Source code for armi.tests.test_user_plugins

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"""Tests for the UserPlugin class."""
import copy
import os
import unittest

from armi import context
from armi import getApp
from armi import interfaces
from armi import plugins
from armi import utils
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.reactor.tests import test_reactors
from armi.settings import caseSettings
from armi.tests import TEST_ROOT
from armi.utils import directoryChangers

[docs]class UserPluginFlags(plugins.UserPlugin): """Simple UserPlugin that defines a single, new flag."""
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineFlags(): """Function to provide new Flags definitions.""" return {"SPECIAL":}
[docs]class UserPluginFlags2(plugins.UserPlugin): """Simple UserPlugin that defines a single, new flag."""
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineFlags(): """Function to provide new Flags definitions.""" return {"FLAG2":}
[docs]class UserPluginFlags3(plugins.UserPlugin): """Simple UserPlugin that defines a single, new flag."""
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineFlags(): """Function to provide new Flags definitions.""" return {"FLAG3":}
# text-file version of a stand-alone Python file for a simple User Plugin upFlags4 = """ from armi import plugins from armi import utils class UserPluginFlags4(plugins.UserPlugin): @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineFlags(): return {"FLAG4":} """
[docs]class UserPluginBadDefinesSettings(plugins.UserPlugin): """This is invalid/bad because it implements defineSettings()."""
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineSettings(): """Define settings for the plugin.""" return [1, 2, 3]
[docs]class UserPluginBadDefineParameterRenames(plugins.UserPlugin): """This is invalid/bad because it implements defineParameterRenames()."""
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineParameterRenames(): """Return a mapping from old parameter names to new parameter names.""" return {"oldType": "type"}
[docs]class UserPluginOnProcessCoreLoading(plugins.UserPlugin): """ This plugin flex-tests the onProcessCoreLoading() hook, and arbitrarily adds "1" to the height of every block, after the DB is loaded. """
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def onProcessCoreLoading(core, cs, dbLoad): """Function to call whenever a Core object is newly built.""" blocks = core.getBlocks(Flags.FUEL) for b in blocks: b.p.height += 1.0
[docs]class UpInterface(interfaces.Interface): """ A mostly meaningless little test interface, just to prove that we can affect the reactor state from an interface inside a UserPlugin. """ name = "UpInterface"
[docs] def interactEveryNode(self, cycle, node): """Logic to be carried out at every time node in the simulation.""" self.r.core.p.power += 100
[docs]class UserPluginWithInterface(plugins.UserPlugin): """A little test UserPlugin, just to show how to add an Interface through a UserPlugin."""
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def exposeInterfaces(cs): """Function for exposing interface(s) to other code.""" return [ interfaces.InterfaceInfo( interfaces.STACK_ORDER.PREPROCESSING, UpInterface, {"enabled": True} ) ]
[docs]class TestUserPlugins(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Manipulate the standard App. We can't just configure our own, since the pytest environment bleeds between tests. """ self._backupApp = copy.deepcopy(getApp()) def tearDown(self): """Restore the App to its original state.""" import armi armi._app = self._backupApp context.APP_NAME = "armi"
[docs] def test_userPluginsFlags(self): # a basic test that a UserPlugin is loaded app = getApp() pluginNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertNotIn("UserPluginFlags", pluginNames) app.pluginManager.register(UserPluginFlags) pluginNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertIn("UserPluginFlags", pluginNames) # we shouldn't be able to register the same plugin twice with self.assertRaises(ValueError): app.pluginManager.register(UserPluginFlags)
[docs] def test_validateUserPluginLimitations(self): # this should NOT raise any errors _up = UserPluginFlags() # this should raise an error because it has a defineSettings() method with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): _bad0 = UserPluginBadDefinesSettings()
[docs] def test_registerUserPlugins(self): app = getApp() pluginNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertNotIn("UserPluginFlags2", pluginNames) plugins = ["armi.tests.test_user_plugins.UserPluginFlags2"] app.registerUserPlugins(plugins) pluginNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertIn("UserPluginFlags2", pluginNames) self.assertIn("FLAG2", dir(Flags))
