Source code for

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from enum import auto
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Union, Dict
import base64
import collections
import copy
import os
import shutil

import htmltree
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from armi import context
from armi import runLog

[docs]class ReportContent: """Holds the report contents.""" def __init__(self, title): self.title = title self.sections = collections.OrderedDict()
[docs] def writeReports(self): """Renders each report into a document for viewing.""" body = htmltree.Body() head = htmltree.Head() head.C.append(htmltree.Link(rel="stylesheet", href="styles.css")) divMain = htmltree.Div(id="container") header = htmltree.Div(id="heading") header.C.append( htmltree.Img( src="", alt="logo", _class="heading", ) ) header.C.append( htmltree.H1( "{} Report".format(context.APP_NAME.capitalize()), _class="heading", id="titleFont", ) ) divMain.C.append(header) div = htmltree.Div(id="reportContent") div.C.append(htmltree.H4("Report Generated for : " + self.title)) body.C.append(self.tableOfContents()) for group in self.sections: div.C.append(htmltree.H1(group, id=group)) for subgroup in self.sections[group].childContents: innerDiv = htmltree.Div() if isinstance(self.sections[group][subgroup], htmltree.HtmlElement): fig = self.sections[group].childContents[subgroup].render() else: fig = ( self.sections[group] .childContents[subgroup] .render(0, str(group) + str(subgroup)) ) innerDiv.C.append(fig) div.C.append(innerDiv) divMain.C.append(div) body.C.append(divMain) body.C.append(htmltree.Script(src="report.js")) doc = htmltree.Html(head, body) # Copy css file to the correct folder containing the reportContent.html shutil.copy( os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__), os.pardir, "styles.css") ), "styles.css", ) shutil.copy( os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__), os.pardir, "report.js") ), "report.js", ) fileurl = doc.renderToFile("index.html", 0) return fileurl
[docs] def get(self, section, default=None): if section not in self.sections: self.sections[section] = default return self.sections[section]
def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self.sections: self.sections[key] = Section(key) return self.sections[key] def __setitem__(self, key, item): if key in self.sections: self.sections[key] = item
[docs] def tableOfContents(self): """Creates a Table of Contents at the top of the document that links to later Sections. Parameters ---------- elements: ReportContent Contains sections of subsections that make up the report. """ elements = self.sections main = htmltree.Main(id="toc") main.C.append(htmltree.P("Contents")) outerList = htmltree.Ul() for group in elements: outerList.C.append( htmltree.Ul( htmltree.A(elements[group].title, href="#{}".format(group)), _class="section", ) ) ul = htmltree.Ul(_class="subsection") # Subgroup is either a ReportNode or an Element... for subKey in elements[group].childContents: subgroup = elements[group].childContents[subKey] if type(subgroup) is Section: sectionHeading = htmltree.Li( htmltree.A( subgroup.title, href="#{}".format(str(group) + str(subKey)) ), _class="nestedSection", ) ul.C.append(sectionHeading) ul2 = htmltree.Ul(_class="nestedSubsection") for key in subgroup.childContents: element = subgroup.childContents[key] if element.title is not None: ul2.C.append( htmltree.Li( htmltree.A( element.title, href="#{}".format( str(group) + str(subKey) + str(key) ), ) ) ) else: sectionHeading.A.update({"class": "subsection"}) ul.C.append(ul2) elif type(subgroup) is not htmltree.HtmlElement: ul.C.append( htmltree.Li( htmltree.A(subKey, href="#{}".format(group + subKey)) ) ) outerList.C.append(ul) main.C.append(outerList) return main
[docs]class ReportNode(ABC): levelDict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: htmltree.H5()) levelDict[0] = htmltree.H2() levelDict[1] = htmltree.H3() levelDict[2] = htmltree.H4() levelDict[3] = htmltree.H5()
[docs] @abstractmethod def render(self, level, idPrefix): """Renders the section to a htmltree element for inserting into HTML document tree. Parameters ---------- level : int level of the nesting for this section, determines the size of the heading title for the Section (The higher the level, the smaller the title font-size). Ranges from H1 - H4 in html terms. idPrefix : String Used for href/id referencing for the left hand side table of contents to be paired with the item that render() is called upon. Returns ------- HtmlElement : an html representation of this Nodes report content. Appended into the report after it is rendered within writeReports(). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Section(ReportNode): """A grouping of objects within the report. These items can be either of type ReportNode (Table, Image, Section, etc) of, HtmlElements as defined by htmltree. """ def __init__(self, title): self.title = title self.childContents: Dict[ str, Union[Section, htmltree.HtmlElement, ReportNode] ] = collections.OrderedDict()
