Source code for armi.reactor.converters.tests.test_axialExpansionChanger

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Test axialExpansionChanger."""
import collections
import os
import unittest
from statistics import mean

from armi import materials
from armi.materials import _MATERIAL_NAMESPACE_ORDER, custom
from armi.reactor.assemblies import HexAssembly, grids
from armi.reactor.blocks import HexBlock
from armi.reactor.components import DerivedShape, UnshapedComponent
from armi.reactor.components.basicShapes import Circle, Hexagon, Rectangle
from armi.reactor.components.complexShapes import Helix
from armi.reactor.converters.axialExpansionChanger import (
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.reactor.tests.test_reactors import loadTestReactor, reduceTestReactorRings
from armi.tests import TEST_ROOT
from armi.utils import units
from numpy import array, linspace, zeros

[docs]class AxialExpansionTestBase(unittest.TestCase): """Common methods and variables for unit tests.""" Steel_Component_Lst = [ Flags.DUCT, Flags.GRID_PLATE, Flags.HANDLING_SOCKET, Flags.INLET_NOZZLE, Flags.CLAD, Flags.WIRE, Flags.ACLP, Flags.GUIDE_TUBE, ] def setUp(self): self.obj = AxialExpansionChanger() self.componentMass = collections.defaultdict(list) self.componentDensity = collections.defaultdict(list) self.totalAssemblySteelMass = [] self.blockZtop = collections.defaultdict(list) self.origNameSpace = _MATERIAL_NAMESPACE_ORDER # set namespace order for materials so that fake HT9 material can be found materials.setMaterialNamespaceOrder( [ "armi.reactor.converters.tests.test_axialExpansionChanger", "armi.materials", ] ) def tearDown(self): # reset global namespace materials.setMaterialNamespaceOrder(self.origNameSpace) def _getConservationMetrics(self, a): """Retrieves and stores various conservation metrics. - useful for verification and unittesting - Finds and stores: 1. mass and density of target components 2. mass of assembly steel 3. block heights """ totalSteelMass = 0.0 for b in a: # store block ztop self.blockZtop[b].append(b.p.ztop) for c in getSolidComponents(b): # store mass and density of component self.componentMass[c].append(c.getMass()) self.componentDensity[c].append( c.material.getProperty("density", c.temperatureInK) ) # store steel mass for assembly if c.p.flags in self.Steel_Component_Lst: totalSteelMass += c.getMass() self.totalAssemblySteelMass.append(totalSteelMass)
[docs]class Temperature: """Create and store temperature grid/field.""" def __init__( self, L, coldTemp=25.0, hotInletTemp=360.0, numTempGridPts=25, tempSteps=100, uniform=False, ): """ Parameters ---------- L : float length of self.tempGrid. Should be the height of the corresponding assembly. coldTemp : float component as-built temperature hotInletTemp : float temperature closest to bottom of assembly. Interpreted as inlet temp at nominal operations. numTempGridPts : integer the number of temperature measurement locations along the z-axis of the assembly tempSteps : integer the number of temperatures to create (analogous to time steps) """ self.tempSteps = tempSteps self.tempGrid = linspace(0.0, L, num=numTempGridPts) self.tempField = zeros((tempSteps, numTempGridPts)) self._generateTempField(coldTemp, hotInletTemp, uniform) def _generateTempField(self, coldTemp, hotInletTemp, uniform): """Generate temperature field and grid. - all temperatures are in C - temperature field : temperature readings (e.g., from T/H calculation) - temperature grid : physical locations in which temperature is measured """ # Generate temp field self.tempField[0, :] = coldTemp if not uniform: for i in range(1, self.tempSteps): self.tempField[i, :] = ( coldTemp + (i + 1) / (self.tempSteps / 3) * self.tempGrid + (hotInletTemp - coldTemp) * (i + 1) / self.tempSteps ) else: tmp = linspace(coldTemp, hotInletTemp, self.tempSteps) for i in range(1, self.tempSteps): self.tempField[i, :] = tmp[i]
[docs]class TestAxialExpansionHeight(AxialExpansionTestBase, unittest.TestCase): """Verify that test assembly is expanded correctly.""" def setUp(self): AxialExpansionTestBase.setUp(self) self.a = buildTestAssemblyWithFakeMaterial(name="FakeMat") self.temp = Temperature( self.a.getTotalHeight(), numTempGridPts=11, tempSteps=10 ) # get the right/expected answer self._generateComponentWiseExpectedHeight() # do the axial expansion for idt in range(self.temp.tempSteps): self.obj.performThermalAxialExpansion( self.a, self.temp.tempGrid, self.temp.tempField[idt, :], setFuel=True ) self._getConservationMetrics(self.a) def tearDown(self): AxialExpansionTestBase.tearDown(self)
[docs] def test_AssemblyAxialExpansionHeight(self): """Test the axial expansion gives correct heights for component-based expansion.""" for idt in range(self.temp.tempSteps): for ib, b in enumerate(self.a): self.assertAlmostEqual( self.trueZtop[ib, idt], self.blockZtop[b][idt], places=7, msg=f"Block height is not correct. {b}; Temp Step = {idt}", )
