Source code for armi.operators.tests.test_operators

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Tests for operators."""
from unittest.mock import patch
import collections
import io
import os
import sys
import unittest

from armi import settings
from armi.bookkeeping.db.databaseInterface import DatabaseInterface
from armi.interfaces import Interface, TightCoupler
from armi.operators.operator import Operator
from armi.physics.neutronics.globalFlux.globalFluxInterface import (
from armi.reactor.reactors import Reactor, Core
from armi.reactor.tests import test_reactors
from armi.settings.caseSettings import Settings
from armi.settings.fwSettings.globalSettings import (
from armi.tests import mockRunLogs
from armi.utils import directoryChangers
from armi.utils.directoryChangers import TemporaryDirectoryChanger

[docs]class InterfaceA(Interface): function = "A" name = "First"
[docs]class InterfaceB(InterfaceA): """Dummy Interface that extends A.""" function = "A" name = "Second"
[docs]class InterfaceC(Interface): function = "A" name = "Third"
[docs]class OperatorTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.o, self.r = test_reactors.loadTestReactor( inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml" ) self.activeInterfaces = [ii for ii in self.o.interfaces if ii.enabled()]
[docs] def test_operatorData(self): """Test that the operator has input data, a reactor model. .. test:: The Operator includes input data and the reactor data model. :id: T_ARMI_OPERATOR_COMM :tests: R_ARMI_OPERATOR_COMM """ self.assertEqual(self.o.r, self.r) self.assertEqual(type(self.o.cs), settings.Settings)
[docs] @patch("armi.operators.Operator._interactAll") def test_orderedInterfaces(self, interactAll): """Test the default interfaces are in an ordered list, looped over at each time step. .. test:: An ordered list of interfaces are run at each time step. :id: T_ARMI_OPERATOR_INTERFACES :tests: R_ARMI_OPERATOR_INTERFACES .. test:: Interfaces are run at BOC, EOC, and at time points between. :id: T_ARMI_INTERFACE :tests: R_ARMI_INTERFACE .. test:: When users set the time discretization, it is enforced. :id: T_ARMI_FW_HISTORY2 :tests: R_ARMI_FW_HISTORY """ # an ordered list of interfaces self.assertGreater(len(self.o.interfaces), 0) for i in self.o.interfaces: self.assertTrue(isinstance(i, Interface)) # make sure we only iterate one time step self.o.cs = self.o.cs.modified(newSettings={"nCycles": 2}) self.r.p.cycle = 1 # mock some stdout logging of what's happening when def sideEffect(node, activeInts, *args, **kwargs): print(node) print(activeInts) interactAll.side_effect = sideEffect # run the operator through one cycle origout = sys.stdout try: out = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = out self.o.operate() finally: sys.stdout = origout # grab the log data log = out.getvalue() # verify we have some common interfaces listed self.assertIn("main", log) self.assertIn("fuelHandler", log) self.assertIn("fissionProducts", log) self.assertIn("history", log) self.assertIn("snapshot", log) # At the first time step, we get one ordered list of interfaces interfaces = log.split("BOL")[1].split("EOL")[0].split(",") self.assertGreater(len(interfaces), 0) for i in interfaces: self.assertIn("Interface", i) # verify the various time nodes are hit in order timeNodes = ["BOL", "BOC"] + ["EveryNode"] * 3 + ["EOC", "EOL"] for node in timeNodes: self.assertIn(node, log) log = node.join(log.split(node)[1:])
