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# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

"""Data formats for reports."""
import collections
import copy
import re

from armi import runLog
from import html

# --------------------------------------------
#                REPORTS
# --------------------------------------------
[docs]class Report: """Storage for data separated out for a particular kind of user.""" # stubs for "further stylization" in the report package init groupsOrderFirst = [] componentWellGroups = [] def __init__(self, title, description): self.title = title self.description = description self.groups = {} # {Global Instance : Local Instance} @property def _groupRenderOrder(self): """Helper method to the rendering methods on this class for rendering order of contained info.""" presentGroupsOrderFirst = [ group for group in self.groupsOrderFirst if group in self.groups ] completeGroupOrder = presentGroupsOrderFirst + [ group for group in self.groups.keys() if group not in presentGroupsOrderFirst ] specialsRemovedOrder = [ group for group in completeGroupOrder if group not in self.componentWellGroups ] return specialsRemovedOrder def __str__(self): str_ = "\n{} - (REPORT) {}\n".format(self.title, self.description) for global_group in self.groups.values(): str_ += re.sub( "\n", "\n\t", "{}".format(Group.__str__(global_group)) ) # Don't use subclassed methods return str_
[docs] def addToReport(self, group, name, value): """Inserts the datum into the correct group of the report.""" if group not in self.groups: self.groups[group] = copy.deepcopy(group) self.groups[group][name] = value
def __getitem__(self, group): try: return self.groups[group] except KeyError: runLog.warning( "Cannot locate group {} in report {}".format(group.title, self.title) ) return None
[docs] def writeHTML(self): """Renders this report as a standalone HTML file.""" filename = "{}.html".format(self.title) runLog.debug("Writing HTML document {}.".format(filename)) with html.HTMLFile(filename, "w") as f: html.writeStandardReportTemplate(f, self, self.title)"HTML document {} written".format(filename))
[docs] def writeGroupsHTML(self, f): """A helper method to the writeHTML method process. Composes the group html content, intended for use in the midst of the html document generation """ Image.count = 0 # reset the count for this report's figure enumeration # this implementation is hardcoded as 2 equal width layout # easy enough to change if so desired leftCol = [] leftNumRows, leftNumImgs = 0, 0 rightCol = [] rightNumRows, rightNumImgs = 0, 0 # roughly compose the groups into equalish length columns for global_group in self._groupRenderOrder: group = self.groups[global_group] if isinstance(group, Table): tableEstimateLength = len( if leftNumRows <= rightNumRows: leftCol.append(group) leftNumRows += tableEstimateLength else: rightCol.append(group) rightNumRows += tableEstimateLength elif isinstance(group, Image): if leftNumImgs <= rightNumImgs: leftCol.append(group) leftNumImgs += len( else: rightCol.append(group) rightNumImgs += len( else: raise NotImplementedError( "Please update this method for handling of new group classes." ) # write html columns and place content inside with html.Div(f, attrs={"class": "row"}): with html.Div(f, attrs={"class": "col-md-6"}): for group in leftCol: group.writeHTML(f) with html.Div(f, attrs={"class": "col-md-6"}): for group in rightCol: group.writeHTML(f) # specially gathered groups constructed into own subsection presentComponentSpecials = [ group for group in self.componentWellGroups if group in self.groups ] if any(presentComponentSpecials): with html.Div(f, attrs={"class": "well"}): for global_group in presentComponentSpecials: self.groups[global_group].writeHTML(f)
