Source code for armi.bookkeeping.db.layout

# Copyright 2022 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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Groundwork for ARMI Database, version 3.4.

When interacting with the database file, the :py:class:`Layout` class is used to help
map the hierarchical Composite Reactor Model to the flat representation in
:py:class:`Database3 <armi.bookkeeping.db.database3.Database3>`.

This module also stores packing/packing tools to support
:py:class:`Database3 <armi.bookkeeping.db.database3.Database3>`, as well as datbase
versioning information.

import collections
from typing import (

import numpy

from armi import runLog
from armi.reactor.components import Component
from armi.reactor.composites import ArmiObject
from armi.reactor import grids
from armi.reactor.reactors import Core
from armi.reactor.assemblyLists import AssemblyList
from armi.reactor.reactors import Reactor

# Here we store the Database3 version information.


    type(None): LOC_NONE,
    grids.CoordinateLocation: LOC_COORD,
    grids.IndexLocation: LOC_INDEX,
    grids.MultiIndexLocation: LOC_MULTI,

# NOTE: Here we assume no one assigns min(int)+2 as a meaningful value
NONE_MAP = {float: float("nan"), str: "<!None!>"}
        intType: numpy.iinfo(intType).min + 2
        for intType in (
        intType: numpy.iinfo(intType).max - 2
        for intType in (
NONE_MAP.update({floatType: floatType("nan") for floatType in (float, numpy.float64)})

[docs]class Layout: """ The Layout class describes the hierarchical layout of the Composite Reactor model in a flat representation for :py:class:`Database3 <armi.bookkeeping.db.database3.Database3>`. A Layout is built by starting at the root of a composite tree and recursively appending each node in the tree to a list of data. So the data will be ordered by depth-first search: [r, c, a1, a1b1, a1b1c1, a1b1c2, a1b2, a1b2c1, ..., a2, ...]. The layout is also responsible for storing Component attributes, like location, material, and temperatures, which aren't stored as Parameters. Temperatures, specifically, are rather complicated in ARMI. Notes ----- * Elements in Layout are stored in depth-first order. This permits use of algorithms such as Pre-Order Tree Traversal for efficient traversal of regions of the model. * ``indexInData`` increases monotonically within each object ``type``. For example, the data for all ``HexBlock`` children of a given parent are stored contiguously within the ``HexBlock`` group, and will not be interleaved with data from the ``HexBlock`` children of any of the parent's siblings. * Aside from the hierarchy, there is no guarantee what order objects are stored in the layout. The ``Core`` is not necessarily the first child of the ``Reactor``, and is not guaranteed to use the zeroth grid. """ def __init__(self, version: Tuple[int, int], h5group=None, comp=None): self.type: List[str] = [] List[str] = [] self.serialNum: List[int] = [] # The index into the parameter datasets corresponding to each object's class. # E.g., the 5th HexBlock object in the tree would get 5; to look up its # "someParameter" value, you would extract cXXnYY/HexBlock/someParameter[5]. self.indexInData: List[int] = [] # The number of direct children this object has. self.numChildren: List[int] = [] # The type of location that specifies the object's physical location; see the # associated pack/unpackLocation functions for more information about how # locations are handled. self.locationType: List[str] = [] # There is a minor asymmetry here in that before writing to the DB, this is # truly a flat list of tuples. However when reading, this may contain lists of # tuples, which represent MI locations. This comes from the fact that we map the # tuples to Location objects in Database3._compose, but map from Locations to # tuples in Layout._createLayout. Ideally we would handle both directions in the # same place so this can be less surprising. Resolving this would require # changing the interface of the various pack/unpack functions, which have # multiple versions, so the update would need to be done with care. self.location: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] = [] # Which grid, as stored