[docs] def test_addInterfaceSubclassCollision(self): cs = settings.Settings() interfaceA = InterfaceA(self.r, cs) interfaceB = InterfaceB(self.r, cs) self.o.addInterface(interfaceA) # 1) Adds B and gets rid of A self.o.addInterface(interfaceB) self.assertEqual(self.o.getInterface("Second"), interfaceB) self.assertEqual(self.o.getInterface("First"), None) # 2) Now we have B which is a subclass of A, # we want to not add A (but also not have an error) self.o.addInterface(interfaceA) self.assertEqual(self.o.getInterface("Second"), interfaceB) self.assertEqual(self.o.getInterface("First"), None) # 3) Also if another class not a subclass has the same function, # raise an error interfaceC = InterfaceC(self.r, cs) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.o.addInterface, interfaceC) # 4) Check adding a different function Interface interfaceC.function = "C" self.o.addInterface(interfaceC) self.assertEqual(self.o.getInterface("Second"), interfaceB) self.assertEqual(self.o.getInterface("Third"), interfaceC)
[docs] def test_interfaceIsActive(self): self.o, _r = test_reactors.loadTestReactor( inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml" ) self.assertTrue(self.o.interfaceIsActive("main")) self.assertFalse(self.o.interfaceIsActive("Fake-o"))
[docs] def test_getActiveInterfaces(self): """Ensure that the right interfaces are returned for a given interaction state.""" self.o.cs[CONF_DEFERRED_INTERFACES_CYCLE] = 1 self.o.cs[CONF_DEFERRED_INTERFACE_NAMES] = ["history"] # Test invalid inputs. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.o.getActiveInterfaces("notAnInterface") # Test BOL interfaces = self.o.getActiveInterfaces( "BOL", excludedInterfaceNames=("xsGroups") ) interfaceNames = [ for interface in interfaces] self.assertNotIn("xsGroups", interfaceNames) self.assertNotIn("history", interfaceNames) # Test BOC interfaces = self.o.getActiveInterfaces("BOC", cycle=0) interfaceNames = [ for interface in interfaces] self.assertNotIn("history", interfaceNames) # Test EveryNode and EOC interfaces = self.o.getActiveInterfaces( "EveryNode", excludedInterfaceNames=("xsGroups") ) interfaceNames = [ for interface in interfaces] self.assertIn("history", interfaceNames) self.assertNotIn("xsGroups", interfaceNames) # Test Coupled interfaces = self.o.getActiveInterfaces("Coupled") for test, ref in zip(interfaces, self.activeInterfaces): self.assertEqual(, # Test EOL interfaces = self.o.getActiveInterfaces("EOL") self.assertEqual(interfaces[-1].name, "main") # Test excludedInterfaceNames excludedInterfaceNames = ["fissionProducts", "fuelHandler", "xsGroups"] interfaces = self.o.getActiveInterfaces( "EOL", excludedInterfaceNames=excludedInterfaceNames ) interfaceNames = [ for ii in interfaces] self.assertIn("history", interfaceNames) self.assertIn("main", interfaceNames) self.assertIn("snapshot", interfaceNames) self.assertNotIn("fissionProducts", interfaceNames) self.assertNotIn("fuelHandler", interfaceNames) self.assertNotIn("xsGroups", interfaceNames)
[docs] def test_loadStateError(self): """The ``loadTestReactor()`` test tool does not have any history in the DB to load from.""" # a first, simple test that this method fails correctly with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): self.o.loadState(0, 1)
[docs] def test_setStateToDefault(self): # reset the runType for testing self.assertEqual(self.o.cs[CONF_RUN_TYPE], "Standard") self.o.cs = self.o.cs.modified(newSettings={"runType": "fake"}) self.assertEqual(self.o.cs[CONF_RUN_TYPE], "fake") # validate the method works cs = self.o.setStateToDefault(self.o.cs) self.assertEqual(cs[CONF_RUN_TYPE], "Standard")
[docs] @patch("shutil.copy") @patch("os.listdir") def test_snapshotRequest(self, fakeDirList, fakeCopy): fakeDirList.return_value = ["mccAA.inp"] with TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: self.o.snapshotRequest(0, 1) self.assertIn("ISOTXS-c0", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("DIF3D input for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Shuffle logic for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Geometry file for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Loading definition for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Flow history for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Pressure history