# Copyright 2024 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
r"""Pretty-print tabular data.
This file started out as the MIT-licensed "tabulate". Though we have made, and will continue to
make, many arbitrary changes as we need. Thanks to the tabulate team.
The module provides just one function, `tabulate`, which takes a list of lists or other tabular data
type as the first argument, and outputs anicely-formatted plain-text table::
>>> from armi.utils.tabulate import tabulate
>>> table = [["Sun",696000,1989100000],["Earth",6371,5973.6],
... ["Moon",1737,73.5],["Mars",3390,641.85]]
>>> print(tabulate(table))
----- ------ -------------
Sun 696000 1.9891e+09
Earth 6371 5973.6
Moon 1737 73.5
Mars 3390 641.85
----- ------ -------------
The following tabular data types are supported:
- list of lists or another iterable of iterables
- list or another iterable of dicts (keys as columns)
- dict of iterables (keys as columns)
- list of dataclasses (field names as columns)
- two-dimensional NumPy array
- NumPy record arrays (names as columns)
Table headers
To print nice column headers, supply the second argument (`headers`):
- `headers` can be an explicit list of column headers
- if `headers="firstrow"`, then the first row of data is used
- if `headers="keys"`, then dictionary keys or column indices are used
Otherwise a headerless table is produced.
If the number of headers is less than the number of columns, they are supposed to be names of
the last columns. This is consistent with the plain-text format of R::
>>> print(tabulate([["sex","age"],["Alice","F",24],["Bob","M",19]],
... headers="firstrow"))
sex age
----- ----- -----
Alice F 24
Bob M 19
Column and Headers alignment
`tabulate` tries to detect column types automatically, and aligns the values properly. By
default it aligns decimal points of the numbers (or flushes integer numbers to the right), and
flushes everything else to the left. Possible column alignments (`numAlign`, `strAlign`) are:
"right", "center", "left", "decimal" (only for `numAlign`), and None (to disable alignment).
`colGlobalAlign` allows for global alignment of columns, before any specific override from
`colAlign`. Possible values are: None (defaults according to coltype), "right", "center",
"decimal", "left".
`colAlign` allows for column-wise override starting from left-most column. Possible values are:
"global" (no override), "right", "center", "decimal", "left".
`headersGlobalAlign` allows for global headers alignment, before any specific override from
`headersAlign`. Possible values are: None (follow columns alignment), "right", "center",
`headersAlign` allows for header-wise override starting from left-most given header. Possible
values are: "global" (no override), "same" (follow column alignment), "right", "center",
Note on intended behaviour: If there is no `data`, any column alignment argument is ignored. Hence,
in this case, header alignment cannot be inferred from column alignment.
Table formats
`intFmt` is a format specification used for columns which contain numeric data without a decimal
point. This can also be a list or tuple of format strings, one per column.
`floatFmt` is a format specification used for columns which contain numeric data with a decimal
point. This can also be a list or tuple of format strings, one per column.
`None` values are replaced with a `missingVal` string (like `floatFmt`, this can also be a list
of values for different columns)::
>>> print(tabulate([["spam", 1, None],
... ["eggs", 42, 3.14],
... ["other", None, 2.7]], missingVal="?"))
----- -- ----
spam 1 ?
eggs 42 3.14
other ? 2.7
----- -- ----
Various plain-text table formats (`tableFmt`) are supported: 'plain', 'simple', 'grid', 'rst', and
`tsv`. Variable `tabulateFormats` contains the list of currently supported formats.
"plain" format doesn't use any pseudographics to draw tables, it separates columns with a double
>>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
... ["strings", "numbers"], "plain"))
strings numbers
spam 41.9999
eggs 451
>>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tableFmt="plain"))
spam 41.9999
eggs 451
"simple" format is like Pandoc simple_tables::
>>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
... ["strings", "numbers"], "simple"))
strings numbers
--------- ---------
spam 41.9999
eggs 451
>>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tableFmt="simple"))
---- --------
spam 41.9999
eggs 451
---- --------
"grid" is similar to tables produced by Emacs table.el package or Pandoc grid_tables::
>>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
... ["strings", "numbers"], "grid"))
| strings | numbers |
| spam | 41.9999 |
| eggs | 451 |
>>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tableFmt="grid"))
| spam | 41.9999 |
| eggs | 451 |
"rst" is like a simple table format from reStructuredText; please note that reStructuredText
accepts also "grid" tables::
>>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]],
... ["strings", "numbers"], "rst"))
========= =========
strings numbers
========= =========
spam 41.9999
eggs 451
========= =========
>>> print(tabulate([["spam", 41.9999], ["eggs", "451.0"]], tableFmt="rst"))
==== ========
spam 41.9999
eggs 451
==== ========
Number parsing
By default, anything which can be parsed as a number is a number. This ensures numbers represented
as strings are aligned properly. This can lead to weird results for particular strings such as
specific git SHAs e.g. "42992e1" will be parsed into the number 429920 and aligned as such.
To completely disable number parsing (and alignment), use `disableNumParse=True`. For more fine
grained control, a list column indices is used to disable number parsing only on those columns e.g.
`disableNumParse=[0, 2]` would disable number parsing only on the first and third columns.