[docs] def test_registerUserPluginsAbsPath(self): app = getApp() with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): # write a simple UserPlugin to a simple Python file with open("", "w") as f: f.write(upFlags4) # register that plugin using an absolute path cwd = os.getcwd() plugins = [os.path.join(cwd, "") + ":UserPluginFlags4"] app.registerUserPlugins(plugins) pluginNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertIn("UserPluginFlags4", pluginNames) self.assertIn("FLAG4", dir(Flags))
[docs] def test_registerUserPluginsFromSettings(self): app = getApp() cs = caseSettings.Settings().modified( caseTitle="test_registerUserPluginsFromSettings", newSettings={ "userPlugins": ["armi.tests.test_user_plugins.UserPluginFlags3"], }, ) pNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertNotIn("UserPluginFlags3", pNames) cs.registerUserPlugins() pluginNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertIn("UserPluginFlags3", pluginNames) self.assertIn("FLAG3", dir(Flags))
[docs] def test_userPluginOnProcessCoreLoading(self): """ Test that a UserPlugin can affect the Reactor state, by implementing onProcessCoreLoading() to arbitrarily increase the height of all the blocks by 1.0. """ # register the plugin app = getApp() name = "UserPluginOnProcessCoreLoading" pluginNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertNotIn(name, pluginNames) app.pluginManager.register(UserPluginOnProcessCoreLoading) # validate the plugins was registered pluginz = app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin() pluginNames = [p[0] for p in pluginz] self.assertIn(name, pluginNames) # grab the loaded plugin plug0 = [p[1] for p in pluginz if p[0] == name][0] # load a reactor and grab the fuel assemblies o, r = test_reactors.loadTestReactor( TEST_ROOT, inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml" ) fuels = r.core.getBlocks(Flags.FUEL) # prove that our plugin affects the core in the desired way heights = [float(f.p.height) for f in fuels] plug0.onProcessCoreLoading(core=r.core, cs=o.cs, dbLoad=False) for i, height in enumerate(heights): self.assertEqual(fuels[i].p.height, height + 1.0)
[docs] def test_userPluginWithInterfaces(self): """Test that UserPlugins can correctly inject an interface into the stack.""" # register the plugin app = getApp() pNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertNotIn("UserPluginWithInterface", pNames) # register custom UserPlugin, that has an plugins = ["armi.tests.test_user_plugins.UserPluginWithInterface"] app.registerUserPlugins(plugins) pluginNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertIn("UserPluginWithInterface", pluginNames) # load a reactor and grab the fuel assemblieapps o, r = test_reactors.loadTestReactor( TEST_ROOT, inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml" ) _fuels = r.core.getAssemblies(Flags.FUEL) # This is here because we have multiple tests altering the App() o.interfaces = [] o.initializeInterfaces(r) app.pluginManager.hook.exposeInterfaces(cs=o.cs) # This test is not set up for a full run through all the interfaces, for # instance, there is not database prepped. So let's skip some interfaces. for skipIt in ["fuelhandler", "history"]: for i, interf in enumerate(o.interfaces): if skipIt in str(interf).lower(): o.interfaces = o.interfaces[:i] + o.interfaces[i + 1 :] break # test that the core power goes up power0 = float(r.core.p.power) o.cs["nCycles"] = 2 o.operate() self.assertGreater(r.core.p.power, power0)
[docs] def test_registerRepeatedUserPlugins(self): app = getApp() # Test plugin registration with two userPlugins with the same name with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): # write a simple UserPlugin to a simple Python file with open("", "w") as f: f.write(upFlags4) # register that plugin using an absolute path cwd = os.getcwd() plugins = [os.path.join(cwd, "") + ":UserPluginFlags4"] * 2 app.registerUserPlugins(plugins) pluginNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertEqual(pluginNames.count("UserPluginFlags4"), 1) # Repeat test for other type of path cs = caseSettings.Settings().modified( caseTitle="test_registerUserPluginsFromSettings", newSettings={ "userPlugins": [ "armi.tests.test_user_plugins.UserPluginFlags3", "armi.tests.test_user_plugins.UserPluginFlags3", ], }, ) cs.registerUserPlugins() pluginNames = [p[0] for p in app.pluginManager.list_name_plugin()] self.assertEqual(pluginNames.count("UserPluginFlags3"), 1)