in the database, this object uses to arrange its # children self.gridIndex: List[int] = [] self.temperatures: List[float] = [] self.material: List[str] = [] # Used to cache all of the spatial locators so that we can pack them all at # once. The benefit here is that the version checking can happen up front and # less branching down below self._spatialLocators: List[grids.LocationBase] = [] # set of grid parameters that have been seen in _createLayout. For efficient # checks for uniqueness self._seenGridParams: Dict[Any, Any] = dict() # actual list of grid parameters, with stable order for safe indexing self.gridParams: List[Any] = [] self.version = version self.groupedComps: Dict[ Type[ArmiObject], List[ArmiObject] ] = collections.defaultdict(list) # it should be noted, one of the two inputs must be non-None: comp/h5group if comp is not None: self._createLayout(comp) self.locationType, self.location = _packLocations(self._spatialLocators) else: self._readLayout(h5group) self._snToLayoutIndex = {sn: i for i, sn in enumerate(self.serialNum)} # find all subclasses of Grid self.gridClasses = {c.__name__: c for c in Layout.allSubclasses(grids.Grid)} self.gridClasses["Grid"] = grids.Grid def __getitem__(self, sn): layoutIndex = self._snToLayoutIndex[sn] return ( self.type[layoutIndex],[layoutIndex], self.serialNum[layoutIndex], self.indexInData[layoutIndex], self.numChildren[layoutIndex], self.locationType[layoutIndex], self.location[layoutIndex], self.temperatures[layoutIndex], self.material[layoutIndex], ) def _createLayout(self, comp): """ Populate a hierarchical representation and group the reactor model items by type. This is used when writing a reactor model to the database. Notes ----- This is recursive. See Also -------- _readLayout : does the opposite """ compList = self.groupedComps[type(comp)] compList.append(comp) self.type.append(comp.__class__.__name__) self.serialNum.append(comp.p.serialNum) self.indexInData.append(len(compList) - 1) self.numChildren.append(len(comp)) # determine how many components have been read in, to set the grid index if comp.spatialGrid is not None: gridType = type(comp.spatialGrid).__name__ gridParams = (gridType, comp.spatialGrid.reduce()) if gridParams not in self._seenGridParams: self._seenGridParams[gridParams] = len(self.gridParams) self.gridParams.append(gridParams) self.gridIndex.append(self._seenGridParams[gridParams]) else: self.gridIndex.append(None) self._spatialLocators.append(comp.spatialLocator) # set the materials and temperatures try: self.temperatures.append((comp.inputTemperatureInC, comp.temperatureInC)) self.material.append(comp.material.__class__.__name__) except: # noqa: bare-except self.temperatures.append((-900, -900)) # an impossible temperature self.material.append("") try: comps = sorted(list(comp)) except ValueError: runLog.error( "Failed to sort some collection of ArmiObjects for database output: {} " "value {}".format(type(comp), list(comp)) ) raise # depth-first search recursion of all components for c in comps: self._createLayout(c) def _readLayout(self, h5group): """ Populate a hierarchical representation and group the reactor model items by type. This is used when reading a reactor model from a database. See Also -------- _createLayout : does the opposite """ try: # location is either an index, or a point # iter over list is faster locations = h5group["layout/location"][:].tolist() self.locationType = numpy.char.decode( h5group["layout/locationType"][:] ).tolist() self.location = _unpackLocations( self.locationType, locations, self.version[1] ) self.type = numpy.char.decode(h5group["layout/type"][:]) = numpy.char.decode(h5group["layout/name"][:]) self.serialNum = h5group["layout/serialNum"][:] self.indexInData = h5group["layout/indexInData"][:] self.numChildren = h5group["layout/numChildren"][:] self.material = numpy.char.decode(h5group["layout/material"][:]) self.temperatures = h5group["layout/temperatures"][:] self.gridIndex = replaceNonsenseWithNones( h5group["layout/gridIndex"][:], "layout/gridIndex" ) gridGroup = h5group["layout/grids"] gridTypes = [t.decode() for t in gridGroup["type"][:]] self.gridParams = [] for iGrid, gridType in enumerate(gridTypes): thisGroup = gridGroup[str(iGrid)] unitSteps = thisGroup["unitSteps"][:] bounds = [] for ibound in range(3): boundName = "bounds_{}".format(ibound) if boundName in thisGroup: bounds.append(thisGroup[boundName][:]) else: bounds.append(None) unitStepLimits = thisGroup["unitStepLimits"][:] offset = thisGroup["offset"][:] if thisGroup.attrs["offset"] else None geomType = ( thisGroup["geomType"].asstr()[()] if "geomType" in thisGroup else None ) symmetry = ( thisGroup["symmetry"].asstr()[()] if "symmetry" in thisGroup else None ) self.gridParams.append( ( gridType, grids.GridParameters( unitSteps, bounds, unitStepLimits, offset, geomType, symmetry, ), ) ) except KeyError as e: runLog.error( "Failed to get layout information from group: {}".format( ) raise e def _initComps(self, caseTitle, bp): comps = [] groupedComps = collections.defaultdict(list) for ( compType, name, serialNum, numChildren, location, material, temperatures, gridIndex, ) in zip( self.type,, self.serialNum, self.numChildren, self.location, self.material, self.temperatures, self.gridIndex, ): Klass = ArmiObject.TYPES[compType] if issubclass(Klass, Reactor): comp = Klass(caseTitle, bp) elif issubclass(Klass, Core): comp = Klass(name) elif issubclass(Klass, AssemblyList): comp = Klass(name) elif issubclass(Klass, Component): # init all dimensions to 0, they will be loaded and assigned after load kwargs = dict.fromkeys(Klass.DIMENSION_NAMES, 0) kwargs["material"] = material kwargs["name"] = name kwargs["Tinput"] = temperatures[0] kwargs["Thot"] = temperatures[1] comp = Klass(**kwargs) else: comp = Klass(name) if gridIndex is not None: gridParams = self.gridParams[gridIndex] comp.spatialGrid = self.gridClasses[gridParams[0]]( *gridParams[1], armiObject=comp ) comps.append((comp, serialNum, numChildren, location)) groupedComps[compType].append(comp) return comps, groupedComps
[docs] def writeToDB(self, h5group): """Write a chunk of data to the database. .. impl:: Write data to the DB for a given time step. :id: I_ARMI_DB_TIME :implements: R_ARMI_DB_TIME This method writes a snapshot of the current state of the reactor to the database. It takes a pointer to an existing HDF5 file as input, and it writes the reactor data model to the file in depth-first search order. Other than this search order, there are no guarantees as to what order the objects are written to the file. Though, this turns out to still be very powerful. For instance, the data for all ``HexBlock`` children of a given parent are stored contiguously within the ``HexBlock`` group, and will not be interleaved with data from the ``HexBlock`` children of any of the parent's siblings. """ if "layout/type" in h5group: # It looks like we have already written the layout to DB, skip for now return try: h5group.create_dataset( "layout/type", data=numpy.array(self.type).astype("S"), compression="gzip", ) h5group.create_dataset( "layout/name", data=numpy.array("S"), compression="gzip", ) h5group.create_dataset( "layout/serialNum", data=self.serialNum, compression="gzip" ) h5group.create_dataset( "layout/indexInData", data=self.indexInData, compression="gzip" ) h5group.create_dataset( "layout/numChildren", data=self.numChildren, compression="gzip" ) h5group.create_dataset( "layout/location", data=self.location, compression="gzip" ) h5group.create_dataset( "layout/locationType", data=numpy.array(self.locationType).astype("S"), compression="gzip", ) h5group.create_dataset( "layout/material", data=numpy.array(self.material).astype("S"), compression="gzip", ) h5group.create_dataset( "layout/temperatures", data=self.temperatures, compression="gzip" ) h5group.create_dataset( "layout/gridIndex", data=replaceNonesWithNonsense( numpy.array(self.gridIndex), "layout/gridIndex" ), compression="gzip", ) gridsGroup = h5group.create_group("layout/grids") gridsGroup.attrs["nGrids"] = len(self.gridParams) gridsGroup.create_dataset( "type", data=numpy.array([gp[0] for gp in self.gridParams]).astype("S") ) for igrid, gridParams in enumerate(gp[1] for gp in self.gridParams): thisGroup = gridsGroup.create_group(str(igrid)) thisGroup.create_dataset("unitSteps", data=gridParams.unitSteps) for ibound, bound in enumerate(gridParams.bounds): if bound is not None: bound = numpy.array(bound) thisGroup.create_dataset("bounds_{}".format(ibound), data=bound) thisGroup.create_dataset( "unitStepLimits", data=gridParams.unitStepLimits ) offset = gridParams.offset thisGroup.attrs["offset"] = offset is not None if offset is not None: thisGroup.create_dataset("offset", data=offset) thisGroup.create_dataset("geomType", data=gridParams.geomType) thisGroup.create_dataset("symmetry", data=gridParams.symmetry) except RuntimeError: runLog.error("Failed to create datasets in: {}".format(h5group)) raise
