Source code for armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc.tests.test_compxs

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"""Test the COMPXS reader/writer with a simple problem."""
import os
import unittest

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix

from armi import nuclearDataIO
from armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc import compxs
from armi.nuclearDataIO.xsLibraries import CompxsLibrary
from armi.tests import COMPXS_PATH
from armi.utils.directoryChangers import TemporaryDirectoryChanger

[docs]class TestCompxs(unittest.TestCase): """Test the compxs reader/writer.""" @property def binaryWritePath(self): return os.path.join(self._testMethodName + "compxs-b") @property def asciiWritePath(self): return os.path.join(self._testMethodName + "compxs-a.txt") @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): try: cls.lib = compxs.readAscii(COMPXS_PATH) except Exception as ee: raise Exception("Failed to load COMPXS ascii.\n{}".format(ee)) cls.fissileRegion = cls.lib.regions[1] cls.numGroups = cls.lib.compxsMetadata["numGroups"]
[docs] def test_libraryData(self): """Test library data including energy group information and number of compositions.""" self.assertEqual(11, self.numGroups) self.assertEqual(14190675.0, max(self.lib.neutronEnergyUpperBounds)) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.41745778918, min(self.lib.neutronEnergyUpperBounds))
[docs] def test_regionPrimaryXS(self): """Test the primary cross sections for the second region - fissile.""" expectedMacros = { "absorption": [ 0.00810444, 0.0049346, 0.00329084, 0.00500318, 0.00919719, 0.01548523, 0.02816499, 0.04592259, 0.09402685, 0.12743879, 0.20865865, ], "fission": [ 0.00720288, 0.00398085, 0.00181345, 0.00236554, 0.00341723, 0.00564286, 0.0110835, 0.0211668, 0.04609869, 0.09673319, 0.16192732, ], "total": [ 0.18858715, 0.18624092, 0.22960965, 0.27634201, 0.33255093, 0.61437815, 0.42582573, 0.48091191, 0.4931102, 0.49976887, 0.58214497, ], "removal": [ 0.07268185, 0.03577923, 0.01127517, 0.01003666, 0.01254067, 0.02686466, 0.02881869, 0.04606618, 0.09605395, 0.13462841, 0.20865865, ], "transport": [ 0.10812569, 0.13096095, 0.18227532, 0.24610402, 0.29647433, 0.55842311, 0.40818328, 0.45512788, 0.45669781, 0.49153138, 0.55067248, ], "nuSigF": [ 0.02247946, 0.01047702, 0.00449566, 0.00576889, 0.00829842, 0.01373361, 0.02697533, 0.05151573, 0.11224934, 0.23570964, 0.39456832, ], "chi": [ [1.38001099e-01], [6.28044390e-01], [2.04412257e-01], [2.63437497e-02], [2.85959793e-03], [3.03098935e-04], [3.19825784e-05], [3.42715844e-06], [3.00034836e-07], [3.87667231e-08], [2.66151779e-13], ], } for xsName, expectedXS in expectedMacros.items(): actualXS = self.fissileRegion.macros[xsName] self.assertTrue(np.allclose(actualXS, expectedXS))
[docs] def test_totalScatterMatrix(self): """ Test the total scattering matrix by comparing the sparse components. Sparse matrices can be constructed from three vectors: data, indices, and indptr. For column matrix, the row indices for column ``j`` are stored in ``indices[indptr[j]:indptr[j + 1]]`` and the corresponsing data is stored in ``data[indptr[j]:indptr[j + 1]]``. See Also -------- scipy.sparse.csc_matrix """ expectedSparseData = np.array( [ 1.15905297e-01, 1.50461698e-01, 4.19181830e-02, 2.18334481e-01, 2.66726391e-02, 2.06841438e-02, 2.66305350e-01, 7.93398724e-03, 3.74972053e-03, 2.82068371e-03, 3.20010257e-01, 4.98916288e-03, 4.64327778e-05, 3.62943322e-04, 2.33116653e-04, 5.87513494e-01, 3.33728477e-03, 4.05355062e-05, 3.40557886e-06, 5.05978110e-05, 2.44368007e-05, 3.97007043e-01, 1.13794357e-02, 5.81324838e-06, 3.57958695e-06, 4.21100811e-07, 6.02755319e-06, 3.70765519e-06, 4.34845744e-01, 6.53692627e-04, 3.65838392e-07, 1.91840932e-07, 6.47891881e-08, 4.70903065e-07, 7.53010883e-07, 3.97056267e-01, 1.43584939e-04, 1.69959524e-08, 7.63482393e-09, 1.07996799e-08, 7.79766262e-08, 1.42976480e-07, 3.65140459e-01, 2.02709238e-03, 1.62021799e-09, 1.25812112e-09, 3.39504415e-09, 2.13443401e-06, 7.75326455e-06, 3.73486301e-01, 7.18962870e-03, 4.72605255e-15, 5.11975260e-13, 1.25417930e-08, 4.57563838e-08, ] ) expectedSparseIndices = [ 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 9, 8, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 10, 9, 4, 2, 1, 0, ] expectedSparseIndptr = [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 55] actualTotalScatter = self.fissileRegion.macros.totalScatter.toarray() expectedTotalScatter = csc_matrix( (expectedSparseData, expectedSparseIndices, expectedSparseIndptr), actualTotalScatter.shape, ).toarray() self.assertTrue(np.allclose(actualTotalScatter, expectedTotalScatter))
[docs] def test_binaryRW(self): """Test to make sure the binary read/writer reads/writes the exact same library.""" with TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): compxs.writeBinary(self.lib, self.binaryWritePath) self.assertTrue(, compxs.readBinary(self.binaryWritePath)) )
[docs] def test_asciiRW(self): """Test to make sure the ascii reader/writer reads/writes the exact same library.""" with TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): compxs.writeAscii(self.lib, self.asciiWritePath) self.assertTrue(, compxs.readAscii(self.asciiWritePath)) )
[docs] def test_mergeCompxsLibraries(self): """Test to verify the compxs merging returns a library with new regions.""" someLib = CompxsLibrary() someLib.merge(self.lib) self.assertEqual(len(self.lib.regions), len(someLib.regions)) self.assertTrue(, self.lib, someLib) )
[docs] def test_getCOMPXSFileName(self): self.assertEqual(nuclearDataIO.getExpectedCOMPXSFileName(cycle=0), "COMPXS-c0") self.assertEqual(nuclearDataIO.getExpectedCOMPXSFileName(cycle=1), "COMPXS-c1") self.assertEqual( nuclearDataIO.getExpectedCOMPXSFileName(cycle=23), "COMPXS-c23" ) self.assertEqual(nuclearDataIO.getExpectedCOMPXSFileName(), "COMPXS")