Source code for armi.cli

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This package provides various operations users can ask ARMI to do with their inputs.

An Entry Point might run a simulation, migrate inputs, build a suite of related inputs
and submit them in a parameter sweep, validate inputs, open the GUI, run a test suite,
or other similar things. There are built-in entry points, and additional ones may
be specified by custom plugins.

The full :doc:`docs for entry points are here </developer/entrypoints>`.

See Also
armi.cases : Individual collections of tasks that may run one or more entry points.
    These allow one entry point to create a sequence of events that may call one
    or more additional entry points. For example, the ``submitSuite`` entry point builds
    a case suite with many related cases that will all call the ``run`` entry point from
    a HPC cluster.

armi.operators :  Operations that ARMI will perform on a reactor model.
    These may be created by ``Case`` objects created by certain entry points (e.g. ``run``).

armi : Fundamental entry point that calls this package.

# importing each module causes the any EntryPoints defined in the module that
# are decorated with @armi.command to be added to the collection of registered
# classes

import argparse
import re
import textwrap
from typing import Optional

from armi import context, meta, plugins, runLog

[docs] class EntryPointsPlugin(plugins.ArmiPlugin):
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineEntryPoints(): from armi.cli import ( checkInputs, # testing cleanTemps, clone, compareCases, gridGui, migrateInputs, modify, reportsEntryPoint, run, runSuite, ) entryPoints = [] entryPoints.append(checkInputs.CheckInputEntryPoint) entryPoints.append(checkInputs.ExpandBlueprints) entryPoints.append(clone.CloneArmiRunCommandBatch) entryPoints.append(clone.CloneArmiRunCommandInteractive) entryPoints.append(clone.CloneSuiteCommand) entryPoints.append(compareCases.CompareCases) entryPoints.append(compareCases.CompareSuites) entryPoints.append(migrateInputs.MigrateInputs) entryPoints.append(modify.ModifyCaseSettingsCommand) entryPoints.append(run.RunEntryPoint) entryPoints.append(runSuite.RunSuiteCommand) entryPoints.append(gridGui.GridGuiEntryPoint) # testing entryPoints.append(cleanTemps.CleanTemps) entryPoints.append(reportsEntryPoint.ReportsEntryPoint) return entryPoints
[docs] class ArmiParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """Subclass of default ArgumentParser to better handle application splash text."""
[docs] def print_help(self, file=None): splash() argparse.ArgumentParser.print_help(self, file)
[docs] class ArmiCLI: """ ARMI CLI -- The main entry point into ARMI. There are various commands available. To get help for the individual commands, run again with `<command> --help`. Typically, the CLI implements functions that already exist within ARMI. .. impl:: The basic ARMI CLI, for running a simulation. :id: I_ARMI_CLI_CS :implements: R_ARMI_CLI_CS Provides a basic command-line interface (CLI) for running an ARMI simulation. Available commands can be listed with ``-l``. Information on individual commands can be obtained by running with ``<command> --help``. """ def __init__(self): from armi import getPluginManager self._entryPoints = dict() for pluginEntryPoints in getPluginManager().hook.defineEntryPoints(): for entryPoint in pluginEntryPoints: if in self._entryPoints: raise KeyError( "Duplicate entry points defined for `{}`: {} and {}".format(, self._entryPoints[], entryPoint, ) ) self._entryPoints[] = entryPoint parser = ArmiParser( prog=context.APP_NAME, description=self.__doc__.split(".. impl")[0], usage="%(prog)s [-h] [-l | command [args]]", ) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( "-v", "--version", action="store_true", help="display the version" ) group.add_argument( "-l", "--list-commands", action="store_true", help="list commands" ) group.add_argument("command", nargs="?", default="help", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument("args", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) self.parser = parser
[docs] @staticmethod def showVersion(): """Print the App name and version on the command line.""" from armi import getApp prog = context.APP_NAME app = getApp() if app is None or prog == "armi": print("{0} {1}".format(prog, meta.__version__)) else: print("{0} {1}".format(prog, app.version))
[docs] def listCommands(self): """List commands with a short description.""" splash() indent = 22 initial_indent = " " subsequent_indent = initial_indent + " " * indent wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper( initial_indent=initial_indent, subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent, width=79 ) sub = re.compile(r"\s+").sub # given a string, condense white space into a single space condense = lambda s: sub(" ", s.strip()) commands = self._entryPoints.values() formatter = "{name:<{width}}{desc}".format print("\ncommands:") for cmd in sorted(commands, key=lambda cmd: """Each command can optionally define a class attribute `description` as documentation. If description is not defined (default=None since it should inherit from EntryPoint), then the docstring is used. If the docstring is also None, then fall back to an empty string.""" desc = condense(cmd.description or cmd.__doc__ or "") print(wrapper.fill(formatter(width=indent,, desc=desc)))
[docs] def run(self) -> Optional[int]: args = self.parser.parse_args() if args.list_commands: self.listCommands() return 0 elif args.version: ArmiCLI.showVersion() return 0 elif args.command == "help": self.parser.print_help() return 0 return self.executeCommand(args.command, args.args)
[docs] def executeCommand(self, command, args) -> Optional[int]: """Execute `command` with arguments `args`, return optional exit code.""" command = command.lower() if command not in self._entryPoints: print( 'Unrecognized command "{}". Valid commands are listed below.'.format( command ) ) self.listCommands() return 1 commandClass = self._entryPoints[command] cmd = commandClass() if cmd.splash: splash() # parse the arguments... command can have their own cmd.parse(args) if cmd.args.batch: context.Mode.setMode(context.Mode.BATCH) elif cmd.mode is not None: context.Mode.setMode(cmd.mode) # do whatever there is to be done! return cmd.invoke()
[docs] def splash(): """Emit a the active App's splash text to the runLog for the primary node.""" from armi import getApp app = getApp() assert app is not None if context.MPI_RANK == 0: runLog.raw(app.splashText)