[docs] @staticmethod def computeAncestors(serialNum, numChildren, depth=1) -> List[Optional[int]]: """ Return a list containing the serial number of the parent corresponding to each object at the given depth. Depth in this case means how many layers to reach up to find the desired ancestor. A depth of 1 will yield the direct parent of each element, depth of 2 would yield the elemen's parent's parent, and so on. The zero-th element will always be None, as the first object is the root element and so has no parent. Subsequent depths will result in more Nones. This function is useful for forming a lightweight sense of how the database contents stitch together, without having to go to the trouble of fully unpacking the Reactor model. Parameters ---------- serialNum : List of int List of serial numbers for each object/element, as laid out in Layout numChildren : List of int List of numbers of children for each object/element, as laid out in Layout Note ---- This is not using a recursive approach for a couple of reasons. First, the iterative form isn't so bad; we just need two stacks. Second, the interface of the recursive function would be pretty unwieldy. We are progressively consuming two lists, of which we would need to keep passing down with an index/cursor, or progressively slice them as we go, which would be pretty inefficient. """ ancestors: List[Optional[int]] = [None] snStack = [serialNum[0]] ncStack = [numChildren[0]] for sn, nc in zip(serialNum[1:], numChildren[1:]): ncStack[-1] -= 1 if nc > 0: ancestors.append(snStack[-1]) snStack.append(sn) ncStack.append(nc) else: ancestors.append(snStack[-1]) while ncStack and ncStack[-1] == 0: snStack.pop() ncStack.pop() if depth > 1: # handle deeper scenarios. This is a bit tricky. Store the original # ancestors for the first generation, since that ultimately contains all of # the information that we need. Then in a loop, keep hopping one more layer # of indirection, and indexing into the corresponding locaition in the # original ancestor array indexMap = {sn: i for i, sn in enumerate(serialNum)} origAncestors = ancestors for _ in range(depth - 1): ancestors = [ origAncestors[indexMap[ia]] if ia is not None else None for ia in ancestors ] return ancestors
[docs] @staticmethod def allSubclasses(cls) -> set: """Find all subclasses of the given class, in any namespace.""" return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union( [s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in Layout.allSubclasses(c)] )
def _packLocations( locations: List[grids.LocationBase], minorVersion: int = DB_MINOR ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Tuple[int, int, int]]]: """ Extract information from a location needed to write it to this DB. Each locator has one locationType and up to N location-defining datums, where N is the number of entries in a possible multiindex, or just 1 for everything else. Shrink grid locator names for storage efficiency. Notes ----- Contains some conditionals to still load databases made before db version 3.3 which can be removed once no users care about those DBs anymore. """ if minorVersion <= 2: locationTypes, locationData = _packLocationsV1(locations) elif minorVersion == 3: locationTypes, locationData = _packLocationsV2(locations) elif minorVersion > 3: locationTypes, locationData = _packLocationsV3(locations) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported minor version: {}".format(minorVersion)) return locationTypes, locationData def _packLocationsV1( locations: List[grids.LocationBase], ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Tuple[int, int, int]]]: """Delete when reading v <=3.2 DB's no longer wanted.""" locTypes = [] locData: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] = [] for loc in locations: locationType = loc.