Source code for armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc.dlayxs

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Module to read DLAYXS files, which contain delayed neutron precursor data, including decay constants
and emission spectra.

Similar to ISOTXS files, DLAYXS files are often created by a lattice physics code such as MC2 and
used as input to a global flux solver such as DIF3D.

This module implements reading and writing of the DLAYXS, consistent with [CCCC-IV]_.
import collections

import numpy as np

from armi import runLog
from armi.nucDirectory import nuclideBases
from armi.nuclearDataIO import cccc
from armi.nuclearDataIO import nuclearFileMetadata


[docs]class DelayedNeutronData: """ Container of information about delayed neutron precursors. This info should be enough to perform point kinetics problems and to compute the delayed neutron fraction. This object represents data related to either one nuclide (as read from a data library) or an average over many nuclides (as computed after a delayed-neutron fraction calculation). For a problem with P precursor groups and G energy groups, delayed neutron precursor information includes the three attributes of this class listed below. Attributes ---------- precursorDecayConstants : array This is P-length list of decay constants in (1/s) that characterize the decay rates of the delayed neutron precursors. When a precursor decays, it emits a delayed neutron. delayEmissionSpectrum : array fraction of delayed neutrons emitted into each neutron energy group from each precursor family This is a PxG matrix The emission spectrum from the first precursor group is delayEmissionSpectrum[0,:]. Aka delayed-chi delayNeutronsPerFission : array The multigroup number of delayed neutrons released per decay for each precursor group. Note that this is equivalent to the number of delayed neutron precursors produced per fission in each family and energy group. Structure is identical to delayEmissionSpectrum. Aka delayed- nubar. """ def __init__(self, numEnergyGroups, numPrecursorGroups): self.precursorDecayConstants = np.zeros(numPrecursorGroups) self.delayEmissionSpectrum = np.zeros((numPrecursorGroups, numEnergyGroups)) self.delayNeutronsPerFission = np.zeros((numPrecursorGroups, numEnergyGroups))
[docs]def compare(lib1, lib2): """Compare two XSLibraries, and return True if equal, or False if not.""" # basically everything is stored in meta-data... so this is a simplified comparison return, lib1, lib2)
[docs]def readBinary(fileName): """Read a binary DLAYXS file into an :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.dlayxs.Dlayxs` object.""" return _read(fileName, "rb")
[docs]def readAscii(fileName): """Read an ASCII DLAYXS file into an :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.dlayxs.Dlayxs` object.""" return _read(fileName, "r")
def _read(fileName, fileMode): delay = Dlayxs() return _readWrite(delay, fileName, fileMode)
[docs]def writeBinary(delay, fileName): """Write the DLAYXS data from an :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.dlayxs.Dlayxs` object to a binary file.""" return _write(delay, fileName, "wb")
[docs]def writeAscii(delay, fileName): """Write the DLAYXS data from an :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.dlayxs.Dlayxs` object to an ASCII file.""" return _write(delay, fileName, "w")
def _write(delay, fileName, fileMode): return _readWrite(delay, fileName, fileMode) def _readWrite(delay, fileName, fileMode): with DlayxsIO(fileName, fileMode, delay) as rw: rw.readWrite() return delay
