Source code for armi.bookkeeping

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""The bookkeeping package handles data persistence, reporting, and some debugging."""
from armi import plugins

[docs]class BookkeepingPlugin(plugins.ArmiPlugin):
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def exposeInterfaces(cs): from armi.bookkeeping.db import databaseInterface from armi.bookkeeping import historyTracker from armi.bookkeeping import memoryProfiler from armi.bookkeeping import mainInterface from armi.bookkeeping import snapshotInterface from import reportInterface interfaceInfo = [] interfaceInfo += plugins.collectInterfaceDescriptions(mainInterface, cs) interfaceInfo += plugins.collectInterfaceDescriptions(databaseInterface, cs) interfaceInfo += plugins.collectInterfaceDescriptions(historyTracker, cs) interfaceInfo += plugins.collectInterfaceDescriptions(memoryProfiler, cs) interfaceInfo += plugins.collectInterfaceDescriptions(reportInterface, cs) interfaceInfo += plugins.collectInterfaceDescriptions(snapshotInterface, cs) return interfaceInfo
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineEntryPoints(): from armi.bookkeeping import visualization from armi.cli import database entryPoints = [] entryPoints.append(database.ExtractInputs) entryPoints.append(database.InjectInputs) entryPoints.append(visualization.VisFileEntryPoint) return entryPoints
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineCaseDependencies(case, suite): if case.cs["loadStyle"] == "fromDB": # the ([^\/]) capture basically gets the file name portion and excludes any # directory separator return case.getPotentialParentFromSettingValue( case.cs["reloadDBName"], r"^(?P<dirName>.*[\/\\])?(?P<title>[^\/\\]+?)(\.[hH]5)?$", ) return None
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def mpiActionRequiresReset(cmd) -> bool: """ Prevent reactor resets after certain mpi actions. * Memory profiling is small enough that we don't want to reset * distributing state would be undone by this so we don't want that. See Also -------- armi.operators.operatorMPI.OperatorMPI.workerOperate """ from armi.bookkeeping import memoryProfiler from armi import mpiActions if isinstance(cmd, mpiActions.MpiAction): for donotReset in ( mpiActions.DistributeStateAction, mpiActions.DistributionAction, memoryProfiler.PrintSystemMemoryUsageAction, memoryProfiler.ProfileMemoryUsageAction, ): if isinstance(cmd, donotReset): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def getReportContents(r, cs, report, stage, blueprint): """ Generate general report content. Where diagrams/tables not specific to additional plugins comes together. Currently only happening at End and Begin stage because no content gathered in these sections is used to create a graph across time. """ from import newReports as reports from import newReportUtils if stage == reports.ReportStage.Begin: newReportUtils.insertGeneralReportContent(cs, r, report, stage) if blueprint is not None: newReportUtils.insertBlueprintContent(r, cs, report, blueprint) elif stage == reports.ReportStage.End: newReportUtils.insertEndOfLifeContent(r, report)