def _generateComponentWiseExpectedHeight(self): """Calculate the expected height, external of AssemblyAxialExpansion().""" assem = buildTestAssemblyWithFakeMaterial(name="FakeMat") aveBlockTemp = zeros((len(assem), self.temp.tempSteps)) self.trueZtop = zeros((len(assem), self.temp.tempSteps)) self.trueHeight = zeros((len(assem), self.temp.tempSteps)) self.trueZtop[-1, :] = assem[-1].p.ztop for idt in range(self.temp.tempSteps): # get average block temp for ib in range(len(assem)): aveBlockTemp[ib, idt] = self._getAveTemp(ib, idt, assem) # get block ztops for ib, b in enumerate(assem[:-1]): if ib > 0: b.p.zbottom = assem[ib - 1].p.ztop if idt > 0: dll = ( 0.02 * aveBlockTemp[ib, idt] - 0.02 * aveBlockTemp[ib, idt - 1] ) / (100.0 + 0.02 * aveBlockTemp[ib, idt - 1]) thermExpansionFactor = 1.0 + dll b.p.ztop = thermExpansionFactor * b.p.height + b.p.zbottom self.trueZtop[ib, idt] = b.p.ztop # get block heights for ib, b in enumerate(assem): b.p.height = b.p.ztop - b.p.zbottom self.trueHeight[ib, idt] = b.p.height def _getAveTemp(self, ib, idt, assem): tmpMapping = [] for idz, z in enumerate(self.temp.tempGrid): if assem[ib].p.zbottom <= z <= assem[ib].p.ztop: tmpMapping.append(self.temp.tempField[idt][idz]) if z > assem[ib].p.ztop: break return mean(tmpMapping)
[docs]class TestConservation(AxialExpansionTestBase, unittest.TestCase): """Verify that conservation is maintained in assembly-level axial expansion.""" def setUp(self): AxialExpansionTestBase.setUp(self) self.a = buildTestAssemblyWithFakeMaterial(name="FakeMat") def tearDown(self): AxialExpansionTestBase.tearDown(self)
[docs] def expandAssemForMassConservationTest(self): """Do the thermal expansion and store conservation metrics of interest.""" # create a semi-realistic/physical variable temperature grid over the assembly temp = Temperature(self.a.getTotalHeight(), numTempGridPts=11, tempSteps=10) for idt in range(temp.tempSteps): self.obj.performThermalAxialExpansion( self.a, temp.tempGrid, temp.tempField[idt, :], ) self._getConservationMetrics(self.a)
[docs] def test_thermalExpansionContractionConservation_simple(self): """Thermally expand and then contract to ensure original state is recovered. .. test:: Thermally expand and then contract to ensure original assembly is recovered. :id: T_ARMI_AXIAL_EXP_THERM0 :tests: R_ARMI_AXIAL_EXP_THERM Notes ----- Temperature field is always isothermal and initially at 25 C. """ isothermalTempList = [100.0, 350.0, 250.0, 25.0] a = buildTestAssemblyWithFakeMaterial(name="HT9") origMesh = a.getAxialMesh()[:-1] origMasses, origNDens = self._getComponentMassAndNDens(a) axialExpChngr = AxialExpansionChanger(detailedAxialExpansion=True) tempGrid = linspace(0.0, a.getHeight()) for temp in isothermalTempList: # compute expected change in number densities c = a[0][0] radialGrowthFrac = c.material.getThermalExpansionDensityReduction( prevTempInC=c.temperatureInC, newTempInC=temp ) axialGrowthFrac = c.getThermalExpansionFactor(T0=c.temperatureInC, Tc=temp) totGrowthFrac = axialGrowthFrac / radialGrowthFrac # Set new isothermal temp and expand tempField = array([temp] * len(tempGrid)) oldMasses, oldNDens = self._getComponentMassAndNDens(a) axialExpChngr.performThermalAxialExpansion(a, tempGrid, tempField) newMasses, newNDens = self._getComponentMassAndNDens(a) self._checkMass(oldMasses, newMasses) self._checkNDens(oldNDens, newNDens, totGrowthFrac) # make sure that the assembly returned to the original state for orig, new in zip(origMesh, a.getAxialMesh()): self.assertAlmostEqual(orig, new, places=12) self._checkMass(origMasses, newMasses) self._checkNDens(origNDens, newNDens, 1.0)
[docs] def test_thermalExpansionContractionConservation_complex(self): """Thermally expand and then contract to ensure original state is recovered. Notes ----- Assemblies with liners are not supported and not considered for conservation testing. """ _oCold, rCold = loadTestReactor( os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, "detailedAxialExpansion"), customSettings={"inputHeightsConsideredHot": False}, ) assems = list(rCold.blueprints.assemblies.values()) for a in assems: if a.hasFlags([Flags.MIDDLE, Flags.ANNULAR, Flags.TEST]): # assemblies with the above flags have liners and conservation # of such assemblies is not currently supported continue self.complexConservationTest(a)