[docs]class Dlayxs(collections.OrderedDict): """ Contains DLAYXS file information according to CCCC specification. This object contains nuclide-dependent delayed neutron data. Each nuclide is represented with its own ``DelayedNeutronData`` object. Keys are nuclideBases objects. It's an ordered dictionary to maintain order of file that was read in. Module that use delayed neutron data should expect a ``DelayedNeutronData`` object as input. If you want an average over all nuclides, then you need to produce it using the properly-computed average contributions of each nuclide. Attributes ---------- nuclideFamily : dict There are a number of delayed neutron "families", which in the ideal case would be numFamilies = numNuclides * numPrecursorGroups. Since some nuclides do not have their own data (like Pu242), the nuclide shares data with other nuclides. This mapping is done via the nuclideFamilies attribute. numPrecursorGroups : int number of delayed neutron precursor groups, each with independent decay constants and emission spectra neutronEnergyUpperBounds : array upper bounds in eV nuclideContributionFractions : dict Fractions of beta due to each nuclide. Needed for making composition-dependent averages of delayed neutron data. This is dependent on beta-effective at some reactor state. Must therefore be computed during beta calculation See Also -------- : computes nuclide contributions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): collections.OrderedDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.nuclideFamily = {} self.numPrecursorGroups = 6 self.metadata = nuclearFileMetadata.FileMetadata() self.neutronEnergyUpperBounds = None self.nuclideContributionFractions = {} @property def G(self): """Number of energy groups.""" return len(self.neutronEnergyUpperBounds)
[docs] def generateAverageDelayedNeutronConstants(self): """ Use externally-computed ``nuclideContributionFractions`` to produce an average ``DelayedNeutronData`` object. Solves typical averaging equation but weights already sum to 1.0 so we can skip normalization at the end. """ avg = DelayedNeutronData(self.G, self.numPrecursorGroups) self._checkContributions() for nucBase, nucDelayedNeutronConstants in self.items(): contribution = self.nuclideContributionFractions[nucBase] avg.precursorDecayConstants += ( contribution * nucDelayedNeutronConstants.precursorDecayConstants ) avg.delayEmissionSpectrum += ( contribution * nucDelayedNeutronConstants.delayEmissionSpectrum ) avg.delayNeutronsPerFission += ( contribution * nucDelayedNeutronConstants.delayNeutronsPerFission ) return avg
def _checkContributions(self): totalContrib = sum(self.nuclideContributionFractions.values()) if abs(totalContrib - 1.0) > ALLOWED_NUCLIDE_CONTRIBUTION_ERROR: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot average delayed neutron fractions unless contributions sum to 1.0. " "They sum to {:.4e}".format(totalContrib) ) if len(self.nuclideContributionFractions) != len(self): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot average delayed neutron fractions with {} nuclides and {} " "contribution fractions".format( len(self), len(self.nuclideContributionFractions) ) )
[docs]class DlayxsIO(cccc.Stream): """Contains DLAYXS read/writers.""" def __init__(self, fileName, fileMode, dlayxs): cccc.Stream.__init__(self, fileName, fileMode) self.dlayxs = dlayxs self.metadata = dlayxs.metadata
[docs] def readWrite(self): r"""Read and write DLAYXS files. .. impl:: Tool to read and write DLAYXS files. :id: I_ARMI_NUCDATA_DLAYXS :implements: R_ARMI_NUCDATA_DLAYXS Reading and writing DLAYXS delayed neutron data files is performed using the general nuclear data I/O functionalities described in :need:`I_ARMI_NUCDATA`. Reading/writing a DLAYXS file is performed through the following steps: #. Read/write the data ``label`` for identification. .. note:: MC\ :sup:`2`-3 file does not use the expected number of characters for the ``label``, so its length needs to be stored in the :py:class:`~.cccc.IORecord`. #. Read/write file control information, i.e. the 1D record, which includes: * Number of energy groups * Number of nuclides * Number of precursor families #. Read/write spectral data, including: * Nuclide IDs * Decay constants * Emission spectra * Energy group bounds * Number of families to which fission in a given nuclide contributes delayed neutron precursors #. Read/write 3D delayed neutron yield matrix on the 3D record, indexed by nuclide, precursor family, and outgoing neutron energy