for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("snapShot0_1")) with TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: self.o.snapshotRequest(0, 2, iteration=1) self.assertIn("ISOTXS-c0", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("DIF3D input for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Shuffle logic for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Geometry file for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Loading definition for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Flow history for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Pressure history for snapshot", mock.getStdout()) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("snapShot0_2"))
[docs]class TestCreateOperator(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_createOperator(self): """Test that an operator can be created from settings. .. test:: Create an operator from settings. :id: T_ARMI_OPERATOR_SETTINGS :tests: R_ARMI_OPERATOR_SETTINGS """ cs = settings.Settings() o = Operator(cs) # high-level items self.assertTrue(isinstance(o, Operator)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(o.cs, settings.Settings)) # validate some more nitty-gritty operator details come from settings burnStepsSetting = cs["burnSteps"] if type(burnStepsSetting) is not list: burnStepsSetting = [burnStepsSetting] self.assertEqual(o.burnSteps, burnStepsSetting) self.assertEqual(o.maxBurnSteps, max(burnStepsSetting)) powerFracsSetting = cs["powerFractions"] if powerFracsSetting: self.assertEqual(o.powerFractions, powerFracsSetting) else: self.assertEqual(o.powerFractions, [[1] * cs["burnSteps"]])
[docs]class TestTightCoupling(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cs = settings.Settings() self.cs[CONF_TIGHT_COUPLING] = True self.o = Operator(self.cs) self.o.r = Reactor("empty", None) self.o.r.core = Core("empty")
[docs] def test_getStepLengths(self): """Test the step lengths are correctly calculated, based on settings. .. test:: Users can control time discretization of the simulation through settings. :id: T_ARMI_FW_HISTORY0 :tests: R_ARMI_FW_HISTORY """ self.assertEqual(self.cs["nCycles"], 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.cs["cycleLength"], 365.242199) self.assertEqual(self.cs["burnSteps"], 4) self.assertEqual(len(self.o.stepLengths), 1) self.assertEqual(len(self.o.stepLengths[0]), 4)
[docs] def test_couplingIsActive(self): """Ensure that ``cs[CONF_TIGHT_COUPLING]`` controls ``couplingIsActive``.""" self.assertTrue(self.o.couplingIsActive()) self.o.cs[CONF_TIGHT_COUPLING] = False self.assertFalse(self.o.couplingIsActive())
[docs] def test_performTightCoupling_Inactive(self): """Ensures no action by ``_performTightCoupling`` if ``cs[CONF_TIGHT_COUPLING] = false``.""" self.o.cs[CONF_TIGHT_COUPLING] = False self.o._performTightCoupling(0, 0, writeDB=False) self.assertEqual(self.o.r.core.p.coupledIteration, 0)
[docs] def test_performTightCoupling_skip(self): """Ensure that cycles within ``cs[CONF_CYCLES_SKIP_TIGHT_COUPLING_INTERACTION]`` are skipped.""" self.o.cs[CONF_CYCLES_SKIP_TIGHT_COUPLING_INTERACTION] = [1] with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: self.o._performTightCoupling(1, 0, writeDB=False) self.assertIn("interactAllCoupled disabled this cycle", mock.getStdout()) self.assertEqual(self.o.r.core.p.coupledIteration, 0)
[docs] def test_performTightCoupling_notConverged(self): """Ensure that the appropriate ``runLog.warning`` is addressed in tight coupling reaches max num of iters. .. test:: The tight coupling logic can fail if there is no convergence. :id: T_ARMI_OPERATOR_PHYSICS0 :tests: R_ARMI_OPERATOR_PHYSICS """ class NoConverge(TightCoupler): def isConverged(self, _val: TightCoupler._SUPPORTED_TYPES) -> bool: return False class InterfaceNoConverge(Interface): name = "NoConverge" def __init__(self, r, cs): super().__init__(r, cs) self.coupler = NoConverge(param="dummy", tolerance=None, maxIters=1) def getTightCouplingValue(self): return 0.0 self.o.addInterface(InterfaceNoConverge(None, self.o.cs)) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: self.o._performTightCoupling(0, 0, writeDB=False) self.assertIn( "have not converged! The maximum number of iterations", mock.getStdout() )
