Source code for armi.reactor.blueprints.tests.test_blockBlueprints

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Tests for block blueprints."""
import io
import unittest

from armi import settings
from armi.reactor import blueprints
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.reactor.tests import test_blocks

FULL_BP = """
    fuel: &block_fuel
        grid name: fuelgrid
            shape: Circle
            material: UZr
            Tinput: 25.0
            Thot: 600.0
            id: 0.0
            od: 0.7
            latticeIDs: [1]
        clad: # same args as test_blocks (except mult)
            shape: Circle
            material: HT9
            Tinput: 25.0
            Thot: 450.0
            id: .77
            od: .80
            latticeIDs: [1,2]
            shape: DerivedShape
            material: Sodium
            Tinput: 450.0
            Thot: 450.0
            shape: Hexagon
            material: HT9
            Tinput: 25.0
            Thot: 450.0
            ip: 16.0
            mult: 1.0
            op: 16.6
            shape: Hexagon
            material: Sodium
            Tinput: 450.0
            Thot: 450.0
            ip: duct.op
            mult: 1.0
            op: 16.75
    other fuel: &block_fuel_other
        grid name: fuelgrid
        flags: fuel test depletable
            shape: Circle
            material: UZr
            Tinput: 25.0
            Thot: 600.0
            id: 0.0
            od: 0.67
            latticeIDs: [1]
            shape: Circle
            material: HT9
            Tinput: 25.0
            Thot: 450.0
            id: .77
            od: .80
            latticeIDs: [1,2]
            shape: DerivedShape
            material: Sodium
            Tinput: 450.0
            Thot: 450.0
            shape: Hexagon
            material: HT9
            Tinput: 25.0
            Thot: 450.0
            ip: 16.0
            mult: 1.0
            op: 16.6
            shape: Hexagon
            material: Sodium
            Tinput: 450.0
            Thot: 450.0
            ip: duct.op
            mult: 1.0
            op: 16.75
        specifier: IC
        blocks:  [*block_fuel, *block_fuel_other]
        height: [25.0, 25.0]
        axial mesh points:  [1, 1]
        material modifications:
            U235_wt_frac: [0.11, 0.11]
            ZR_wt_frac:  [0.06, 0.06]
        xs types: [A, A]
    fuel other:
        flags: fuel test
        specifier: ID
        blocks:  [*block_fuel, *block_fuel_other]
        height: [25.0, 25.0]
        axial mesh points:  [1, 1]
        material modifications:
            U235_wt_frac: [0.11, 0.11]
            ZR_wt_frac:  [0.06, 0.06]
        xs types: [A, A]
       geom: hex_corners_up
       symmetry: full
       lattice map: |
         - - -  1 1 1 1
           - - 1 1 2 1 1
            - 1 1 1 1 1 1
             1 3 1 2 1 3 1
              1 1 1 1 1 1
               1 1 2 1 1
                1 1 1 1


    FULL_BP.split("lattice map:")[0]
    + """grid contents:
         ? - -3
           - 3
         : '1'
         ? - -2
           - 3
         : '1'
         ? - -1
           - 3
         : '1'
         ? - 0
           - 3
         : '1'
         ? - -3
           - 2
         : '1'
         ? - -2
           - 2
         : '1'
         ? - -1
           - 2
         : '2'
         ? - 0
           - 2
         : '1'
         ? - 1
           - 2
         : '1'
         ? - -3
           - 1
         : '1'
         ? - -2
           - 1
         : '1'
         ? - -1
           - 1
         : '1'
         ? - 0
           - 1
         : '1'
         ? - 1
           - 1
         : '1'
         ? - 2
           - 1
         : '1'
         ? - -3
           - 0
         : '1'
         ? - -2
           - 0
         : '3'
         ? - -1
           - 0
         : '1'
         ? - 0
           - 0
         : '2'
         ? - 1
           - 0
         : '1'
         ? - 2
           - 0
         : '3'
         ? - 3
           - 0
         : '1'
         ? - -2
           - -1
         : '1'
         ? - -1
           - -1
         : '1'
         ? - 0
           - -1
         : '1'
         ? - 1
           - -1
         : '1'
         ? - 2
           - -1
         : '1'
         ? - 3
           - -1
         : '1'
         ? - -1
           - -2
         : '1'
         ? - 0
           - -2
         : '1'
         ? - 1
           - -2
         : '2'
         ? - 2
           - -2
         : '1'
         ? - 3
           - -2
         : '1'
         ? - 0
           - -3
         : '1'
         ? - 1
           - -3
         : '1'
         ? - 2
           - -3
         : '1'
         ? - 3
           - -3
         : '1'