Column Widths and Auto Line Wrapping
Tabulate will, by default, set the width of each column to the length of the longest element in that
column. However, in situations where fields are expected to reasonably be too long to look good as a
single line, tabulate can help automate word wrapping long fields for you. Use the parameter
`maxcolwidth` to provide a list of maximal column widths::
>>> print(tabulate( \
[('1', 'John Smith', \
'This is a rather long description that might look better if it is wrapped a bit')], \
headers=("Issue Id", "Author", "Description"), \
maxColWidths=[None, None, 30], \
tableFmt="grid" \
| Issue Id | Author | Description |
| 1 | John Smith | This is a rather long |
| | | description that might look |
| | | better if it is wrapped a bit |
Header column width can be specified in a similar way using `maxheadercolwidth`.
from collections import namedtuple
from collections.abc import Iterable, Sized
from functools import reduce, partial
from itertools import chain, zip_longest
from textwrap import TextWrapper
import dataclasses
import math
import re
from armi import runLog
__all__ = ["tabulate", "tabulateFormats"]
# minimum extra space in headers
# Whether or not to preserve leading/trailing whitespace in data.
# default align will be overwritten by "left", "center" or "decimal" depending on the formatter
_DEFAULT_ALIGN = "default"
# Constant that can be used as part of passed rows to generate a separating line. It is purposely an
# unprintable character, very unlikely to be used in a table
Line = namedtuple("Line", ["begin", "hline", "sep", "end"])
DataRow = namedtuple("DataRow", ["begin", "sep", "end"])
# A table structure is supposed to be:
# --- lineabove ---------
# headerrow
# --- linebelowheader ---
# datarow
# --- linebetweenrows ---
# ... (more datarows) ...
# --- linebetweenrows ---
# last datarow
# --- linebelow ---------
# TableFormat's line* elements can be
# - either None, if the element is not used,
# - or a Line tuple,
# - or a function: [col_widths], [col_alignments] -> string.
# TableFormat's *row elements can be
# - either None, if the element is not used,
# - or a DataRow tuple,
# - or a function: [cell_values], [col_widths], [col_alignments] -> string.
# padding (an integer) is the amount of white space around data values.
# withHeaderHide:
# - either None, to display all table elements unconditionally,
# - or a list of elements not to be displayed if the table has column headers.
TableFormat = namedtuple(
def _isSeparatingLine(row):
rowType = type(row)
isSl = (rowType is list or rowType is str) and (
(len(row) >= 1 and row[0] == SEPARATING_LINE)
or (len(row) >= 2 and row[1] == SEPARATING_LINE)
return isSl
def _rstEscapeFirstColumn(rows, headers):
def escapeEmpty(val):
if isinstance(val, (str, bytes)) and not val.strip():
return ".."
return val
newHeaders = list(headers)
newRows = []
if headers:
newHeaders[0] = escapeEmpty(headers[0])
for row in rows:
newRow = list(row)
if newRow:
newRow[0] = escapeEmpty(row[0])
return newRows, newHeaders
_tableFormats = {
"armi": TableFormat(
lineabove=Line("", "-", " ", ""),
linebelowheader=Line("", "-", " ", ""),
linebelow=Line("", "-", " ", ""),
headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""),
datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""),
"simple": TableFormat(
lineabove=Line("", "-", " ", ""),
linebelowheader=Line("", "-", " ", ""),
linebelow=Line("", "-", " ", ""),
headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""),
datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""),
withHeaderHide=["lineabove", "linebelow"],
"plain": TableFormat(
headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""),
datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""),
"grid": TableFormat(
lineabove=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"),
linebelowheader=Line("+", "=", "+", "+"),
linebetweenrows=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"),
linebelow=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"),
headerrow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"),
datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"),
"github": TableFormat(
lineabove=Line("|", "-", "|", "|"),
linebelowheader=Line("|", "-", "|", "|"),
headerrow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"),
datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"),
"pretty": TableFormat(
lineabove=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"),
linebelowheader=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"),
linebelow=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"),
headerrow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"),
datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"),
"psql": TableFormat(
lineabove=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"),
linebelowheader=Line("|", "-", "+", "|"),
linebelow=Line("+", "-", "+", "+"),
headerrow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"),
datarow=DataRow("|", "|", "|"),
"rst": TableFormat(
lineabove=Line("", "=", " ", ""),
linebelowheader=Line("", "=", " ", ""),
linebelow=Line("", "=", " ", ""),
headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""),
datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""),
"tsv": TableFormat(
headerrow=DataRow("", "\t", ""),
datarow=DataRow("", "\t", ""),
tabulateFormats = list(sorted(_tableFormats.keys()))
# The table formats for which multiline cells will be folded into subsequent table rows. The key is
# the original format, the value is the format that will be used to represent it.
multilineFormats = {
"armi": "armi",
"plain": "plain",
"simple": "simple",
"grid": "grid",
"pretty": "pretty",
"psql": "psql",
"rst": "rst",
_multilineCodes = re.compile(r"\r|\n|\r\n")
_multilineCodesBytes = re.compile(b"\r|\n|\r\n")