__class__.__name__ if loc is None: locationType = "None" locDatum = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] elif isinstance(loc, grids.IndexLocation): locDatum = [loc.indices] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid location type: {loc}") locTypes.append(locationType) locData.extend(locDatum) return locTypes, locData def _packLocationsV2( locations: List[grids.LocationBase], ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Tuple[int, int, int]]]: """Location packing implementation for minor version 3. See module docstring above.""" locTypes = [] locData: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] = [] for loc in locations: locationType = LOCATION_TYPE_LABELS[type(loc)] if loc is None: locDatum = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] elif loc.__class__ is grids.CoordinateLocation: locDatum = [loc.indices] elif loc.__class__ is grids.IndexLocation: locDatum = [loc.indices] elif loc.__class__ is grids.MultiIndexLocation: # encode number of sub-locations to allow in-line unpacking. locationType += f"{len(loc)}" locDatum = [subloc.indices for subloc in loc] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid location type: {loc}") locTypes.append(locationType) locData.extend(locDatum) return locTypes, locData def _packLocationsV3( locations: List[grids.LocationBase], ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Tuple[int, int, int]]]: """Location packing implementation for minor version 4. See module docstring above.""" locTypes = [] locData: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] = [] for loc in locations: locationType = LOCATION_TYPE_LABELS[type(loc)] if loc is None: locDatum = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] elif type(loc) is grids.IndexLocation: locDatum = [loc.getCompleteIndices()] elif type(loc) is grids.CoordinateLocation: # CoordinateLocations do not implement getCompleteIndices properly, and we # do not really have a motivation to store them as we do with index # locations. locDatum = [loc.indices] elif type(loc) is grids.MultiIndexLocation: locationType += f"{len(loc)}" locDatum = [subloc.indices for subloc in loc] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid location type: {loc}") locTypes.append(locationType) locData.extend(locDatum) return locTypes, locData def _unpackLocations(locationTypes, locData, minorVersion: int = DB_MINOR): """ Convert location data as read from DB back into data structure for building reactor model. location and locationType will only have different lengths when multiindex locations are used. """ if minorVersion < 3: return _unpackLocationsV1(locationTypes, locData) else: return _unpackLocationsV2(locationTypes, locData) def _unpackLocationsV1(locationTypes, locData): """Delete when reading v <=3.2 DB's no longer wanted.""" locsIter = iter(locData) unpackedLocs = [] for lt in locationTypes: if lt == "None": loc = next(locsIter) unpackedLocs.append(None) elif lt == "IndexLocation": loc = next(locsIter) # the data is stored as float, so cast back to int unpackedLocs.append(tuple(int(i) for i in loc)) else: loc = next(locsIter) unpackedLocs.append(tuple(loc)) return unpackedLocs def _unpackLocationsV2(locationTypes, locData): """Location unpacking implementation for minor version 3+. See module docstring above.""" locsIter = iter(locData) unpackedLocs = [] for lt in locationTypes: if lt == LOC_NONE: loc = next(locsIter) unpackedLocs.append(None) elif lt == LOC_INDEX: loc = next(locsIter) # the data is stored as float, so cast back to int unpackedLocs.append(tuple(int(i) for i in loc)) elif lt == LOC_COORD: loc = next(locsIter) unpackedLocs.append(tuple(loc)) elif lt.startswith(LOC_MULTI): # extract number of sublocations from e.g. "M:345" string. numSubLocs = int(lt.split(":")[1]) multiLocs = [] for _ in range(numSubLocs): subLoc = next(locsIter) # All multiindexes sublocs are index locs multiLocs.append(tuple(int(i) for i in subLoc)) unpackedLocs.append(multiLocs) else: raise ValueError(f"Read unknown location type {lt}. Invalid DB.") return unpackedLocs