[docs] def test_performTightCoupling_WriteDB(self): """Ensure a tight coupling iteration accours and that a DB WILL be written if requested.""" hasCouplingInteraction = 1 with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: self.dbWriteForCoupling(writeDB=True) self.assertIn("Writing to database for statepoint:", mock.getStdout()) self.assertEqual( self.o.r.core.p.coupledIteration, hasCouplingInteraction )
[docs] def test_performTightCoupling_NoWriteDB(self): """Ensure a tight coupling iteration accours and that a DB WILL NOT be written if requested.""" hasCouplingInteraction = 1 with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: self.dbWriteForCoupling(writeDB=False) self.assertNotIn( "Writing to database for statepoint:", mock.getStdout() ) self.assertEqual( self.o.r.core.p.coupledIteration, hasCouplingInteraction )
[docs] def dbWriteForCoupling(self, writeDB: bool): self.o.removeAllInterfaces() dbi = DatabaseInterface(self.o.r, self.o.cs) dbi.initDB(fName=self._testMethodName + ".h5") self.o.addInterface(dbi) self.o._performTightCoupling(0, 0, writeDB=writeDB) h5Contents = list(dbi.database.getH5Group(dbi.r).items()) if writeDB: self.assertTrue(h5Contents) else: self.assertFalse(h5Contents) dbi.database.close()
[docs] def test_computeTightCouplingConvergence(self): """Ensure that tight coupling convergence can be computed and checked. Notes ----- - Assertion #1: ensure that the convergence of Keff, eps, is greater than 1e-5 (the prescribed convergence criteria) - Assertion #2: ensure that eps is (prevIterKeff - currIterKeff) """ prevIterKeff = 0.9 currIterKeff = 1.0 self.o.cs[CONF_TIGHT_COUPLING_SETTINGS] = { "globalFlux": {"parameter": "keff", "convergence": 1e-05} } globalFlux = GlobalFluxInterfaceUsingExecuters(self.o.r, self.o.cs) globalFlux.coupler.storePreviousIterationValue(prevIterKeff) self.o.addInterface(globalFlux) # set keff to some new value and compute tight coupling convergence self.o.r.core.p.keff = currIterKeff self.o._convergenceSummary = collections.defaultdict(list) self.assertFalse(self.o._checkTightCouplingConvergence([globalFlux])) self.assertAlmostEqual( globalFlux.coupler.eps, currIterKeff - prevIterKeff, )
[docs]class CyclesSettingsTests(unittest.TestCase): """Check that we can correctly access the various cycle settings from the operator.""" detailedCyclesSettings = """ metadata: version: uncontrolled settings: power: 1000000000.0 nCycles: 3 cycles: - name: startup sequence cumulative days: [1, 2, 3] power fractions: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] availability factor: 0.1 - cycle length: 10 burn steps: 5 power fractions: [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0] availability factor: 0.5 - name: prepare for shutdown step days: [3, R4] power fractions: [0.3, R4] runType: Standard """ powerFractionsSolution = [ [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0], [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], ] cycleNamesSolution = ["startup sequence", None, "prepare for shutdown"] availabilityFactorsSolution = [0.1, 0.5, 1] stepLengthsSolution = [ [1, 1, 1], [10 / 5 * 0.5, 10 / 5 * 0.5, 10 / 5 * 0.5, 10 / 5 * 0.5, 10 / 5 * 0.5], [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], ] cycleLengthsSolution = [30, 10, 15] burnStepsSolution = [3, 5, 5] maxBurnStepsSolution = 5 def setUp(self): self.standaloneDetailedCS = Settings() self.standaloneDetailedCS.loadFromString(self.detailedCyclesSettings) self.detailedOperator = Operator(self.standaloneDetailedCS)
