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# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import os
import numpy

from armi import runLog
from import newReports
from armi.materials import custom
from armi.physics.fuelCycle.settings import CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC
from armi.reactor.components import component
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.utils import (

[docs]def insertBlueprintContent(r, cs, report, blueprint): insertCoreDesignReport(r.core, cs, report) insertCoreAndAssemblyMaps(r, cs, report, blueprint), insertBlockDiagrams(cs, blueprint, report, True) insertBlockDesignReport(blueprint, report, cs)
[docs]def insertGeneralReportContent(cs, r, report, stage): """ Creates Report content that is not plugin specific. Various things for the Design and Comprehensive sections of the report. Parameters ---------- cs : case settings r : reactor report : ReportContents object blueprint : blueprint """ # These items only happen once at BOL if stage == newReports.ReportStage.Begin: comprehensiveBOLContent(cs, r, report) insertDesignContent(r, report)
[docs]def comprehensiveBOLContent(cs, r, report): """Adds BOL content to the Comprehensive section of the report. Parameters ---------- cs: Case Settings r: Reactor report: ReportContent """ insertMetaTable(cs, report) first_fuel_block = r.core.getFirstBlock(Flags.FUEL) if first_fuel_block is not None: report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][ASSEMBLY_AREA] = newReports.Table( "Assembly Area Fractions (of First Fuel Block)", header=["Component", "Area (cm<sup>2</sup>)", "Fraction"], ) insertAreaFractionsReport(first_fuel_block, report) insertSettingsData(cs, report)
[docs]def insertDesignContent(r, report): """Adds Beginning of Life content to the Design section of the report. Parameters ---------- r: reactor report: ReportContent """ report[DESIGN][PIN_ASSEMBLY_DESIGN_SUMMARY] = getPinDesignTable(r.core) first_fuel_block = r.core.getFirstBlock(Flags.FUEL) if first_fuel_block is not None: report[DESIGN]["Dimensions in First Fuel Block"] = newReports.Section( "Dimensions in First Fuel Block" ) for component_ in sorted(first_fuel_block): report[DESIGN]["Dimensions in First Fuel Block"].addChildElement( element=createDimensionReport(component_), heading=str( + "dimensionReport", subheading=None, )
[docs]def insertBlockDesignReport(blueprint, report, cs): r"""Summarize the block designs from the loading file. Parameters ---------- blueprint : Blueprint report: ReportContent cs: Case Settings """ report[DESIGN]["Block Summaries"] = newReports.Section("Block Summaries") for bDesign in blueprint.blockDesigns: loadingFileTable = newReports.Table( "Summary Of Block: {}".format(, "block contents" ) loadingFileTable.header = ["", "Input Parameter"] constructedBlock = bDesign.construct(cs, blueprint, 0, 1, 0, "A", dict()) loadingFileTable.addRow(["Number of Components", len(bDesign)]) lst = [i for i in range(len(bDesign))] for i, cDesign, c in zip(lst, bDesign, constructedBlock): cType = componentSplitter = (i + 1) * " " + "\n" loadingFileTable.addRow([componentSplitter, ""]) loadingFileTable.addRow( [ "{} {}".format(cType, "Shape"), "{} {}".format(cDesign.shape, ""), ] ) loadingFileTable.addRow( [ "{} {}".format(cType, "Material"), "{} {}".format(cDesign.material, ""), ] ) loadingFileTable.addRow( [ "{} {}".format(cType, "Hot Temperature"), "{} {}".format(cDesign.Thot, ""), ] ) loadingFileTable.addRow( [ "{} {}".format(cType, "Cold Temperature"), "{} {}".format(cDesign.Tinput, ""), ] ) for pd in c.pDefs: if in c.DIMENSION_NAMES: value = c.getDimension(, cold=True) unit = "" if pd.units is not None: unit = pd.units if value is not None: loadingFileTable.addRow( [ "{} {}".format(cType,, "{} {}".format(value, unit), ] ) loadingFileTable.title = "Summary of Block: {}".format( report[DESIGN]["Block Summaries"].addChildElement( loadingFileTable, loadingFileTable.title )