group. """ "{} DLAYXS library {}".format( "Reading" if "r" in self._fileMode else "Writing", self ) ) self._rwFileID() numNuclides = self._rwFileControl() self._rwSpectra(numNuclides) self._rwYield() # if the data objects are empty, then we are reading, otherwise the data already exists... # If we are reading, then we have to map all the metadata into the DelayedNeutronData structures if not np.any(list(self.dlayxs.values())[0].delayEmissionSpectrum): for nuc, dlayData in self.dlayxs.items(): for ii, family in enumerate(self.dlayxs.nuclideFamily[nuc]): dlayData.precursorDecayConstants[ii] = self.metadata[ "precursorDecayConstants" ][family - 1] dlayData.delayEmissionSpectrum[ii, :] = self.metadata[ "delayEmissionSpectrum" ][:, family - 1]
def _rwFileID(self): with self.createRecord() as fileIdRecord: # unfortunately, the MCC3 file doesn't have the "correct" number of characters, so we need to compute it # when reading/writing label = self.dlayxs.metadata["label"] labelLength = len(label) if label is not None else fileIdRecord.numBytes self.dlayxs.metadata["label"] = fileIdRecord.rwString(label, labelLength) def _rwFileControl(self): with self.createRecord() as fileControl: self.metadata["numEnergyGroups"] = fileControl.rwInt( self.metadata["numEnergyGroups"] ) numNuclides = fileControl.rwInt(len(self.dlayxs)) self.metadata["numFamilies"] = fileControl.rwInt( self.metadata["numFamilies"] ) self.metadata["dummy"] = fileControl.rwInt(self.metadata["dummy"]) return numNuclides def _rwSpectra(self, numNuclides): """ Read or write precursor decay constants and emission spectra, as well as energy group structure for each family. nkfam is the number of families to which fission in a given nuclide contributes delayed neutron precursors """ with self.createRecord() as fileData: self.metadata["nuclideIDs"] = fileData.rwList( self.metadata["nuclideIDs"], "string", numNuclides, 8 ) if len(self.dlayxs) == 0: # create data structure if reading nuclides = [ nuclideBases.byMcc3Id[nucName] for nucName in self.metadata["nuclideIDs"] ] for nuc in nuclides: self.dlayxs[nuc] = DelayedNeutronData( self.metadata["numEnergyGroups"], self.dlayxs.numPrecursorGroups ) # Read decay constants for each family self.metadata["precursorDecayConstants"] = fileData.rwMatrix( self.metadata["precursorDecayConstants"], self.metadata["numFamilies"] ) # Read the delayed neutron spectra for each family self.metadata["delayEmissionSpectrum"] = fileData.rwMatrix( self.metadata["delayEmissionSpectrum"], self.metadata["numFamilies"], self.metadata["numEnergyGroups"], ) # This reads the maximum E for each energy group in eV as well as the # minimum energy bound of the set in eV. self.dlayxs.neutronEnergyUpperBounds = fileData.rwMatrix( self.dlayxs.neutronEnergyUpperBounds, self.metadata["numEnergyGroups"] ) self.metadata["minEnergy"] = fileData.rwFloat(self.metadata["minEnergy"]) self.metadata["nkfam"] = fileData.rwList( self.metadata["nkfam"], "int", len(self.dlayxs) ) self.metadata["recordsToSkip"] = fileData.rwList( self.metadata["recordsToSkip"], "int", len(self.dlayxs) ) if self.metadata["dummy2"] is not None: fileData.rwList( self.metadata["dummy2"], "string", len(self.metadata["dummy2"]), 4 ) else: self.metadata["dummy2"] = fileData.rwList( None, "string", (fileData.numBytes - fileData.byteCount) // 4, 4 ) def _rwYield(self): """ Read or write delayed neutron precursor yield data (3D record). Also reads the family numbers, which represent the family number of the k-th yield vector in delayNeutronsPerFission """ for ii, (nuc, dlayData) in enumerate(self.dlayxs.items()): with self.createRecord() as yieldData: delayNeutronsPerFission = dlayData.delayNeutronsPerFission delayNeutronsPerFission = delayNeutronsPerFission.transpose() dlayData.delayNeutronsPerFission = yieldData.rwMatrix( delayNeutronsPerFission, self.metadata["nkfam"][ii], self.metadata["numEnergyGroups"], ).transpose() self.dlayxs.nuclideFamily[nuc] = yieldData.rwList( self.dlayxs.nuclideFamily.get(nuc, None), "int", self.dlayxs.numPrecursorGroups, )