# Handle ANSI escape sequences for both control sequence introducer (CSI) and operating system
# command (OSC). Both of these begin with 0x1b (or octal 033), which will be shown below as ESC.
# CSI ANSI escape codes have the following format, defined in section 5.4 of ECMA-48:
# CSI: ESC followed by the '[' character (0x5b)
# Parameter Bytes: 0..n bytes in the range 0x30-0x3f
# Intermediate Bytes: 0..n bytes in the range 0x20-0x2f
# Final Byte: a single byte in the range 0x40-0x7e
# Also include the terminal hyperlink sequences as described here:
# https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda
# OSC 8 ; params ; uri ST display_text OSC 8 ;; ST
# Example: \x1b]8;;https://example.com\x5ctext to show\x1b]8;;\x5c
# Where:
# OSC: ESC followed by the ']' character (0x5d)
# params: 0..n optional key value pairs separated by ':' (e.g. foo=bar:baz=qux:abc=123)
# URI: the actual URI with protocol scheme (e.g. https://, file://, ftp://)
# ST: ESC followed by the '\' character (0x5c)
_esc = r"\x1b"
_csi = rf"{_esc}\["
_osc = rf"{_esc}\]"
_st = rf"{_esc}\\"
_ansiEscapePat = rf"""
# terminal colors, etc
{_csi} # CSI
[\x30-\x3f]* # parameter bytes
[\x20-\x2f]* # intermediate bytes
[\x40-\x7e] # final byte
# terminal hyperlinks
{_osc}8; # OSC opening
(\w+=\w+:?)* # key=value params list (submatch 2)
; # delimiter
([^{_esc}]+) # URI - anything but ESC (submatch 3)
{_st} # ST
([^{_esc}]+) # link text - anything but ESC (submatch 4)
{_osc}8;;{_st} # "closing" OSC sequence
_ansiCodes = re.compile(_ansiEscapePat, re.VERBOSE)
_ansiCodesBytes = re.compile(_ansiEscapePat.encode("utf8"), re.VERBOSE)
_floatWithThousandsSeparators = re.compile(
def _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator(string):
"""Function to test of a string is a number with a thousands separator.
>>> _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator(".")
>>> _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator("1")
>>> _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator("1.")
>>> _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator(".1")
>>> _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator("1000")
>>> _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator("1,000")
>>> _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator("1,0000")
>>> _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator(b"1,000.1234")
>>> _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator("+1,000.1234")
>>> _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator("-1,000.1234")
string = string.decode()
except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
return bool(re.match(_floatWithThousandsSeparators, string))
def _isconvertible(conv, string):
return True
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
def _isnumber(string):
"""Helper function; is this string a number.
>>> _isnumber("123.45")
>>> _isnumber("123")
>>> _isnumber("spam")
>>> _isnumber("123e45678")
>>> _isnumber("inf")
if not _isconvertible(float, string):
return False
elif isinstance(string, (str, bytes)) and (
math.isinf(float(string)) or math.isnan(float(string))
return string.lower() in ["inf", "-inf", "nan"]
return True
def _isint(string, inttype=int):
"""Determine if a string is an integer.
>>> _isint("123")
>>> _isint("123.45")
return (
type(string) is inttype
or (
(hasattr(string, "is_integer") or hasattr(string, "__array__"))
and str(type(string)).startswith("<class 'numpy.int")
) # numpy.int64 and similar
or (
isinstance(string, (bytes, str)) and _isconvertible(inttype, string)
) # integer as string
def _isbool(string):
"""Test if a string is a boolean.
>>> _isbool(True)
>>> _isbool("False")
>>> _isbool(1)
return type(string) is bool or (
isinstance(string, (bytes, str)) and string in ("True", "False")
def _type(string, hasInvisible=True, numparse=True):
r"""The least generic type (type(None), int, float, str, unicode).
>>> _type(None) is type(None)
>>> _type("foo") is type("")
>>> _type("1") is type(1)
>>> _type('\x1b[31m42\x1b[0m') is type(42)
>>> _type('\x1b[31m42\x1b[0m') is type(42)
if hasInvisible and isinstance(string, (str, bytes)):
string = _stripAnsi(string)
if string is None:
return type(None)
elif hasattr(string, "isoformat"):
# datetime.datetime, date, and time
return str
elif _isbool(string):
return bool
elif _isint(string) and numparse:
return int
elif _isnumber(string) and numparse:
return float
elif isinstance(string, bytes):
return bytes
return str
def _afterpoint(string):
"""Symbols after a decimal point, -1 if the string lacks the decimal point.
>>> _afterpoint("123.45")
>>> _afterpoint("1001")
>>> _afterpoint("eggs")
>>> _afterpoint("123e45")
>>> _afterpoint("123,456.78")
if _isnumber(string) or _isnumberWithThousandsSeparator(string):
if _isint(string):
return -1
pos = string.rfind(".")
pos = string.lower().rfind("e") if pos < 0 else pos
if pos >= 0:
return len(string) - pos - 1
# no point
return -1
# not a number
return -1
def _padleft(width, s):
r"""Flush right.
>>> _padleft(6, '\u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430') == ' \u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430'
fmt = "{0:>%ds}" % width
return fmt.format(s)
def _padright(width, s):
r"""Flush left.
>>> _padright(6, '\u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430') == '\u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430 '
fmt = "{0:<%ds}" % width
return fmt.format(s)
def _padboth(width, s):
r"""Center string.
>>> _padboth(6, '\u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430') == ' \u044f\u0439\u0446\u0430 '
fmt = "{0:^%ds}" % width
return fmt.format(s)
def _padnone(ignoreWidth, s):
return s
def _stripAnsi(s):
r"""Remove ANSI escape sequences, both CSI and OSC hyperlinks.
CSI sequences are simply removed from the output, while OSC hyperlinks are replaced with the
link text. Note: it may be desirable to show the URI instead but this is not supported.
>>> repr(_stripAnsi('\x1B]8;;https://example.com\x1B\\This is a link\x1B]8;;\x1B\\'))
"'This is a link'"
>>> repr(_stripAnsi('\x1b[31mred\x1b[0m text'))
"'red text'"
if isinstance(s, str):
return _ansiCodes.sub(r"\4", s)
else: # a bytestring
return _ansiCodesBytes.sub(r"\4", s)
def _visibleWidth(s):
r"""Visible width of a printed string.