[docs] def complexConservationTest(self, a): origMesh = a.getAxialMesh()[:-1] origMasses, origNDens = self._getComponentMassAndNDens(a) axialExpChngr = AxialExpansionChanger(detailedAxialExpansion=True) axialExpChngr.setAssembly(a) tempAdjust = [50.0, 50.0, -50.0, -50.0] for temp in tempAdjust: # adjust component temperatures by temp for b in a: for c in getSolidComponents(b): axialExpChngr.expansionData.updateComponentTemp( c, c.temperatureInC + temp ) # get U235/B10 and FE56 mass pre-expansion prevFE56Mass = a.getMass("FE56") prevMass = self._getMass(a) # compute thermal expansion coeffs and expand axialExpChngr.expansionData.computeThermalExpansionFactors() axialExpChngr.axiallyExpandAssembly() # ensure that total U235/B10 and FE56 mass is conserved post-expansion newFE56Mass = a.getMass("FE56") newMass = self._getMass(a) self.assertAlmostEqual( newFE56Mass / prevFE56Mass, 1.0, places=14, msg=f"{a}" ) if newMass: self.assertAlmostEqual(newMass / prevMass, 1.0, places=14, msg=f"{a}") newMasses, newNDens = self._getComponentMassAndNDens(a) # make sure that the assembly returned to the original state for orig, new in zip(origMesh, a.getAxialMesh()): self.assertAlmostEqual(orig, new, places=12, msg=f"{a}") self._checkMass(origMasses, newMasses) self._checkNDens(origNDens, newNDens, 1.0)
@staticmethod def _getMass(a): """Get the mass of an assembly. The conservation of HT9 pins in shield assems are accounted for in FE56 conservation checks. """ newMass = None if a.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL): newMass = a.getMass("U235") elif a.hasFlags(Flags.CONTROL): newMass = a.getMass("B10") return newMass
[docs] def test_prescribedExpansionContractionConservation(self): """Expand all components and then contract back to original state. .. test:: Expand all components and then contract back to original state. :id: T_ARMI_AXIAL_EXP_PRESC0 :tests: R_ARMI_AXIAL_EXP_PRESC Notes ----- - uniform expansion over all components within the assembly - 10 total expansion steps: 5 at +1.01 L1/L0, and 5 at -(1.01^-1) L1/L0 """ a = buildTestAssemblyWithFakeMaterial(name="FakeMat") axExpChngr = AxialExpansionChanger() origMesh = a.getAxialMesh() origMasses, origNDens = self._getComponentMassAndNDens(a) componentLst = [c for b in a for c in getSolidComponents(b)] expansionGrowthFrac = 1.01 contractionGrowthFrac = 1.0 / expansionGrowthFrac for i in range(0, 10): if i < 5: growthFrac = expansionGrowthFrac fracLst = growthFrac + zeros(len(componentLst)) else: growthFrac = contractionGrowthFrac fracLst = growthFrac + zeros(len(componentLst)) oldMasses, oldNDens = self._getComponentMassAndNDens(a) # do the expansion axExpChngr.performPrescribedAxialExpansion( a, componentLst, fracLst, setFuel=True ) newMasses, newNDens = self._getComponentMassAndNDens(a) self._checkMass(oldMasses, newMasses) self._checkNDens(oldNDens, newNDens, growthFrac) # make sure that the assembly returned to the original state for orig, new in zip(origMesh, a.getAxialMesh()): self.assertAlmostEqual(orig, new, places=13) self._checkMass(origMasses, newMasses) self._checkNDens(origNDens, newNDens, 1.0)
def _checkMass(self, prevMass, newMass): for prev, new in zip(prevMass.values(), newMass.values()): # scaling helps check the assertion closer to machine precision ave = (new + prev) / 2.0 prevScaled = prev / ave newScaled = new / ave self.assertAlmostEqual(prevScaled, newScaled, places=14) def _checkNDens(self, prevNDen, newNDens, ratio): for prevComp, newComp in zip(prevNDen.values(), newNDens.values()): for prev, new in zip(prevComp.values(), newComp.values()): if prev: self.assertAlmostEqual(prev / new, ratio, msg=f"{prev} / {new}") @staticmethod def _getComponentMassAndNDens(a): masses = {} nDens = {} for b in a: for c in getSolidComponents(b): masses[c] = c.getMass() nDens[c] = c.getNumberDensities() return masses, nDens
[docs] def test_targetComponentMassConservation(self): """Tests mass conservation for target components.""" self.expandAssemForMassConservationTest() for cName, masses in self.componentMass.items(): for i in range(1, len(masses)): self.assertAlmostEqual( masses[i], masses[i - 1], msg=f"{cName} mass not right" ) for cName, density in self.componentDensity.items(): for i in range(1, len(density)): self.assertLess( density[i], density[i - 1], msg=f"{cName} density not right." ) for i in range(1, len(self.totalAssemblySteelMass)): self.assertAlmostEqual( self.totalAssemblySteelMass[i], self.totalAssemblySteelMass[i - 1], msg="Total assembly steel mass is not conserved.", )
[docs] def test_noMovementACLP(self): """Ensures the above core load pad (ACLP) does not move during fuel-only expansion. .. test:: Ensure the ACLP does not move during fuel-only expansion. :id: T_ARMI_AXIAL_EXP_PRESC1 :tests: R_ARMI_AXIAL_EXP_PRESC """ # build test assembly with ACLP assembly = HexAssembly("testAssemblyType") assembly.spatialGrid = grids.AxialGrid.fromNCells(numCells=1) assembly.spatialGrid.armiObject = assembly assembly.add(_buildTestBlock("shield", "FakeMat", 25.0, 10.0)) assembly.add(_buildTestBlock("fuel", "FakeMat", 25.0, 10.0)) assembly.add(_buildTestBlock("fuel", "FakeMat", 25.0, 10.0)) assembly.add(_buildTestBlock("plenum", "FakeMat", 25.0, 10.0)) assembly.add( _buildTestBlock("aclp", "FakeMat", 25.0, 10.0) ) # "aclp plenum" also works assembly.add(_buildTestBlock("plenum", "FakeMat", 25.0, 10.0)) assembly.add(_buildDummySodium(25.0, 10.0)) assembly.calculateZCoords() assembly.reestablishBlockOrder() # get zCoords for aclp aclp = assembly.getChildrenWithFlags(Flags.ACLP)[0] aclpZTop = aclp.p.ztop aclpZBottom = aclp.p.zbottom # expand fuel # get fuel components cList = [c for b in assembly for c in b if c.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL)] # 1.01 L1/L0 growth of fuel components pList = zeros(len(cList)) + 1.01 chngr = AxialExpansionChanger() chngr.performPrescribedAxialExpansion(assembly, cList, pList, setFuel=True) # do assertion self.assertEqual( aclpZBottom, aclp.p.zbottom, msg="ACLP zbottom has changed. It should not with fuel component only expansion!", ) self.assertEqual( aclpZTop, aclp.p.ztop, msg="ACLP ztop has changed. It should not with fuel component only expansion!", )