[docs] def test_getPowerFractions(self): """Test that the power fractions are calculated correctly. .. test:: Test the powerFractions are retrieved correctly for multiple cycles. :id: T_ARMI_SETTINGS_POWER1 :tests: R_ARMI_SETTINGS_POWER """ self.assertEqual( self.detailedOperator.powerFractions, self.powerFractionsSolution ) self.detailedOperator._powerFractions = None self.assertEqual( self.detailedOperator.powerFractions, self.powerFractionsSolution )
[docs] def test_getCycleNames(self): self.assertEqual(self.detailedOperator.cycleNames, self.cycleNamesSolution) self.detailedOperator._cycleNames = None self.assertEqual(self.detailedOperator.cycleNames, self.cycleNamesSolution)
[docs] def test_getAvailabilityFactors(self): self.assertEqual( self.detailedOperator.availabilityFactors, self.availabilityFactorsSolution, ) self.detailedOperator._availabilityFactors = None self.assertEqual( self.detailedOperator.availabilityFactors, self.availabilityFactorsSolution, )
[docs] def test_getStepLengths(self): """Test that the manually-set, detailed time steps are retrievable. .. test:: Users can manually control time discretization of the simulation. :id: T_ARMI_FW_HISTORY1 :tests: R_ARMI_FW_HISTORY """ # detailed step lengths can be set manually self.assertEqual(self.detailedOperator.stepLengths, self.stepLengthsSolution) self.detailedOperator._stepLength = None self.assertEqual(self.detailedOperator.stepLengths, self.stepLengthsSolution) # when doing detailed step information, we don't get step information from settings cs = self.detailedOperator.cs self.assertEqual(cs["nCycles"], 3) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): cs["cycleLength"] with self.assertRaises(ValueError): cs["burnSteps"]
[docs] def test_getCycleLengths(self): self.assertEqual(self.detailedOperator.cycleLengths, self.cycleLengthsSolution) self.detailedOperator._cycleLengths = None self.assertEqual(self.detailedOperator.cycleLengths, self.cycleLengthsSolution)
[docs] def test_getBurnSteps(self): self.assertEqual(self.detailedOperator.burnSteps, self.burnStepsSolution) self.detailedOperator._burnSteps = None self.assertEqual(self.detailedOperator.burnSteps, self.burnStepsSolution)
[docs] def test_getMaxBurnSteps(self): self.assertEqual(self.detailedOperator.maxBurnSteps, self.maxBurnStepsSolution) self.detailedOperator._maxBurnSteps = None self.assertEqual(self.detailedOperator.maxBurnSteps, self.maxBurnStepsSolution)
[docs]class TestInterfaceAndEventHeaders(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.o, cls.r = test_reactors.loadTestReactor( inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml", customSettings={CONF_TIGHT_COUPLING: True}, ) cls.r.p.cycle = 0 cls.r.p.timeNode = 1 cls.r.p.time = 11.01 cls.r.core.p.coupledIteration = 7
[docs] def test_expandCycleAndTimeNodeArgs_Empty(self): """When cycleNodeInfo should be an empty string.""" for task in ["Init", "BOL", "EOL"]: self.assertEqual( self.o._expandCycleAndTimeNodeArgs(interactionName=task), "" )
[docs] def test_expandCycleAndTimeNodeArgs_Cycle(self): """When cycleNodeInfo should return only the cycle.""" for task in ["BOC", "EOC"]: self.assertEqual( self.o._expandCycleAndTimeNodeArgs(interactionName=task), f" - timestep: cycle {self.r.p.cycle}", )
[docs] def test_expandCycleAndTimeNodeArgs_EveryNode(self): """When cycleNodeInfo should return the cycle and node.""" self.assertEqual( self.o._expandCycleAndTimeNodeArgs(interactionName="EveryNode"), f" - timestep: cycle {self.r.p.cycle}, node {self.r.p.timeNode}, " f"year {'{0:.2f}'.format(self.r.p.time)}", )
[docs] def test_expandCycleAndTimeNodeArgs_Coupled(self): """When cycleNodeInfo should return the cycle, node, and iteration number.""" self.assertEqual( self.o._expandCycleAndTimeNodeArgs(interactionName="Coupled"), ( f" - timestep: cycle {self.r.p.cycle}, node {self.r.p.timeNode}, year " f"{'{0:.2f}'.format(self.r.p.time)} - iteration {self.r.core.p.coupledIteration}" ), )