>>> _visibleWidth('\x1b[31mhello\x1b[0m'), _visibleWidth("world")
(5, 5)
if isinstance(s, (str, bytes)):
return len(_stripAnsi(s))
return len(str(s))
def _isMultiline(s):
if isinstance(s, str):
return bool(re.search(_multilineCodes, s))
# a bytestring
return bool(re.search(_multilineCodesBytes, s))
def _multilineWidth(multilineS, lineWidthFn=len):
"""Visible width of a potentially multiline content."""
return max(map(lineWidthFn, re.split("[\r\n]", multilineS)))
def _chooseWidthFn(hasInvisible, isMultiline):
"""Return a function to calculate visible cell width."""
if hasInvisible:
lineWidthFn = _visibleWidth
lineWidthFn = len
if isMultiline:
widthFn = lambda s: _multilineWidth(s, lineWidthFn)
widthFn = lineWidthFn
return widthFn
def _alignColumnChoosePadfn(strings, alignment, hasInvisible):
if alignment == "right":
strings = [s.strip() for s in strings]
padfn = _padleft
elif alignment == "center":
strings = [s.strip() for s in strings]
padfn = _padboth
elif alignment == "decimal":
if hasInvisible:
decimals = [_afterpoint(_stripAnsi(s)) for s in strings]
decimals = [_afterpoint(s) for s in strings]
maxdecimals = max(decimals)
strings = [s + (maxdecimals - decs) * " " for s, decs in zip(strings, decimals)]
padfn = _padleft
elif not alignment:
padfn = _padnone
strings = [s.strip() for s in strings]
padfn = _padright
return strings, padfn
def _alignColumnChooseWidthFn(hasInvisible, isMultiline):
if hasInvisible:
lineWidthFn = _visibleWidth
lineWidthFn = len
if isMultiline:
widthFn = lambda s: _alignColumnMultilineWidth(s, lineWidthFn)
widthFn = lineWidthFn
return widthFn
def _alignColumnMultilineWidth(multilineS, lineWidthFn=len):
"""Visible width of a potentially multiline content."""
return list(map(lineWidthFn, re.split("[\r\n]", multilineS)))
def _flatList(nestedList):
ret = []
for item in nestedList:
if isinstance(item, list):
for subitem in item:
return ret
def _alignColumn(strings, alignment, minwidth=0, hasInvisible=True, isMultiline=False):
"""[string] -> [padded_string]."""
strings, padfn = _alignColumnChoosePadfn(strings, alignment, hasInvisible)
widthFn = _alignColumnChooseWidthFn(hasInvisible, isMultiline)
sWidths = list(map(widthFn, strings))
maxwidth = max(max(_flatList(sWidths)), minwidth)
if isMultiline:
if not hasInvisible:
paddedStrings = [
"\n".join([padfn(maxwidth, s) for s in ms.splitlines()])
for ms in strings
# enable wide-character width corrections
sLens = [[len(s) for s in re.split("[\r\n]", ms)] for ms in strings]
visibleWidths = [
[maxwidth - (w - ll) for w, ll in zip(mw, ml)]
for mw, ml in zip(sWidths, sLens)
# wcswidth and _visibleWidth don't count invisible characters;
# padfn doesn't need to apply another correction
paddedStrings = [
"\n".join([padfn(w, s) for s, w in zip((ms.splitlines() or ms), mw)])
for ms, mw in zip(strings, visibleWidths)
else: # single-line cell values
if not hasInvisible:
paddedStrings = [padfn(maxwidth, s) for s in strings]
# enable wide-character width corrections
sLens = list(map(len, strings))
visibleWidths = [maxwidth - (w - ll) for w, ll in zip(sWidths, sLens)]
# wcswidth and _visibleWidth don't count invisible characters;
# padfn doesn't need to apply another correction
paddedStrings = [padfn(w, s) for s, w in zip(strings, visibleWidths)]
return paddedStrings
def _moreGeneric(type1, type2):
types = {
type(None): 0,
bool: 1,
int: 2,
float: 3,
bytes: 4,
str: 5,
invtypes = {
5: str,
4: bytes,
3: float,
2: int,
1: bool,
0: type(None),
moregeneric = max(types.get(type1, 5), types.get(type2, 5))
return invtypes[moregeneric]
def _columnType(strings, hasInvisible=True, numparse=True):
r"""The least generic type all column values are convertible to.
>>> _columnType([True, False]) is bool
>>> _columnType(["1", "2"]) is int
>>> _columnType(["1", "2.3"]) is float
>>> _columnType(["1", "2.3", "four"]) is str
>>> _columnType(["four", '\u043f\u044f\u0442\u044c']) is str
>>> _columnType([None, "brux"]) is str
>>> _columnType([1, 2, None]) is int
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> _columnType([dt.datetime(1991,2,19), dt.time(17,35)]) is str
types = [_type(s, hasInvisible, numparse) for s in strings]
return reduce(_moreGeneric, types, bool)
def _format(val, valtype, floatFmt, intFmt, missingVal="", hasInvisible=True):
r"""Format a value according to its type.
Unicode is supported::
>>> hrow = ['\u0431\u0443\u043a\u0432\u0430', '\u0446\u0438\u0444\u0440\u0430'] ; \
tbl = [['\u0430\u0437', 2], ['\u0431\u0443\u043a\u0438', 4]] ; \
good_result = '\\u0431\\u0443\\u043a\\u0432\\u0430 \\u0446\\u0438\\u0444\\u0440\\u0430\\n------- -------\\n\\u0430\\u0437 2\\n\\u0431\\u0443\\u043a\\u0438 4' ; \
tabulate(tbl, headers=hrow) == good_result
""" # noqa
if val is None:
return missingVal
if valtype is str:
return f"{val}"
elif valtype is int:
return format(val, intFmt)
elif valtype is bytes:
return str(val, "ascii")
except (TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
return str(val)
elif valtype is float:
isAColoredNumber = hasInvisible and isinstance(val, (str, bytes))
if isAColoredNumber:
rawVal = _stripAnsi(val)
formattedVal = format(float(rawVal), floatFmt)
return val.replace(rawVal, formattedVal)
return format(float(val), floatFmt)
return f"{val}"
def _alignHeader(
header, alignment, width, visibleWidth, isMultiline=False, widthFn=None
"""Pad string header to width chars given known visibleWidth of the header."""
