Source code for armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc.pmatrx

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Module for reading PMATRX files which contain gamma productions from fission reactions.

See  [GAMSOR]_ and [MC23]_.

.. [MC23] Lee, Changho, Jung, Yeon Sang, and Yang, Won Sik. MC2-3: Multigroup Cross Section
          Generation Code for Fast Reactor Analysis Nuclear. United States: N. p., 2018. Web.
          doi:10.2172/1483949. (`OSTI

import traceback

from armi import runLog
from armi.nuclearDataIO import cccc
from armi.nuclearDataIO import xsNuclides
from armi.nuclearDataIO import xsLibraries
from armi.utils import properties

[docs]def compare(lib1, lib2): """Compare two XSLibraries, and return True if equal, or False if not.""" equal = True # first check the lib properties (also need to unlock to prevent from getting an exception). equal &= xsLibraries.compareXSLibraryAttribute( lib1, lib2, "neutronEnergyUpperBounds" ) equal &= xsLibraries.compareXSLibraryAttribute(lib1, lib2, "gammaEnergyUpperBounds") equal &= xsLibraries.compareXSLibraryAttribute( lib1, lib2, "neutronDoseConversionFactors" ) equal &= xsLibraries.compareXSLibraryAttribute( lib1, lib2, "gammaDoseConversionFactors" ) # compare the meta data equal &=, lib1, lib2) # check the nuclides for nucName in set(lib1.nuclideLabels + lib2.nuclideLabels): nuc1 = lib1.get(nucName, None) nuc2 = lib2.get(nucName, None) if nuc1 is None or nuc2 is None: continue equal &= compareNuclideXS(nuc1, nuc2) return equal
[docs]def compareNuclideXS(nuc1, nuc2): equal = nuc2.pmatrxMetadata, nuc1.container, nuc2.container ) for attrName in [ "neutronHeating", "neutronDamage", "gammaHeating", "isotropicProduction", "linearAnisotropicProduction", "nOrderProductionMatrix", ]: val1 = getattr(nuc1, attrName) val2 = getattr(nuc2, attrName) if not properties.numpyHackForEqual(val1, val2): runLog.important( "{} and {} have different `{}` attributes:\n{}\n{}".format( nuc1, nuc2, attrName, val1, val2 ) ) equal &= False return equal
[docs]def addDummyNuclidesToLibrary(lib, dummyNuclides): """ This method adds DUMMY nuclides to the current PMATRX library. Parameters ---------- lib : obj PMATRX library object dummyNuclides: list List of DUMMY nuclide objects that will be copied and added to the PMATRX file Notes ----- Since MC2-3 does not write DUMMY nuclide information for PMATRX files, this is necessary to provide a consistent set of nuclide-level data across all the nuclides in a :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.xsLibraries.XSLibrary`. """ if not dummyNuclides: runLog.important("No dummy nuclide data provided to be added to {}".format(lib)) return False if len(lib.xsIDs) > 1: runLog.warning( "Cannot add dummy nuclide data to PMATRX library {} containing data for more than 1 XS ID.".format( lib ) ) return False dummyNuclideKeysAddedToLibrary = [] for dummy in dummyNuclides: dummyKey = dummy.nucLabel + lib.xsIDs[0] if dummyKey in lib: continue runLog.debug("Adding {} nuclide data to {}".format(dummyKey, lib)) newDummy = xsNuclides.XSNuclide(lib, dummyKey) newDummy.pmatrxMetadata["hasNeutronHeatingAndDamage"] = False newDummy.pmatrxMetadata["maxScatteringOrder"] = 0 newDummy.pmatrxMetadata["hasGammaHeating"] = False newDummy.pmatrxMetadata["numberNeutronXS"] = 0 newDummy.pmatrxMetadata["collapsingRegionNumber"] = 0 lib[dummyKey] = newDummy dummyNuclideKeysAddedToLibrary.append(dummyKey) return any(dummyNuclideKeysAddedToLibrary)
[docs]def readBinary(fileName): """Read a binary PMATRX file into an :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.xsLibraries.IsotxsLibrary` object.""" return _read(fileName, "rb")
[docs]def readAscii(fileName): """Read an ASCII PMATRX file into an :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.xsLibraries.IsotxsLibrary` object.""" return _read(fileName, "r")
def _read(fileName, fileMode): lib = xsLibraries.IsotxsLibrary() return _readWrite( lib, fileName, fileMode, lambda containerKey: xsNuclides.XSNuclide(lib, containerKey), )