[docs]def insertCoreDesignReport(core, cs, report): r"""Builds report to summarize core design inputs. Parameters ---------- core: armi.reactor.reactors.Core cs: armi.settings.caseSettings.Settings """ coreDesignTable = newReports.Table("Core Report Table") coreDesignTable.header = ["", "Input Parameter"] report["Design"]["Core Design Table"] = coreDesignTable _setGeneralCoreDesignData(cs, coreDesignTable) _setGeneralCoreParametersData(core, cs, coreDesignTable) _setGeneralSimulationData(core, cs, coreDesignTable)
def _setGeneralCoreDesignData(cs, coreDesignTable): from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_LOADING_FILE coreDesignTable.addRow(["Case Title", "{}".format(cs.caseTitle)]) coreDesignTable.addRow(["Run Type", "{}".format(cs["runType"])]) coreDesignTable.addRow(["Geometry File", "{}".format(cs["geomFile"])]) coreDesignTable.addRow(["Loading File", "{}".format(cs[CONF_LOADING_FILE])]) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Fuel Shuffling Logic File", "{}".format(cs[CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC])] ) coreDesignTable.addRow(["Reactor State Loading", "{}".format(cs["loadStyle"])]) if cs["loadStyle"] == "fromDB": coreDesignTable.addRow(["Database File", "{}".format(cs["reloadDBName"])]) coreDesignTable.addRow(["Starting Cycle", "{}".format(cs["startCycle"])]) coreDesignTable.addRow(["Starting Node", "{}".format(cs["startNode"])]) def _setGeneralCoreParametersData(core, cs, coreDesignTable): """Sets the general Core Parameter Data. Parameters ---------- core: Core cs: Case Settings coreDesignTable: newReports.Table Current state of table to be added to """ blocks = core.getBlocks() totalMass = sum(b.getMass() for b in blocks) fissileMass = sum(b.getFissileMass() for b in blocks) heavyMetalMass = sum(b.getHMMass() for b in blocks) totalVolume = sum(b.getVolume() for b in blocks) coreDesignTable.addRow([" ", ""]) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Core Power", "{:.2f} MWth".format(cs["power"] / units.WATTS_PER_MW)] ) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Base Capacity Factor", "{}".format(getAvailabilityFactors(cs))], ) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Cycle Length", "{} days".format(getCycleLengths(cs))], ) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Burnup Cycles", "{}".format(cs["nCycles"])], ) coreDesignTable.addRow( [ "Burnup Steps per Cycle", "{}".format([len(steps) for steps in getStepLengths(cs)]), ], ) corePowerMult = int(core.powerMultiplier) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Core Total Volume", "{:.2f} cc".format(totalVolume * corePowerMult)], ) coreDesignTable.addRow( [ "Core Fissile Mass", "{:.2f} kg".format(fissileMass / units.G_PER_KG * corePowerMult), ], ) coreDesignTable.addRow( [ "Core Heavy Metal Mass", "{:.2f} kg".format(heavyMetalMass / units.G_PER_KG * corePowerMult), ], ) coreDesignTable.addRow( [ "Core Total Mass", "{:.2f} kg".format(totalMass / units.G_PER_KG * corePowerMult), ] ) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Number of Assembly Rings", "{}".format(core.getNumRings())] ) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Number of Assemblies", "{}".format(len(core.getAssemblies() * corePowerMult))] ) coreDesignTable.addRow( [ "Number of Fuel Assemblies", "{}".format(len(core.getAssemblies(Flags.FUEL) * corePowerMult)), ] ) coreDesignTable.addRow( [ "Number of Control Assemblies", "{}".format(len(core.getAssemblies(Flags.CONTROL) * corePowerMult)), ] ) coreDesignTable.addRow( [ "Number of Reflector Assemblies", "{}".format(len(core.getAssemblies(Flags.REFLECTOR) * corePowerMult)), ] ) coreDesignTable.addRow( [ "Number of Shield Assemblies", "{}".format(len(core.getAssemblies(Flags.SHIELD) * corePowerMult)), ] ) def _setGeneralSimulationData(core, cs, coreDesignTable): from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_GEN_XS from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_GLOBAL_FLUX_ACTIVE coreDesignTable.addRow([" ", ""]) coreDesignTable.addRow(["Full Core Model", "{}".format(core.isFullCore)]) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Tight Physics Coupling Enabled", "{}".format(bool(cs["tightCoupling"]))] ) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Lattice Physics Enabled for", "{}".format(cs[CONF_GEN_XS])] ) coreDesignTable.addRow( ["Neutronics Enabled for", "{}".format(cs[CONF_GLOBAL_FLUX_ACTIVE])] )