if isMultiline:
headerLines = re.split(_multilineCodes, header)
paddedLines = [
_alignHeader(h, alignment, width, widthFn(h)) for h in headerLines
return "\n".join(paddedLines)
# else: not multiline
ninvisible = len(header) - visibleWidth
width += ninvisible
if alignment == "left":
return _padright(width, header)
elif alignment == "center":
return _padboth(width, header)
elif not alignment:
return f"{header}"
return _padleft(width, header)
def _removeSeparatingLines(rows):
if type(rows) is list:
separatingLines = []
sansRows = []
for index, row in enumerate(rows):
if _isSeparatingLine(row):
return sansRows, separatingLines
return rows, None
def _reinsertSeparatingLines(rows, separatingLines):
if separatingLines:
for index in separatingLines:
rows.insert(index, SEPARATING_LINE)
def _prependRowIndex(rows, index):
"""Add a left-most index column."""
if index is None or index is False:
return rows
if isinstance(index, Sized) and len(index) != len(rows):
raise ValueError(
"index must be as long as the number of data rows: "
+ "len(index)={} len(rows)={}".format(len(index), len(rows))
sansRows, separatingLines = _removeSeparatingLines(rows)
newRows = []
indexIter = iter(index)
for row in sansRows:
indexV = next(indexIter)
newRows.append([indexV] + list(row))
rows = newRows
_reinsertSeparatingLines(rows, separatingLines)
return rows
def _bool(val):
"""A wrapper around standard bool() which doesn't throw on NumPy arrays."""
return bool(val)
except ValueError:
# val is likely to be a numpy array with many elements
return False
def _normalizeTabularData(data, headers, showIndex="default"):
"""Transform a supported data type to a list of lists & a list of headers, with header padding.
Supported tabular data types:
* list-of-lists or another iterable of iterables
* list of named tuples (usually used with headers="keys")
* list of dicts (usually used with headers="keys")
* list of OrderedDicts (usually used with headers="keys")
* list of dataclasses (Python 3.7+ only, usually used with headers="keys")
* 2D NumPy arrays
* NumPy record arrays (usually used with headers="keys")
* dict of iterables (usually used with headers="keys")
The first row can be used as headers if headers="firstrow", column indices can be used as
headers if headers="keys".
If showIndex="always", show row indices for all types of data.
If showIndex="never", don't show row indices for all types of data.
If showIndex is an iterable, show its values as row indices.
except ValueError:
# numpy.ndarray, ...
headers = list(headers)
index = None
if hasattr(data, "keys"):
# dict-like
keys = data.keys()
# fill out default values, to ensure all data lists are the same length
vals = list(data.values())
maxLen = max([len(v) for v in vals], default=0)
vals = [[v for v in vv] + [None] * (maxLen - len(vv)) for vv in vals]
rows = [tuple(v[i] for v in vals) for i in range(maxLen)]
if headers == "keys":
# headers should be strings
headers = list(map(str, keys))
# it's a usual iterable of iterables, or a NumPy array, or an iterable of dataclasses
rows = list(data)
if headers == "keys" and not rows:
# an empty table
headers = []
elif (
headers == "keys"
and hasattr(data, "dtype")
and getattr(data.dtype, "names")
# numpy record array
headers = data.dtype.names
elif (
headers == "keys"
and len(rows) > 0
and isinstance(rows[0], tuple)
and hasattr(rows[0], "_fields")
# namedtuple
headers = list(map(str, rows[0]._fields))
elif len(rows) > 0 and hasattr(rows[0], "keys") and hasattr(rows[0], "values"):
# dict-like object
uniqKeys = set() # implements hashed lookup
keys = [] # storage for set
if headers == "firstrow":
firstdict = rows[0] if len(rows) > 0 else {}
rows = rows[1:]
for row in rows:
for k in row.keys():
# Save unique items in input order
if k not in uniqKeys:
if headers == "keys":
headers = keys
elif isinstance(headers, dict):
# a dict of headers for a list of dicts
headers = [headers.get(k, k) for k in keys]
headers = list(map(str, headers))
elif headers == "firstrow":
if len(rows) > 0:
headers = [firstdict.get(k, k) for k in keys]
headers = list(map(str, headers))
headers = []
elif headers:
raise ValueError(
"headers for a list of dicts is not a dict or a keyword"
rows = [[row.get(k) for k in keys] for row in rows]
elif len(rows) > 0 and dataclasses.is_dataclass(rows[0]):
# Python 3.7+'s dataclass
fieldNames = [field.name for field in dataclasses.fields(rows[0])]
if headers == "keys":
headers = fieldNames
rows = [[getattr(row, f) for f in fieldNames] for row in rows]
elif headers == "keys" and len(rows) > 0:
# keys are column indices
headers = list(map(str, range(len(rows[0]))))
# take headers from the first row if necessary
if headers == "firstrow" and len(rows) > 0:
if index is not None:
headers = [index[0]] + list(rows[0])
index = index[1:]
headers = rows[0]
headers = list(map(str, headers)) # headers should be strings
rows = rows[1:]
elif headers == "firstrow":
headers = []
headers = list(map(str, headers))
rows = list(map(lambda r: r if _isSeparatingLine(r) else list(r), rows))
# add or remove an index column
showIndexIsSStr = type(showIndex) in [str, bytes]
if showIndex == "default" and index is not None:
rows = _prependRowIndex(rows, index)
elif isinstance(showIndex, Sized) and not showIndexIsSStr:
rows = _prependRowIndex(rows, list(showIndex))
elif isinstance(showIndex, Iterable) and not showIndexIsSStr:
rows = _prependRowIndex(rows, showIndex)
elif showIndex == "always" or (_bool(showIndex) and not showIndexIsSStr):
if index is None:
index = list(range(len(rows)))
rows = _prependRowIndex(rows, index)
# pad with empty headers for initial columns if necessary
headersPad = 0
if headers and len(rows) > 0:
headersPad = max(0, len(rows[0]) - len(headers))
headers = [""] * headersPad + headers
return rows, headers, headersPad
def _wrapTextToColWidths(listOfLists, colwidths, numparses=True):
if len(listOfLists):
numCols = len(listOfLists[0])
numCols = 0
numparses = _expandIterable(numparses, numCols, True)
result = []
for row in listOfLists:
newRow = []
for cell, width, numparse in zip(row, colwidths, numparses):
if _isnumber(cell) and numparse:
if width is not None:
wrapper = TextWrapper(width=width)
# Cast based on our internal type handling. Any future custom formatting of types
# (such as datetimes) may need to be more explicit than just `str` of the object
castedCell = (
str(cell) if _isnumber(cell) else _type(cell, numparse)(cell)
wrapped = [
for line in castedCell.splitlines()
if line.strip() != ""
return result
def _toStr(s, encoding="utf8", errors="ignore"):
A type safe wrapper for converting a bytestring to str.