# -------------------------------------------- # GROUPS # --------------------------------------------
[docs]class Group: """Abstract class, when extended is used for storage for data within a report. Only accepts things wrapped in the ReportDatum class """ def __init__(self, title, description=""): self.title = title self.description = description = collections.OrderedDict() self.titleStyle = "font-weight: bold; padding-top: 20px;" self.descStyle = "font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; font-size: 14px; padding-left: 5px;" def __str__(self): str_ = "\n{} - (GROUP) {}\n".format(self.title, self.description) for name, value in str_ += "\t{:<30} {}\n".format(name, value) return str_ def __getitem__(self, name): try: return[name] except KeyError: runLog.warning( "Given name {} not present in report group {}".format(name, self.title) ) return None def __setitem__(self, name, value):[name] = value
[docs] def writeHTML(self, f): """Writes the HTML information to file.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Table(Group): def __init__(self, title, description="", header=None): Group.__init__(self, title, description=description) self.header = header def __str__(self): """Truer to content representation.""" # set up prototypical_data = list([0] num_cols = len(prototypical_data) + 1 border_dashes = "-" * (num_cols * 31) + "\n" # create header str_ = border_dashes str_ += "{} - {}\n".format(self.title, self.description) if self.header: for column_title in self.header: str_ += "{:<30} ".format(column_title) str_ += "\n" str_ += border_dashes # create table body for name, value in sorted(, key=self._lowerCaseSortForTuples): str_ += "{:<30} ".format(name) for item in value: str_ += "{:<30} ".format(item) str_ += "\n" return str_ @staticmethod def _lowerCaseSortForTuples(nameValPair): """Force the key in a key-value pair to lower case.""" return nameValPair[0].lower() def __setitem__(self, name, value): if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] Group.__setitem__(self, name, value)
[docs] def writeHTML(self, f): with html.Table(f, attrs={"class": "table table-striped table-hover "}): with html.H4(f, attrs={"style": self.titleStyle}): f.writeEscaped(self.title) with html.Span(f, attrs={"style": self.descStyle}): f.writeEscaped(self.description) if self.header: with html.THead(f): with html.TR(f): for colname in self.header: with html.TH(f): with html.Span(f): f.writeEscaped(colname) with html.TBody(f): for name, value in with html.TR(f): with html.TD(f, attrs={"class": "lalign"}): f.writeEscaped(name) for col in value: with html.TD(f): f.writeEscaped(col)
[docs]class Image(Group): count = 0 def __init__(self, title, description=""): Group.__init__(self, title, description=description) self._shortformTitle = title.replace(" ", "").lower()
[docs] def writeHTML(self, f): if len( == 1: # single images don't get the standard Header as the same information is moved to it's Figure Caption with html.Img( f, attrs={ "src": html.encode64([list([0]]), "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "padding-top": "15px", }, ): with html.Div(f, attrs={"class": "alert alert-dismissible alert-info"}): with html.B(f): Image.count += 1 f.writeEscaped("Figure {} - {}".format(Image.count, self.title)) f.writeEscaped(self.description) elif len( > 1: with html.H4(f, attrs={"style": self.titleStyle}): f.writeEscaped(self.title) with html.Span(f, attrs={"style": self.descStyle}): f.writeEscaped(self.description) with html.UL(f, attrs={"class": "nav nav-tabs", "data-tabs": "tabs"}): first = True first_attrs = {"class": "active"} later_attrs = {"class": ""} for i in range(len( with html.LI(f, attrs=first_attrs if first else later_attrs): with html.A( f, attrs={ "href": "#{}{}".format(self._shortformTitle, i), "data-toggle": "tab", }, ): f.writeEscaped(str(i + 1)) first = False with html.Div(f, attrs={"class": "tab-content"}): Image.count += 1 first = True for i, (name, filepath) in enumerate( pane_attrs = {} pane_attrs["class"] = ( "tab-pane fade active in" if first else "tab-pane fade" ) pane_attrs["id"] = "{}{}".format(self._shortformTitle, i) first = False with html.Div(f, attrs=pane_attrs): with html.Img( f, attrs={ "src": html.encode64(filepath), "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "padding-top": "15px", }, ): with html.Div( f, attrs={"class": "alert alert-dismissible alert-info"} ): with html.B(f): f.writeEscaped( "Figure {} - {}".format(Image.count, name) ) f.writeEscaped(filepath) else: runLog.warning( "Empty Image group {} has nothing to report to HTML".format(self.title) )