[docs]def insertEndOfLifeContent(r, report): """ Generate End of Life Content for the report. Parameters ---------- r : Reactor the reactor report : ReportContent The report to be added to. """ fName2 = "powerMap.png" dataForTotalPower = [a.getMaxParam("power") / units.WATTS_PER_MW for a in r.core] plotting.plotFaceMap( r.core, param="power", data=dataForTotalPower, fName=fName2, cmapName="RdYlBu_r", axisEqual=True, bare=True, titleSize=10, fontSize=8, makeColorBar=True, ) report[DESIGN][TOTAL_POWER_EOL] = newReports.Image( "Total Assembly Power at EOL in MWt", os.path.abspath(fName2), )
[docs]def insertBlockDiagrams(cs, blueprint, report, cold): """Adds Block Diagrams to the report. Parameters ---------- cs: Case Settings blueprint: Blueprint report: ReportContent cold: boolean True for dimensions at cold temps """ materialList = [] for bDesign in blueprint.blockDesigns: block = bDesign.construct(cs, blueprint, 0, 1, 0, "A", dict()) for comp in block: if isinstance(comp.material, custom.Custom): materialName = comp.p.customIsotopicsName else: materialName = if materialName not in materialList: materialList.append(materialName) report[DESIGN]["Block Diagrams"] = newReports.Section("Block Diagrams") for bDesign in blueprint.blockDesigns: block = bDesign.construct(cs, blueprint, 0, 1, 0, "A", dict()) fileName = plotting.plotBlockDiagram( block, "{}.svg".format(, cold, materialList=materialList ) plotting.close() if fileName is not None: report[DESIGN]["Block Diagrams"][ ] = newReports.Image( "Diagram of {} Block at Cold Temperature".format( ), fileName, "{}".format(, )
[docs]def insertMetaTable(cs, report): """Generates part of the Settings table. Parameters ---------- cs: Case Settings report: ReportContent """ section = report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT] tableList = section.get( SETTINGS, newReports.Table("Settings", "General overview of the run") ) tableList.addRow(["outputFileExtension", cs["outputFileExtension"]]) tableList.addRow(["Total Core Power", "%8.5E MWt" % (cs["power"] / 1.0e6)]) if not cs["cycleLengths"]: tableList.addRow(["Cycle Length", "%8.5f days" % cs["cycleLength"]]) tableList.addRow(["BU Groups", str(cs["buGroups"])])
[docs]def insertSettingsData(cs, report): """Creates tableSections of Parameters (Case Parameters, Reactor Parameters, Case Controls and Snapshots of the run. Parameters ---------- cs: Case Settings report: ReportContent The report to be added to """ from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_GEN_XS from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_NEUTRONICS_KERNEL report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][CASE_PARAMETERS] = newReports.Table("Case Parameters") report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][REACTOR_PARAMS] = newReports.Table( "Reactor Parameters" ) report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][CASE_CONTROLS] = newReports.Table("Case Controls") report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][SNAPSHOT] = newReports.Table("Snapshot") report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][BURNUP_GROUPS] = newReports.Table("Burn Up Groups") for key in [ "nCycles", "burnSteps", "skipCycles", "cycleLength", "numProcessors", ]: report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][CASE_PARAMETERS].addRow([key, cs[key]]) for key in cs.environmentSettings: report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][SETTINGS].addRow([key, str(cs[key])]) for key in ["reloadDBName", "startCycle", "startNode"]: report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][SNAPSHOT].addRow([key, cs[key]]) for key in ["power", "Tin", "Tout"]: report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][REACTOR_PARAMS].addRow([key, cs[key]]) for key in [CONF_GEN_XS, CONF_NEUTRONICS_KERNEL]: report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][CASE_CONTROLS].addRow([key, str(cs[key])]) for key in ["buGroups"]: report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][BURNUP_GROUPS].addRow([key, str(cs[key])])
