Source code for armi.bookkeeping.memoryProfiler

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Interface to help diagnose memory issues during debugging/development.

There are many approaches to memory profiling.

1. You can ask psutil for the memory used by the process from an OS perspective.
This is great for top-down analysis. This module provides printouts
that show info from every process running. This is very fast.

2. You can use ``gc.get_objects()`` to list all objects that the garbage collector is tracking. If you want, you
can filter it down and get the counts and sizes of objects of interest (e.g. all armi objects).

This module has tools to do all of this. It should help you out.

NOTE: Psutil and sys.getsizeof will certainly report slightly different results.

NOTE: In Windows, it seems that even if your garbage is collected, Windows does not de-allocate all the memory.
So if you are a worker and you just got a 2GB reactor but then deleted it, Windows will keep you at 2GB for a while.

See Also
from typing import Optional
import gc
import sys
import tabulate

from armi import context
from armi import interfaces
from armi import mpiActions
from armi import runLog
from armi.reactor.composites import ArmiObject

    import psutil

    # psutil is an optional requirement, since it doesnt support MacOS very well
    _havePsutil = True
except ImportError:
        "Failed to import psutil; MemoryProfiler will not provide meaningful data."
    _havePsutil = False


[docs]def describeInterfaces(cs): """Function for exposing interface(s) to other code.""" return (MemoryProfiler, {})
[docs]class MemoryProfiler(interfaces.Interface): name = "memoryProfiler" def __init__(self, r, cs): interfaces.Interface.__init__(self, r, cs) self.sizes = {}
[docs] def interactBOL(self): interfaces.Interface.interactBOL(self) mpiAction = PrintSystemMemoryUsageAction() mpiAction.broadcast().invoke(self.o, self.r, self.cs) mpiAction.printUsage("BOL SYS_MEM") # so we can debug mem profiler quickly if self.cs["debugMem"]: mpiAction = ProfileMemoryUsageAction("EveryNode") mpiAction.broadcast().invoke(self.o, self.r, self.cs)
[docs] def interactEveryNode(self, cycle, node): mp = PrintSystemMemoryUsageAction() mp.broadcast() mp.invoke(self.o, self.r, self.cs) mp.printUsage("c{} n{} SYS_MEM".format(cycle, node)) self.r.core.p.minProcessMemoryInMB = round(mp.minProcessMemoryInMB * 10) / 10.0 self.r.core.p.maxProcessMemoryInMB = round(mp.maxProcessMemoryInMB * 10) / 10.0 if self.cs["debugMem"]: mpiAction = ProfileMemoryUsageAction("EveryNode") mpiAction.broadcast().invoke(self.o, self.r, self.cs)
[docs] def interactEOL(self): r"""End of life hook. Good place to wrap up or print out summary outputs.""" if self.cs["debugMem"]: mpiAction = ProfileMemoryUsageAction("EOL") mpiAction.broadcast().invoke(self.o, self.r, self.cs)
[docs] def displayMemoryUsage(self, timeDescription): r""" Print out some information to stdout about the memory usage of ARMI. Useful when the debugMem setting is set to True. Turn these on as appropriate to find all your problems. """ runLog.important( "----- Memory Usage Report at {} -----".format(timeDescription) ) self._printFullMemoryBreakdown(reportSize=self.cs["debugMemSize"]) self._reactorAssemblyTrackingBreakdown() runLog.important( "----- End Memory Usage Report at {} -----".format(timeDescription) )
def _reactorAssemblyTrackingBreakdown(self): runLog.important("Reactor attribute ArmiObject tracking count") for attrName, attrObj in self.r.core.__dict__.items(): if not attrObj: continue if isinstance(attrObj, list) and isinstance(attrObj[0], ArmiObject): runLog.important( "List {:30s} has {:4d} ArmiObjects".format(attrName, len(attrObj)) ) if isinstance(attrObj, dict) and isinstance( list(attrObj.values())[0], ArmiObject ): runLog.important( "Dict {:30s} has {:4d} ArmiObjects".format(attrName, len(attrObj)) ) if self.r.sfp is not None: runLog.important("SFP has {:4d} ArmiObjects".format(len(self.r.sfp)))