This is essentially just a wrapper around .decode() intended for use with things like map(), but
with some specific behavior:
1. if the given parameter is not a bytestring, it is returned unmodified
2. decode() is called for the given parameter and assumes utf8 encoding, but the default error
behavior is changed from 'strict' to 'ignore'
>>> repr(_toStr(b'foo'))
>>> repr(_toStr('foo'))
>>> repr(_toStr(42))
if isinstance(s, bytes):
return s.decode(encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
return str(s)
[docs]def tabulate(
"""Format a fixed width table for pretty printing.
data : object
The tabular data you want to print. This can be a list-of-lists/iterables, dict-of-lists/
iterables, 2D numpy arrays, or list of dataclasses.
headers=(), optional
Nice column names. If this is "firstrow", the first row of the data will be used. If it is
"keys"m, then dictionary keys or column indices are used.
tableFmt : str, optional
There are custom table formats defined in this file, and you can choose between them with
this string: "armi", "simple", "plain", "grid", "github", "pretty", "psql", "rst", "tsv".
floatFmt : str, optional
A format specification used for columns which contain numeric data with a decimal point.
This can also be a list or tuple of format strings, one per column.
intFmt : str, optional
A format specification used for columns which contain numeric data without a decimal point.
This can also be a list or tuple of format strings, one per column.
numAlign : str, optional
Specially align numbers, options: "right", "center", "left", "decimal".
strAlign : str, optional
Specially align strings, options: "right", "center", "left".
missingVal : str, optional
`None` values are replaced with a `missingVal` string.
showIndex : str, optional
Show these rows of data. If "always", show row indices for all types of data. If "never",
don't show row indices for all types of data. If showIndex is an iterable, show its values..
disableNumParse : bool, optional
To disable number parsing (and alignment), use `disableNumParse=True`. For more fine grained
control, `[0, 2]` would disable number parsing on the first and third columns.
colGlobalAlign : str, optional
Allows for global alignment of columns, before any specific override from `colAlign`.
Possible values are: None, "right", "center", "decimal", "left".
colAlign : str, optional
Allows for column-wise override starting from left-most column. Possible values are:
"global" (no override), "right", "center", "decimal", "left".
maxColWidths : list, optional
A list of the maximum column widths.
headersGlobalAlign : str, optional
Allows for global headers alignment, before any specific override from `headersAlign`.
Possible values are: None (follow columns alignment), "right", "center", "left".
headersAlign : str, optional
Allows for header-wise override starting from left-most given header. Possible values are:
"global" (no override), "same" (follow column alignment), "right", "center", "left".
rowAlign : str, optional
How do you want to align rows: "right", "center", "decimal", "left".
maxHeaderColWidths : list, optional
List of column widths for the header.
A text representation of the tabular data.
if data is None:
data = []
listOfLists, headers, headersPad = _normalizeTabularData(
data, headers, showIndex=showIndex
listOfLists, separatingLines = _removeSeparatingLines(listOfLists)
if maxColWidths is not None:
if len(listOfLists):
numCols = len(listOfLists[0])
numCols = 0
if isinstance(maxColWidths, int): # Expand scalar for all columns
maxColWidths = _expandIterable(maxColWidths, numCols, maxColWidths)
else: # Ignore col width for any 'trailing' columns
maxColWidths = _expandIterable(maxColWidths, numCols, None)
numparses = _expandNumparse(disableNumParse, numCols)
listOfLists = _wrapTextToColWidths(
listOfLists, maxColWidths, numparses=numparses
if maxHeaderColWidths is not None:
numCols = len(listOfLists[0])
if isinstance(maxHeaderColWidths, int): # Expand scalar for all columns
maxHeaderColWidths = _expandIterable(
maxHeaderColWidths, numCols, maxHeaderColWidths
else: # Ignore col width for any 'trailing' columns
maxHeaderColWidths = _expandIterable(maxHeaderColWidths, numCols, None)
numparses = _expandNumparse(disableNumParse, numCols)