[docs]def getPinDesignTable(core): """Summarizes Pin and Assembly Design for the input. Parameters ---------- core: Core """ designInfo = collections.defaultdict(list) tableRows = newReports.Table("Pin Design", header=None) try: for b in core.getBlocks(Flags.FUEL): fuel = b.getComponent(Flags.FUEL) duct = b.getComponent(Flags.DUCT) clad = b.getComponent(Flags.CLAD) wire = b.getComponent(Flags.WIRE) designInfo["hot sd"].append(b.getSmearDensity(cold=False)) designInfo["sd"].append(b.getSmearDensity()) designInfo["ductThick"].append( (duct.getDimension("op") - duct.getDimension("ip")) * 5.0 ) # convert to mm and divide by 2 designInfo["cladThick"].append( (clad.getDimension("od") - clad.getDimension("id")) * 5.0 ) pinOD = clad.getDimension("od") * 10.0 wireOD = wire.getDimension("od") * 10.0 pitch = pinOD + wireOD # pitch has half a wire on each side. assemPitch = b.getPitch() * 10 # convert cm to mm. designInfo["pinOD"].append(pinOD) designInfo["wireOD"].append(wireOD) designInfo["pin pitch"].append(pitch) pinToDuctGap = b.getPinToDuctGap() if pinToDuctGap is not None: designInfo["pinToDuct"].append(b.getPinToDuctGap() * 10.0) designInfo["assemPitch"].append(assemPitch) designInfo["duct gap"].append(assemPitch - duct.getDimension("op") * 10.0) designInfo["nPins"].append(b.p.nPins) designInfo["zrFrac"].append(fuel.getMassFrac("ZR")) # assumption made that all lists contain only numerical data designInfo = {key: numpy.average(data) for key, data in designInfo.items()} dimensionless = {"sd", "hot sd", "zrFrac", "nPins"} for key, average_value in designInfo.items(): dim = "{0:10s}".format(key) val = "{0:.4f}".format(average_value) if key not in dimensionless: val += " mm" # want to basically add a row to a table with dim ---> val tableRows.addRow([dim, val]) a = core.refAssem tableRows.addRow( ["Fuel Height (cm):", "{0:.2f}".format(a.getHeight(Flags.FUEL))] ) tableRows.addRow( ["Plenum Height (cm):", "{0:.2f}".format(a.getHeight(Flags.PLENUM))] ) except Exception as error: runLog.warning("Pin summarization failed to work") runLog.warning(error) return tableRows
[docs]def insertAreaFractionsReport(block, report): """ Adds to an Assembly Area Fractions. Adds to the table subsection of the Comprehensive Section of the report. Parameters ---------- block : Block The block report : ReportContent The report """ for c, frac in block.getVolumeFractions(): report[COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT][ASSEMBLY_AREA].addRow( [c.getName(), "{0:10f}".format(c.getArea()), "{0:10f}".format(frac)] )
[docs]def createDimensionReport(comp): """Gives a report of the dimensions of this component. Parameters ---------- comp: Component Returns ------- newReports.Table that corresponds to the passed componenets dimension report """ REPORT_GROUPS = { Flags.INTERCOOLANT: INTERCOOLANT_DIMS, Flags.BOND: BOND_DIMS, Flags.DUCT: DUCT_DIMS, Flags.COOLANT: COOLANT_DIMS, Flags.CLAD: CLAD_DIMS, Flags.FUEL: FUEL_DIMS, Flags.WIRE: WIRE_DIMS, Flags.LINER: LINER_DIMS, Flags.GAP: GAP_DIMS, } reportGroup = None for componentType, componentReport in REPORT_GROUPS.items(): if comp.hasFlags(componentType): reportGroup = newReports.Table(componentReport.capitalize()) break if not reportGroup: return "No report group designated for {} component.".format(comp.getName()) # reportGroup must be of type TableSection... reportGroup.header = [ "", "Tcold ({0})".format(comp.inputTemperatureInC), "Thot ({0})".format(comp.temperatureInC), ] dimensions = { k: comp.p[k] for k in comp.DIMENSION_NAMES if k not in ("modArea", "area") and comp.p[k] is not None } # py3 cannot format None # Set component name and material reportGroup.addRow(["Name", comp.getName(), ""]) reportGroup.addRow(["Material", comp.getProperties().name, ""]) for dimName in dimensions: niceName = component._NICE_DIM_NAMES.get(dimName, dimName) refVal = comp.getDimension(dimName, cold=True) hotVal = comp.getDimension(dimName) try: reportGroup.addRow([niceName, refVal, hotVal]) except ValueError: "{0} has an invalid dimension for {1}. refVal: {2} hotVal: {3}".format( comp, dimName, refVal, hotVal ) ) # calculate thickness if applicable. suffix = None if "id" in dimensions: suffix = "d" elif "ip" in dimensions: suffix = "p" if suffix: coldIn = comp.getDimension("i{0}".format(suffix), cold=True) hotIn = comp.getDimension("i{0}".format(suffix)) coldOut = comp.getDimension("o{0}".format(suffix), cold=True) hotOut = comp.getDimension("o{0}".format(suffix)) if suffix and coldIn > 0.0: hotThick = (hotOut - hotIn) / 2.0 coldThick = (coldOut - coldIn) / 2.0 vals = ( "Thickness (cm)", "{0:.7f}".format(coldThick), "{0:.7f}".format(hotThick), ) reportGroup.addRow([vals[0], vals[1], vals[2]]) return reportGroup
[docs]def insertCoreAndAssemblyMaps( r, cs, report, blueprint, generateFullCoreMap=False, showBlockAxMesh=True ): """Create core and assembly design plots. Parameters ---------- r : armi.reactor.reactors.Reactor cs: armi.settings.caseSettings.Settings report : armi.bookkeeping.newReports.ReportContent blueprint: Blueprint generateFullCoreMap : bool, default False showBlockAxMesh : bool, default True """ assemPrototypes = set() for aKey in blueprint.assemDesigns.keys(): assemPrototypes.add(blueprint.constructAssem(cs, name=aKey)) counts = { len(r.core.getChildrenOfType( for assemDesign in blueprint.assemDesigns } core = r.core imageCaption = ( "The axial block and enrichment distributions of assemblies in the core at beginning of " + "life. The percentage represents the block enrichment (U-235 or B-10), where as the " + "additional character represents the cross section id of the block. The number of fine-" + "mesh subdivisions are provided on the secondary y-axis." ) report[DESIGN]["Assembly Designs"] = newReports.Section("Assembly Designs") currentSection = report[DESIGN]["Assembly Designs"] for plotNum, assemBatch in enumerate( iterables.chunk(list(assemPrototypes), MAX_ASSEMS_PER_ASSEM_PLOT), start=1 ): assemPlotImage = newReports.Image( imageCaption, os.path.abspath(f"{}AssemblyTypes{plotNum}.png"), ) assemPlotName = os.path.abspath(f"{}AssemblyTypes{plotNum}.png") plotting.plotAssemblyTypes( blueprint, assemPlotName, assemBatch, maxAssems=MAX_ASSEMS_PER_ASSEM_PLOT, showBlockAxMesh=showBlockAxMesh, ) currentSection.addChildElement(assemPlotImage, assemPlotName) # Create radial core map if generateFullCoreMap: core.growToFullCore(cs) assemList = [a.p.type for a in assemPrototypes] # Sort so it has the same colors each time. assemList.sort() assemTypeMap = {specifier: i for i, specifier in enumerate(assemList)} data = [assemTypeMap[a.p.type] for a in core] labels = [blueprint.assemDesigns[a.p.type].specifier for a in core] legendMap = [ ( assemTypeMap[], assemDesign.specifier, "{} ({})".format(, counts[]), ) for ai, assemDesign in enumerate(blueprint.assemDesigns) if counts[] > 0 ] fName = "".join([cs.caseTitle, "RadialCoreMap.", cs["outputFileExtension"]]) plotting.plotFaceMap( core, title="{} Radial Core Map".format(cs.caseTitle), fName=fName, cmapName="RdYlBu", data=data, labels=labels, legendMap=legendMap, axisEqual=True, bare=True, titleSize=10, fontSize=8, ) report[DESIGN][CORE_MAP] = newReports.Image( "Map of the Core at BOL", os.path.abspath(fName) )
"""Sections Constants""" COMPREHENSIVE_REPORT = "Comprehensive Report" DESIGN = "Design" """Subsections Constants""" SETTINGS = "Settings" CORE_MAP = "Core Map" PIN_ASSEMBLY_DESIGN_SUMMARY = "Pin and Assembly Design Summary" REACTOR_PARAMS = "Reactor Parameters" CASE_PARAMETERS = "Case Parameters" CASE_CONTROLS = "Case Controls" SNAPSHOT = "Snapshot" BURNUP_GROUPS = "Burn-Up Groups" ASSEMBLY_AREA = "Assembly Area Fractions" TOTAL_POWER_EOL = "Total Power at End Of Life" MAX_ASSEMS_PER_ASSEM_PLOT = 6 CLAD_DIMS = "Cladding Dimensions" WIRE_DIMS = "Wire Dimensions" DUCT_DIMS = "Duct Dimensions" COOLANT_DIMS = "Coolant Dimensions" INTERCOOLANT_DIMS = "Intercoolant Dimensions" FUEL_DIMS = "Fuel Dimensions" BOND_DIMS = "Bond Dimensions" LINER_DIMS = "Liner Dimensions" GAP_DIMS = "Gap Dimensions"