[docs] def checkForDuplicateObjectsOnArmiModel(self, attrName, refObject): """Scans thorugh ARMI model for duplicate objects.""" if self.r is None: return uniqueIds = set() uniqueObjTypes = set() def checkAttr(subObj): if getattr(subObj, attrName, refObject) != refObject: uniqueIds.add(id(getattr(subObj, attrName))) uniqueObjTypes.add(subObj.__class__.__name__) for a in self.r.core.getAssemblies(includeAll=True): checkAttr(a) for b in a: checkAttr(b) for c in b: checkAttr(c) checkAttr(c.material) for i in self.o.getInterfaces(): checkAttr(i) if == "xsGroups": for _, block in i.representativeBlocks.items(): checkAttr(block) if len(uniqueIds) == 0: runLog.important("There are no duplicate `.{}` attributes".format(attrName)) else: runLog.error( "There are {} unique objects stored as `.{}` attributes!\n" "Expected id {}, but got {}.\nExpected object:{}\n" "These types of objects had unique attributes: {}".format( len(uniqueIds) + 1, attrName, id(refObject), uniqueIds, refObject, ", ".join(uniqueObjTypes), ) ) raise RuntimeError
def _printFullMemoryBreakdown(self, reportSize=True, printReferrers=False): """ looks for any class from any module in the garbage collector and prints their count and size. Parameters ---------- reportSize : bool, optional calculate size as well as counting individual objects. Notes ----- Just because you use startsWith=armi doesn't mean you'll capture all ARMI objects. Some are in lists and dictionaries. """ cs = self.cs operator = self.o reactor = self.r if reportSize: self.o.detach() gc.collect() allObjects = gc.get_objects()"GC returned {} objects".format(len(allObjects))) instanceCounters = KlassCounter(reportSize) instanceCounters.countObjects(allObjects) for counter in sorted(instanceCounters.counters.values()): "UNIQUE_INSTANCE_COUNT: {:60s} {:10d} {:10.1f} MB".format( counter.classType.__name__, counter.count, counter.memSize / (1024**2.0), ) ) if printReferrers and counter.memSize / (1024**2.0) > 100: referrers = gc.get_referrers(counter.first)" Referrers of first one: ") for referrer in referrers:" {}".format(repr(referrer)[:150]))"gc garbage: {}".format(gc.garbage)) if printReferrers: # if you want more info on the garbage referrers, run this. WARNING, it's generally like 1000000 lines."referrers") for o in gc.garbage: for r in gc.get_referrers(o):"ref for {}: {}".format(o, r)) if reportSize: operator.reattach(reactor, cs)
[docs] @staticmethod def getReferrers(obj): """Print referrers in a useful way (as opposed to gigabytes of text.""""Printing first 100 character of first 100 referrers") for ref in gc.get_referrers(obj)[:100]: runLog.important("ref for {}: {}".format(obj, repr(ref)[:100]))
[docs]class KlassCounter: """ Helper class, to allow us to count instances of various classes in the Python standard library garbage collector (gc). Counting can be done simply, or by memory footprint. """ def __init__(self, reportSize): self.counters = dict() self.reportSize = reportSize self.count = 0 def __getitem__(self, classType): if classType not in self.counters: self.counters[classType] = InstanceCounter(classType, self.reportSize) return self.counters[classType]
[docs] def countObjects(self, ao): """ Recursively find objects inside arbitrarily-deeply-nested containers. This is designed to work with the garbage collector, so it focuses on objects potentially being held in dict, tuple, list, or sets. """ counter = self[type(ao)] if counter.add(ao): self.count += 1 if self.count % REPORT_COUNT == 0:"Counted {} items".format(self.count)) if isinstance(ao, dict): for k, v in ao.items(): self.countObjects(k) self.countObjects(v) elif isinstance(ao, (list, tuple, set)): for v in iter(ao): self.countObjects(v)
