Source code for armi.cli.database

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Entry point into ARMI for manipulating output databases."""
import os
import pathlib

from armi import context
from armi import runLog
from armi.cli.entryPoint import EntryPoint
from armi.utils.textProcessors import resolveMarkupInclusions

[docs]class ExtractInputs(EntryPoint): """ Recover input files from a database file. This can come in handy when input files need to be hand-migrated to facilitate loading or migration of the database file itself, or when attempting to re-run a slightly-modified version of a case. """ name = "extract-inputs" mode = context.Mode.BATCH
[docs] def addOptions(self): self.parser.add_argument("h5db", help="Path to input database", type=str) self.parser.add_argument( "--output-base", "-o", help="Base name for extracted inputs. If not provided, base name is " "implied from the database name.", type=str, default=None, )
[docs] def parse_args(self, args): EntryPoint.parse_args(self, args) if self.args.output_base is None: self.args.output_base = os.path.splitext(self.args.h5db)[0]
[docs] def invoke(self): from armi.bookkeeping.db.database3 import Database3 db = Database3(self.args.h5db, "r") with db: settings, geom, bp = db.readInputsFromDB() settingsPath = self.args.output_base + "_settings.yaml" bpPath = self.args.output_base + "_blueprints.yaml" geomPath = None if geom: geomExt = ".xml" if geom.lstrip()[0] == "<" else ".yaml" geomPath = self.args.output_base + "_geom" + geomExt bail = False for path in [settingsPath, bpPath, geomPath]: if os.path.exists(settingsPath): runLog.error("`{}` already exists. Aborting.".format(path)) bail = True if bail: return for path, data, inp in [ (settingsPath, settings, "settings"), (bpPath, bp, "blueprints"), (geomPath, geom, "geometry"), ]: if path is None: continue"Writing {} to `{}`".format(inp, path)) if isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.decode() with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(data)
[docs]class InjectInputs(EntryPoint): """ Insert new inputs into a database file, overwriting any existing inputs. This is useful for performing hand migrations of inputs to facilitate database migrations. """ name = "inject-inputs" mode = context.Mode.BATCH
[docs] def addOptions(self): self.parser.add_argument("h5db", help="Path to affected database", type=str) self.parser.add_argument( "--blueprints", help="Path to blueprints file", type=str, default=None ) self.parser.add_argument( "--geom", help="Path to geometry file", type=str, default=None ) self.parser.add_argument( "--settings", help="Path to settings file", type=str, default=None )
[docs] def invoke(self): from armi.bookkeeping.db.database3 import Database3 if all( li is None for li in [self.args.blueprints, self.args.geom, self.args.settings] ): runLog.error( "No settings, blueprints, or geometry files specified; " "nothing to do." ) return bp = None settings = None geom = None if self.args.blueprints is not None: bp = resolveMarkupInclusions(pathlib.Path(self.args.blueprints)).read() if self.args.geom is not None: with open(self.args.geom, "r") as f: geom = if self.args.settings is not None: settings = resolveMarkupInclusions(pathlib.Path(self.args.settings)).read() db = Database3(self.args.h5db, "a") with db: # Not calling writeInputsToDb, since it makes too many assumptions about # where the inputs are coming from, and which ones we want to write. # Instead, we assume that we know where to store them, and do it ourselves. for data, key in [ (bp, "blueprints"), (geom, "geomFile"), (settings, "settings"), ]: if data is not None: dSetName = "inputs/" + key if dSetName in db.h5db: del db.h5db[dSetName] db.h5db[dSetName] = data