[docs] def addChildElement(self, element, heading="", subheading=None): """Add an element to the group of Sections. Parameters ---------- element: ReportNode, or an HtmlElement as defined by htmltree Item to be added as child to this Section. """ # Have to check if that heading exists first... if heading in self.childContents: # Add it to existing section... currentStatus = self.childContents[heading] if isinstance(currentStatus, Section): currentStatus.childContents[subheading] = element else: self.childContents[element] = element
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.childContents def __iter__(self): return iter(self.childContents)
[docs] def get(self, title, default=None): if title not in self.childContents: self.childContents[title] = default return self.childContents[title]
def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self.childContents: self.childContents[key] = Section(key) return self.childContents[key] def __setitem__(self, key, item): self.childContents[key] = item
[docs] def items(self): return self.childContents.items()
def __str__(self): return self.title
[docs] def render(self, level, idPrefix="") -> htmltree.HtmlElement: """Renders a Section into the appropriate html representation. Parameters ---------- level : int level of the nesting for this section, determines the size of the heading title for the Section (The higher the level, the smaller the title font-size). Ranges from H2 - H5 in html terms. idPrefix : String used for href/id referencing for the left hand side table of contents to be paired with the item that render() is called upon. Returns ------- HtmlElement : an html representation of this Nodes report content. Appended into the report after it is rendered within writeReports(). """ itemsToAdd = [] headingLevel = copy.deepcopy(self.levelDict[level]) headingLevel.A.update({"id": "{}".format(idPrefix)}) headingLevel.C.append(self.title) heading = headingLevel itemsToAdd.append(heading) for key in self.childContents: element = self.childContents[key] if isinstance(element, htmltree.HtmlElement): item = element.render() else: item = element.render(level + 1, idPrefix + str(key)) itemsToAdd.append(item) return htmltree.Div(*itemsToAdd)
[docs]class Image(ReportNode): """For Images within the report (such as Hexplots premade and not time dependent) (For time dependent images see TimeSeries). Parameters ---------- title: String caption: String imagePath: String .png or .img image name to reference later encode: boolean Default true, will result in an encoded file path when rendered to html. """ def __init__(self, caption, imagePath, title=None, encode=True): self.title = title self.imagePath = imagePath self.caption = caption self.encode = encode xtn = os.path.splitext(imagePath)[1][1:] # [1:] to cut out the period if xtn == "pdf": runLog.warning( "'.pdf' images cannot be embedded into this HTML report. Path name was {}, cannot be inserted.".format( imagePath ) ) raise ValueError def __str__(self): return self.caption
[docs] def render(self, level, idPrefix="") -> htmltree.HtmlElement: """Wraps an image file into an html Img tag. (With caption included in the figure).""" figure = htmltree.Figure() if self.encode: self.imagePath = encode64(os.path.abspath(self.imagePath)) figure.C.append( htmltree.Img( src=self.imagePath, alt="{}_image".format(self.caption), id=idPrefix ) ) figure.C.append(htmltree.Figcaption(self.caption)) return figure
[docs]class Table(ReportNode): """For Table Objects that are then later converted to htmltree tables. Parameters ---------- title: String for Table Title caption: String for Table Caption header: List a list of column headings, optional, for when tables have columns with headings. """ def __init__( self, title, caption="", header=None, ): self.title = title self.header = header self.rows = [] self.caption = caption # rows will be a list of lists
[docs] def addRow(self, row): self.rows.append(row)
def __str__(self): return self.title
[docs] def render(self, level, idPrefix="") -> htmltree.HtmlElement: """Converts a TableSection object into a html table representation htmltree element with header as heading if not None. """ table = htmltree.Table() table.C.append(htmltree.Caption(self.title, id=idPrefix)) if self.header is not None: titleRow = htmltree.Tr() for heading in self.header: titleRow.C.append(htmltree.Th(heading)) table.C.append(titleRow) for row in self.rows: htmlRow = htmltree.Tr() for element in row: htmlRow.C.append(htmltree.Td(element)) table.C.append(htmlRow) table.C.append( htmltree.Caption( self.caption, style={"caption-side": "bottom", "font-size": "13"} ) ) return table
