Source code for armi.tests.mockRunLogs

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This module contains subclasses of the armi.runLog._RunLog class that can be used to determine whether or not
one of the specific methods were called. These should only be used in testing.
import six
import sys

from armi import runLog

[docs]class BufferLog(runLog._RunLog): r"""Log which captures the output in attributes instead of emitting them. Used mostly in testing to ensure certain things get output, or to prevent any output from showing. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BufferLog, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.originalLog = None self._outputStream = "" self._singleMessageCounts = {} self._singleWarningMessageCounts = {} self._errStream = six.StringIO() sys.stderr = self._errStream self.setVerbosity(0) def __enter__(self): self.originalLog = runLog.LOG runLog.LOG = self return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): runLog.LOG = self.originalLog
[docs] def log(self, msgType, msg, single=False, label=None): """ Add formatting to a message and handle its singleness, if applicable. This is a wrapper around logger.log() that does most of the work and is used by all message passers (e.g. info, warning, etc.). """ # the message label is only used to determine unique for single-print warnings if label is None: label = msg # Skip writing the message if it is below the set verbosity msgVerbosity = self.logLevels[msgType][0] if msgVerbosity < self._verbosity: return # Skip writing the message if it is single-print warning if single and self._msgHasAlreadyBeenEmitted(label, msgType): return # Do the actual logging, but add that custom indenting first msg = self.logLevels[msgType][1] + str(msg) + "\n" self._outputStream += msg
def _msgHasAlreadyBeenEmitted(self, label, msgType=""): """Return True if the count of the label is greater than 1.""" if msgType in ("warning", "critical"): if label not in self._singleWarningMessageCounts: self._singleWarningMessageCounts[label] = 1 else: self._singleWarningMessageCounts[label] += 1 return True else: if label not in self._singleMessageCounts: self._singleMessageCounts[label] = 1 else: self._singleMessageCounts[label] += 1 return True return False
[docs] def clearSingleWarnings(self): """Reset the single warned list so we get messages again.""" self._singleMessageCounts.clear()
[docs] def getStdout(self): return self._outputStream
[docs] def emptyStdout(self): self._outputStream = ""
[docs] def getStderrValue(self): return self._errStream.getvalue()
[docs]class LogCounter(BufferLog): """This mock log is used to count the number of times a method was called. It can be used in testing to make sure a warning was issued, without checking the content of the message. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BufferLog.__init__(self) self.messageCounts = {msgType: 0 for msgType in self.logLevels.keys()}
[docs] def log(self, msgType, *args, **kwargs): self.messageCounts[msgType] += 1