headers = _wrapTextToColWidths(
[headers], maxHeaderColWidths, numparses=numparses
# empty values in the first column of RST tables should be escaped
# "" should be escaped as "\\ " or ".."
if tableFmt == "rst":
listOfLists, headers = _rstEscapeFirstColumn(listOfLists, headers)
# Pretty table formatting does not use any extra padding. Numbers are not parsed and are treated
# the same as strings for alignment. Check if pretty is the format being used and override the
# defaults so it does not impact other formats.
minPadding = MIN_PADDING
if tableFmt == "pretty":
minPadding = 0
disableNumParse = True
numAlign = "center" if numAlign == _DEFAULT_ALIGN else numAlign
strAlign = "center" if strAlign == _DEFAULT_ALIGN else strAlign
numAlign = "decimal" if numAlign == _DEFAULT_ALIGN else numAlign
strAlign = "left" if strAlign == _DEFAULT_ALIGN else strAlign
# optimization: look for ANSI control codes once, enable smart width functions only if a control
# code is found
# convert the headers and rows into a single, tab-delimited string ensuring that any bytestrings
# are decoded safely (i.e. errors ignored)
plainText = "\t".join(
# headers
map(_toStr, headers),
# rows: chain the rows together into a single iterable after mapping the bytestring
# conversion to each cell value
chain.from_iterable(map(_toStr, row) for row in listOfLists),
hasInvisible = _ansiCodes.search(plainText) is not None
if (
not isinstance(tableFmt, TableFormat)
and tableFmt in multilineFormats
and _isMultiline(plainText)
tableFmt = multilineFormats.get(tableFmt, tableFmt)
isMultiline = True
isMultiline = False
widthFn = _chooseWidthFn(hasInvisible, isMultiline)
# format rows and columns, convert numeric values to strings
cols = list(zip_longest(*listOfLists))
numparses = _expandNumparse(disableNumParse, len(cols))
coltypes = [_columnType(col, numparse=np) for col, np in zip(cols, numparses)]
if isinstance(floatFmt, str):
# old version: just duplicate the string to use in each column
floatFormats = len(cols) * [floatFmt]
else: # if floatFmt is list, tuple etc we have one per column
floatFormats = list(floatFmt)
if len(floatFormats) < len(cols):
floatFormats.extend((len(cols) - len(floatFormats)) * [_DEFAULT_FLOAT_FMT])
if isinstance(intFmt, str):
# old version: just duplicate the string to use in each column
intFormats = len(cols) * [intFmt]
else: # if intFmt is list, tuple etc we have one per column
intFormats = list(intFmt)
if len(intFormats) < len(cols):
intFormats.extend((len(cols) - len(intFormats)) * [_DEFAULT_INT_FMT])
if isinstance(missingVal, str):
missingVals = len(cols) * [missingVal]
missingVals = list(missingVal)
if len(missingVals) < len(cols):
missingVals.extend((len(cols) - len(missingVals)) * [_DEFAULT_MISSING_VAL])
cols = [
[_format(v, ct, flFmt, intFmt, missV, hasInvisible) for v in c]
for c, ct, flFmt, intFmt, missV in zip(
cols, coltypes, floatFormats, intFormats, missingVals
# align columns
# first set global alignment
if colGlobalAlign is not None: # if global alignment provided
aligns = [colGlobalAlign] * len(cols)
else: # default
aligns = [numAlign if ct in [int, float] else strAlign for ct in coltypes]
# then specific alignements
if colAlign is not None:
assert isinstance(colAlign, Iterable)
if isinstance(colAlign, str):
f"As a string, `colAlign` is interpreted as {[c for c in colAlign]}. Did you "
+ f'mean `colGlobalAlign = "{colAlign}"` or `colAlign = ("{colAlign}",)`?'
for idx, align in enumerate(colAlign):
if not idx < len(aligns):
elif align != "global":
aligns[idx] = align
minwidths = (
[widthFn(h) + minPadding for h in headers] if headers else [0] * len(cols)
cols = [
_alignColumn(c, a, minw, hasInvisible, isMultiline)
for c, a, minw in zip(cols, aligns, minwidths)
alignsHeaders = None
if headers:
# align headers and add headers
tCols = cols or [[""]] * len(headers)
# first set global alignment
if headersGlobalAlign is not None: # if global alignment provided
alignsHeaders = [headersGlobalAlign] * len(tCols)
else: # default
alignsHeaders = aligns or [strAlign] * len(headers)
# then specific header alignements
if headersAlign is not None:
assert isinstance(headersAlign, Iterable)
if isinstance(headersAlign, str):
f"As a string, `headersAlign` is interpreted as {[c for c in headersAlign]}. "
+ f'Did you mean `headersGlobalAlign = "{headersAlign}"` or `headersAlign = '
+ f'("{headersAlign}",)`?'
for idx, align in enumerate(headersAlign):
hidx = headersPad + idx
if not hidx < len(alignsHeaders):
elif align == "same" and hidx < len(aligns): # same as column align
alignsHeaders[hidx] = aligns[hidx]
elif align != "global":
alignsHeaders[hidx] = align
minwidths = [
max(minw, max(widthFn(cl) for cl in c)) for minw, c in zip(minwidths, tCols)
headers = [
_alignHeader(h, a, minw, widthFn(h), isMultiline, widthFn)
for h, a, minw in zip(headers, alignsHeaders, minwidths)
rows = list(zip(*cols))
minwidths = [max(widthFn(cl) for cl in c) for c in cols]
rows = list(zip(*cols))
if not isinstance(tableFmt, TableFormat):
tableFmt = _tableFormats.get(tableFmt, _tableFormats["simple"])
raDefault = rowAlign if isinstance(rowAlign, str) else None
rowAligns = _expandIterable(rowAlign, len(rows), raDefault)
_reinsertSeparatingLines(rows, separatingLines)
return _formatTable(
def _expandNumparse(disableNumParse, columnCount):
Return a list of bools of length `columnCount` which indicates whether number parsing should be
used on each column.