[docs] def test_reset(self): self.obj.setAssembly(self.a) self.obj.reset() self.assertIsNone(self.obj.linked) self.assertIsNone(self.obj.expansionData)
[docs] def test_computeThermalExpansionFactors(self): """Ensure expansion factors are as expected.""" self.obj.setAssembly(self.a) stdThermExpFactor = {} newTemp = 500.0 # apply new temp to the pin and clad components of each block for b in self.a: for c in b[0:2]: stdThermExpFactor[c] = c.getThermalExpansionFactor() self.obj.expansionData.updateComponentTemp(c, newTemp) self.obj.expansionData.computeThermalExpansionFactors() # skip dummy block, it's just coolant and doesn't expand. for b in self.a[:-1]: for ic, c in enumerate(b): if ic <= 1: self.assertNotEqual( stdThermExpFactor[c], self.obj.expansionData.getExpansionFactor(c), msg=f"Block {b}, Component {c}, thermExpCoeff not right.\n", ) else: self.assertEqual( self.obj.expansionData.getExpansionFactor(c), 1.0, msg=f"Block {b}, Component {c}, thermExpCoeff not right.\n", )
[docs]class TestManageCoreMesh(unittest.TestCase): """Verify that manage core mesh unifies the mesh for detailedAxialExpansion: False.""" def setUp(self): self.axialExpChngr = AxialExpansionChanger() o, self.r = loadTestReactor(TEST_ROOT) reduceTestReactorRings(self.r, o.cs, 3) self.oldAxialMesh = self.r.core.p.axialMesh # expand refAssem by 1.01 L1/L0 componentLst = [c for b in self.r.core.refAssem for c in b] expansionGrowthFracs = 1.01 + zeros(len(componentLst)) self.axialExpChngr.performPrescribedAxialExpansion( self.r.core.refAssem, componentLst, expansionGrowthFracs, setFuel=True )
[docs] def test_manageCoreMesh(self): self.axialExpChngr.manageCoreMesh(self.r) newAxialMesh = self.r.core.p.axialMesh # skip first and last entries as they do not change for old, new in zip(self.oldAxialMesh[1:-1], newAxialMesh[1:-1]): self.assertLess(old, new)
[docs]class TestExceptions(AxialExpansionTestBase, unittest.TestCase): """Verify exceptions are caught.""" def setUp(self): AxialExpansionTestBase.setUp(self) self.a = buildTestAssemblyWithFakeMaterial(name="FakeMatException") self.obj.setAssembly(self.a) def tearDown(self): AxialExpansionTestBase.tearDown(self)
[docs] def test_isTopDummyBlockPresent(self): # build test assembly without dummy assembly = HexAssembly("testAssemblyType") assembly.spatialGrid = grids.AxialGrid.fromNCells(numCells=1) assembly.spatialGrid.armiObject = assembly assembly.add(_buildTestBlock("shield", "FakeMat", 25.0, 10.0)) assembly.calculateZCoords() assembly.reestablishBlockOrder() # create instance of expansion changer obj = AxialExpansionChanger(detailedAxialExpansion=True) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: obj.setAssembly(assembly) the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
[docs] def test_setExpansionFactors(self): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: cList = self.a[0].getChildren() expansionGrowthFracs = range(len(cList) + 1) self.obj.expansionData.setExpansionFactors(cList, expansionGrowthFracs) the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: cList = self.a[0].getChildren() expansionGrowthFracs = zeros(len(cList)) self.obj.expansionData.setExpansionFactors(cList, expansionGrowthFracs) the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: cList = self.a[0].getChildren() expansionGrowthFracs = zeros(len(cList)) - 10.0 self.obj.expansionData.setExpansionFactors(cList, expansionGrowthFracs) the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
[docs] def test_updateComponentTempsBy1DTempFieldValueError(self): tempGrid = [5.0, 15.0, 35.0] tempField = linspace(25.0, 310.0, 3) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: self.obj.expansionData.updateComponentTempsBy1DTempField( tempGrid, tempField ) the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
[docs] def test_updateComponentTempsBy1DTempFieldRuntimeError(self): tempGrid = [5.0, 15.0, 35.0] tempField = linspace(25.0, 310.0, 10) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: self.obj.expansionData.updateComponentTempsBy1DTempField( tempGrid, tempField ) the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
