Source code for armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc.gamiso

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Module for reading GAMISO files which contains gamma cross section data.

GAMISO is a binary file created by MC**2-v3 that contains multigroup microscopic gamma cross
sections. GAMISO data is contained within a :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.xsLibraries.XSLibrary`.

.. impl:: Tool to read and write GAMISO files.
    :implements: R_ARMI_NUCDATA_GAMISO

    The majority of the functionality in this module is inherited from the
    :py:mod:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc.isotxs` module. See
    :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc.isotxs.IsotxsIO` and its associated
    implementation :need:`I_ARMI_NUCDATA_ISOTXS` for more information. The only
    difference from ISOTXS neutron data is a special treatment for gamma
    velocities, which is done by overriding ``_rwLibraryEnergies``.

See [GAMSOR]_.

.. [GAMSOR] Smith, M. A., Lee, C. H., and Hill, R. N. GAMSOR: Gamma Source Preparation and DIF3D
            Flux Solution. United States: N. p., 2016. Web. doi:10.2172/1343095. `On OSTI

from armi import runLog
from armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc import isotxs
from armi.nuclearDataIO import xsLibraries
from armi.nuclearDataIO import xsNuclides

[docs]def compare(lib1, lib2): """Compare two XSLibraries, and return True if equal, or False if not.""" equal = True # first check the lib properties (also need to unlock to prevent from getting an exception). equal &= xsLibraries.compareXSLibraryAttribute(lib1, lib2, "gammaEnergyUpperBounds") # compare the meta data equal &=, lib1, lib2) # check the nuclides for nucName in set(lib1.nuclideLabels + lib2.nuclideLabels): nuc1 = lib1.get(nucName, None) nuc2 = lib2.get(nucName, None) if nuc1 is None or nuc2 is None: continue equal &= compareNuclideXS(nuc1, nuc2) return equal
[docs]def compareNuclideXS(nuc1, nuc2): equal = nuc2.gamisoMetadata, nuc1.container, nuc2.container ) equal &=, []) return equal
[docs]def addDummyNuclidesToLibrary(lib, dummyNuclides): """ This method adds DUMMY nuclides to the current GAMISO library. Parameters ---------- lib : obj GAMISO library object dummyNuclides: list List of DUMMY nuclide objects that will be copied and added to the GAMISO file Notes ----- Since MC2-3 does not write DUMMY nuclide information for GAMISO files, this is necessary to provide a consistent set of nuclide-level data across all the nuclides in a :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.xsLibraries.XSLibrary`. """ if not dummyNuclides: runLog.important("No dummy nuclide data provided to be added to {}".format(lib)) return False elif len(lib.xsIDs) > 1: runLog.warning( "Cannot add dummy nuclide data to GAMISO library {} containing data for more than 1 XS ID.".format( lib ) ) return False dummyNuclideKeysAddedToLibrary = [] for dummyNuclide in dummyNuclides: dummyKey = dummyNuclide.nucLabel if len(lib.xsIDs): dummyKey += lib.xsIDs[0] if dummyKey in lib: continue runLog.debug("Adding {} nuclide data to {}".format(dummyKey, lib)) newDummy = xsNuclides.XSNuclide(lib, dummyKey) # Copy gamiso metadata from the isotxs metadata of the given dummy nuclide for kk, vv in dummyNuclide.isotxsMetadata.items(): if kk in ["jj", "jband"]: newDummy.gamisoMetadata[kk] = {} for mm in vv: newDummy.gamisoMetadata[kk][mm] = 1 else: newDummy.gamisoMetadata[kk] = vv lib[dummyKey] = newDummy dummyNuclideKeysAddedToLibrary.append(dummyKey) return any(dummyNuclideKeysAddedToLibrary)
class _GamisoIO(isotxs.IsotxsIO): """ A reader/writer for GAMISO data files. Notes ----- The GAMISO file format is identical to ISOTXS. """ def _getFileMetadata(self): return self._lib.gamisoMetadata def _getNuclideIO(self): return _GamisoNuclideIO def _rwMessage(self): runLog.debug( "{} GAMISO data {}".format( "Reading" if "r" in self._fileMode else "Writing", self ) ) def _rwLibraryEnergies(self, record): # neutron velocity (cm/s) metadata = self._getFileMetadata() metadata["gammaVelocity..NOT"] = record.rwList( metadata["gammaVelocity..NOT"], "float", self._metadata["numGroups"] ) # read emax for each group in descending eV. self._lib.gammaEnergyUpperBounds = record.rwMatrix( self._lib.gammaEnergyUpperBounds, self._metadata["numGroups"] ) readBinary = _GamisoIO.readBinary readAscii = _GamisoIO.readAscii writeBinary = _GamisoIO.writeBinary writeAscii = _GamisoIO.writeAscii class _GamisoNuclideIO(isotxs._IsotxsNuclideIO): """ A reader/writer for GAMISO nuclides. Notes ----- The GAMISO file format is identical to ISOTXS. """ _FILE_LABEL = "GAMISO" def _getFileMetadata(self): return self._lib.gamisoMetadata def _getNuclideMetadata(self): return self._nuclide.gamisoMetadata def _getMicros(self): return self._nuclide.gammaXS