If `disableNumParse` is a list of indices, each of those indices are False, and everything else
is True. If `disableNumParse` is a bool, then the returned list is all the same.
if isinstance(disableNumParse, Iterable):
numparses = [True] * columnCount
for index in disableNumParse:
numparses[index] = False
return numparses
return [not disableNumParse] * columnCount
def _expandIterable(original, numDesired, default):
Expands the `original` argument to return a return a list of length `numDesired`. If `original`
is shorter than `numDesired`, it will be padded with the value in `default`.
If `original` is not a list to begin with (i.e. scalar value) a list of length `numDesired`
completely populated with `default` will be returned
if isinstance(original, Iterable) and not isinstance(original, str):
return original + [default] * (numDesired - len(original))
return [default] * numDesired
def _padRow(cells, padding):
if cells:
pad = " " * padding
paddedCells = [pad + cell + pad for cell in cells]
return paddedCells
return cells
def _buildSimpleRow(paddedCells, rowfmt):
"""Format row according to DataRow format without padding."""
begin, sep, end = rowfmt
return (begin + sep.join(paddedCells) + end).rstrip()
def _buildRow(paddedCells, colwidths, colAligns, rowfmt):
"""Return a string which represents a row of data cells."""
if not rowfmt:
return None
if hasattr(rowfmt, "__call__"):
return rowfmt(paddedCells, colwidths, colAligns)
return _buildSimpleRow(paddedCells, rowfmt)
def _appendBasicRow(lines, paddedCells, colwidths, colAligns, rowfmt, rowAlign=None):
# NOTE: rowAlign is ignored and exists for api compatibility with _appendMultilineRow
lines.append(_buildRow(paddedCells, colwidths, colAligns, rowfmt))
return lines
def _alignCellVeritically(textLines, numLines, columnWidth, rowAlignment):
deltaLines = numLines - len(textLines)
blank = [" " * columnWidth]
if rowAlignment == "bottom":
return blank * deltaLines + textLines
elif rowAlignment == "center":
topDelta = deltaLines // 2
bottomDelta = deltaLines - topDelta
return topDelta * blank + textLines + bottomDelta * blank
return textLines + blank * deltaLines
def _appendMultilineRow(
lines, paddedMultilineCells, paddedWidths, colAligns, rowfmt, pad, rowAlign=None
colwidths = [w - 2 * pad for w in paddedWidths]
cellsLines = [c.splitlines() for c in paddedMultilineCells]
nlines = max(map(len, cellsLines)) # number of lines in the row
cellsLines = [
_alignCellVeritically(cl, nlines, w, rowAlign)
for cl, w in zip(cellsLines, colwidths)
linesCells = [[cl[i] for cl in cellsLines] for i in range(nlines)]
for ln in linesCells:
paddedLn = _padRow(ln, pad)
_appendBasicRow(lines, paddedLn, colwidths, colAligns, rowfmt)
return lines
def _buildLine(colwidths, colAligns, linefmt):
"""Return a string which represents a horizontal line."""
if not linefmt:
return None
if hasattr(linefmt, "__call__"):
return linefmt(colwidths, colAligns)
begin, fill, sep, end = linefmt
cells = [fill * w for w in colwidths]
return _buildSimpleRow(cells, (begin, sep, end))
def _appendLine(lines, colwidths, colAligns, linefmt):
lines.append(_buildLine(colwidths, colAligns, linefmt))
return lines
def _formatTable(
fmt, headers, headersAligns, rows, colwidths, colAligns, isMultiline, rowAligns
"""Produce a plain-text representation of the table."""
lines = []
hidden = fmt.withHeaderHide if (headers and fmt.withHeaderHide) else []
pad = fmt.padding
headerrow = fmt.headerrow
paddedWidths = [(w + 2 * pad) for w in colwidths]
if isMultiline:
padRow = lambda row, _: row
appendRow = partial(_appendMultilineRow, pad=pad)
padRow = _padRow
appendRow = _appendBasicRow
paddedHeaders = padRow(headers, pad)
paddedRows = [padRow(row, pad) for row in rows]
if fmt.lineabove and "lineabove" not in hidden:
_appendLine(lines, paddedWidths, colAligns, fmt.lineabove)
if paddedHeaders:
appendRow(lines, paddedHeaders, paddedWidths, headersAligns, headerrow)
if fmt.linebelowheader and "linebelowheader" not in hidden:
_appendLine(lines, paddedWidths, colAligns, fmt.linebelowheader)
if paddedRows and fmt.linebetweenrows and "linebetweenrows" not in hidden:
# initial rows with a line below
for row, ralign in zip(paddedRows[:-1], rowAligns):
appendRow(lines, row, paddedWidths, colAligns, fmt.datarow, rowAlign=ralign)
_appendLine(lines, paddedWidths, colAligns, fmt.linebetweenrows)
# the last row without a line below
separatingLine = (
or fmt.linebelowheader
or fmt.linebelow
or fmt.lineabove
or Line("", "", "", "")
for row in paddedRows:
# test to see if either the 1st column or the 2nd column has the SEPARATING_LINE flag
if _isSeparatingLine(row):
_appendLine(lines, paddedWidths, colAligns, separatingLine)
appendRow(lines, row, paddedWidths, colAligns, fmt.datarow)
if fmt.linebelow and "linebelow" not in hidden:
_appendLine(lines, paddedWidths, colAligns, fmt.linebelow)
if headers or rows:
return "\n".join(lines)
return ""