[docs]class InstanceCounter: def __init__(self, classType, reportSize): self.classType = classType self.count = 0 self.reportSize = reportSize if reportSize: self.memSize = 0 else: self.memSize = float("nan") self.items = set() self.ids = set() self.first = None
[docs] def add(self, item): itemId = id(item) if itemId in self.ids: return False self.ids.add(itemId) if self.reportSize: self.memSize += sys.getsizeof(item) self.count += 1 return True
def __cmp__(self, that): return (self.count > that.count) - (self.count < that.count) def __ls__(self, that): return self.count < that.count def __gt__(self, that): return self.count > that.count
[docs]class ProfileMemoryUsageAction(mpiActions.MpiAction): def __init__(self, timeDescription): mpiActions.MpiAction.__init__(self) self.timeDescription = timeDescription
[docs] def invokeHook(self): mem = self.o.getInterface("memoryProfiler") mem.displayMemoryUsage(self.timeDescription)
[docs]class SystemAndProcessMemoryUsage: def __init__(self): self.nodeName = context.MPI_NODENAME # no psutil, no memory diagnostics. # TODO: Ideally, we could cut MemoryProfiler entirely, but it is referred to # directly by the standard operator and reports, so easier said than done. self.percentNodeRamUsed: Optional[float] = None self.processMemoryInMB: Optional[float] = None if _havePsutil: self.percentNodeRamUsed = psutil.virtual_memory().percent self.processMemoryInMB = psutil.Process().memory_info().rss / (1012.0**2) def __isub__(self, other): if self.percentNodeRamUsed is not None and other.percentNodeRamUsed is not None: self.percentNodeRamUsed -= other.percentNodeRamUsed self.processMemoryInMB -= other.processMemoryInMB return self
[docs]class PrintSystemMemoryUsageAction(mpiActions.MpiAction): def __init__(self): mpiActions.MpiAction.__init__(self) self.usages = [] self.percentNodeRamUsed: Optional[float] = None def __iter__(self): return iter(self.usages) def __isub__(self, other): if self.percentNodeRamUsed is not None and other.percentNodeRamUsed is not None: self.percentNodeRamUsed -= other.percentNodeRamUsed for mine, theirs in zip(self, other): mine -= theirs return self @property def minProcessMemoryInMB(self): if len(self.usages) == 0: return 0.0 return min(mu.processMemoryInMB or 0.0 for mu in self) @property def maxProcessMemoryInMB(self): if len(self.usages) == 0: return 0.0 return max(mu.processMemoryInMB or 0.0 for mu in self)
[docs] def invokeHook(self): spmu = SystemAndProcessMemoryUsage() self.percentNodeRamUsed = spmu.percentNodeRamUsed self.usages = self.gather(spmu)
[docs] def printUsage(self, description=None): """This method prints the usage of all MPI nodes. The printout looks something like: SYS_MEM HOSTNAME 14.4% RAM. Proc mem (MB): 491 472 471 471 471 470 SYS_MEM HOSTNAME 13.9% RAM. Proc mem (MB): 474 473 472 471 460 461 SYS_MEM HOSTNAME ... SYS_MEM HOSTNAME ... """ printedNodes = set() prefix = description or "SYS_MEM" memoryData = [] for memoryUsage in self: if memoryUsage.nodeName in printedNodes: continue printedNodes.add(memoryUsage.nodeName) nodeUsages = [mu for mu in self if mu.nodeName == memoryUsage.nodeName] sysMemAvg = sum(mu.percentNodeRamUsed or 0.0 for mu in nodeUsages) / len( nodeUsages ) memoryData.append( ( "{:<24}".format(memoryUsage.nodeName), "{:5.1f}%".format(sysMemAvg), "{}".format( " ".join( "{:5.0f}".format(mu.processMemoryInMB or 0.0) for mu in nodeUsages ) ), ) ) "Summary of the system memory usage at `{}`:\n".format(prefix) + tabulate.tabulate( memoryData, headers=[ "Machine", "Average System RAM Usage", "Processor Memory Usage (MB)", ], tablefmt="armi", ) )