[docs] def test_AssemblyAxialExpansionException(self): """Test that negative height exception is caught.""" # manually set axial exp target component for code coverage self.a[0].p.axialExpTargetComponent = self.a[0][0].name temp = Temperature(self.a.getTotalHeight(), numTempGridPts=11, tempSteps=10) with self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError) as cm: for idt in range(temp.tempSteps): self.obj.expansionData.updateComponentTempsBy1DTempField( temp.tempGrid, temp.tempField[idt, :] ) self.obj.expansionData.computeThermalExpansionFactors() self.obj.axiallyExpandAssembly() the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
[docs] def test_isFuelLocked(self): """Ensures that the RuntimeError statement in ExpansionData::_isFuelLocked is raised appropriately. Notes ----- This is implemented by creating a fuel block that contains no fuel component and passing it to ExpansionData::_isFuelLocked. """ expdata = ExpansionData( HexAssembly("testAssemblyType"), setFuel=True, expandFromTinputToThot=False ) b_NoFuel = HexBlock("fuel", height=10.0) shieldDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0, "od": 0.76, "id": 0.00, "mult": 127.0, } shield = Circle("shield", "FakeMat", **shieldDims) b_NoFuel.add(shield) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: expdata._isFuelLocked(b_NoFuel) the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
[docs] def test_determineLinked(self): compDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0} compA = UnshapedComponent("unshaped_1", "FakeMat", **compDims) compB = UnshapedComponent("unshaped_2", "FakeMat", **compDims) self.assertFalse(_determineLinked(compA, compB))
[docs] def test_getLinkedComponents(self): """Test for multiple component axial linkage.""" shieldBlock = self.obj.linked.a[0] shieldComp = shieldBlock[0] shieldComp.setDimension("od", 0.785, cold=True) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: self.obj.linked._getLinkedComponents(shieldBlock, shieldComp) self.assertEqual(cm.exception, 3)
[docs]class TestDetermineTargetComponent(AxialExpansionTestBase, unittest.TestCase): """Verify determineTargetComponent method is properly updating _componentDeterminesBlockHeight.""" def setUp(self): AxialExpansionTestBase.setUp(self) self.expData = ExpansionData([], setFuel=True, expandFromTinputToThot=True) coolDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0} self.coolant = DerivedShape("coolant", "Sodium", **coolDims) def tearDown(self): AxialExpansionTestBase.tearDown(self)
[docs] def test_determineTargetComponent(self): """Provides coverage for searching TARGET_FLAGS_IN_PREFERRED_ORDER.""" b = HexBlock("fuel", height=10.0) fuelDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0, "od": 0.76, "id": 0.00, "mult": 127.0} cladDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0, "od": 0.80, "id": 0.77, "mult": 127.0} fuel = Circle("fuel", "FakeMat", **fuelDims) clad = Circle("clad", "FakeMat", **cladDims) b.add(fuel) b.add(clad) b.add(self.coolant) # make sure that b.p.axialExpTargetComponent is empty initially self.assertFalse(b.p.axialExpTargetComponent) # call method, and check that target component is correct self.expData.determineTargetComponent(b) self.assertTrue( self.expData.isTargetComponent(fuel), msg=f"determineTargetComponent failed to recognize intended component: {fuel}", ) self.assertEqual( b.p.axialExpTargetComponent,, msg=f"determineTargetComponent failed to recognize intended component: {fuel}", )
[docs] def test_determineTargetComponentBlockWithMultipleFlags(self): """Provides coverage for searching TARGET_FLAGS_IN_PREFERRED_ORDER with multiple flags.""" # build a block that has two flags as well as a component matching each b = HexBlock("fuel poison", height=10.0) fuelDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0, "od": 0.9, "id": 0.5, "mult": 200.0} poisonDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0, "od": 0.5, "id": 0.0, "mult": 10.0} fuel = Circle("fuel", "FakeMat", **fuelDims) poison = Circle("poison", "FakeMat", **poisonDims) b.add(fuel) b.add(poison) b.add(self.coolant) # call method, and check that target component is correct self.expData.determineTargetComponent(b) self.assertTrue( self.expData.isTargetComponent(fuel), msg=f"determineTargetComponent failed to recognize intended component: {fuel}", )
[docs] def test_specifyTargetComponent_NotFound(self): """Ensure RuntimeError gets raised when no target component is found.""" b = HexBlock("fuel", height=10.0) b.add(self.coolant) b.setType("fuel") with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: self.expData.determineTargetComponent(b) the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: self.expData.determineTargetComponent(b, Flags.FUEL) the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
