Source code for armi.bookkeeping.mainInterface

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This module performs some file manipulations, cleanups, state loads, etc.

It's a bit of a catch-all interface, and it's name is admittedly not very descriptive.
import glob
import itertools
import os
import re

from armi import context
from armi import interfaces
from armi import operators
from armi import runLog
from armi import utils
from armi.bookkeeping.db.database3 import Database3
from armi.utils import pathTools
from armi.utils.customExceptions import InputError


[docs]def describeInterfaces(_cs): """Function for exposing interface(s) to other code.""" return (MainInterface, {"reverseAtEOL": True})
[docs]class MainInterface(interfaces.Interface): """ Do some basic manipulations, calls, Instantiates the databse. Notes ----- Interacts early so that the database is accessible as soon as possible in the run. The database interfaces interacts near the end of the interface stack, but the main interface interacts first. """ name = "main"
[docs] def interactBOL(self): interfaces.Interface.interactBOL(self) self._activateDB() self._moveFiles()
def _activateDB(self): """ Instantiate the database state. Notes ----- This happens here rather than on the database interface, as the database interacts near the end of the stack. Some interactBOL methods may be dependent on having data in the database, such as calls to history tracker during a restart run. """ dbi = self.o.getInterface("database") if not dbi.enabled(): return dbi.initDB() if ( self.cs["loadStyle"] != "fromInput" and self.cs["runType"] != operators.RunTypes.SNAPSHOTS ): # load case before going forward with normal cycle runLog.important("MainInterface loading from DB") # Load the database from the point just before start cycle and start node # as the run will continue at the begining of start cycle and start node, # and the database contains the values from the run at the end of the # interface stack, which are what the start start cycle and start node # should begin with. # NOTE: this should be the responsibility of the database, but cannot # because the Database is last in the stack and the MainInterface is # first dbi.prepRestartRun() self.r.p.cycle = self.cs["startCycle"] self.r.p.timeNode = self.cs["startNode"] def _moveFiles(self): # check for orificed flow bounds files. These will often be named based on the # case that this one is dependent upon, but not always. For example, testSassys # is dependent on the safety case but requires physics bounds files. now copy # the files over copyFilesFrom = [ filePath for possiblePat in self.cs["copyFilesFrom"] for filePath in glob.glob(possiblePat) ] copyFilesTo = self.cs["copyFilesTo"] if len(copyFilesTo) in (len(copyFilesFrom), 0, 1): # if any files to copy, then use the first as the default, i.e. len() == 1, # otherwise assume '.' default = copyFilesTo[0] if any(copyFilesTo) else "." for filename, dest in itertools.zip_longest( copyFilesFrom, copyFilesTo, fillvalue=default ): pathTools.copyOrWarn("copyFilesFrom", filename, dest) else: runLog.error( "cs['copyFilesTo'] must either be length 1, 0, or have the same number of entries as " "cs['copyFilesFrom']. Actual values:\n" " copyFilesTo : {}\n" " copyFilesFrom : {}".format(copyFilesTo, copyFilesFrom) ) raise InputError("Failed to process copyFilesTo/copyFilesFrom")
[docs] def interactBOC(self, cycle=None): """Typically the first interface to interact beginning of cycle.""" runLog.important("Beginning of Cycle {0}".format(cycle)) runLog.LOG.clearSingleWarnings() if self.cs["reallySmallRun"]: self.cleanLastCycleFiles()
[docs] def interactEveryNode(self, cycle, node): """Loads from db if necessary.""" if self.cs["loadStyle"] == "fromDB" and self.cs["loadFromDBEveryNode"]: if cycle == 0 and node == 0: # skip at BOL because interactBOL handled it. pass else: with Database3(self.cs["reloadDBName"], "r") as db: r = db.load(cycle, node, self.cs) self.o.reattach(r, self.cs)
[docs] def interactEOL(self): if self.cs["smallRun"]: # successful run with smallRun activated. Clean things up. self.cleanARMIFiles() runLog.warningReport()
[docs] def cleanARMIFiles(self): """ Delete temporary ARMI run files like simulation inputs/outputs. Useful if running a clean job that doesn't require restarts. """ if context.MPI_RANK != 0: # avoid inadvertently calling from worker nodes which could cause filesystem lockups. raise ValueError("Only the master node is allowed to clean files here.") runLog.important("Cleaning ARMI files due to smallRun option") for fileName in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): # clean simulation inputs and outputs for candidate in [".BCD", ".inp", ".out", "ISOTXS-"]: if candidate in fileName: if ".htos.out" in fileName: continue if "sassys.inp" in fileName: continue os.remove(fileName) if"ISO..F?$", fileName): # clean intermediate XS os.remove(fileName) for snapText in self.cs["dumpSnapshot"]: # snapText is a CCCNNN with C=cycle and N=node cycle = int(snapText[0:3]) node = int(snapText[3:]) newFolder = "snapShot{0}_{1}".format(cycle, node) utils.pathTools.cleanPath(newFolder) # delete database if it's SQLlite # no need to delete because the database won't have copied it back if using fastpath. # clean temp directories. if os.path.exists("shuffleBranches"): utils.pathTools.cleanPath("shuffleBranches") # Potentially, wait for all the processes to catch up. if os.path.exists("failedRuns"): utils.pathTools.cleanPath("failedRuns")
[docs] def cleanLastCycleFiles(self): """Delete ARMI files from previous cycle that aren't necessary for the next cycle. Unless you're doing reloads, of course. """ runLog.important("Cleaning ARMI files due to reallySmallRun option") for fileName in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): # clean MC**2 and REBUS inputs and outputs for candidate in [".BCD", ".inp", ".out", "ISOTXS-"]: if candidate in fileName: # Do not remove .htos.out files. if ".htos.out" in fileName: continue if"mcc[A-Z0-9]+\.inp", fileName): continue # don't remove mccIA1.inp stuff in case we go out of a burnup bound. try: os.remove(fileName) except OSError: runLog.warning( "Error removing file {0} during cleanup. It is still in use," " probably".format(fileName) )