[docs]class TestGriddedBlock(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for a block that has components in a lattice.""" def setUp(self): self.cs = settings.Settings() with io.StringIO(FULL_BP) as stream: self.blueprints = blueprints.Blueprints.load(stream) self.blueprints._prepConstruction(self.cs)
[docs] def test_constructSpatialGrid(self): """Test intermediate grid construction function.""" bDesign = self.blueprints.blockDesigns["fuel"] gridDesign = bDesign._getGridDesign(self.blueprints) self.assertEqual(gridDesign.gridContents[0, 0], "2")
[docs] def test_getLocatorsAtLatticePositions(self): """Ensure extraction of specifiers results in locators.""" bDesign = self.blueprints.blockDesigns["fuel"] gridDesign = bDesign._getGridDesign(self.blueprints) grid = gridDesign.construct() locators = gridDesign.getLocators(grid, ["2"]) self.assertEqual(len(locators), 3) self.assertIs(grid[locators[0].getCompleteIndices()], locators[0])
[docs] def test_blockLattice(self): """Make sure constructing a block with grid specifiers works as a whole. .. test:: Create block with blueprint file. :id: T_ARMI_BP_BLOCK :tests: R_ARMI_BP_BLOCK """ aDesign = self.blueprints.assemDesigns.bySpecifier["IC"] a = aDesign.construct(self.cs, self.blueprints) fuelBlock = a.getFirstBlock(Flags.FUEL) fuel = fuelBlock.getComponent(Flags.FUEL) self.assertTrue(fuel.spatialLocator) seen = False for locator in fuel.spatialLocator: if locator == (1, 0, 0): seen = True self.assertTrue(seen)
[docs] def test_nonLatticeComponentHasRightMult(self): """Make sure non-grid components in blocks with grids get the right multiplicity.""" aDesign = self.blueprints.assemDesigns.bySpecifier["IC"] a = aDesign.construct(self.cs, self.blueprints) fuelBlock = a.getFirstBlock(Flags.FUEL) duct = fuelBlock.getComponent(Flags.DUCT) self.assertEqual(duct.getDimension("mult"), 1.0)
[docs] def test_explicitFlags(self): """ Test flags are created from blueprint file. .. test:: Nuc flags can define depletable objects. :id: T_ARMI_BP_NUC_FLAGS0 :tests: R_ARMI_BP_NUC_FLAGS """ a1 = self.blueprints.assemDesigns.bySpecifier["IC"].construct( self.cs, self.blueprints ) b1 = a1[0] b2 = a1[1] a2 = self.blueprints.assemDesigns.bySpecifier["ID"].construct( self.cs, self.blueprints ) self.assertTrue(b1.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL, exact=True)) self.assertTrue( b2.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL | Flags.TEST | Flags.DEPLETABLE, exact=True) ) self.assertEqual(a1.p.flags, Flags.FUEL) self.assertTrue(a1.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL, exact=True)) self.assertTrue(a2.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL | Flags.TEST, exact=True))
# TODO: This test passes, but shouldn't.
[docs] def test_densityConsistentWithComponentConstructor(self): a1 = self.blueprints.assemDesigns.bySpecifier["IC"].construct( self.cs, self.blueprints ) fuelBlock = a1[0] clad = fuelBlock.getComponent(Flags.CLAD) # now construct clad programmatically like in test_Blocks programmaticBlock = test_blocks.buildSimpleFuelBlock() programaticClad = programmaticBlock.getComponent(Flags.CLAD) self.assertAlmostEqual( clad.density(), clad.material.density(Tc=clad.temperatureInC), ) self.assertAlmostEqual( clad.density(), programaticClad.density(), )