[docs]def replaceNonesWithNonsense( data: numpy.ndarray, paramName: str, nones: numpy.ndarray = None ) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Replace instances of ``None`` with nonsense values that can be detected/recovered when reading. Parameters ---------- data The numpy array containing ``None`` values that need to be replaced. paramName The name of the parameter who's data we are treating. Only used for diagnostics. nones An array containing the index locations on the ``None`` elements. It is a little strange to pass these, in but we find these indices to determine whether we need to call this function in the first place, so might as well pass it in, so that we don't need to perform the operation again. Notes ----- This only supports situations where the data is a straight-up ``None``, or a valid, database-storable numpy array (or easily convertable to one (e.g. tuples/lists with numerical values)). This does not support, for instance, a numpy ndarray with some Nones in it. For example, the following is supported:: [[1, 2, 3], None, [7, 8, 9]] However, the following is not:: [[1, 2, 3], [4, None, 6], [7, 8, 9]] See Also -------- replaceNonsenseWithNones Reverses this operation. """ if nones is None: nones = numpy.where([d is None for d in data])[0] try: # loop to find what the default value should be. This is the first non-None # value that we can find. defaultValue = None realType = None val = None for val in data: if isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray): # if multi-dimensional, val[0] could still be an array, val.flat is # a flattened iterator, so next(val.flat) gives the first value in # an n-dimensional array realType = type(next(val.flat)) if realType is type(None): continue defaultValue = numpy.reshape( numpy.repeat(NONE_MAP[realType], val.size), val.shape ) break else: realType = type(val) if realType is type(None): continue defaultValue = NONE_MAP[realType] break else: # Couldn't find any non-None entries, so it really doesn't matter what type we # use. Using float, because NaN is nice. realType = float defaultValue = NONE_MAP[realType] if isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray): data = numpy.array([d if d is not None else defaultValue for d in data]) else: data[nones] = defaultValue except Exception as ee: runLog.error( "Error while attempting to determine default for {}.\nvalue: {}\nError: {}".format( paramName, val, ee ) ) raise TypeError( "Could not determine None replacement for {} with type {}, val {}, default {}".format( paramName, realType, val, defaultValue ) ) try: data = data.astype(realType) except: # noqa: bare-except raise ValueError( "Could not coerce data for {} to {}, data:\n{}".format( paramName, realType, data ) ) if data.dtype.kind == "O": raise TypeError( "Failed to convert data to valid HDF5 type {}, data:{}".format( paramName, data ) ) return data
[docs]def replaceNonsenseWithNones(data: numpy.ndarray, paramName: str) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Replace special nonsense values with ``None``. This essentially reverses the operations performed by :py:func:`replaceNonesWithNonsense`. Parameters ---------- data The array from the database that contains special ``None`` nonsense values. paramName The param name who's data we are dealing with. Only used for diagnostics. See Also -------- replaceNonesWithNonsense """ # NOTE: This is closely-related to the NONE_MAP. if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.floating): isNone = numpy.isnan(data) elif numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.integer): isNone = data == numpy.iinfo(data.dtype).min + 2 elif numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.str_): isNone = data == "<!None!>" else: raise TypeError( "Unable to resolve values that should be None for `{}`".format(paramName) ) if data.ndim > 1: result = numpy.ndarray(data.shape[0], dtype=numpy.dtype("O")) for i in range(data.shape[0]): if isNone[i].all(): result[i] = None elif isNone[i].any(): # This is the meat of the logic to replace "nonsense" with None. result[i] = numpy.array(data[i], dtype=numpy.dtype("O")) result[i][isNone[i]] = None else: result[i] = data[i] else: result = numpy.ndarray(data.shape, dtype=numpy.dtype("O")) result[:] = data result[isNone] = None return result