[docs] def test_specifyTargetComponent_singleSolid(self): """Ensures that specifyTargetComponent is smart enough to set the only solid as the target component.""" b = HexBlock("plenum", height=10.0) ductDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0, "op": 17, "ip": 0.0, "mult": 1.0} duct = Hexagon("duct", "FakeMat", **ductDims) b.add(duct) b.add(self.coolant) b.getVolumeFractions() b.setType("plenum") self.expData.determineTargetComponent(b) self.assertTrue( self.expData.isTargetComponent(duct), msg=f"determineTargetComponent failed to recognize intended component: {duct}", )
[docs] def test_specifyTargetComponet_MultipleFound(self): """Ensure RuntimeError is hit when multiple target components are found. Notes ----- This can occur if a block has a mixture of fuel types. E.g., different fuel materials, or different fuel geometries. """ b = HexBlock("fuel", height=10.0) fuelAnnularDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0, "od": 0.9, "id": 0.5, "mult": 100.0, } fuelDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0, "od": 1.0, "id": 0.0, "mult": 10.0} fuel = Circle("fuel", "FakeMat", **fuelDims) fuelAnnular = Circle("fuel annular", "FakeMat", **fuelAnnularDims) b.add(fuel) b.add(fuelAnnular) b.add(self.coolant) b.setType("FuelBlock") with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: self.expData.determineTargetComponent(b, flagOfInterest=Flags.FUEL) the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
[docs] def test_manuallySetTargetComponent(self): """ Ensures that target components can be manually set (is done in practice via blueprints). .. test:: Allow user-specified target axial expansion components on a given block. :id: T_ARMI_MANUAL_TARG_COMP :tests: R_ARMI_MANUAL_TARG_COMP """ b = HexBlock("dummy", height=10.0) ductDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0, "op": 17, "ip": 0.0, "mult": 1.0} duct = Hexagon("duct", "FakeMat", **ductDims) b.add(duct) b.add(self.coolant) b.getVolumeFractions() b.setType("duct") # manually set target component b.setAxialExpTargetComp(duct) self.assertEqual( b.p.axialExpTargetComponent,, ) # check that target component is stored on expansionData object correctly self.expData._componentDeterminesBlockHeight[ b.getComponentByName(b.p.axialExpTargetComponent) ] = True self.assertTrue(self.expData.isTargetComponent(duct))
[docs]class TestGetSolidComponents(unittest.TestCase): """Verify that getSolidComponents returns just solid components.""" def setUp(self): self.a = buildTestAssemblyWithFakeMaterial(name="HT9")
[docs] def test_getSolidComponents(self): for b in self.a: for c in getSolidComponents(b): self.assertNotEqual(, "Sodium")
[docs]class TestInputHeightsConsideredHot(unittest.TestCase): """Verify thermal expansion for process loading of core.""" def setUp(self): """This test uses a different armiRun.yaml than the default.""" o, r = loadTestReactor( os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, "detailedAxialExpansion"), customSettings={"inputHeightsConsideredHot": True}, ) reduceTestReactorRings(r, o.cs, 5) self.stdAssems = [a for a in r.core.getAssemblies()] oCold, rCold = loadTestReactor( os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, "detailedAxialExpansion"), customSettings={"inputHeightsConsideredHot": False}, ) reduceTestReactorRings(rCold, oCold.cs, 5) self.testAssems = [a for a in rCold.core.getAssemblies()]
[docs] def test_coldAssemblyExpansion(self): """Block heights are cold and should be expanded. .. test:: Preserve the total height of a compatible ARMI assembly. :id: T_ARMI_ASSEM_HEIGHT_PRES :tests: R_ARMI_ASSEM_HEIGHT_PRES .. test:: Axial expansion can be prescribed in blueprints for core constuction. :id: T_ARMI_INP_COLD_HEIGHT :tests: R_ARMI_INP_COLD_HEIGHT Notes ----- For R_ARMI_INP_COLD_HEIGHT, the action of axial expansion occurs in setUp() during core construction, specifically in :py:meth:`constructAssem <armi.reactor.blueprints.Blueprints.constructAssem>` Two assertions here: 1. total assembly height should be preserved (through use of top dummy block) 2. in armi.tests.detailedAxialExpansion.refSmallReactorBase.yaml, Thot > Tinput resulting in a non-zero DeltaT. Each block in the expanded case should therefore be a different height than that of the standard case. """ for aStd, aExp in zip(self.stdAssems, self.testAssems): self.assertAlmostEqual( aStd.getTotalHeight(), aExp.getTotalHeight(), msg="Std Assem {0} ({1}) and Exp Assem {2} ({3}) are not the same height!".format( aStd, aStd.getTotalHeight(), aExp, aExp.getTotalHeight() ), ) for bStd, bExp in zip(aStd, aExp): hasCustomMaterial = any( isinstance(c.material, custom.Custom) for c in bStd ) if hasCustomMaterial: checkColdBlockHeight(bStd, bExp, self.assertAlmostEqual, "the same") else: checkColdBlockHeight(bStd, bExp, self.assertNotEqual, "different") if bStd.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL): self.checkColdHeightBlockMass(bStd, bExp, Flags.FUEL, "U235") elif bStd.hasFlags(Flags.CONTROL): self.checkColdHeightBlockMass(bStd, bExp, Flags.CONTROL, "B10") if not aStd.hasFlags(Flags.TEST) and not hasCustomMaterial: for cExp in getSolidComponents(bExp): if cExp.zbottom == bExp.p.zbottom and cExp.ztop == bExp.p.ztop: matDens = cExp.material.density(Tc=cExp.temperatureInC) compDens = cExp.density() msg = ( f"{cExp} {cExp.material} in {bExp} in {aExp} was not at correct density. \n" + f"expansion = {bExp.p.height / bStd.p.height} \n" + f"density = {matDens}, component density = {compDens} \n" ) self.assertAlmostEqual( matDens, compDens, places=12, msg=msg, )
