4. Accessing Data in ARMI

A basic user only needs to know the CLI or GUI and can perform basic analysis and design with just that. But a power user will be more interested in programmatically building and manipulating inputs and gathering detailed information out of ARMI results. Let’s now go into a bit more detail for the power user.

4.1. Settings and State Variables

The following links contain large tables describing the various global settings and state parameters in use across ARMI.

4.2. Accessing Some Interesting Info

Often times, you may be interested in the geometric dimensions of various blocks. These are stored on the components, and may be accessed as follows:

b = o.r.core.getFirstBlock(Flags.FUEL)
fuel = b.getComponent(Flags.FUEL)
od = fuel.getDimension('od',cold=True)  # fuel outer diameter in cm
odHot = fuel.getDimension('od')  # hot dimension
id600 = fuel.getDimension('id',Tc=600)  # hot inner diameter at a specific temperature

clad = b.getComponent(Flags.CLAD)
numClad = clad.getDimension('mult')  # number of cladding pins (multiplicity)

cladMat = clad.getProperties()  # get the cladding material (HT9 probably)
k = cladMat.thermalConductivity(Tc=500)  # get the thermal conductivity of HT9 at 500C.

The dimensions available depend on the shape of the component. Hexagons have op and ip for outer and inner pitch. Other options are seen at the source at armi.reactor.components.