[docs]def writeBinary(lib, fileName): """Write the PMATRX data from an :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.xsLibraries.IsotxsLibrary` object to a binary file. """ return _write(lib, fileName, "wb")
[docs]def writeAscii(lib, fileName): """Write the PMATRX data from an :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.xsLibraries.IsotxsLibrary` object to an ASCII file. """ return _write(lib, fileName, "w")
def _write(lib, fileName, fileMode): return _readWrite(lib, fileName, fileMode, lambda containerKey: lib[containerKey]) def _readWrite(lib, fileName, fileMode, getNuclideFunc): with PmatrxIO(fileName, lib, fileMode, getNuclideFunc) as rw: rw.readWrite() return lib
[docs]class PmatrxIO(cccc.Stream): def __init__(self, fileName, xsLib, fileMode, getNuclideFunc): cccc.Stream.__init__(self, fileName, fileMode) self._lib = xsLib self._metadata = xsLib.pmatrxMetadata self._metadata.fileNames.append(fileName) self._getNuclide = getNuclideFunc self._dummyNuclideKeysAddedToLibrary = [] def _rwMessage(self): runLog.debug( "{} PMATRX data {}".format( "Reading" if "r" in self._fileMode else "Writing", self ) )
[docs] def readWrite(self): """Read and write PMATRX files. .. impl:: Tool to read and write PMATRX files. :id: I_ARMI_NUCDATA_PMATRX :implements: R_ARMI_NUCDATA_PMATRX Reading and writing PMATRX files is performed using the general nuclear data I/O functionalities described in :need:`I_ARMI_NUCDATA`. Reading/writing a PMATRX file is performed through the following steps: #. Read/write global information including: * Number of gamma energy groups * Number of neutron energy groups * Maximum scattering order * Maximum number of compositions * Maximum number of materials * Maximum number of regions #. Read/write energy group structure for neutrons and gammas #. Read/write dose conversion factors #. Read/write gamma production matrices for each nuclide, as well as other reaction constants related to neutron-gamma production. """ self._rwMessage() properties.unlockImmutableProperties(self._lib) try: numNucs = self._rwFileID() self._rwGroupStructure() self._rwDoseConversionFactor() self._rwIsotopes(numNucs) except Exception: runLog.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise OSError("Failed to read/write {}".format(self)) finally: properties.lockImmutableProperties(self._lib)
def _rwFileID(self): with self.createRecord() as record: for name in [ "numberCollapsingSpatialRegions", "numGammaGroups", "numNeutronGroups", ]: self._metadata[name] = record.rwInt(self._metadata[name]) self._metadata["hasInPlateData"] = record.rwBool( self._metadata["hasInPlateData"] ) numNucs = record.rwInt(len(self._lib)) self._metadata["hasDoseConversionFactor"] = record.rwBool( self._metadata["hasDoseConversionFactor"] ) for name in [ "maxScatteringOrder", "maxNumberOfCompositions", "maxMaterials", "maxNumberOfRegions", "maxNumberOfCollapsingRegions", "_dummy1", "_dummy2", ]: self._metadata[name] = record.rwInt(self._metadata[name]) return numNucs def _rwGroupStructure(self): with self.createRecord() as record: self._lib.neutronEnergyUpperBounds = record.rwMatrix( self._lib.neutronEnergyUpperBounds, self._metadata["numNeutronGroups"] ) self._metadata["minimumNeutronEnergy"] = record.rwFloat( self._metadata["minimumNeutronEnergy"] ) # The lower bound energy is included in this list. We'll drop it to maintain consistency with other # libs by holding only the upper bounds. self._lib.gammaEnergyUpperBounds = record.rwMatrix( self._lib.gammaEnergyUpperBounds, self._metadata["numGammaGroups"] ) self._metadata["minimumGammaEnergy"] = record.rwFloat( self._metadata["minimumGammaEnergy"] ) def _rwDoseConversionFactor(self): if self._metadata["hasDoseConversionFactor"]: with self.createRecord() as record: self._lib.neutronDoseConversionFactors = record.rwList( self._lib.neutronDoseConversionFactors, "float", self._metadata["numNeutronGroups"], ) self._lib.gammaDoseConversionFactors = record.rwList( self._lib.gammaDoseConversionFactors, "float", self._metadata["numGammaGroups"], ) def _rwIsotopes(self, numNucs): with self.createRecord() as record: nuclideLabels = record.rwList(self._lib.nuclideLabels, "string", numNucs, 8) record.rwList([1000] * numNucs, "int", numNucs) numNeutronGroups = self._metadata["numNeutronGroups"] numGammaGroups = self._metadata["numGammaGroups"] for nucLabel in nuclideLabels: nuclide = self._getNuclide(nucLabel) nuclide.updateBaseNuclide() nuclideReader = _PmatrxNuclideIO( nuclide, self, numNeutronGroups, numGammaGroups ) nuclideReader.rwNuclide() if "r" in self._fileMode: # on add nuclides when reading self._lib[nucLabel] = nuclide def _rwCompositions(self): if self._metadata["hasInPlateData"]: raise NotImplementedError()
class _PmatrxNuclideIO: def __init__(self, nuclide, pmatrixIO, numNeutronGroups, numGammaGroups): self._nuclide = nuclide self._metadata = nuclide.pmatrxMetadata self._pmatrixIO = pmatrixIO self._numNeutronGroups = numNeutronGroups self._numGammaGroups = numGammaGroups def rwNuclide(self): self._rwNuclideHeading() self._rwNeutronHeatingAndDamage() self._rwReactionXS() self._rwGammaHeating() self._rwCellAveragedProductionMatrix() def _rwNuclideHeading(self): with self._pmatrixIO.createRecord() as record: self._metadata["hasNeutronHeatingAndDamage"] = record.rwBool( self._metadata["hasNeutronHeatingAndDamage"] ) self._metadata["maxScatteringOrder"] = record.rwInt( self._metadata["maxScatteringOrder"] ) self._metadata["hasGammaHeating"] = record.rwBool( self._metadata["hasGammaHeating"] ) self._metadata["numberNeutronXS"] = record.rwInt( self._metadata["numberNeutronXS"] ) self._metadata["collapsingRegionNumber"] = record.rwInt( self._metadata["collapsingRegionNumber"] ) def _rwNeutronHeatingAndDamage(self): if not self._metadata["hasNeutronHeatingAndDamage"]: return with self._pmatrixIO.createRecord() as record: self._nuclide.neutronHeating = record.rwMatrix( self._nuclide.neutronHeating, self._numNeutronGroups ) self._nuclide.neutronDamage = record.rwMatrix( self._nuclide.neutronDamage, self._numNeutronGroups ) def _rwReactionXS(self): numActivationXS = self._metadata["numberNeutronXS"] pmatrixParams = self._metadata activationXS = self._metadata["activationXS"] = ( self._metadata["activationXS"] or [None] * numActivationXS ) activationMT = self._metadata["activationMT"] = ( self._metadata["activationMT"] or [None] * numActivationXS ) activationMTU = self._metadata["activationMTU"] = ( self._metadata["activationMTU"] or [None] * numActivationXS ) for xsNum in range(numActivationXS): with self._pmatrixIO.createRecord() as record: pmatrixParams["activationXS"][xsNum] = record.rwList( activationXS[xsNum], self._numNeutronGroups ) pmatrixParams["activationMT"][xsNum] = record.rwInt(activationMT[xsNum]) pmatrixParams["activationMTU"][xsNum] = record.rwInt( activationMTU[xsNum] ) def _rwGammaHeating(self): if not self._metadata["hasGammaHeating"]: return with self._pmatrixIO.createRecord() as record: self._nuclide.gammaHeating = record.rwMatrix( self._nuclide.gammaHeating, self._numGammaGroups ) def _rwCellAveragedProductionMatrix(self): for lrd in range(1, 1 + self._metadata["maxScatteringOrder"]): with self._pmatrixIO.createRecord() as record: prodMatrix = self._getProductionMatrix(lrd) prodMatrix = record.rwMatrix( prodMatrix, self._numNeutronGroups, self._numGammaGroups ) self._setProductionMatrix(lrd, prodMatrix) def _getProductionMatrix(self, order): if order == 1: return self._nuclide.isotropicProduction elif order == 2: return self._nuclide.linearAnisotropicProduction else: return self._nuclide.nOrderProductionMatrix[order] def _setProductionMatrix(self, order, matrix): if order == 1: self._nuclide.isotropicProduction = matrix elif order == 2: self._nuclide.linearAnisotropicProduction = matrix else: self._nuclide.nOrderProductionMatrix[order] = matrix