[docs] def checkColdHeightBlockMass( self, bStd: HexBlock, bExp: HexBlock, flagType: Flags, nuclide: str ): """Checks that nuclide masses for blocks with input cold heights and "inputHeightsConsideredHot": True are underpredicted. Notes ----- If blueprints have cold blocks heights with "inputHeightsConsideredHot": True in the inputs, then the nuclide densities are thermally expanded but the block height is not. This ultimately results in nuclide masses being underpredicted relative to the case where both nuclide densities and block heights are thermally expanded. """ # custom materials don't expand if not isinstance(bStd.getComponent(flagType).material, custom.Custom): self.assertGreater(bExp.getMass(nuclide), bStd.getMass(nuclide))
[docs]def checkColdBlockHeight(bStd, bExp, assertType, strForAssertion): assertType( bStd.getHeight(), bExp.getHeight(), msg="Assembly: {0} -- Std Block {1} ({2}) and Exp Block {3} ({4}) should have {5:s} heights!".format( bStd.parent, bStd, bStd.getHeight(), bExp, bExp.getHeight(), strForAssertion, ), )
[docs]class TestLinkage(AxialExpansionTestBase, unittest.TestCase): """Test axial linkage between components.""" def setUp(self): """Contains common dimensions for all component class types.""" AxialExpansionTestBase.setUp(self) self.common = ("test", "FakeMat", 25.0, 25.0) # name, material, Tinput, Thot def tearDown(self): AxialExpansionTestBase.tearDown(self)
[docs] def runTest( self, componentsToTest: dict, assertionBool: bool, name: str, commonArgs: tuple = None, ): """Runs various linkage tests. Parameters ---------- componentsToTest : dict keys --> component class type; values --> dimensions specific to key assertionBool : boolean expected truth value for test name : str the name of the test commonArgs : tuple, optional arguments common to all Component class types Notes ----- - components "typeA" and "typeB" are assumed to be vertically stacked - two assertions: 1) comparing "typeB" component to "typeA"; 2) comparing "typeA" component to "typeB" - the different assertions are particularly useful for comparing two annuli - to add Component class types to a test: Add dictionary entry with following: {Component Class Type: [{<settings for component 1>}, {<settings for component 2>}] """ if commonArgs is None: common = self.common else: common = commonArgs for method, dims in componentsToTest.items(): typeA = method(*common, **dims[0]) typeB = method(*common, **dims[1]) if assertionBool: self.assertTrue( _determineLinked(typeA, typeB), msg="Test {0:s} failed for component type {1:s}!".format( name, str(method) ), ) self.assertTrue( _determineLinked(typeB, typeA), msg="Test {0:s} failed for component type {1:s}!".format( name, str(method) ), ) else: self.assertFalse( _determineLinked(typeA, typeB), msg="Test {0:s} failed for component type {1:s}!".format( name, str(method) ), ) self.assertFalse( _determineLinked(typeB, typeA), msg="Test {0:s} failed for component type {1:s}!".format( name, str(method) ), )
[docs] def test_overlappingSolidPins(self): componentTypesToTest = { Circle: [{"od": 0.5, "id": 0.0}, {"od": 1.0, "id": 0.0}], Hexagon: [{"op": 0.5, "ip": 0.0}, {"op": 1.0, "ip": 0.0}], Rectangle: [ { "lengthOuter": 0.5, "lengthInner": 0.0, "widthOuter": 0.5, "widthInner": 0.0, }, { "lengthOuter": 1.0, "lengthInner": 0.0, "widthOuter": 1.0, "widthInner": 0.0, }, ], Helix: [ {"od": 0.5, "axialPitch": 1.0, "helixDiameter": 1.0}, {"od": 1.0, "axialPitch": 1.0, "helixDiameter": 1.0}, ], } self.runTest(componentTypesToTest, True, "test_overlappingSolidPins")
[docs] def test_differentMultNotOverlapping(self): componentTypesToTest = { Circle: [{"od": 0.5, "mult": 10}, {"od": 0.5, "mult": 20}], Hexagon: [{"op": 0.5, "mult": 10}, {"op": 1.0, "mult": 20}], Rectangle: [ {"lengthOuter": 1.0, "widthOuter": 1.0, "mult": 10}, {"lengthOuter": 1.0, "widthOuter": 1.0, "mult": 20}, ], Helix: [ {"od": 0.5, "axialPitch": 1.0, "helixDiameter": 1.0, "mult": 10}, {"od": 1.0, "axialPitch": 1.0, "helixDiameter": 1.0, "mult": 20}, ], } self.runTest(componentTypesToTest, False, "test_differentMultNotOverlapping")
[docs] def test_solidPinNotOverlappingAnnulus(self): componentTypesToTest = { Circle: [{"od": 0.5, "id": 0.0}, {"od": 1.0, "id": 0.6}], } self.runTest(componentTypesToTest, False, "test_solidPinNotOverlappingAnnulus")
[docs] def test_solidPinOverlappingWithAnnulus(self): componentTypesToTest = { Circle: [{"od": 0.7, "id": 0.0}, {"od": 1.0, "id": 0.6}], } self.runTest(componentTypesToTest, True, "test_solidPinOverlappingWithAnnulus")