[docs]class TimeSeries(ReportNode): """Handles storing new data point values for use in graphing later. Parameters ---------- title: String Title for eventual graph caption: String Eventual graph's title caption, "" default. labels: List list of stored labels where length = number of lines within graph yaxis: String label for the y-axis fName: String identifier for the resulting image file name (i.e. rName.[fName], where key may be peakDPA.img or Keff.png) rName: Reactor Name for graphs title and file name encode: boolean Default true, whether to encode the resulting file path in the html. Example ------- >>> series = TimeSeries("Plot of K-effective", "plot", ["k-effective"], "k-eff", "keff.png") >>> time = r.p.time # The current time node of the reactor. >>> data = r.core.p.keff # The parameter k-effective value at that time. >>> uncertainty = r.core.p.keffUnc # The keff-uncontrolled at the current time. >>> series.add("k-effective", time, data, uncertainty) # Adds this point to be plotted later. >>> # Adding to a plot with multiple lines for fuel Burn-Up Plot. >>> labels = [] # Start collecting labels for the lines to plot... >>> for a in r.core.getAssemblies(Flags.FUEL): >>> if a.p.type not in labels: >>> labels.append(a.p.type) >>> series = TimeSeries("Plot of Burn-Up",, labels, "PeakBU", "bu.png") >>> maxValue = defaultdict(float) >>> for a in r.core.getAssemblies(Flags.FUEL): >>> maxValue[a.p.type] = max(maxValue[a.p.type], a.p.maxPercentBu) >>> # Add this data for each assembly type (which will each be it's own line) >>> for a in r.core.getAssemblies(Flags.FUEL): >>> series.add(a.p.type, r.p.time, maxValue[a.p.type], None) >>> # (Adding a point for line labeled for this type of fuel, >>> # at this time, with the found maxValue, and no uncertainty...) """ def __init__(self, title, rName, labels, yaxis, fName, caption="", encode=True): self.title = title self.times = [] self.labels = labels self.caption = caption self.dataDictionary = dict() # iniialize list of labels... for label in labels: self.dataDictionary[label] = [] self.yaxis = yaxis self.fName = fName self.rName = rName self.encode = encode def __str__(self): return self.title
[docs] def add(self, lineToAddTo, time, data, uncertainty=None): """To add a point to our data collection. Parameters ---------- lineToAddTo: String Label associated with the line we are adding ths point to time: float time value for the point data: float data value for the point uncertainty: float uncertainty associated with the point """ self.dataDictionary[lineToAddTo].append((time, data, uncertainty))
[docs] def plot(self, ymin=None): """To plot a collected TimeSeries. Parameters ---------- ext: String The extension to use on the graph. ymin: float The minimum y-value for the graph. """ plt.figure() lowestY = True for label in self.labels: points = self.dataDictionary[label] # want to sort points by first entry in tuple, so by asscending time stamp points.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) if ymin is None or not all([ymin > yi for yi in points]): lowestY = False lineY = [] timepoints = [] uncertainties = [] for point in points: # Now points is sorted, collect times, and a data line timepoints.append(point[0]) lineY.append(point[1]) uncertainties.append(point[2]) self.dataDictionary[label] = (lineY, timepoints, uncertainties) if any(uncertainties): plt.errorbar( timepoints, lineY, yerr=uncertainties, label=label, ) else: plt.plot(timepoints, lineY, ".-", label=label) plt.xlabel("Time (yr)") plt.legend() plt.ylabel(self.yaxis) plt.grid(color="0.70") plt.title(self.title + " for {0}".format(self.rName)) if lowestY: # set ymin all values are greater than it and it exists. ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylim(bottom=ymin) figName = self.rName + "." + self.fName plt.savefig(figName) plt.close() return figName
[docs] def render(self, level, idPrefix="") -> htmltree.HtmlElement: """Renders the Timeseries into a graph and places that Image into an html Img tag and returns a div containing that image and the images caption if it has one stored. """ figName = self.plot() if self.encode: img = htmltree.Img( src=encode64(os.path.abspath(figName)), alt="{}_image".format(self.title), id=idPrefix, ) else: htmltree.Img( src=os.path.abspath(figName), alt="{}_image".format(self.title), id=idPrefix, ) return htmltree.Div( img, htmltree.P(self.caption), )
[docs]class ReportStage(Enum): Begin = auto() Standard = auto() End = auto()
[docs]def encode64(file_path): """Encodes the contents of the file indicated by the path. Return ------ String that is the embedded HTML src attribute for an image in base64 """ xtn = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1][1:] # [1:] to cut out the period with open(file_path, "rb") as img_src: if xtn == "svg": return r"data:image/{};base64,{}".format( xtn + "+xml", base64.b64encode( ) return r"data:image/{};base64,{}".format( xtn, base64.b64encode( )