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# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""This module contains methods for adding properties with custom behaviors to classes."""
import numpy

[docs]def areEqual(val1, val2, relativeTolerance=0.0): hackEqual = numpyHackForEqual(val1, val2) if hackEqual or not relativeTolerance: # takes care of dictionaries and strings. return hackEqual return numpy.allclose( val1, val2, rtol=relativeTolerance, atol=0.0 ) # does not work for dictionaries or strings
[docs]def numpyHackForEqual(val1, val2): """Checks lots of types for equality like strings and dicts.""" # when doing this with numpy arrays you get an array of booleans which causes the value error if isinstance(val1, numpy.ndarray) and isinstance(val2, numpy.ndarray): if val1.size != val2.size: return False notEqual = val1 != val2 try: # should work for everything but numpy arrays if isinstance(notEqual, numpy.ndarray) and notEqual.size == 0: return True return not notEqual.__bool__() except (AttributeError, ValueError): # from comparing 2 numpy arrays return not notEqual.any()
[docs]def createImmutableProperty(name, dependencyAction, doc): """Create a properrty that raises useful AttributeErrors when the attribute has not been assigned. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the property. This is unfortunately necessary, because the method does not know the name of the property being assigned by the developer. dependencyAction : str Description of an action that needs to be performed in order to set the value of the property. doc : str Docstring of the property. See Also -------- Examples -------- The following example is esentially exactly how this should be used. >>> class SomeClass: ... myNum = createImmutableProperty('myNum', 'You must invoke the initialize() method', 'My random number') ... def initialize(self, val): ... unlockImmutableProperties(self) ... try: ... self.myNum = val ... finally: ... lockImmutableProperties(self) >>> sc = SomeClass() >>> sc.myNum.__doc__ My Random Number >>> sc.myNum # raises error, because it hasn't been assigned ImmutablePropertyError >>> sc.myNum = 42.1 >>> sc.myNum 42.1 >>> sc.myNum = 21.05 * 2 # raises error, because the value cannot change after it has been assigned. ImmutablePropertyError >>> sc.initialize(42.1) # this works, because the values are the same. >>> sc.initialize(100) # this fails, because the value cannot change ImmutablePropertyError """ privateName = "_" + name def _getter(self): try: return getattr(self, privateName) except AttributeError: if getattr(self, "-unlocked", False): return None raise ImmutablePropertyError( "Attribute {} on {} has not been set, must read {} file first.".format( name, self, dependencyAction ) ) def _setter(self, value): if hasattr(self, privateName): currentVal = getattr(self, privateName) if currentVal is None or value is None: setattr(self, privateName, value if currentVal is None else currentVal) elif not numpyHackForEqual(currentVal, value): raise ImmutablePropertyError( "{} on {} has already been set by reading {} file.\n" "The original value: ({})\n" "does not match the new value: ({}).".format( name, self, dependencyAction, currentVal, value ) ) else: setattr(self, privateName, value) return property(_getter, _setter, doc=doc)
[docs]class ImmutablePropertyError(Exception): """Exception raised when performing an illegal operation on an immutable property."""
[docs]def unlockImmutableProperties(lib): """Unlock an object that has immutable properties for modification. This will prevent raising errors when reading or assigning values to an immutable property See Also -------- """ setattr(lib, "-unlocked", True)
[docs]def lockImmutableProperties(lib): """Lock an object that has immutable properties such that accessing unassigned properties, or attempting to modify the properties raises an exception. See Also -------- """ del lib.__dict__["-unlocked"]