[docs] def test_annularPinNotOverlappingWithAnnulus(self): componentTypesToTest = { Circle: [{"od": 0.6, "id": 0.3}, {"od": 1.0, "id": 0.6}], } self.runTest( componentTypesToTest, False, "test_annularPinNotOverlappingWithAnnulus" )
[docs] def test_annularPinOverlappingWithAnnuls(self): componentTypesToTest = { Circle: [{"od": 0.7, "id": 0.3}, {"od": 1.0, "id": 0.6}], } self.runTest(componentTypesToTest, True, "test_annularPinOverlappingWithAnnuls")
[docs] def test_thinAnnularPinOverlappingWithThickAnnulus(self): componentTypesToTest = { Circle: [{"od": 0.7, "id": 0.3}, {"od": 0.6, "id": 0.5}], } self.runTest( componentTypesToTest, True, "test_thinAnnularPinOverlappingWithThickAnnulus" )
[docs] def test_AnnularHexOverlappingThickAnnularHex(self): componentTypesToTest = { Hexagon: [{"op": 1.0, "ip": 0.8}, {"op": 1.2, "ip": 0.8}] } self.runTest( componentTypesToTest, True, "test_AnnularHexOverlappingThickAnnularHex" )
[docs] def test_liquids(self): componentTypesToTest = { Circle: [{"od": 1.0, "id": 0.0}, {"od": 1.0, "id": 0.0}], Hexagon: [{"op": 1.0, "ip": 0.0}, {"op": 1.0, "ip": 0.0}], } liquid = ("test", "Sodium", 425.0, 425.0) # name, material, Tinput, Thot self.runTest(componentTypesToTest, False, "test_liquids", commonArgs=liquid)
[docs] def test_unshapedComponentAndCircle(self): comp1 = Circle(*self.common, od=1.0, id=0.0) comp2 = UnshapedComponent(*self.common, area=1.0) self.assertFalse(_determineLinked(comp1, comp2))
[docs]def buildTestAssemblyWithFakeMaterial(name: str, hot: bool = False): """Create test assembly consisting of list of fake material. Parameters ---------- name : string determines which fake material to use """ if not hot: hotTemp = 25.0 height = 10.0 else: hotTemp = 250.0 height = 10.0 + 0.02 * (250.0 - 25.0) assembly = HexAssembly("testAssemblyType") assembly.spatialGrid = grids.AxialGrid.fromNCells(numCells=1) assembly.spatialGrid.armiObject = assembly assembly.add(_buildTestBlock("shield", name, hotTemp, height)) assembly.add(_buildTestBlock("fuel", name, hotTemp, height)) assembly.add(_buildTestBlock("fuel", name, hotTemp, height)) assembly.add(_buildTestBlock("plenum", name, hotTemp, height)) assembly.add(_buildDummySodium(hotTemp, height)) assembly.calculateZCoords() assembly.reestablishBlockOrder() return assembly
def _buildTestBlock(blockType: str, name: str, hotTemp: float, height: float): """Return a simple pin type block filled with coolant and surrounded by duct. Parameters ---------- blockType : string determines which type of block you're building name : string determines which material to use """ b = HexBlock(blockType, height=height) fuelDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": hotTemp, "od": 0.76, "id": 0.00, "mult": 127.0} cladDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": hotTemp, "od": 0.80, "id": 0.77, "mult": 127.0} ductDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": hotTemp, "op": 16, "ip": 15.3, "mult": 1.0} intercoolantDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": hotTemp, "op": 17.0, "ip": ductDims["op"], "mult": 1.0, } coolDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": hotTemp} mainType = Circle(blockType, name, **fuelDims) clad = Circle("clad", name, **cladDims) duct = Hexagon("duct", name, **ductDims) coolant = DerivedShape("coolant", "Sodium", **coolDims) intercoolant = Hexagon("intercoolant", "Sodium", **intercoolantDims) b.add(mainType) b.add(clad) b.add(duct) b.add(coolant) b.add(intercoolant) b.setType(blockType) b.getVolumeFractions() return b def _buildDummySodium(hotTemp: float, height: float): """Build a dummy sodium block.""" b = HexBlock("dummy", height=height) sodiumDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": hotTemp, "op": 17, "ip": 0.0, "mult": 1.0} dummy = Hexagon("dummy coolant", "Sodium", **sodiumDims) b.add(dummy) b.getVolumeFractions() b.setType("dummy") return b
[docs]class FakeMat(materials.ht9.HT9): """Fake material used to verify armi.reactor.converters.axialExpansionChanger. Notes ----- - specifically used in TestAxialExpansionHeight to verify axialExpansionChanger produces expected heights from hand calculation - also used to verify mass and height conservation resulting from even amounts of expansion and contraction. See TestConservation. """ name = "FakeMat"
[docs] def linearExpansionPercent(self, Tk=None, Tc=None): """A fake linear expansion percent.""" Tc = units.getTc(Tc, Tk) return 0.02 * Tc
[docs]class FakeMatException(materials.ht9.HT9): """Fake material used to verify TestExceptions. Notes ----- - the only difference between this and `class Fake(HT9)` above is that the thermal expansion factor is higher to ensure that a negative block height is caught in TestExceptions:test_AssemblyAxialExpansionException. """ name = "FakeMatException"
[docs] def linearExpansionPercent(self, Tk=None, Tc=None): """A fake linear expansion percent.""" Tc = units.getTc(Tc, Tk) return 0.08 * Tc