Source code for

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""HTML-formatted reports."""
import base64
import datetime
import html
import os

from armi import context

[docs]class HTMLFile: def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): self.args = args self.kwds = kwds self._file = None def __enter__(self): self._file = open(*self.args, **self.kwds) return self def __exit__(self, *args): self._file.close()
[docs] def write(self, data): self._file.write(data)
[docs] def writeEscaped(self, value): self._file.write(html.escape(str(value)))
[docs]class Tag: tag = NotImplementedError def __init__(self, f, attrs=None): self.f = f self.attrs = attrs def __enter__(self): attrs = "" if self.attrs: attrs = " " + " ".join( ['{}="{}"'.format(name, value) for name, value in self.attrs.items()] ) self.f.write(r"<{}{}>".format(self.tag, attrs)) self.f.write("\n") def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.f.write(r"</{}>".format(self.tag)) self.f.write("\n")
[docs]class Html(Tag): tag = "html"
[docs]class Body(Tag): tag = "body"
[docs]class Img(Tag): tag = "img"
[docs]class B(Tag): tag = "b"
[docs]class P(Tag): tag = "p"
[docs]class A(Tag): tag = "a"
[docs]class Title(Tag): tag = "title"
[docs]class H1(Tag): tag = "h1"
[docs]class H2(Tag): tag = "h2"
[docs]class H3(Tag): tag = "h3"
[docs]class H4(Tag): tag = "h4"
[docs]class UL(Tag): tag = "ul"
[docs]class LI(Tag): tag = "li"
[docs]class Script(Tag): tag = "script"
[docs]class Style(Tag): tag = "style"
[docs]class Div(Tag): tag = "div"
[docs]class Caption(Tag): tag = "caption"
[docs]class Table(Tag): tag = "table"
[docs]class TBody(Tag): tag = "tbody"
[docs]class THead(Tag): tag = "thead"
[docs]class TR(Tag): tag = "tr"
[docs]class TH(Tag): tag = "th"
[docs]class TD(Tag): tag = "td"
[docs]class Span(Tag): tag = "span"
# ---------------------------
[docs]def encode64(file_path): """Return the embedded HTML src attribute for an image in base64.""" xtn = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1][1:] # [1:] to cut out the period if xtn == "pdf": from armi import runLog runLog.warning( ( f"'.pdf' images cannot be embedded into this HTML report. {file_path} will not be" " inserted." ) ) return ( f"Faulty PDF image inclusion: {file_path} attempted to be inserted but no support is " "currently offered for such." ) with open(file_path, "rb") as img_src: return r"data:image/{};base64,{}".format( xtn, base64.b64encode( )
# ---------------------------
[docs]def writeStandardReportTemplate(f, report, caseTitle=""): f.write(r"<!DOCTYPE html>" + "\n") with Html(f): with Head(f): f.write(r'<meta charset="UTF-8">' + "\n") if caseTitle: with Title(f): f.write(caseTitle) with Body(f): with Div( f, attrs={ "id": "navbar", "class": "navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top", }, ): with Div(f, attrs={"class": "container"}): with Div(f, attrs={"class": "navbar-header"}): with Span( f, attrs={"class": "navbar-text navbar-version pull-left"} ): with Img( f, attrs={ "src": encode64( os.path.join( context.RES, "images", "armiicon.ico" ) ) }, ): pass with A( f, attrs={ "class": "navbar-brand", "href": "#", "style": "color: #d9230f;", }, ): if caseTitle: with B(f): f.write(caseTitle) with Span( f, attrs={"class": "navbar-text navbar-version pull-left"} ): with B(f): f.write(context.USER) with Span( f, attrs={"class": "navbar-text navbar-version pull-left"} ): with B(f): f.write( with Div(f, attrs={"class": "container", "style": "padding-top: 20px;"}): with Div(f, attrs={"class": "page-header"}): with H1(f): f.write(report.title) report.writeGroupsHTML(f) with Footer( f, attrs={ "style": "width: 100%; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top: 10px;" }, ): with UL(f, attrs={"class": "list-unstyled"}): with LI(f, attrs={"class": "pull-right"}): with A(f, attrs={"href": "#top"}): f.write("Back to top") with LI(f): with A( f, attrs={"href": ""}, ): f.write("ARMI docs") with P(f): f.write("Automatically generated by ARMI")