required positional argument. If settingsArgument == 'optional', then it is an optional positional argument. Finally, if settingsArgument is None, then no settings file argument is added.""" splash = True """ Whether running the entry point should produce a splash text upon executing. Setting this to ``False`` is useful for utility commands that produce standard output that would be needlessly cluttered by the splash text. """ #: One of {armi.Mode.BATCH, armi.Mode.INTERACTIVE, armi.Mode.GUI}, optional. #: Specifies the ARMI mode in which the command is run. Default is armi.Mode.BATCH. mode: Optional[int] = None def __init__(self): if is None: raise AttributeError( "Subclasses of EntryPoint must define a `name` class attribute" ) self.cs = self._initSettings() self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="{} {}".format(context.APP_NAME,, description=self.description or self.__doc__, ) if self.settingsArgument is not None: if self.settingsArgument not in ["required", "optional"]: raise AttributeError( "Subclasses of EntryPoint must specify if the a case settings file is `required` or `optional`" ) if self.settingsArgument == "optional": self.parser.add_argument( "settings_file", nargs="?", action=loadSettings(self.cs), help="path to the settings file to load.", ) elif self.settingsArgument == "required": self.parser.add_argument( "settings_file", action=loadSettings(self.cs), help="path to the settings file to load.", ) # optional arguments self.parser.add_argument( "--caseTitle", type=str, nargs=None, action=setCaseTitle(self.cs), help="update the case title of the run.", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--batch", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run in batch mode even on TTY, silencing all queries.", ) self.createOptionFromSetting("verbosity", "-v") self.createOptionFromSetting("branchVerbosity", "-V") self.args = argparse.Namespace() self.settingsProvidedOnCommandLine = [] @staticmethod def _initSettings(): """ Initialize settings for this entry point. Settings given on command line will update this data structure. Override to provide specific settings in the entry point. """ return settings.Settings()
[docs] def addOptions(self): """ Add additional command line options. Values of options added to ``self.parser`` will be available on ``self.args``. Values added with ``createOptionFromSetting`` will override the setting values in the settings input file. See Also -------- createOptionFromSetting : A method often called from here to creat CLI options from application settings. argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument : Often called from here using ``self.parser.add_argument`` to add custom argparse arguments. """
[docs] def parse_args(self, args): self.parser.parse_args(args, namespace=self.args) runLog.setVerbosity(self.cs["verbosity"])
[docs] def parse(self, args): """Parse the command line arguments, with the command specific arguments.""" self.addOptions() self.parse_args(args)
[docs] def invoke(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Body of the entry point. This is an abstract method, and must must be overridden in sub-classes. Returns ------- exitcode : int or None Implementations should return an exit code, or ``None``, which is interpreted the same as zero (successful completion). """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of EntryPoint must override the .invoke() method" )
[docs] def createOptionFromSetting( self, settingName: str, additionalAlias: str = None, suppressHelp: bool = False ): """ Create a CLI option from an ARMI setting. This will override whatever is in the settings file. Parameters ---------- settingName : str the setting name additionalAlises : str additional alias for the command line option, be careful and make sure they are all distinct! supressHelp : bool option to suppress the help message when using the command line :code:`--help` function. This is particularly beneficial when many options are being added as they can clutter the :code:`--help` to be almost unusable. """ settingsInstance = self.cs.getSetting(settingName) if settings.isBoolSetting(settingsInstance): helpMessage = ( argparse.SUPPRESS if suppressHelp else settingsInstance.description ) self._createToggleFromSetting(settingName, helpMessage, additionalAlias) else: choices = None if suppressHelp: helpMessage = argparse.SUPPRESS else: helpMessage = settingsInstance.description.replace("%", "%%") aliases = ["--" + settingName] if additionalAlias is not None: aliases.append(additionalAlias) isListType = settingsInstance.underlyingType == list try: self.parser.add_argument( *aliases, type=str, # types are properly converted by _SetSettingAction nargs="*" if isListType else None, action=setSetting(self), default=settingsInstance.default, choices=choices, help=helpMessage, ) # Capture an argument error here to prevent errors when duplicate options are attempting # to be added. This may also be captured by exploring the parser's `_actions` list as well # but this avoid accessing a private attribute. except argparse.ArgumentError: pass
def _createToggleFromSetting(self, settingName, helpMessage, additionalAlias=None): aliases = ["--" + settingName] if additionalAlias is not None: aliases.append(additionalAlias) group = self.parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument(*aliases, action=storeBool(True, self), help=helpMessage) # not really sure what to do about the help message here. Don't # want to suppress it since it won't show up at all, but can't # exactly "negate" the text automatically. Ideas? if helpMessage is not argparse.SUPPRESS: helpMessage = "" group.add_argument( "--no-" + settingName, action=storeBool(False, self), dest=settingName, help=helpMessage, )
# ^^ overwrites settingName with False
[docs]def storeBool(boolDefault, ep): class _StoreBoolAction(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, help=None): super(_StoreBoolAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, nargs=0, const=boolDefault, default=False, required=False, help=help, ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): ep.cs[self.dest] = self.const ep.settingsProvidedOnCommandLine.append(self.dest) ep.cs.failOnLoad() return _StoreBoolAction
[docs]def setSetting(ep): class _SetSettingAction(argparse.Action): """This class loads the command line supplied setting values into the :py:data:`armi.settings.cs`. """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): # correctly converts type ep.cs[self.dest] = values ep.settingsProvidedOnCommandLine.append(self.dest) ep.cs.failOnLoad() return _SetSettingAction
# Q: Why does this require special treatment? Why not treat it like the other # case settings and use setSetting action? # A: Because caseTitle is no longer an actual cs setting. It's a instance attr.
[docs]def setCaseTitle(cs): class _SetCaseTitleAction(argparse.Action): """This class sets the case title to the supplied value of the :py:data:`armi.settings.cs`. """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): cs.caseTitle = value return _SetCaseTitleAction
# Careful, this is used by physicalProgramming
[docs]def loadSettings(cs): class LoadSettingsAction(argparse.Action): """This class loads the command line supplied settings file into the :py:data:`armi.settings.cs`. """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): # since this is a positional argument, it can be called with values is # None (i.e. default) if values is not None: cs.loadFromInputFile(values) return LoadSettingsAction